module|Module 7 Time off
content:module 7 time off [junior 2 , new standard english]一、题材内容本模块话题是“旅游和休假”。通过对北海公园、武陵园景区的介绍和作者旅游经历的描述,激发学生对大自然的热爱,陶冶情操,同时唤起学生的保护环境意识。而且在语境中很自然地体验本单元的语法项目“转述现在进行时、疑问句和祈使句”。本模块紧紧围绕“旅游和休假””这一主题展开多方面的听、说、读、写的语言实践活动,使学生由简单到复杂,渐渐感知新的语言,并通过范例,引导学生总结、归纳,掌握完整的语法知识。教学中教师应随时随地以课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材,增加一些开放性的活动,把话题再扩展一些,让学生灵活地掌握直接引语和间接引语。教学目标1) 语言知识:语音能够了解连读的规则。词汇off, hardly, cross, whole, phone, myself, rock, soldier, area, wake, tent, cable, view, top, path, waterfall, plant, pull词组wake up语法能够利用直接引语和间接引语转述现在进行时的陈述句、疑问句和祈使句。功能能够转述他人的话语。话题以“旅游和休假”为话题。2) 语言技能:听能听懂别人对旅游和休假的对话或文段; 能抓住听力材料的中心和细节信息。说能够根据情景正确转述别人的表示疑问的指令或建议的语句。流利的说出含有本模块生词、短语。读能读懂介绍旅游景点和旅游经历的文章,培养学生预测下文和获取细节信息的能力。写能够根据所给事实性或描述性信息介绍武陵园国家风景区。演示与表达 能叙述自己的旅游经历。3)学习策略学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳直接引语变间接引语的变化规则,提高自学能力。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改交际学习运用恰当词语介绍旅游和休假情况。资源通过其他资源获取更多有关“旅游和休假”的简单英语。自学策略能够归纳和整理英语与汉语在书信格式上的差异。合作学习策略互相学习,取长补短,注意学习策略共享。 4)文化意识:中外对比通过对中国和世界自然风景区的了解,增强学生的环保意识,了解外国政府在保护环境方面所做的努力。5)情感态度:培养学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,激发建设祖国的热情。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。6)任务:能将自己的旅游见闻和感受写出来做成宣传单进行展示。教学重点和难点 重点:1.掌握介绍“旅游和休假”的基本词汇,能够叙述自己的旅游经历,读懂含有直接引语和间接引语的句子。难点:正确运用直接引语和间接引语。教学方法基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“p—t—p”自主学习立体模式:pre-task…task-cycle…post-task。二、教材处理核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构介绍“旅游和休假”。三个环节如下:pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。1234567task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对““旅游和休假””的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况三、教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时:period 1: listening and vocabulary & pronunciation and speakingperiod 2 vocabulary and readingperiod 3. language in use period 4. writing& around the world &module task注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。『教学设计』title: module 7 time off period 1 listening and vocabulary and pronunciation and speakingteaching content : listening and vocabulary and pronunciation and speakingteaching aims and demands:1. language knowledge key vocabulary and phrases: off, hardly, cross, whole, phone, myselfkey structure: direct and indirect speech (2) (难点) 2, listening skill: to learn the topic words through listening and reading and use them to resolve get the main ideas of the listening material (重点) 3. speaking skill: to report one or two situations happened before using indirect speech. improve the students’ speaking ability.4. affection and attitudes: we should love our country.learning strategies:bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, ohp, handout)teaching procedures:part i: revision task: recall what we have learned in module 6. directions: step one: label the pictures with the phrases.(1). read through the phrases in the box and have the ss. repeat them after you. (2).ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen. (3).make some sentences with the phrases. ask students to speak out as many as they can.step tw talk about entertainment. eg.i like the lion king very much. did you like it?i like it because…if you didn’t see it when it first came out, i advise you to go and see it now.ask students to speak out as many as they can. part ii: lead in: task 1 : introduce to them the new words .directions:step one: read through the new words and phrases and have the ss. repeat them after you chorally and individually.step two: ask the students to talk about the pictures on the screen. step three: collect some descriptions in a whole- class setting. step four: pair the ss to discuss what else they know about beihai park.step five: collect any other information they can provide from them and list them on the board.1234567 task 2: introduce to them beihai park.directions:step one. the teacher can show them the video abut beihai park.step two: elicit their chinese names from the ss. and write them on the blackboard. step three: listen and answer the question in activity 1 on page 56.part iii: listening1. task:. to understand conversations about beihai park.directions:step one: let the ss read through the questions in activity 2 on page 56. make sure the ss. understand the questions. step two: play the recording and have them listen.step three: play the recording again and have them write the answers individually.step four: play the recording and have them check their answer with a partner.step five: call back the answer from the whole class.2..task: activity 4 on page 57. directions:step one: play the recording again and have them choose the best answer in activity 4. have them check their answers with a partnerstep tw play the recording again .have them check their answers with a partner step three: call back the answer in a whole- class setting.3. .task: listen and read: directions:step one: play the recording and ask the ss. to listen and read the conversation.step tw play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the ss. to repeat chorally and individually.step three: