1a等于多少毫安_1A Unit4(Period One)

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-29 网络整理 晴天


teaching contents:
vocabulary:a book
sentence structure: this is a book.
teaching focus:
1.be able to listen, speak and read the vocabulary.
2.be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structure.
teaching difficulties:
1.be able to pronounce “book” correctly and clearly.
2.be able to introduce their books to others.
teaching methods:
aural-oral method,  communication method, performance
methodteaching materials:
pictures, vcd, vocabulary cards, cassette and tape recorder
teaching procedures:
teacher’s activities

students’ activities

step 1







step 2













step 3








free talk

hello/hi, …

(several times)

good morning/afternoon/evening.


sing a song: good morning to you.



1. t: hello, boys and girls. look. what’s in my hand? (guide them to say “a book”.)

2. t: yes, this is a book. how nice!

   teach them to read the word “a book”.

3. play the vcd, ask ss to listen and watch.

4. present the sentence “this is a book” and read several times.

5. play the tape.



1. ask ss to work in groups to introduce their own books to others.

2. play the vcd again. but without any voice. ask ss to help helen to introduce her book to others.



hello/ hi, miss mao


greet to each other with the above way.

sing the song together.



ss: a book.




read the word together after the teacher.

ss try to say the sentence “this is a book” after watching.

repeat after the teacher.


read after the tape.



s1: this is a book.

s2: this is a book.



come to the front and say “this is a book”.

board design:

                 unit 4 my bag

                    this is a book.



1.     listen to the cassette twice and follow it.

2.     introduce their books to their parents.


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