1a等于多少毫安_1A Unit 3 This is my mum

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-29 网络整理 晴天


unit 3  this is my mum
teaching aims and requirements:
1 复习1-2单元,并能灵活运用。
2.学会并掌握单词dad, mum, teacher并学会使用。
teaching aids:
1 recorder and tape.
2 picture
teaching procedure:

step 1  free talk.
1.t: hello, xxx!    s1:hello, miss yan!
t: good morning ,xxx!   s2: good morning, miss yang!
2. game.
step 2  presentation.
1.t: please look at this picture, who is she? (出现helen的图片)
s: she’s helen.
t: yes, she’s helen.  look, can you guess who are they?
2.t: 根据学生猜的情况,随机教学单词dad, mum.
s: listen and repeat.
3.t: listen again and point at the picture.
s: listen and point.
4.t: read after the recorder and point to the people.
s: listen and point.
step  3  practice.
1.read after the recorder .  {two times.}
2.read by themselves.
3.read together.
4.practice in groups.
5.practice in pairs.
  学习句型:this is my….
step 4  classwork.
     draw your family and say.
step 7   homework.
1、听录音,跟读。    2、介绍家庭成员。  

unit 3  this is my mum
step 1  revision
t: look at these pictures, who are they?
step 2  presentation
1、: please look at these pictures, who are they? (出现图片)
s: they’re helen, and mum and dad.
t: yes. now you’re helen, please introduce them.
this is …….
2、t: take out your photo, please introduce your family.
s: (各自介绍自己的家庭)
3、t: read after the recorder and point to the people.
s: listen and point.
step  3  chant.
1. read after the recorder .  {two times.}
2.read together.
3.practice in groups.
4.practice in pairs. read by themselves.
step 4   classwork.
draw your family and say.

unit 3  this is my mum第三课时:
step 1  free talk.
1、t: chant ‘daddy, mummy,i love you.’
step 2  game.
point and say.
游戏规则:让全班学生起立示范游戏,指着每位学生说:“this is(名字)”如果名字说对,这位学生就可以坐下;或者说错了名字,这位学生就得站着。12
step 3   classwork.
listen and draw.
this is my dad.          it’s green.
this is my mum.         it’s white.
step 4   homework.
say ‘daddy, mummy, i love you.’ to your parents.

1a unit 3 this is my mum 来自。 12


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