
七年级英语教案 2017-03-10 网络整理 晴天


module 9 people and places

unit1 we’re enjoying the school trip a lot.[教学目标] (1) 能听懂对话所谈论的内容。          (2) 掌握本单元的单词,能够正确使用现在进行时。 [教学重点] 掌握本单元的单词call, lie in the sun, enjoy, lie, shop, , take photos, buy postcards, the great wall, a lot,  anyway, wait for the bus[教学难点] (1).掌握动词现在分词的特殊变化形式。           (2). 学习并掌握现在进行时  eg: i’m standing on the great wall.【教学过程】

一.检验测试阶段a. 翻译下列词组1.过得愉快                2.长城                     3.与朋友们交谈                  4.拍照                    5.许多,大量               6.躺在阳光下                    7.给我发送贺卡            8.等公共汽车               9.等某人______________ 10.其他人_______________  11.正在打折出售                  12.回到学校               13.正在出售的贺卡                   14.在郊游                  二.启动导入阶段通过回忆上学期重点所学的时代一般现在时导入到本学期新开始接触的另一种时态:现在进行时。三.联动探讨阶段 现在进行时表达        的事情,主要表示在         的变化形式上,即一般采用      +动词      形式表示,其中     的变化与be的      变化规律一样,需要注意的主要是动词ing形式的变化。现在进行时的结构:肯定句:主语+be+动词ing+其他.

规   则

示   例1234一般情况下,动词后直接加       work     , buy     , visit      ,talk      , say      以不发音的    结尾的动词,去掉    ,然后加ingtake-    , have-      , leave-     ,drive-      , write-      , make-        以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母+辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,    末尾辅音字母,然后加ingstop- _ ,   shop-          ,sit-      ,   get-       特殊变化lie-           die-         四.竞争展示阶段


1) i’m __________(write) postcards now.

2)we __________ _________ (play) games now.        

3) listen! she ___________ _____________ (sing) an english song.  

 4)they _______  ________ ________(wait)  a bus now.5) look! xiaoming _____  _______(lie) in the sun.

6)betty ______ _______(call) her mother at this moment.

7)tom with hellen          (shop) now.

8)lister! someone         outside.. yes, the girl often       there. (sing)

9)其他人在做什么?(翻译)11)我们在参加学校的郊游。we are ____ _____ _____ _____.

12)不管怎样,我们现在就要回家了!_________, we’re _____ _____now.


we’re ______ the _____ ______ ______ _______.

14.请用e-mail给我发一张照片。                            .

15.请拍几张长城的照片。                                    .


mum: so many clothes   1   (be) on the floor.

nancy: but i    2   (not like) them. can you    3  (buy) me some new clothes, mum? 1234

mum:    4    (forget) it. let me    5    (see).    6    (be not) this skirt nice?

nancy: yes, but kate   7    (have) the same one.

mum: ok. and this?

nancy: do you think yellow    8    (be) a nice colour?



(  )1). – what’s your brother doing in his room now?        

           _ he ___ a kite.     a. makes  b. made c. is making  d. will make

(  ) 2). do you enjoy __________ english in our class, mr. green?

          a. teach    b. taught    c. to teach    d. teaching

(  ) 3). what time do you usually ___lunch?  a. have b. has  c. having d. had

(  ) 4). lingling and i __postcards.     a. am writing b. are writing c. write d.  writes

(  )5)  look! the boy        a photo in the park.            

       a. takes      b. is taken      c. taking       d. is taking(  )6). they’re having ________ great time in the park.  a. a      b. an     c. the(  )7) we always take lots of ________ when we travel.a. photoes      b. photos      c. photo(  )8) i’m visiting the forbidden city ________.         a. at weekend  b. at night           c. at the moment(  ) 9) miss gao is waiting ________ a bus in front of our school.   a. on  b. in  c. for( )10. do you want to go there__________ or by ship? a. on a bus             b. on bus               c. by a bus ( )11. __________you brother often late for class?     a. is             b. does          c. are  ( )12. —can you send a card__________me?    —yes, i can. a. to                   b. for                    c. from 六.课后反思:1234

通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_________________________________觉得自己还有待加强的是__________     ___ _____   _______________                              1234


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