
小学三年级英语教案 2020-06-06 网络整理 晴天


unit7 point to your nose
教学目的和要求(teaching aims and demands)
*使学生初步掌握i have …this is… there are…的句型
what’s this? it’s a nose. what are these ? they’re eyes.
point to your nose. this is my mouth.
these are my feet. i have two ears.
交际词汇:nose, mouth , face, eyes, teeth, feet, hands, legs, arms, hair
上课时,教师先拿一个布娃娃开始,教师说,look ,i’ve got a beautiful girl. her name is mary. she’s 6 years old. now ,let’s see. this is her face , nose and mouth.. these are her eyes, ears and teeth. now follow me ,face ,nose ,mouth ,eyes ,ears ,teeth .now ,who wants to come here and show us her face ?very good. now you say each part and everybody follows you .(这时让全班同学跟他一起说。)重复类似几遍之后,教师对学生说,now, listen and act .point to your nose. point to your face ,point to your mouth .point to your eyes .point to your ears .point to your teeth.教师在做此活动时,可以采取不同的形式。比如,教师说,全班同学一起做;也可以采取同桌的同学一个人说,一个人做;也可以找一个同学到前面给指令,大家一起做。总之,教学的目的是让大家尽快熟悉所学的单词和句型。
接下来,教师可以组织大家一起玩simon says的游戏。教师说,simon says,touch your face.touch your nose .simon says,touch your ears.等游戏之后,教师带领学生学习本单元的第3部分。说这一部分的时候,教师要带领同学一起边说边做,由慢到快,最好还有节奏。这样,同学能够很快的掌握此段内容。
在大家说的比较多的情况下,教师可以给出i have…的句型。教师首先讲i have two eyes .i have a nose .i have two ears .i have a mouth . i have many teeth. i have black hair.起初,学生并不知道have是什么意思,教师只需在黑板上写有,而不需整句话进行翻译。
然后,教师继续举例,i have a face . i have a mouth. i have two ears .i have two eyes等等。教师说完之后,马上找一两个同学复述,最后再让全班同学两人一组进行练习。
在个人和集体练习的基础上,教师再带领同学一起活动做练习5,教师对学生说,ok, everybody ,let’s do a game. stand up pleas !everybody! follow me. head ,head, touch your head…(按照课文的内容把动作做完)如果大家做的好,纪律也比较好,接着做第4部分的chant it.这也要求边说边做动作。教师要特别注意,学生不仅要会做动作,更重要的是会说每一句话。所以尽量多练习,反复练习。
在大家说的比较多,感到比较累的时候,教师接着进行字母教学。教师可以先示范,拿着字母g g说,this is g g. yes, it’s g g(重复几遍)。在学生跟着一起说,逐渐会了的情况下,教师自然带出顺口溜。mum is a big g. a baby’s on a small g . mum and the baby ,they are very happy.12

教学活动1listen and touch
教师自己可以在一张纸上画一个大兔子。上课时,将兔子的图挂在黑板上,让两个学生到前面来,听指令,做动作,看哪个同学动作快,动作慢的同学回座位,再换另一个人。教师对学生说,look ,i’ve got a big rabbit here .i’ m putting this on the blackboard. i want two pupils to come to the front. i say ‘ear’, they touch the ear. i say `mouth’ ,they touch the mouth, do you understand ?who wants to come here? good , let’s begin. nose ,…
教学活动2 chanting match
教师在黑板上画一个没有鼻子的孩子,然后,让学生上来给这个孩子贴鼻子。教师事先准备好一个用纸画好,剪好的鼻子。上来的同学要离黑板有一定的距离。教师要用布将孩子的眼睛蒙住,然后让学生转两个圈,再开始贴鼻子,看哪个同学贴的位置最准确。教师可以这样对学生说,look, we’ve got a boy here ,but he has no nose.(手势)who can come here and put the nose on his face? 等同学上来之后,教师说good, but we have to cover your eyes. you have to turn around twice. ok., go and stick the nose on the boy.
教学活动4 draw and show
draw an animal of any kind and write down its nose ,mouth, ears ,teeth ,etc.(在一张纸上画任何一种动物,并用英语写上那儿是鼻子,嘴。耳朵,牙齿等。)



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