
八年级英语教案 2013-01-11 网络整理 晴天


8b unit2 导学案

     comic strip& welcome to the unit 【背景知识】1.       富士山:位于东京的近郊,是日本的象征。夏季适于露营、游泳、钓鱼等,冬季则是滑雪的好场所。 2.       比萨斜塔:位于意大利古城比萨,高54.5米,直径16 米,重约1.4万吨。塔内有294 级台阶,供游人登塔,远眺全城风光。 3.       美人鱼铜像:位于丹麦首都歌本哈根,是根据安徒生童话《海的女儿》中的女主角用青铜雕铸的。这座鱼尾人身的铜像现已成为丹麦的标志。 4.       自由女神像:是一位擎炽烈火炬的庄严女子,立于美国曼哈顿外海的自由女神岛。铜像是1884年法国人民为纪念《美国独立宣言》发表100周年赠送给美国的礼物。 5.       塔桥:是英国伦敦泰晤士河上一座哥特式风格的吊桥。塔桥是伦敦标志性的建筑物,于1894年建成通车。游人可与上层桥上鸟瞰泰晤士河两岸的景色。

【自学探究】 一、预习p24—p25,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1.去旅行                       2.肯定很有意思               3.带...出门                      4.看美景                                   5.加入某人                      6.日本的象征7.快点                         8.照相                       9.随身带…                     10.和某人讨论….  11.去远足/滑雪(潜水/游泳/钓鱼/爬山/滑冰/划船/购物…)          12.我曾今去过那儿许多次。 13.我认为对我而言将不是个假日。 14.喜欢游览不同的地方            15.受欢迎的旅游景点 二、预习p24—p25,英译中。 1. mount fuji                    2.the great wall               3. the little mermaid              4.the leaning tower of pisa                       5 . the tower bridge.               6. the statue of liberty     7. find out more about different places around the world 三、写出已学世界名胜的英文名称。【教案】 1234

教学内容8bunit2comicstrip&welcome to the unit



教学目标1.       了解外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。 2.       熟悉人们在不同景点从事的各种活动。

教学重难点1.       外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。 2.       have/has been的用法。






个性化补充step 1 lead in first show the students some photos that ihave taken during holidays. and then ask them some questions:1). (i like travelling.)where have i ever been? 2). do you like travelling? 3. what’s your feeling when you go on a trip?4).when will people go on a trip?5).what things would you prepare for your trip? step 2 .presentation1.tell the ss: most of us like travelling. our friends eddie and hobo also like travelling. they’ll go on a trip for their holiday. will eddie have a happy holiday? why or why not? let’s listen to their conversation. 2. play the tape again .ask them to read after it. then tell ss to read the comic strip, and ask some questions in detail to check understanding, e.g., 1). is eddie happy in the first picture? why? (yes. he is going on a trip.) 2). does hobo want to go too?(yes.) 3).how does he feel?(he’s very excited) 4).why is eddie unhappy in the last picture?(he has to carry a heavy bag.) 3. after that, ask ss to act the dialogue out. then ask three or four pairs to perform this conversation before the class. (the joke in this dialogue is that eddie wants to go on holiday to relax. instead he will be working harder than he would if he had stayed at home.) 4.pay attention to some useful expressions: 1).  join sb.=go… with sb. 2).let sb do sth: let me take you out. 3).‘take’ and ‘bring’  4).have/has ever been…step 3.presentation1. there are many other places of interest in china. tell ss that i would like to travel around our country. show them some pictures and make them tell where i want to go. tell them my dream is to travel around the world one day. but i have never been abroad. ask them if they have ever been abroad/if they can help make my dream come true./   whether they know any famous attractions in china or other parts of the world? let ss speak out the names of some places of interest that they’ve learned. 2. after that, show ss some pictures of  other popular tourist attractions around the world one by one. and introduce the background information at the same time: mount fuji: it is a symbol of japan. there is snow on top of this mountain. the leaning tower of pisa: this tower is in italy. it is leaning. the little mermaid: it’s s statue of a girl in denmark. the girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs. the statue of liberty: it is in new york city, usa. it stands for liberty. the tower bridge: it is a large bridge over the river thames in london, it has twin towers. 3. divide the class into pairs. talk about the photos in part a on page25 tell ss to work together to fill in the blanks with words from the box. then check the answers with them. make sure they can speak out the names, and then show some of them on the screen. 4. ask ss to write down the country where each of the sights can be found. show the countries on the screen in random order and ask some ss to match the places with their corresponding countries. then check the answers with them. 5. ask ss to work in pairs to talk about what people usually do when they visit some place. make them speak out some phases like see the beautiful view, go skiing and so on. then ask them to work in pairs to talk about each of the photos. tell them to use daniel and millie’s conversation in part b as a model. encourage more ss to expand the model conversation to include things they know and want to do themselves.1234model: s1: what’s this? s2: it’s the great wall of china—a symbol of china. s1: what can people do there? s2: they can see the beautiful view there. step 4 .finding and writing expressionsask ss to go over page 24 and 25 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions.  go on a trip to…, join…, take…out for a few days, bring...with me, come on, take the bag,  visit different places, do a project on…, find out more about…, discuss one’s ideas with…, prepare a fact file, write about one’s dream holiday, talk to…about…, use…as a model, replace….with…, go hiking, go skiing, see the beautiful view( show some of them on the screen.)step 5.practicedo some exercises :1. translation.
2. write a short composition.step 6. activitiesdivide the students into groups of four. take turns to make a plan:suppose two of ss are eddie and hobo, the other two are guides from different travel agencies/people who live there…,ask them if they can introduce the places to eddie and hobo .e.g. places: the tower bridge…activities: go hiking         see the beautiful viewask three or four groups to speak out their arrangements before the class.step 7.mainly conclusion1. have/has been2. some important phases and sentences. 3. popular tourist attractions that we have learned today.通过展示自己旅游所拍照片和一系列关于旅游问题的设计引导学生自然过渡到本课的主题播放录音,让学生判断两位漫画人物发生了什么状况。鼓励学生增加适当的内容,扩大语言的输出量要求学生自己总结。鼓励学生说出更多旅游胜地的英文名称。通过介绍背景知识引出本课生词symbol与学生核对答案。]\鼓励学生增加适当的内容,扩大语言的输出量帮助总结重点词组并作简要讲解,让学生知道这些词组和句子的用法。学生听课文录音,回答有关漫画的问题。学生跟读,然后根据漫画回答下列问题。学生进行小组练习,准备短剧表演(可以竞赛)学生积极抢答。




1.       背诵本课的单词与词组。 2.       完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业。 3.       预习reading,完成预习作业。


                     8b unit2 comic strip& welcome to the unitsymbol           go on a trip to…, join…, take…out for a few days, bring...with me, come on, take the bag,  visit different places, do a project on…, find out more about…, discuss one’s ideas with…, prepare a fact file, write about one’s dream holiday, talk to…about…, use…as a model, replace….with…, go hiking, go skiing, see the beautiful view现在完成时:     have/has been


【当堂巩固】一、translation:1. 长城是中国的象征。 2. 人们在塔桥那干什么?  人们可以在那儿看到漂亮的景色和拍照。3. 她已经去过南山好几次了。4. 让我带你出去几天吧。 5. 我正在打包。我想把每一样东西都带上。 二、write a short composition:my favorite tourist attraction1234


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