
高一英语教案 2015-04-11 网络整理 晴天


unit 10  lesson 4  advertisements教案(北师大版必修模块4)

 一、    教学内容分析 (analysis of position and content)

1、本课是阅读课, 重点培养学生的阅读能力,是本单元中的重点。




根据《高中英语新课程标准》要求,结合我班学生英语基础与能力较弱的实际,本课时我把阅读课文作为整体处理的同时,把每个教学环节所设计的问题和任务区分出高低不同的层次,由浅入深,循序渐进,使每个教学环节尽量符合多数学生的认知水平,力争全班绝大多数同学都能积极参与课堂活动。通过“任务型”活动培养学生 “跳读”、“寻读”、“定位”、“推理归纳”等阅读方法以及描述、讨论等组织语言、运用语言的能力。











1. 语言知识与技能目标:


2) 帮助学生了解不同时期的广告,对广告有不同的理解.

3) 通过帮助学生完成快速阅读、精读等练习来进一步理解文章的细节,


4)学生之间能交流、合作,共同就 given topics较好地完成一些开放性话题。

2. 情感态度与文化意识目标

1) 在有趣的主题激励下,师生互动,生生互动,调动学生的学习兴趣,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势。


3. 过程与方法


五、教学重点和难点  说明教学过程中的重点和难点内容。




1)a lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as visually attractive as possible.

2) modern advertisements must stand out in a world of full of competition by combing the highest standards of design with ideas linked to the products to make them more attractive.






the analysis of teaching process

before class, let students listen to a song :   王力宏-i’m lovin’it (全球麦当劳广告主题曲).mp3



step 1 - - - organization

1.      exchange greetings with the ss.

2.      duty report: it is between two students. they are having a dialogue.


i think duty report is a long-term and essential part of daily teaching. it is a good opportunity for ss to practice their listening and spoken english.



since the students are familiar with this topic, the teacher will arouse their interest about the topic by free talk with some key words given. also some background information of the topic are provided in the form of pictures and passage12345

step 2 - - - warming up
pair work: work in pairs and discuss the following questions

1) can you think of some advertisements you have seen?

2) where have you seen advertising?

3) what do you think of the design of the advertisements?

4) when you buy something, will you be affected by advertisements?

  provide the students with some key words for help:

  a) cheap, convenient, easy, expensive, practical, reliable, useful, useless

  b) ads on the bus, ads in the newspaper, ads in a magazine,

ads on the billboards, ads in the shop windows, ads on the radio…

step 3 - - - leading in:

[设计说明] the step of leading in is to let the students know the ads visually

show the students various kinds of advertisements and ask the students to make comment on them with an example given

1.      ask:  before class, you listened to a song, who can tell me where you can    

often hear the song? ( mcdonald’s )

as you can see, songs can make us enjoy the life, they also can help to advertise for the products.

2.      ask:  where can you see the advertisements?

        sow different answers in the screen.

3. let students enjoy some advertisements and a tv advertisement

step 4  discussing and talking  ( task 1 )

task 1 : what do you think of these products?

1.      show the picture of electric toothbrush, laptop computer, mobile phone, mp3,

e-dictionary, radio alarm clock

2.      give them an example to help them discuss the topic

   example: i think electric toothbrushes are not very practical, but it is helpful.

3.      ask some students to talk about the pictures shown on the screen.


step 5 skimming  ( task 2 )

[设计说明] this step is intended to train the students’ ability to read for general idea, and

the students should go over the text quickly to get a general idea )


name of the product



remote headphones



mini camera



earplug earrings



feline floor cleaners


step 6  scanning (task 3 )

              remote headphones

(1) no wires;

(2) can listen to ______/tv up to _____ metres away; 

(3) go through glass,_____________and_______;

(4) __________sound;

(5) __________value.

read the text and note down the advantages(优点)of each product.

                  mini camera12345

1) no ______ than a credit card;

(2) it is __________ and very _______;

(3) easy to _____ ;

(4) has an automatic _____ and _____;

(5) made from an ________ and _______ material.

(6) not __________.

              special jewellery for your ears:

(1) they are gold and ________;

(2) also ______ in many_________________;

(3)a _______ at £19.50

 step 7  form a layout  (task 4 )

²       material: be made from

²       the advantages

²       the price / how you can get it



 give students several minutes to read the advertisements about feline floor cleaners. then ask them to fill in the layout of the advertisement.

post – reading

step 8  writing  (task 5 )

1. give a model advertisement to help students to write an advertisement. give some useful words and phrases to help them

²       material: be made from

   an attractive and strong material, good quality material glass, gold, silver,  plastic, wood, nylon, metal

²       the advantages

convenient, reliable, attractive, useful, practical, amazing, brilliant satisfying, perfect, modern , relaxing, exciting, automatic, cheap

²       the price / how you can get it

   it is a bargain at only …, special offer for only…

it is excellent value at…


2.  an model advertisement about an alarm clock

are you often late for school? now, never! here is the perfect solution.

the alarm clock is reliable, it is easy to use. just set the time and the alarm, you don’t worry about a thing. just go to sleep! it is made from attractive and strong material, it is not expensive. it is a bargain at only ₤9,88

3. let students work in groups of four, discussing how to write an advertisement about a second-hand mp3. they could use the words and phrases provided on the screen. if one group finishes writing their advertisement, they can walk around the classroom to advertise their second-hand mp3

4.      ask some groups to come to the front, advertise their second-hand mp3 to the class. then ask them which group is the best advertiser.

step 8  homework

design an advertisement.

think over a question “what is the necessary information of an advertisement” 12345

and design an advertisement with the answer.


  1. pair work: ideas sharing

  2. group work: differences; similarities; passage presentation

3. individual work: outline; draft; editing; final writing



•         do you have a general idea of the four advertisements now?

•         are you familiar with the new words now?

•         do you know the necessary information of an advert?

•         are you active in the class?

•         what problems did you have in reading ?

•         what help do you need from the teacher?12345


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