
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-21 网络整理 晴天


 unit 7 at christmas( part a)牛津小学英语

年级: 6 年级          单元: unit 7           
课题: at christmas      课型: 新授课                
1、能听懂,会说,会读单词a wallet, a teapot,a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer。
2、能听懂,会说和会读日常交际用语:open it for me. you’re welcome. who is it/are they from? it’s/they’re from… who is it/are they for? it’s/they’re for…
1、能听懂,会说,会读单词a wallet, a teapot,a calculator, a skateboard, a hairdryer。
2、能听懂,会说和会读日常交际用语:open it for me. you’re welcome. who is it/are they from? it’s/they’re from… who is it/are they for? it’s/they’re for…
1、介词for 和from的区别。
step1 lead in
t: hello, boys and girls. i’m your new english teacher today. first, i’d like to introduce myself.
1. t: my english name is claudia. may i know your name? (ask 3-4ss)
  2. t: there are only three people in my family. they’re my husband, my daughter and i. how many people are there in your family?  and who are they?(ask3-4ss)
  3. t: look, my hobbies are reading, listening to music, singing, drawing, surfing the internet and so on. there are so many hobbies. (teach: so many …) in our classroom, there are so many students. look, there’re so many stars(出示一些准备好的五角星).(画线部分引导学生说) what’s your hobby? (ask 3-4ss)
4. t: among these hobbies, i like listening to music best. now i’d like to share my song with you. (listen to the song “we wish you a merry christmas”)
   t: what is the song about?
   s1: it’s about christmas
   t: yes. now, let me show you something about christmas.
q1:when’s christmas? (s1: it’ on the 25th of dec.)
q2: who do people spend the day with? (s2: they spend the day with their family.)
q3: what’s in their homes? (s3: christmas trees. 回答这个问题时,教师说:look, there are two christmas trees on the blackboard, one is for the boys and one is for the girls. let’s have a competition and try to decorate the christmas trees. let’s see which tree will be more shining. 在接下来的教学过程中对表现好的学生奖励一个五角星贴在相应的圣诞树上并在奖励的过程中运用日常交际用语thank you. you’re welcome. 竞赛、奖励及日常交际用语的运用将贯穿整个教学过程。)1234
q4: what do they give to each other at christmas? (s4: they give presents to each other.)
(ppt逐一呈现答案)t: good, today let’s talk about christmas and learn the unit. unit7 at christmas. (出示课题)
step2 pre-reading
  t: look at the title, what do you want to know about the text. please say some wh-words.
  s: who, when, what, where
  t: good. when we read a dialogue, we usually want to know who are they? where are they? what do they do? and when is it? now let’s read the narration and find the answers.
step3 while-reading
1. the narration
(1) listen and mark(让学生听两遍录音,用重读、停顿、升调、降调的符号标注。)
(2) show my marks. and get ss to read sentence by sentence. imitate the pronunciation and tone.(指导学生朗读)
who-jim’s family
where-in jim’s grandparents’ house
when-after lunch on christmas day
what-opened their presents
(4)t: i can say: (ppt呈现)
on chirstmas day, jim’s family were in his grandparents’ house. after lunch, they opened their presents under the christmas tree.
on chirstmas day,   who    were   where  .   when   , they  what   under the christmas tree.
   t: can you say? (让3-4个学生根据提示把句子补充完整)
(5) 等学生说完,教师把前言部分的最后一句“everybody was very excited.”呈现在ppt上。t: everybody was very excited. why were they excited?
   s1: they opened their presents.
   t: good. so what would they talk about?(导入下一个话题)
2. the dialogue
(1)t: what would they talk about?
  s: they would talk about their presents.
(2). t: when we talk about presents. what do you want to know?
  take out a present with a watch in it. (让学生说说想知道关于这个礼物的信息。)
a. what is it?  (学生提到这个问题时,t:open it for me. s1: ok. t: what is it? s1: it’s a watch.)
