
九年级英语教案 2016-04-19 网络整理 晴天


 unit6-5 by the time i got outside,the bus had already left. selfcheck
ⅰ.teaching aims and demands
   1.knowledge objects
      (1) verbs: rush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.
      (2) write an article according to the pictures given.
      (3) vocabulary:homework, look, costume, empty
   2.ability objects
      (1) train the students to use these verbs correctly:
      rush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.
      (2) train the students writing skill.
ⅱ.teaching key points
 1.help the students have a self check on the key words and target language       of this unit.
 2.practise using these verbs: rush, realize, invite, show up, stay up.
 3.review the new vocabulary introduced in this unit: homework, lock,       costume, empty.
 4.direct the students to write an article according to the pictures given.
ⅲ.teaching difficult points
 1.help the students make sentences with the verbs.
 2.direct the students to write an article with the pictures given.
ⅳ.teaching methods
1.teaching by providing sample sentences.
 2.teaching by describing the pictures.
ⅴ.teaching aid:      just the blackboard.
ⅵ.teaching procedures
step ⅰ revision
1.revise the contents in the three articles in activity 3a on page 72 by       asking the question below
(1) what did a radio program announce in 1938?
(2) what had happened by the time the authorities revealed the story was a       hoax?
(3) what did a reporter announce on april fool"s day?
(4) what had happened by the time people realized that the story was a  hoax?
(5) what did a famous tv star once do on april fool"s day?
(6) what was the ending of the last story?
2.ask three different students to read the articles.
3.dictate the following words:announce, convince, panic, authority, reveal, spaghetti, describe, hoax, thrill, flee/fled/fled.
step ⅱ
part 1this activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit. focus attention on the box. invite a student to read the vocabulary words at the top.you are asked to fill in the blanks with the words. in some cases, you may need to use another form of the word, for example, adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement.ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. check the answers. five students each reads a sentence, filling in the blanks. the rest of the students check their work.12345
answers:1.realized 2.rush 3.stay up 4.invite 5.show up
suggested answers:
      1.as soon as the bell rang, the students rushed to the playground.
      2.by the time he got to the office he realized that he had locked all his
      keys at home.
      3.mr. green invited his good friends to have a big dinner at home last
      4.we have to finish the task before the boss shows up.
      5.jack stayed up very late last night. he couldn"t wake up on time this
step ⅲ part 2
ask: what is happening to ming? get the whole class to read the instructions. then ask the students to describe each picture in order. write some useful sentences on the blackboard. for example, for the first picture, help the students to say ming wakes up at 10: 00 and thinks she is late for school.the sentences can vary. a sample answer:ming woke up at 10; 00 o"clock in the morning. she thought that she must be late for school. so she got up and rode a bike to school was empty. she was the only one there. then she realized that it was sunday.her good friend, han mei, came to see her after she had got home. ming told han mei the whole story happened in the morning earlier. it made han mei laugh a lot.ming went to her grandparents" house with her parents. they had dinner together and talked happily.    ming watched tv in the evening and she went to bed at 10 : 00.
step ⅳ part 3the first one has been given as a model. ask some students to tell their answers to the class. check the answers with the whole class.
answers: 1.homework 2.lock 3.costume 4.empty
step ⅴ just for fun!
ask the students to read the sentences under the pictures together.then ask the children what is funny about this cartoon. help the students to answer like this:
the boy saw the clouds and he felt the rain long before he got home. he should have realized much sooner that he had forgotten his umbrella.
step ⅵ summary:in this class, we"ve practiced using some verbs and we"ve written an article based on the pictures given.
step ⅶ homework
1.revise all the language points in this unit.
2.make another more sentence with each verb below, rush, realize, invite,       show up, stay up.

