unit|Unit 1 School Again(1)

小学一年级英语教案 2022-11-01 网络整理 晴天


学习目标:1.   帮助学生从小懂得讲文明,会用礼貌用语与人交往。2.   帮助小学生学会在适当的场合说“sorry”和“thank you.”基础目标:1.      认识wonderland中的形容词new, old和名词pencil, knife2.         学会用“i’m not…”说话。3. 能听懂和理解grand theatre 中的对话内容,并模仿正确的语音语调在课内表演。4.        能听懂和理解sports club中的指令:look at the board. listen to the tape. 并能作出正确的动作反应。5.        学唱英语歌曲:happy new year to you!发展目标:1.结合课文内容拓展一些学习用品名称:pen, ruler eraser, pencil box, pencil case。2.能用 new, old 来描述物品.3.能用学过的学习用品名词与grand theatre的语言内容整合,拓展学生的语言量,让学生进行表演。 能力目标:1         能根据生活中的实际情景用英语说: sorry. 或thank you.2         能培养学生看图用英语说否定句的能力。3         培养小学生用英语自编自演英语对话。 情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1.  情感态度:学会同学之间相互关爱, 并能爱护自己的学习用品。2.   学习策略:在开展小组活动,编排小对话的时候要善于学习            别的同学好的方法。   3. 文化目标: 对别人的赞美要表示感谢。  lesson plan (1) procedurescontentsmethodspurposepre-task preparation1.song:happy new year to you!happy new year to you.happy new year to you.happy new year to youall.happy new year to you.2.        what have you goton new year’s eve? 1.play the cassette: unit 1disneyland, songhave the students sing “happy new year to you!” 2. encourage the students to say something they have got on new year’s eve?1.新学年的第一堂英语课,学生和老师用上英语课 的形式互祝新年好,创造和谐的师生关系。2. 提问后让学生自然应答,为引入新单词做铺垫。taskproceduretask1: lead inshow something to the students.(pencil,  pen, eraser, ruler, pencil-boxknife, pencil case etc. )                                   question: which one is new? which one is old?task 2: show some stationary to the students and ask two questions: what’s this? is it new or old?task 3: group workthe students show their own stationary in the group and say: this is my…  it’s not… it’s …  etc. 1. the students look at these things and learn to say: it’s new/old. it’s not new/old. it’s old/new.   2. the student look and answer the questions: it’s a pencil. it’s new.  3. the students show their own stationary in the group and introduce it.1.通过观擦物品特征,让学生在自然说话时学会新单词。2. 通过回答问题,学习新单词:铅笔,小刀,并根据学生实际能力拓展地教一些学习用品名词。3.开展小组活动,让学生拿着自己的学习用品作介绍,把词与句整合起来,进行说话训练。 12post-taskactivities1.guessing game: what’s this?  is it oldor new?2.student’s workbook:listening: page1~21.        let the students touchthe things and guess.2.        play the cassette and do listening exercises in class.通过猜一猜,做一做来巩固本课学习内容。
unit 1 school again(1) 来自。 12


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