
小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-19 网络整理 晴天


unit6 review 教学设计
step1. 老师用学生熟知的话题导入新课,便于学生进入学习状态,同时为下面的学习作语言铺垫。detailed ways:t: do you have any pen pals?
              s: yes, i do.
no, i don’t.
t: how do you keep in touch?
ss:letter, e-mail,qq…
detailed ways:
老师出示一张电子邮件图片,提问:t:  what’s this?
ss:an e-mail 
t: do you have an e-mail friend?
ss:yes, i do.
no, i don’t.
                                    t: do you have a key pal on qq or msn?
step3. 首先问题很简单,没有规定答案,给学生开口说英语的机会。通过学生的观察,开拓学生的思维,展开讨论课文话题。(整体了解课文)
detailed ways:
1) what can you see?
2) what are they talking about?
step4. 训练学生结合问题听内容、回答问题的能力。(了解课文的主要大意)。且教育学生按时完成作业,并且养成做家务的好习惯。
detailed ways:老师出示课文图片picture1-2提问:
1) who is daniel’s e-mail friend? (rie)
2) how often do they write to each other?(not very often)
3)  what do kids everywhere have to do?
t:we have to do homework every day and we don’t forget chores! who can you see in the picture3?
step5. 出示关键问题,培养学生观察,并为下面学生自己提出问题做好铺垫。
detailed ways:老师出示关键词:
t: … is charlie taking about?
t: what chore…?
学生根据观察回答:who is charlie taking about?
his e-mail friend.
what chore does she have to do?
she has to do the dishes.
step6. 训练学生提出问题、回答问题的能力。(学生的提问能力是有限的,如果没有提出主要问题或关键问题,教师来引导学生。)
detailed ways:老师出示4-7图片,让学生根据刚才讨论学习和自己的情况,结合文字和图片提出问题,针对每一幅图并结合学生的提问的情况,教师作相应补充。学生结合自己的情况提出问题,其他学生回答问题。针对老师补充的问题进行回答。
1)who is sue’s e-mail friend? (joe.)
where is joe from? (she is from canada.)
2)where does joe live? (near a forest.)
3)is there any pollution in your city? is there any pollution in canada? (yes, there is.)
4)what do people do to prevent the pollution in your city/ country? (no, there isn’t.)12
5)are there any pyramids in mexico? how many are there? (yes, there are. there are hundreds)
6)what is the capital city of mexico? can you list out the others?
7)what’s the matter with matt’s computer? (it’s broken.)
8)where is charlie’s e-mail friend from? (japan.)
step7. 整体感知课文


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