module5my school day_Module5Myhometownandcountry

七年级英语教案 2017-03-21 网络整理 晴天


module 5 my hometown and country
一. 教学内容:
module 5 my hometown and country

二. 重点、难点
三. 具体内容
dalian is smaller than shanghai.  大连比上海小。
shanghai is busier than small cities. 上海比小城市繁忙。
new york is bigger than cambridge. 纽约比剑桥大。
单音节和少数双音节词 构   成   方   法 原级 比较级
  tall, long, short, old,
small; taller, shorter, longer,
older, smaller
直接加r nice, fine, large
  nicer, finer, larger
先双写该字母,再加er big, hot, red, thin
redder, thinner
词,先把y变成i,再加er busy, early, easy
  busier, easier earlier,
注意:表示比较时,原来的句子结构并没有改变,只是将形容词变成比较级的形式,然后在后面用than连接所比较的对象。譬如,原来的句式是shanghai is busy,在与另一个城市相比时,则只将busy变成busier,后面加上“than+比较对象(如small cities)”即可。
如果基本句式是在与其他城市比较时,也是将形容词变成比较级的形式,其他结构不变,然后再接“than+比较对象”即可,如than hong kong。这样就出现了类似下面的句子
tom is a taller boy than my son. 汤姆是个比我儿子高的男孩儿。
hong kong is a busier city than tianjin. 香港是个比天津繁忙的城市。
1. victoria peak  太平山
太平山(victoria peak)海拔554米,位于香港岛西南部,是香港岛的第一高峰,它一直被视为香港的标志。夜幕降临时的景色最为壮观动人,被列为世界四大夜景之一。
2. what’s the population of shanghai? 上海的人口有多少?
population  n. 一般用作单数,表示“人口,居民”。如:
what’s the population of canada? 加拿大的人口有多少?
china has a large population. 中国的人口很多。
3. i’m from cambridge. 我来自剑桥。
4. it’s on the river cam. 它(剑桥)位于康河河畔。
5. it’s famous for cambridge university. 它(剑桥)以剑桥大学而闻名。
be famous for表示“因……而闻名”。如:123
china is famous for the great wall. 中国以长城而闻名于世。
france is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以它的佳肴和美酒闻名于世。
6. london is the capital of the uk, with seven million people, so it’s bigger and busier than cambridge. london is in the south of england and it’s on the river thames. the river is 336 kilometres long. london is an old city—about 2,000 years old.
with seven million people 中的with 是介词,表示 “有”“带有”, 如:
he is a man with a lot of money
beijing is a city with lots of old buildings.
about 2,000 years old 用来补充说明 an old city.
一. phonetics:(指出划线部分读音不同的选项)
1. a. look       b. soon       c. school       d. broom
2. a. duty       b. student     c. bus         d. excuse
3. a. hello    b. those      c. go          d. clock
4. a. quarter     b. farm       c. far          d. start
5. a. sport       b. form       c. forget        d. morning
6. a. hot         b. photo         c. box         d. sorry
7. a. foot         b. look        c. good        d. soon
8. a. have        b. black         c. banana      d. family
9. a. about        b. answer        c. along        d. ago
10. a. secret       b. guess         c. dress        d. desk
    答案:1—10 acdacbdcba
二. choose the best answer
1. —do you know the woman over there? —yes, she’s_____ aunt.123
a. lily and lucy  b. lily’s and lucy’s    
c. lily’s and lucy   d. lily and lucy’s
2. _____ is the population of shanghai?
a. how many        b. how much    c. what        d. how
3. the changjiang river is _____ than any other river in china.
a. shorter    b. longer    c. the shortest    d. the longest
4. it is _____today than yesterday. shall we go swimming this afternoon?
a. the hotter          b. hot          c. hottest       d. hotter
5. an elephant is_____ than a tiger.
a. heavy     b. very heavy        c. the heavier   d. heavier
6. this apple is_____ than that one.
a. big          b. bigger          c. biggest          d. the biggest
7. e-mail is much _____ than long-distance calling.
a. cheap       b. cheaper        c. cheapest        d. the cheapest
8. which is _____to learn, fishing or swimming?
a. easy         b. easier          c. the easier       d. more easily
9. merry christmas, george! here is a card for_____, with _____ best wishes.
a. you; our     b. us; your        c. you; your        d. us; our
10. how much ink _____ in the bottle?
a. has          b. are there       c. is there         d. hay
答案:1—10 dcbddbbbac
三. 根据所给的第一个字母,填入一个适当的词:
1. london is f__________ for big ben, buckingham palace and tower bridge.
2. the earth is b__________ than the moon but s__________ than the sun.
3. new york is b__________, b__________ and n__________ than washington d.c..
4. sam is t__________ than tony but s__________ than daming.
5. hong kong is h__________ than shanghai in summer.
    答案:1. famous   2. bigger; smaller  3. bigger; busier; noisier  4. thinner; stronger  5. hotter



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