
七年级英语教案 2017-03-15 网络整理 晴天


unit 10 i’d like some noodles.
【年级】 初一年级(下)
words: noodles  beef  cabbage  potatoes  special  size  bowl  mutton  chicken   dumplings   soup   green tea   would like   large
sentences: what kind of noodles would you like?
 what size bowl of noodles would you like? i’d like ….
 what’s your address? my address is …
        3、含有 would like 的特殊疑问句及其回答。
难点: 1、would like 的用法及其与like在用法上的区别。
1、 学习方法的指导:培养学生观察力,想象力,记忆力以及思维能力。用生动的课件调动学生的感官进行听说读写的训练。
2、 学习积极性的调动:设置真实情景——订餐,把课堂变成有声有色的舞台,让学生乐学、会学到创学。
3、 学习能力的培养:通过连贯的听说读写,游戏,竞争等,培养学生的交际能力,发展他们的思维能力。
【教学手段】 运用多媒体辅助教学,将本课所需要的录音、图片、文字制成ppt课件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情境,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。
period 1 (section a)
【学习目标】 1、熟练掌握本课的单词。  2、了解可数名词和不可数名词。
             3、掌握重要句型:what kind of noodles would you like?
                              what size bowl of noodles would he like?
                               i’d / he’d like …
             3、句型:what kind of noodles would you like?
                what size bowl of noodles would he like?   i’d / he’d like …123456789101112131415
一、 自主学习
         1、个人自读、记忆本课单词。    2、小组互相检查单词读的情况。
面条_____________  牛肉____________  羊肉___________  卷心菜___________土豆_____________  特色菜___________  饮料___________  大的____________尺寸_____________  碗_______________
 学习任务二:利用1c所给的对话,掌握句型----what kind of noodles would you like?
                                            beef and tomato noodles, please.
1、 个人朗读对话。  2、分别听1b、2a和2b的录音,完成相应的练习。
---- what kind of noodles would you like? ---- i’d like beef and tomato noodles, please. ---- what size bowl of noodles would you like?  ---- i’d like a large bowl of noodles.
二、 合作共建
 uncountable noun countable noun pl.
ice cream   
 3、角色扮演:in a noodle house
三、 系统总结
四、 诊断评价
(    )1. n          dle   a. on   b. an   c. oo123456789101112131415
( )2. be              a. if    b. ef   c. af
( )3. pot     t        a. a, a   b. a, a   c. a, o
( )4. d    m     ling   a. u, p   b.a, b   c. a, b
( )5. s   ec     al    a. b, h   b. p, i   c. b, i
( )1. ---what size would you like, small or large?  ---               .
  a. small, please   b. medium, please   c. red, please
( )2. ---what           sweater do you want?   ---medium.
  a. color     b. size     c. kind
( )3. she’d like a small bowl of noodles. “she’d” means           .
  a. she would    b. she need    c. she had
( )4. ---what           of noodles would you like?
---beef and tomato noodles, please.
  a. kind     b. size     c. color
( )5. there are few       in the fridge. let’s go and buy some carrots and cabbage.
  a. meat     b. fruit     c. vegetables
1. you, would, what, of, noodles, like, kind
2. i, beef, would, noodles, like
3. size, like, of, what, bowl, noodles, he, would
4. i, a, bowl, large, like, would, of, noodles
a: can i  1           you?
b: i  2           like some noodles, please. 
a: what  3            of noodles would you like?
b: i’d like chicken  4            cabbage noodles, please.
a: what  5           would you like?
b: i’d like  6            small bowl, please.
a: ok. wait a minute. i’ll get it for you.
b: thank you.

period 2 (section b –-- 1a ~ 2c)
【学习目标】 1、巩固上节课的单词,掌握本节课的单词和短语。
             3、巩固重要句型:what kind of noodles would you like?
                              what size bowl of noodles would he like?
                               i’d / he’d like …
【学习重点】 1、在巩固上节课的重要句型的基础上,掌握like句型的肯定句和否定句。
一、 自主学习
单词:果汁___________  饺子___________  粥___________  米饭____________
汤___________  洋葱____________  鱼肉____________
短语:绿茶________________  橘子汁___________________
    参考句型:i like …
              i don’t like …
1、 listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.
2、 fill in the order form on page 66.
二、 合作共建
1、 完成下列对话:
a: hello, house of dumplings!
b: hello, i want to order some food, please.
a: sure. ______________________________?
b: i’d like chicken, fish and cabbage, please. and sixteen dumplings.
a: ____________________________________________?
b: mutton and carrot dumplings, please.
a: ok. would you like some soup? 
b: yes, i’d like some __________ soup. and i like some drinks.
a: ____________________________________________?
b: one large green tea and one small orange juice.
a: ok. ______________________, please?
b: 15 peace road.
a: ___________________________________?
b: 398-2845. __________________________________?
a: that’s 32 rmb.
