【pepper】PEP BOOK 7 Unit 1 B Let's learn

小学六年级英语教案 2019-06-01 网络整理 晴天


学    校:坎山镇中心小学
日    期:sept.18th
课题名称:unit 1 how do you go there?    b 第四课时
教学内容:b. let’s learn
知识目标:能听、说、读、写短语和单词:traffic lights, traffic rules, stop, wait;能听、说、认读:stop at a red light, wait at a yellow light, go at a green ligh。
          难点:能拼写词组 traffic lights, traffic rules,理解并会说look at the traffic lights, remember the traffic rules

  教 学 过 程



step 1 warming up

1. greetings

hello, boys and girls

nice to see you!

what’s the weather like today?

what day is it today?

2. enjoy a song: colour song.

t: what colour can you hear from this song?

    what colour can you see in our classroom?





step 2 preview

1. teach“a green light”

t: i have three lights for you. what colour is it?

ss: it’s green.

t: yes, this is a green light.

2. help ss learn“a red light, a yellow light”in the

same way .

3. order three lights

  yellow light is in the middle.

  green light is on the right

  red light is on the left






step 3 presentation

1. teach“traffic lights”

  t: we usually see the lights at a crossing. they’re traffic lights

  bb: traffic lights

2. show the card of the traffic lights. help ss

learn to say it.

3. teach“stop”and “wait”

  (1)help ss learn to say and spell  words: stop, wait

  (2)let’s play: cross the road

4. teach “traffic rules”

  (1)let’s ss read the three sentences together

    t: can you give a name for these sentences?

    ss: 交通规则

    t: yes, they are traffic rules

    help ss learn to say it.

  (2)help ss learn to say“remember the traffic rules”

  (3)right or wrong:情感教育

  (4)let’s chant:

  (5)make a rhyme










step 4 practice/ consolidation

1. listen to the tape, read and spell new words and sentences

2. writing: 四会单词书写练习

3. reading: 对话练习






step 5 home work

1. copy the key words and phrases










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