put the ss. into groups of 2 to practise the dialogue. step four: they should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.4.task: activity 5 on page 57. directions:step one: read through the words in the box with the ss. pay attention to the words “environment and protect”, which have the stress on the second syllable.step tw have them answer the questions in activity 5.step three: call back the answers in a whole- class setting. part iv: pronunciation and speakingtask 1 : listen and repeat the sentence directions:step one: play the recording and ask the ss. to listen to the sentences and repeat the sentences.step tw ask the ss to make sure the link sounds. play the recording again and have the ss repeat chorally and individually.step three: pair them to practise and sum up.task 2 : report who spoke to you, what they said, and what you said in a situations.directions: put the ss into pairs. do activity 7. if you wish, have some students tell the whole class.part v: a test listen to the tape and translate some of the sentences into chinese.1234567
act out the short dialogue as fluently as possible.
period 2 vocabulary and readingteaching content: vocabulary and reading teaching aims and demands:1. language knowledge:new words: rock, soldier, area, wake, tent, cable, view, top, path, waterfall, plant, pull wake up key structure: direct and indirect speech (2) (难点) 2. reading skill: ①to have a general idea of what the reading passage mainly talks about.② to develop students’ predicting ability through the title (重点)3. affection and attitudes: we should love our country.learning strategies: communicative approach.teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, ohp, handout)teaching procedures:part i: revision1. help students to revise what is learnt in period one of this them some pictures about the new words in last period. have the ss. spell them chorally and individually.2. revise direct and indirect speech.part ii : preparationtask: learn the new words.directions: label the pictures with the words.(1). read through the words in the box. have the ss. repeat them after you. (2).ss match the pictures with the words. (3). call back the answers from the whole class.(4) show the ss the videos of wulingyuan science and historic interest/ zhangjiajie. ask them “do you know these places?”(5) talk about the videos.part iii: scanning and skimming1.task: read the passage and check your answers to activity 2. directions:step one: the teacher ask the ss to read the passage and check activity 2.step tw ss read the passage and discuss with their partner.step three: call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers2. task: read the passage and summarise the main ideas of paragraphs 1-3. directions:step one: make sure the ss understand what they should do. ss read the passage and summarise the main ideas of paragraphs 1-3 individually and check with a partner.step tw call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers:para 1: descriptions of wulingyuan para 2: a special experience at night during the holiday para 3: the story of their climbing mount tianzi3. task: read the passage and answer the questions. directions:step one: read through the questions and make sure the ss understand what they mean. ss read the passage and answer the questions in activity 4 on page 59 individually and check with a partner.1234567step tw call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answerspart iv : dealing with expressions: 1. it’s famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. ( unit 2, p58)★famous意思是:“著名的”,注意短语:be famous as“作为...而著名”be famous for“因为…而著名”be famous to “在……出名”, 如:coco is famous as a singer/ for her songs/ to the students.2. during the night, i heard a loud noise, as if someone was laughing. ( unit 2, p58)★as if意思是: “好像,仿佛”。如you look as if you’ve had a good time.3. before wu guanzhong, a famous chinese painter, painted some beautiful pictures of it in 1979, few people knew about the area. ( unit 2, p58)★注意区别:few /a few/ little/a littlea) few + 可数名词, (a) little + 不可数名词 a few / a little 为肯定含义,还有一点 few / little 为否定含义,没有多少了。 he has a few friends. 他有几个朋友。 he has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。 we still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。 there is little time left. 几乎没剩下什么时间了。 4.then he pointed into the forest. ( unit 2, p58)★ point into意思是: “指向”。如he pointed into the sea and said, “ look at the big fish!”5. from the top we hoped for a wonderful view of the lakes and forests, but we could only see the mountain tops through the clouds. ( unit 2, p58)★ hope的用法很多,注意:① hope for +名词。如:we’re hoping for good weather.②hope + ( that) +句子。如:i hope you have a nice house with a big garden.③hope to do sth. 如:tom hopes to come to visit the blacks in the near future.★through 是介词,强调在三维立体的内部穿过.还有抽象的意义,如度过了某段时间等we went through the forest the sunshine is going through the window★across是介词, 是从一个平面的一端到另一端,强调平面,如海的一端到另一端,across the ocean,he went acorss the road without a stop.