2、 角色扮演:house of dumplings
三、 系统总结
1. i’d like chick, fish and cabbage.
2. what kind of dumplings would you like?
3. what kind of soup would you like?
4. would you like some drinks?
5. i like dumplings, fish and orange juice. i don’t like onions, green tea and porridge.
6. what’s your address, please?
7. what’s your telephone number, please?
四、 诊断评价
1. 橘子汁                              2. 绿茶                             123456789101112131415
3. 电话号码                            4. 两碗饺子                        
5. 羊肉土豆面条                        6. 鸡肉卷心菜面                    
mary: dad, could you help  1 , please?
dad: sure! what’s wrong?
mary: i want to eat  2  noodles. but i don’t know where i can buy them.
dad: oh, i can help you. what  3  would you like?
mary: a small one.
dad:  4   5  of noodles would you like?
mary: i’d like chicken and cabbage, mutton and potato, beef and carrot noodles.
dad:  6   7  of noodles would you like best ?
mary: i would  8  beef and carrot noodles.
dad: would you like something to drink?
mary: yes,  9  like  10 . i’d like a glass of orange juice.
dad: ok! i’ll go and buy them.
mary: thank you, dad.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
1. 你想要哪种比萨饼?   what             of pizza              you like?
2. 我能替你做点什么?                can i do             you?
3. 我妈妈想吃羊肉土豆面。
   my mom              like              and potato noodles.
4. 我哥哥想吃羊肉胡萝卜水饺。
   my brother              like              and carrot dumplings.
5. ---你要多大规格的?   ---我要一个大份的。
   what             would you like?  i’d             a             one.123456789101112131415
hi! tom, mike and bill go to a restaurant. tom would like a small bowl of dumplings and mike would like a medium pizza. bill would like a large bowl of noodles. tom would like dumplings with cabbage and eggs in it. mike would like a pizza with mutton and tomatoes on it. bill would like beef and potato noodles. boys and girls, what kind of food would you like?
name food kind size
  mutton and tomatoes  

period 3 (section b –-- 3a ~ 4)
【学习目标】 1、运用本单元所学的知识,学习食品广告的写法。
【学习重点】 如何制作食品广告。
a: can i help you?
b: i’d like some noodles, please.
a: what size bowl would you like?
b: a small size bowl of noodles, please.
a: what kind of noodles would you like?
b: i’d like beef and tomato noodles. 
a: do you want any drinks?
b: yes, please. one small bottle of orange juice.
a: anything else?
b: yes, i’d like salad.
a: what’s your address?
b: 34 bonham road.
a: what’s your telephone number?
b: 268-3898.
a: that’ll be ten dollars.
b: thank you very much.
 学习任务二:3a 通过填空练习复习食品,饮料的单词和句型,介绍广告的写法。
1、 填空练习,理解意思,核对答案。
2、 小组讨论短文意思。
3、 小组展示,对抗组质疑纠正。
 学习任务三:学习3b  dessert house
1、 填空练习,理解意思,核对答案。
2、 小组讨论短文意思。
3、 小组展示,对抗组质疑纠正。
  参考语言结构:we have some great specials.
                special 1 has mutton and cabbage and is only $3.
                large drinks are just $1.
                we also have great salad as well as coke.
1、 翻译:
一些特色___________________  菜橘子汁______________________
2、 too, also 和either的区别:___________________________________
1、 总结介词for的用法。
2、 would like + 动词原形
1. what would she like                  (eat)?
2. he                 (not) have hamburgers
3. i like koalas because they are                   (friend) and small.
4. there are some                  (photo) in the book.
5. i can                 (go) shopping, and nobody                 (know) me.
1. a: can i help you?    b:            can i do             you?
2. a: i’d like tomato and egg noodles.   b: i            tomato and egg noodles.
1. i’d like a medium bowl of noodles. (改为一般疑问句)
              you             a medium bowl of noodles?
2. come and get the dumplings. (改为否定句)
              come and get the dumplings.
3. i can drink three glasses of tea. (对划线部分提问)
                                       of tea              you drink?
4. i have some strawberries. (改为否定句)
  i             have             strawberries.
5. she likes oranges and apples. (改为一般疑问句)123456789101112131415
              she             oranges and apples?
i have a good pen pal. his name is ted. he is a clever boy, but he eats too  1  and doesn’t like playing sports. he has a big  2  every morning. he has four eggs,   3  of bread and butter(黄油) and  4  big glass of milk for it.  5  lunch, he eats two hamburgers, a lot of french fries  6  chicken. he drinks a lot of soda(苏打汽水), too. for dinner, he likes beef and salad. he  7  eats hamburgers, eggs, chicken and beef. he likes ice cream and soda, 8  .too much food is not  9  for health. so ted is very  10  . 