主备人:刘华    备课时间:XX.10.27    上课人:          上课时间:12345
审阅人:          审阅时间:          课  型:new       教案序号:
review of units1-6
teaching aims:
1.review the vocabulary of units1-6.
2.review the grammar of units1-6
step1  1a.draw students’ attention to the sample answer.check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.ask students to do the crossword individually or in pairs.check the answers.ask different students to read out and spell the answers.
step2   1b.explain to students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activity 1.draw students’attention to the example.write a few words on the board and ask the class to suggest clues.
step3   2a.say,this picture matches the first conversation you wil hear.now listen to the tape and match the other conversations to the correct pictures.students listen and write the numbers in the boxes next to the pictures.
step4   2b.explain to students that they need to listen for information in the dialogues that will help them answer the questions.have students do the activity in pairs.as they work,move around the classroom listening and offering help where necessary.
step5   2c.have two students model the sample dialog.ask students to practice their conversations.ask them to share their conversations with the class.
step6   finish activity3-7 individually.ask them about unusual situations where they had to make difficult decisions.encourage them to talk about situations different from those in the task.ask them to work in groups of three.do alarge survey with the class.
sample answers:
1.a man on a horse or a map of islands
2.a vase or two faces
3.an old woman looking down and a young woman looking away
tell them to look at pictures and diss with their partners what they look like,then share their answers as conversations with the class.

unit6-5 selfcheck 达标训练
1.the woman_____ the child quickly and took him to hospital.
a. put on         b dressed  c. had on   d. was wearing
2. ______ weather is!
a. what a fine   b. how fine     c. what fine   d. how fine the
3. who was the first one____?
a.to reach     b. to arrive  c. to get to       d. to arrive at12345
4.______ books must produced for the children.
a.many thousand b.many thousands of                                   c. many thousand of              d. many thousand
5. we want to play basketball after school. would you like to _____us?
a. invite   b. play   c. get   d. join
6. by the time i walked  into the class, the teacher had started teaching already.(改为同义句)
    the teacher____ _____ his class already before i _______ class.
7. linda said to me, “ i bought  a new bike.” (改为宾语从句)
linda told me that ____ ____ _____ a new bike.
8. the play began at 8:00. we arrived the minutes late. (合并句子)
the play _____ ____ ____ _____ten minutes late when we arrived.
9. i can’t decided whether i would go or not. (改为简单句)
i can’t decided whether ___ ___or not.
10. he had left by the time i came back, ______ ___?(完成反义疑问句)
ii.make sentences.  
1. 你明天要上学, 我不想让你熬夜。

2. 我们的时间很多, 用不着太急促。




review of units1-6达标训练
一. 知识点讲解
1. he is worried about his exam.他很担心他的考试
be worried about=worry about为……担心
2. we should al try to take care of our planet.
take care of=_________________=______________________
3. is it neighbor?是邻居吗?
4. i’d give it to the police.我会把它交给警察。
police是名词,通常用作the police,视为复数名词,意思是“警方,警察”。如果指一个警察,要用a policeman或a policewoman表示。
二. 根据句意及首字母完成单词
1. k________are from australia.their back legs are longer than the front ones.
2. listening to music is very relaxing.it makes people feel r___________.
3. the river is about 4,000 f___________long.
4. he has to work 12 hours a day to r__________money for his son’s education.
5. the discarded paper can be used by r______________.
6. we should e__________children to be polite to others.
7. thanks for c__________for my dog.
8. the boy won an a____________because of his excellent performance.12345
9. the company can p___________us with 500 dollars a month.
10. yang liwei is an i____________to all the chinese people.
三. 用所给单词的适当形式填空
1. volunteering is both interesting and______________(educate).
2. did you have fun___________(play)football?
3. it takes him ten minutes________(walk) to school every day.
4. you mustn’t forget__________(bring)your books here tomorrow.
5. i don’t know what___________(do) next.
6. he was surprised_____________(see)me at the party.
7. so far,man____________(travel)farther than the moon.
8. we should speak to the old_____________(polite).
9. ___________(thousand)of trees were planted last year.
10. i’m looking forward to_______________(visit) england.



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