[牛津英语1b电子课本]牛津英语1B Unit 3 Colour(oxford 1B)教案

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-30 网络整理 晴天


unit 3    colour


unit 3
language focus:  using imperatives to give simple instruction
eg.colour the kites
listening:       locate specific information in respire to simple instructions.
speaking:       1. use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
2. maintain an interaction by providing information.
materials:       1. eight cragons. (red blue, yeallow, green, pink, purple, brown, orange)
2.a piece of paper some thread and glue for each student.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. t:let’s have on english class, ok.
s:act act. talk talk.
   learn learn. play play.
   let’s enjoy.
2. greeting.         
ⅱ.  pre-task preparetion
1. hold up a set of line drawing pictures of small aninals and count with the class.
t & s:1~10
2. stick the pictures on the board.
t:what do you see?
s:i see a ……
(frog, rabbit, butterfly, bee, bird……)
3. colour the picture of a frog with the green crayon.
t:colout the frog.
t:(point to the coloured picture)
look, it’s green.
it’s a green frog.
   follow me.
4. incite individual students to colour the rest of the pictures each with a different crage.
practise the structures
“colour ……” and “it’s ……(cdour)
it’s a ……(cdour) ……(aninal)”
and teach the other seven colours.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. stick another set of picture on the board. play a chain game. invite three students   to come to the front. ask the first one to give instructine.
eg: colour the butterfly.
   and the next colour the picture.
   the last one should say.
   look, it’s …… it’s a……
2. continue the game with other groups until all the pictures are coloured.
3. t:pick out the green froy. (then do it)
t:do it after me.
4. repeat steps with other coloured pictures on the board. incite pair of students to the front, one giving the instructions and the other picking out the correct pictures.
5. t:make a kite
(pemonstrate to the class how to make a simple kite using paper, thread and glue.)
repeat: make a kite.
do group work.
6. open the books.
listen to the tape.
ⅳ.  post-task activity
    make a dite and colour it.

let’s talk
language focus: 
1. asking yes/no questions to obtain a simple response.1234
eg.is it blue?
2. using formulaic expressions to confirm on deny.
  eg: yes/no
3. asking “wh-” questions to obtain a simple response.
  eg: how many kites?
listening:       locate specific information in respire to questions.
speaking:       1. use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.
2. open an interaction by eliciting a response.
materials:       wallcharts  1b.
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. greeting
2. read a rhyme.
act act
talk talk
learn learn
play play
let’s enjoy
3. train
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. t:(stick the eight coloured pictures of the previous lesson on the board)
t:pick out the red bee.
   pick out the red kite.
   colout the frog.
colour the rabbit.
2. review the cdours in chorus.
   turn aroud
   go to the zoo
   open the window
3. t:have you been for a picnic recently? pick some of those who have to tell the      class what it was like.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. put up the wallchart.
t:it was a fine spring day. look at the sky. it was so blue. daddy, mummy. sam, sam, ann dan spotty were in the country-side. they were having a picnic. ann was flying a kite. it was kites in the sky. sam asked ann to guess. “how many kites?”
amm answered “seven”
may was holding a banana in her hand and maning was pretending that she did not know the colour. she asked: “is it blue?” may langhed and answered. “no.”
may was wearing her yellow trp. she looked very smart!
2. t:let’s count the kites in the sky.
t & s:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
t:if ann’s answer correct?
t & s:yes.
3. t:how many yellow bananas?
how many red apple?
how many green pears?
(show the obects)
t & s:ten, eight, seven.
4. t:(invite individual students to come to the pront.) point to different objects on the wallchart and say their colours to the class.
(offer help to the less able students.)
5. t:(point to varions objects on the wallchart)
is it red?
is it yellow?
t:yes. or. no.
   train !!!
s:is it red?
6. play the cassette tape.
t:listen to the dialogue.
ⅳ.  post-task activity
       do a role-play exercise. get two boys and three girls to come up and practise the dialogne on the wallchart, pretending to be sam. ann. may and may’s mother and father.1234
        “ann” can mine flying a kits.
        “may” can mine holding up a banana and “may’s father can mine cooking.
         repeat with other students.

let’s play
language focus:  1.asking “wh-” to find out the colours of objects.
eg. what colour is it?
                2.using adjectives to identify colours.
                  eg. it is red
speking:         1.open an interaction by diciting a respose.
                2.maintain an interaction by asking factual questions.
listening:        identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.
materials:        wallchart 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ.  warming up
1. read a rhyme
act act
talk talk
learn learn
play play
let’s enjoy
2. greeting
3. train
how many kites?
haw many apples?
how many pears?
ⅱ.  pre-task preparation
1. stick the eight colour word cards on the board. hold up a colour picture card aske the question.
t:what colour is it?
   incite individual students to say.
s:it is ……(colour)
   put the picture card next to its corresponding word card on the board.
   repect step with other colour.
2. read the words on the board together.
ⅲ.  while-task procedure
1. t:let’s play a game.
it called.
or “x  or  o”gether.  
2. pemonstrate the game with a move able student choose a square in the grid.
eg: mooncake.
t:what colour is it?
s:it is brown, it is a mooncake.
t:you can draw an “x” or “o” in the square.
take turns to ask and answer questions.
(the first one to strike through three squares verticall, horizontally or diagonall wins the game)
3. t:open you books (p15)
play the game in pairs (艺友活动)
ⅳ.  post-task actinty
      play a guessing game.
    let a student put on a mask.
    ask him to put her/his hand in a box and take out a colour picture card.
    s:what colour is it?
    s:it is……(red).
    s:yea. no   (三次)
    s:it is……1234
     page 11
listen & tick the correit box

let’s enjoy
language focus:  using adjectives to identify colours.
eg. brown  blue
speaking:       1.open an interaction by eliciting a response.
2.pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stress.
listening:       identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.
materials:       wallcharts 1b
teaching ladders:
ⅰ. warming up
1. greeting
2. rhyre
1. 2. 3.                            i am bee.
4. 5.  bird
6. 7. 8. rabbit
9. 10 frog
ⅱ. pre-task preperation
1. put up the wallchart for page 16.
peview all the colour found on the wallchair.
t:what colour is it?
   it is ……(red, blue……)
2. t:look! in spring many people like to fly kites. there are kites of many colour,   red, bule, brown, orange ……
they all fly very high in the sky sometimes up, sometimes down..
ⅲ. while-task procedure
1. look at the wallchart.
t:(teach the rhyme line by him)
one, two
red and blue
up and dowm.
orange and browm.
kites in the sky.
flying wery high.
2. play the cassette tape for studats
t:listen to the tape.
   let’s listen to the rhyme.
3. t:let’s read the rhyme.
(with actions)
1. 2.   数数
up down  上下
very high  很高
4. do group work
(invite groups of students to act out the rhyme to the class.)
5. encourage the whole class to act out the rhyme.
ⅳ.post-task activity
    play a game called “paper binge?”
    每个学生拿一张写有三个不同单词的纸条,师读单词,生看纸条打勾,对后  含bingo!欢呼



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