1. a. many      b. much      c. some        d. any
2. a. breakfast     b. lunch       c. dinner         d. supper
3. a. much        b. many        c. lots           d. lot
4. a. a         b. an           c. some           d. any
5.a. for        b. on       c. in            d. of
6. a. for          b. and          c. of            d. but
7. a. often       b .never(从不)   c. seldom(很少) d. not
8. a. and           b. but          c. too          d. also
9. a. bad        b. good       c. important     d. hungry
10. a. healthy   b. fat          c. thin            d. tall

period 4 (self chek)
【学习目标】 1、复习掌握本单元的单词及短语。
【学习重点】 掌握本单元的单词、短语和句型。
面条_____________  牛肉____________  羊肉___________  卷心菜___________土豆_____________  特色菜___________  饮料___________  大的____________尺寸_____________  碗_______________  理由________________
果汁___________  饺子___________  粥___________  米饭____________
汤___________  洋葱____________  鱼肉____________  菜单_______________
  4、 相互检查  
一大碗面条_______________________  一些西红柿____________________________
牛肉西红柿面___________________________  电话号码________________________
甜点屋___________________________  三杯桔子汁____________________________
五个汉堡包_______________________  六杯绿茶______________________________
饺子馆___________________________  要我帮忙吗?__________________________
香蕉冰淇淋______________________  两只中号的碗______________________
十二个草莓_____________________  一些特色菜_________________________
2、重点使用句型:what do you have for breakfast?
                 i eat healthy food. i eat well.
星期天_____________  星期一____________  星期二_____________
星期三_____________  星期四____________  星期五_____________
一月_______________  二月______________  三月_______________
四月_______________  五月______________  六月_______________
七月_______________  八月______________  九月_______________
十月_______________  十一月____________  十二月______________
1. we have many great ______________ (特色菜) in the restaurant.
2. what s    shoes would you like?
3. t    is between monday and wednesday.
4. my telephone n    is 834—8394.
5. we often have rice,meat,________(马铃薯) for lunch every day.
6. john likes________(粥),pizza,salad and ice tea very much.
7. what ____________ (饮料) would you have? 
8._____________(星期四) is the fifth day of a week.123456789101112131415
1. there ___________(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.
2. there__________(be) some onions and mutton in the bowl.
3. can he ___________ (watch) tv with you?
4. she ____(have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.
5. i like  ______(listen) to the pop music and watching tv.
6. they would like ____________(see) the animals in the zoo.
7.special 1           (have) onions and beef.
8. how many               (dumpling) would you like?
9. i’d like            (go) shopping.
10. there are some ________(tomato) and _______ (porridge) on the table.
a: can i help you?
b: yes,please. 1  i want to order(订购) a birthday cake(蛋糕) for my mother.
a: 2 
b: a large cake,please.
a. what size would you like?
b. please write “happy birthday to mother”.
c. tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.
d. it’s 8910566.
e. what kind of cake would you like?
f. 56 lincon drive.
a: what would you like to write on it?
b: 3 
a: ok. what’s your phone number?
b: 4 
a: what’s your address?
b:  5 
there are many kinds of  1  in the supermarket this week. what  2  of fruit would you like, apples, oranges,  3 , bananas or  4 ? different people may like  5  fruit.
look at this fruit  6 .today we have some great  7 .the apples in yantai are  8  rmb8 a kilo. the  9 ,for rmb 4 a kilo and the oranges in sichuan are rmb 3 a kilo. strawberries are rmb 6 a kilo. so please go to the supermarket  10 .

1. his sister is ________________________(中等的) build. 
2. i’d like ________________________________ (西红柿) noodles.
3. the __________________________________(马铃薯) are very delicious(美味的).
4. it’s time for class, stop __________________________(说话), please.
5. he likes ____________________________(读书) after dinner.
1. 你穿几码的鞋?
 _________  ________ shoes __________ you ___________?
2. 早餐你想吃什么?
 ________  ______ you ________  _________ breakfast?
3. 他想要哪种类型的面条?
 ____________ kind of noodles _____________ he like?
4. 你想要的汉堡包, 是大的还是小的? 
would you like a small _______  ________hamburger ?123456789101112131415
5. 我想要有羊肉和西红柿的饺子。
i"d like a bowl of __________  and tomato ______________.
(    )1. – i don’t like mutton         beef.
– i don’t like mutton ,         i like beef a lot.
 a. and, but   b. and, and  c. or, but  d. or, and
(    )2. some chicken      in the bowl. and some eggs      on the table.
 a. is, is     b. are, are     c. is, are         d. are, is
(    )3. is that apple large ?
       a. yes. it’s.  b. no, it’s small apple.  c. no, it isn’t.  d. no, that’s a small.
