
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-27 网络整理 晴天


unit 12  do you have a ticket?
teaching aims
be able to grasp the vocabulary: doll, ship, computer game, car, kite
teaching keys and difficulties:
grasp the sentence patterns: my favorite toy is …
teaching aids:
tape recorder, pictures
teaching method:
language communicative method
teaching procedures:
step1. warmer
1.greetings and sing the abc song.
2.step2. listen and point
1. listen to the tape and ask the ss what same likes/doesn’t like. repeat for the other children.
2. teach the new words practice in some ways.
step3. point and say
1. make a dialogue with a student.
t: my favorite toy is doll.
s: my favorite toy is car.
2. get the ss work in pairs.
have some pairs act in the front.
step4. activity book
1.listen, read and write “t’ or “f”
2.now talk about it.
t makes a dialogue with a student.
t: my favourite toys are computer games. what are your faourite toys?
s: dolls
have the ss continue the activity in pairs.
step5. homework
write the letters hi-nn five times

2、通过动作让理解share toys/books/snacks等动作,能听懂“what do you share”,并能用句型“we share…”表达出来。
二、活动内容:what do you share?
we share toys/books/snacks
1、warm up :
up up up, touch your head,
down down down, touch your feet,
up and down, touch your hip,
turn round and touch the ground.
t: what do you like to do?
s: i like to play games\read books\watch tv.
3、t: well, i like to play toys!(拿出准备好的玩具篮放在桌上)
(手指玩具) toy, toy.
 s: toy, toy. (教师取出玩具猫、狗、汽车等,请说出其英语名称)
t:toy cat\dog\car.
s:toy cat\dog\car.
 t: my toy ,my toy, my toy…(将玩具抱在手中做离开状) yes or no?
 s: no!
t: ok, i know…xx and xx, come here. we share..share…share, share toys. we share toys.
s: we share toys.
t:what do you share?
t&s: we share toys.
t:let’s share toys after class. now , put them away!(收起玩具)
t: gulu gulu gulu.....oh! i’m hungry! look! what’s this?
s: snacks.
t: yes, snacks. delicious! do you want to eat it?
s: yes!
t: ok. we share snacks.
s: we share snacks.
t:now stand up. find your good friend and share hugs !(引导找到好朋友并与之拥抱) let’s share!(将玩具,书,点心分别放在三个筐中给选择并与同伴分享)
(教师走至每一组面前,询问:what do you share?让一起回答we share toys/ books/ snacks.)
t:today, we share toys, books and snacks. we are good friends! yes or no? 12
s: yes!
t:  ok! let’s sing a song!

一、 教学目标:
1、能听懂、会说乐器类单词:a piano 、a violin 、a guitar 、an accordion
2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 do you play…? yes ,i do. / no ,i don`t. what do you play ? i play …
二、 重点及难点:
1、piano/ violin /guitar /accordion 重音读准
2、the accordion 的发音
三、教具准备: 课件、图片、问卷、用于小组竞赛奖励品(课前要求学生设想会演奏某种乐器)
step 1 warming up
1. today we’ll have an english class together. look, there are some ladders. let’s see which group climb fastest.
2. game “bobby says”
stand up/ sit down/ hands up/ hands down/ turn left/ turn right/ play the piano/…
step 2 presentation
t: i have some pictures. let me show you.
1. ① t: what’s this?
s: it’s a hamburger.
t:i like humbuggers very much.
do you like humbuggers?
help the students answer: “yes, i do.” or “no, i don’t” ②(用其它图片巩固两种回答)
2. teach “do you play…? “piano, violin, guitar, accordion”
① t: look at the screen, guess, what’s that? (cai:出示钢琴局部)
let’s have a look. oh, it’s a piano.
do you like piano music? (cai:钢琴音乐)
s: yes, i do. /no, i don’t.
t: do you play the piano?
s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
② ask and answer: t-s; s-t;s-s
③ teach “do you play the violin/ guitar/ accordion?” by the same way.
step 3 practice
1. listen and guess
t: today we have a new friend. he is a musician.(cai:出示动画人物并进行自我介绍):i’m dingding. guess, what do i play?
music: (piano, violin, guitar, accordion)
s: dingding, do you play the …?
dingding: yes, i do. / no, i don’t.
2. do and guess
① t: if you play the piano. you can do like this.
s1: (做动作)
s2:do you play the …?
s: yes, i do. /no, i don’t.
② t: it’s my turn now, let me guess,ok?
do you play the…?
s1: no, i don’t.
t:what do you play?
③ drill: read after the teacher .what do you play?
3. do a survey
① model
② t: take out your classmates. do a survey:
what do you play?
i play the….
name piano violin guitar accordion
③ check up
what does she/he play?
she/he plays the….
do you play the…?
step 4 have a rest
sing an english song “what do you play ?”
step 5 action
1. listen to the tape, and repeat.
2. work into groups
1、t: let’s play the musical- instruments, and sing an english song.
2、小组合作 (6人小组,一人指挥,另五人边演奏乐器,边唱英文歌)
3、act, do you play the…?the other students ask: 
what do you play?



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