【pepper】PEP BOOK 7 Unit 5 What does she do?

小学六年级英语教案 2019-04-28 网络整理 晴天


pep book 7 unit 5  what does she do?任课教师 吴静学校坎山镇中心小学课题名称unit 5  what does she do ?教学内容a  let’s talk 教学目标知识目标: a. 能听、说、认、读句子what does your mother do? she is a tv-reporter.b. 能够听懂会说本课对话能力目标: a.能用所学的句型进行实际的问答b.能结合旧知识扩展对话,并进行交流.情感目标: 了解父母的工作,热爱父母的美好情感.重点难点重点:能听、说、认、读句子what does your mother do? she is a tv-reporter.难点:正确掌握单词what does your mother do? she is a tv-reporter.的书写.教学准备cai、学生书写纸、录音机教 学 过 程设计思路step 1 warming up1.    出示图片和句子try to read(singer, writer, she is a tv-reporter…)2. talk about garfield’s family.(mother, father, aunt…)通过说一说,认认,复习a部分的单词和句型并且引出本课时一个关键的人物garfield,并介绍他的家人. step 2 preview1.复习职业和爱好的单词和相关短语、句型。a. 出示garfield’s father引出并教学句型what does he/she do?   t: he helps sick people. he is a doctor. he likes riding a bike.b. 同样方法复习mother--teacher, making kites   uncle—writer, diving   sister—singer, singing   aunt—actress, playing the violin   grandfather—artist, drawing picturesc. let’s chant   复习旧知,以旧带新,为下面的对话和语言的输出做铺垫。并通过节奏欢快的歌谣巩固出示的单词和短语,加深学生的记忆。 step 3 presentation1.  teach what does your …do? she/he is a/an…a.  请学生来扮演garfield来介绍他的家人。    t: what does your father do?    s: he is a doctor. he likes riding a bike.b.  教学句型what does your …do? she/he is a/an…2.  teach let’s talk a.  ss listen to the tape and answer the teacher’s questionsb.  ss read the “let’s talk” after the tape(recite sentences)c.   listen again and fill in the blanks(学生填写丢失的内容)d.  practice the dialogue(do pair work)3.  任务活动:设计摩登家庭    为自己的家人设计职业和爱好,并介绍给小组成员。    s1: what does your mother do?              s:  she is a … she likes…              s2: what does your father do?              s:  he is a … he likes… 4.   tip:           用介绍garfield的家人这个活动,自然引出本课时句型,让学生能流畅的输出语言,培养学生说的能力。  这一环节设计目的是培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。  父母的职业由自己来设计,激发了学生的兴趣,通过小组展示,给学生表现的机会,同时培养孩子关心自己的父母。 step 4 consolidation /practice1. 明星show   t: today is garfield’s birthday. he has a birthday party at night. who will come to the garfield’s party? a.  听一段音乐,t: what does he do? who is he?出示刘欢 what is he like?b.  用不同的方式出示明星和卡通人物。2.  介绍你的偶像ss: which people do you like?s:  i like …ss: what does…do?s:  he/she is a/an … he/she likes…3.  let’s read    t: after the birthday party, garfield is not very happy, because he is very lazy. he can’t do anything. so he decides to learn something.     把旧知识滚动起来,增加学生的语言输出量。   介绍偶像和阅读故事,增加了教学的趣味性,可以激发学生的兴趣,让学生展示自己,培养学生说和阅读的能力step 5 home work1. 抄写59页加粗的句子四遍,并背诵。2.续写故事,小组选择一个故事下节课表演给同学看。3. 思考:你觉得garfield是一个怎样的人?在我们班有没有这样的人?你想对他/她说些什么?写下来后交给老师,老师会帮你转达。  课外拓展,创编故事,激发学生发挥想像力和表演力。并且教导学生做一个不轻言放弃,持之以恒的人。


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