★ cross一般作动词使用 , 是及物动词, 如 ★ i want to cross that street soonpart v: language use1. exercise 7 on page 122 in the wb.direction: ss do it by themselves .let`s see who can finish it as soon as possible. 2.(give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this class)first think by themselves then discuss in pairs and finally share their answers with the class. 1234567part vi: homework: exercise 6 on page 121 in the wb.period 3 writing & around the world &module task teaching content: writing & around the world &module task teaching aims and demands:1. write a short passage about wulingyuan with given information. improve the students’ writing ability (难点).2. write a leaflet fir a trip. (重点)3. know something about the lake district national park.4.affection and attitudes: we should love our nature.learning strategiestop-down and interactive approach and do some exercises.teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder , video, ohp, handout)teaching procedures:part i: revision task: help students to revise what is learnt in last module. directions:(1). revise the words and phrases. (2).put the ss. in pairs to practice the dialogue and the text. part ii: writing1. task: write a short passage about wulingyuan with given informationdirectionsstep one: run through the information with the ss. in activity 6 on page 59 and make sure that they understand them.step tw ask the ss to read and use the notes given. and write about it individually and then check with a friend.step three: call back a few examples from the whole class.step four: then summarisepart iii. around the worldtask: learn something about the lake district national park.directions:1. ask the ss. to look at the different pictures about the lake district national park. tell the ss. some knowledge about them.2. read the text and answer any questions the ss have.part iv: module task write a leaflet fir a trip.directions:1.activities 8 and 9 on page 63. ask the ss. to think about an adventure holiday.2.ask them to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.3. write a leaflet about the holiday. circulate and monitor their production.4. ask some ss to to read their leaflet. give comments and encourage them.
part v: recallingrecall what we learn today.part vi: a testdo ex.11 on page 123 and hand in immediately.
part vii: homework: do the self-assessment on page 123 in the workbook.
period 4 language in use teaching content: language in use key structures: question tags (重点)teaching aims and demands:1. to summarise and consolidate grammar focus:direct and indirect speech (2)2. to summarise and consolidate the expressions and vocabulary.affection and attitudes: we should love our nature. learning strategies: formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.1234567teaching aids: multi-media (video, ohp, handout)teaching procedures:part i revisionhelp students to revise what was learnt in 3 periods of this module.part ii language practice task1: to summarise and consolidate the usage of direct and indirect speech (2)
directions(1).run through the examples with the ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use ofdirect and indirect speech (2).(2). ask the ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.(3). ask”can you make other similar examples?”(4).focus the ss’s attention on the ways in which they are formed.task2 : to consolidate direct and indirect speech (2): (1). do activity 1 and 2 on page 60. grasp the use of the structure:(2). ask the ss. to call out the answers from the whole class.(3). ask the ss. to read the complete sentences.task 3 : practise the conversations in activity 3.
directions:(1). ask the ss. to work in pairs to practise the conversations.(2) circulate and monitor their production, paying particular attention to direct and indirect speech part iii: revise the words that we learned in this module:task 1 : choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
directions1.explain the rules to the ss and ensure that the ss. know what to dolet the ss read through the words and sentences.2.ask the ss to do the acticity individually. then check with a partner. 3.collect the answers. task 2 : complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
directions1.let the ss read through the passage.2.ask the ss to do the acticity individually. then check with a partner. 3.collect the answers. task 3 :.have a dictation. let the ss hand in immediately.
directions1.explain the rules to the ss and ensure that the ss. know what to do2.let the ss write the words the teacher read.3. let the ss hand in immediately.part iv: listen and answer the questions.
directions1.let the ss read through the questions in activity 6 on page 62.2. play the tape while they just listen and focus.3 play the tape again for them to complete, correct and check.4. then check with a partner. 5. collect the answers having one student ask a question and another answer. part v: a test do activity 7 on page 62 in the wb. let’s see who can finish it as soon as possible.
part vi: homework.
finish all the exercises in the wb.1234567
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