[pep7年级英语上册]PEP7 Unit 4 I have a pen pal. A Let’s read (详案)

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-31 网络整理 晴天


period: the third periodcontents: part a let’s read 
teacher: 凤岗镇中心小学  张翠妮(susan)
task and objectives:
1.能够听、说、认读let"s read中的两封电子邮件。
main and difficult points:
1.阅读let"s read中的两封电子邮件。
my twin sister ann likes drawing picture and making kites.
we look the same,but we don"t like the same things.
tell me something about you.
teaching aids:
1.cai, an email from a foreign friend
step 1:阅读前活动——引出话题,激发兴趣
1、play a game: personal information
2、pre-teach the following vocabulary in sentences:
step 2:阅读过程活动(read and respond)——技巧训练,整体把握, 整体粗读,领略内容大意,整体细读,注意细节,注意语言结构。 整体重读,深层理解,掌握语言结构。
1.the whole presentation (cai): read, listen, judge and answer (口头回答)
e-mail one:
① liu yun is alice"s new pen pal.
② alice likes swimming,diving and making kites.
③ alice"s twin sister ann likes drawing pictures.
e-mail two:
①where is liu yun from?
②what does her mother do?
③ what does her father do?
2.小组合作阅读:read and answer the questions in groups.
e-mail one:
① where is alice from?
② what is alice’s hobby?
③ what is her twin sister ann’s hobby?
e-mail two:
①who is writing the e-mail?
②who is she writing to?
③what is liu yun’s hobby?
④what is her mother’s hobby?
⑤ what is her father’s bobby?
3. read this passage together.
4. read after the teacher and correct.
step 3:阅读后活动(follow-up)——活化教材,创造思维。
1.t shows the key words and the sts say out a sentence about the emails.12
eg: singer----liu yun’s mother is a singer.
2.read, write and reorder
i am happy to be your pen friend. i live in australia. i like swimming, diving and riding a bike. i have a happy family. my father is a doctor. he likes playing football. he likes making and flying kites, too. so we often fly kites on weekends. my mother is a teacher like you. she’s a music teacher. she likes playing the violin. i have a brother. he likes collecting stamps. he has many beautiful stamps. please tell me something about you.
your new pen pal, amy.
step 4:作业布置—— 反馈教学,形成评价。
①writing (小练笔):write an e-mail to your new friends. tell him/her something about you.
②write some vocabulary about hobby as more as possible. (写出最多的关于爱好的词汇) eg: singing, riding a bike…12


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