b. whose present is it?(学生提到这个问题时引出who is it for?让3-4个学生用who is it for? 提问并请其他学生用perhaps it"s for…回答)
c. who gives the present? (学生提到这个问题时引出who is it from? 让3-4个学生用who is it from? 提问并请其他学生用perhaps it"s from…回答)
t: the watch is for my husband. it’s from his friend. he is a teacher, too. he needs it in his class. it can tell him the time.
总结:when we talk about presents, we usually want to know: what are they? whose presents are they? (who are they for?) who are they from? perhaps we also want to know what can we do with them? (板书)1234
(3). what are jim’s family’s presents. do you want to know? please read the dialogue and circle the presents.(学生自读课文,圈出礼物)
check: a wallet, a teapot and some tea, a calculator and a skateboard, a watch, a hairdryer
在check过程中指导学生朗读新单词:wall toilet (wallet标注a的发音);tea+pot=teapot; stake+board=skateboard; try-dry-dryer-hairdryer; calculator /’kælkju:leitə/ (学生看音标读单词)
(4). read and match
   t: what presents exactly they are? what can we do with them? please read and match.
(ppt呈现,tips: 可用排除法; “wallet” has the same meaning as “purse”.指导学生做题的方法)
 (5). chant
(6). whose presents are they?=who are they for?
  read the dialogue and match.p55
  check the answers.
eg: the wallet is for grandpa. it’s grandpa’s.
(7). who are they from? please read and underline and answers. (在check 环节让学生通过问答形式进行。)
   eg: a: who is the wallet from?
       b: it’s from grandma.
(8). murmur after the tape, imitate the pronunciation and the tone..
(9). t: after reading, we can find more information about the text. let’s see.
tips: boys and girls, if you give presents to others, you should think about his/her hobbies. if you get presents, don"t forget to show your appreciation. (同学们,送礼物时要多关注他人的爱好。接受别人的礼物时别忘了表达自己的喜爱之情哦!)
(10). t: i have more questions for you. ( ppt呈现课文,圈出名词性物主代词)
  model1: t: “it’s yours.” what does “yours” mean?
         it means your present. so, we can say: it’s your present.
  model2: it’s not mine. we can say: it’s not my present.
  model3: it’s his. we can say: it’s his present.
  get ss to circle the words like models and say the sentence in another way as above.
(11). language points
my present= mine   your present=yours  his present=his  her present=hers
our present=ours
(12). t: the wallet is for grandpa. it’s his.
the teapot is for grandma. it’s hers.
the hairdryer is for mum. it’s hers.
jim says: “the skateboard and the calculator are for me. it’s mine. dad, the watch is for you. it’s yours.”
step4 post-reading
1. retell the text according to the key words.
    2. look, christmas father is coming. only good children can get presents. are you good children? (ss: yes.) great. we all have a happy family and a happy life. you can share your presents with your family! (呈现家人图片) you can share your presents with your friends!(呈现朋友图片)you can even share your presents with more children! (呈现灾区等儿童图片)a pencil or a book will be a good present for them. can you share your presents with them? (ss: yes) great! you’re all good children.1234
step5 homework
2. 用 mine, yours, his, hers, ours, for, from造句。
英语教学设计6a unit 7 at christmas( part a)板书设计:
接着,在学生较好掌握课文背景的情况下,我问why were they excited? what would they talk about?很自然的导入到下一个话题presents。那么当我们谈论礼物时我们会谈到哪些信息呢?我通过用实物创设真实的情景,启发学生说出他们想知道的信息,这样既培养了学生的探索精神,又解决了who is it/are they for? who is it/are they from?这两个句型的运用。
在对课文的处理中,我也紧密围绕谈论礼物的四个问题展开,层层解决what are they? what can we do with them? who are they for? who are they from?其中,what can we do with them?即对新授单词的英文注释部分既可以丰富本课的教学内容,增加对学生的语言输入量,又可以帮助学生更好的理解单词。在对话教学中,我充分发挥学生自主阅读获取信息的能力,并对他们的学习方法做适当的指导。对细节的处理我也比较注意,如新授单词的教学从音到义,在check环节要求学生用比较完整的语言输出,发掘课文中更多的细节从而进行礼仪教育等。



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