(    )4. i’d like some          and         .
 a. porridge, vegetable            b. broccoli, tomatoes   
 c. potatos, bananas           d. french fries, orange juices
(    )5. andrew usually has fruit          dinner.
 a. of b. for c. at d. with
(    )6. julie would like          tv.
 a. watch  b. watches  c. watching d. to watch
(    )7. we often eat ice cream in a dessert          . 
 a. home      b. shopping      c. house     d. family
(    )8. -          of shoes do you wear?    - size 7.
 a. what  b. what size c. what kind d. what color
(    )9. the oranges in the fruit store are good         cheap.
 a. as  b. or     c. with d. as well as
(    )10. would you like some tea?
 a. yes, please. b. no, please. c. no, i don’t. d. yes, i would.
1. kind, what, they, like, of, would, noodles(连词成句)
2. she has a strawberry.(用they替换she)
they            some           .
3. nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)
nancy                       some salad.
4. he’d like a medium bowl.(改为一般疑问句)
                      like a medium bowl?
5. my phone number is 62885151.(对划线部分提问)
                      phone number?
      a. ok, i’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.
      b. i’d like some noodles, please. 
      c. what kind of noodles would you like?
      d. we have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato…
      e. what size do you have?
      f. sure. and what size would you like?
      g. we have large, medium and small bowls.
      h. what kind of noodles do you have?
      i. oh, a medium bowl, please.
      j. can i help you?
woman: hello, hamburger express.
boy: oh, hello. i want to order a hamburger, please.
woman: sure.(1)            ?
boy: i’d like a medium hamburger.
woman:(2)      on it?
boy: tomatoes and mushrooms.
woman: okay…anything else?
boy: no, thanks.
woman:(3)           ,please?  boy: 65 zhongshan street.
woman: and (4)      ?         boy: it"s 272-8656.
woman: that"ll be 2 dollars. and we"ll deliver your hamburger in 20 minutes.
mumu is a chinese boy. but now he    1    in the uk. he lives and    2    with mr and mrs green in london. they are very nice to him. but they like different(不同的)   3   .
for breakfast, mr and mrs green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables, sometimes they have fruits. mumu would like milk and eggs, but he wouldn’t like vegetables    4   the breakfast time.123456789101112131415
lunch is at one   5   . mr and mrs green usually have large hamburgers. mumu doesn’t like   6   . he thinks they’re.   7  . he would like some rice. after that,   8  like some fruits.    9    mr and mrs green usually have afternoon tea.
for dinner, mr and mrs green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit. mumu wouldn’t like    10    beef, he’d like some noodles.
(    )1. a. live b. is   c. am  d. isn’t
(    )2. a. eat    b. have c. eats  d. to have
(    )3. a drink    b. fruit  c. food d. vegetables
(    )4. a. in b. of     c. at d. on
(    )5. a. clock b. time       c. a clock d. o’clock
(    )6. a. them b. they  c. it d. its
(    )7. a. good    b. bad c. healthy d. delicious(美味的)
(    )8. a. she’s     b. she’d c. he’d d. he’s
(    )9. a. or  b. so  c. and  d. but
(    )10. a. any b. some    c. many d. a lot
a frenchman wants to eat eggs in a restaurant. but he doesn’t know how to say eggs in english. he thinks and thinks. then he sees a book with a picture of a hen(母鸡)on the table. he asks the woman in the restaurant, “what’s the english for a hen’s child?” the woman says, “ it’s a chick(小鸡).” then the frenchman asks, “what’s a chick before they are born?” “it’s an egg,” says the woman. “ that’s right. give me four eggs, please.”
(   ) 1.the frenchman can’t speak english. 
(   ) 2. the frenchman wants to have some eggs.
(   ) 3. a hen helps the frenchman get the eggs to eat.
(   ) 4. what do you think of the frenchman? i think he is smart.
(   ) 5. an egg is a hen’s child.
one sunday morning mr. brown and his child, bill , are in a big shop . mr. brown wants to buy a new blouse for mrs. brown . bill likes oranges . so his father buys two kilos of oranges for him , too . bill also wants to buy some picture - books and colored pencils . there are many things and many people in the shop. they are men and women , old and young . they all want to buy something there .   123456789101112131415
(   )1 . mr. brown goes to the shop with _____ .
  a . mrs. brown   b . his boy  c . his father  d . some old people
(   )2 . mr. brown is going to buy a new blouse for _____ .
  a . bill"s mother   b . bill   c . his mother   d . himself ( 他自己 )
(   )3 . bill likes _____ .
  a . all the things  b . new blouse  c . oranges  d . the shop
(   )4 . the little boy wants to buy _____ .
    a . some picture - books     b . some colored pencils
c . clothes and shoes      d . a and b
(   )5 . people in the shop are ______ . 
    a . old and young      b . boys and girls
     c . men and women     d . a , b and c



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