
七年级英语教案 2017-03-08 网络整理 晴天


unit 1 travel 

科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组

课  题

unit 1. travel  reading a

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教材分析reading a中有一篇关于旅游的文章,练习题a1有三个问题,要求学生查看标题,看文章或段落的首句话,来查找文章内容;a2是以综合填空的形式从课文中查找所缺单词,以完善课文的大意;a3为课文细节题,根据课文内容判断相关句子表达是否正确。

重点和难点master some useful phrases and expressions. eg: be famous for, these days, used to do sth. , enjoy oneself etc.

教具准备radio, ppt, handout

step 1. leading-in  (1). greeting.   (2). ask something about ss’ winter holiday orally. eg. what did you do in your winter holiday? did you visit your relatives in spring festival? if you have time or money, where will you spend your spring festival?step 2. pre- reading  (1). show a picture of the eiffel tower in france. then show the humour cartoon between hi and lo. ask the ss pay attention to a double meaning.   (2). show some national flag of different countries(china, the usa, france etc.), ask ss match them correctly.   (3). tell the ss that they are going to learn a passage about france. ask some ss to say something about france.   (4). show a map of west europe to the ss, try to find france and some famous cities in france, such as paris etc.   (5). teach the new words in this text by showing some picture. such as: coast, scenic, beach etc. step 3. while-reading  (1). ask the ss to skim the passage and answer the question.   (2). read the passage again and fill in a table.   (3). read for details and finish the reading task in english weekly reading a.step 4. post-reading  (1). read the passage aloud, pay attention to the new words and the proper nouns.   (2). try to find out some useful phrases and expressions in this text.   (3). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.1234567  (4). finish the exercises in the handout. step 5. homework  (1). finish the exercises in english weekly.  (2). try to write a short passage about france. at least 8 sentences.



科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组

课  题

unit 1. travel  reading b

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教材分析reading b 是一篇关于介绍旧金山的文章,练习题设置为根据文中的具体信息,判断句子表达的正误。

重点和难点master some useful phrases and expressions. eg: have something to do, take part in, all kinds of etc.

教具准备radio, ppt, handout

程step 1. revision  (1). greeting.   (2). show a brainstorm map about france to the ss, ask them to say something about france.step 2. pre- reading  (1). show the national flags of the usa and france to the ss, guide them to tell the difference and the same things of the two flags. try to finish b1.   (2). then show some pictures of the famous building in the usa, guide the ss name “ disneyland, the white house, the statue of liberty ” etc.   (3). then show a map of the usa, ask the ss to say some big cities in the usa. tell them that they are going to read a passage about one of the famous cities——san francisco in the usa. ask them to finish the location of san francisco in the map. step 3. while-reading  (1). ask the ss to read about san francisco carefully and finish the “t” or “f” exercises. ask them to correct the untrue sentences.  (2). read the passage again, and fill in the form in english weekly.step 4. post-reading  (1). read the passage aloud, pay attention to the new words and the proper nouns.   (2). try to find out some useful phrases and expressions in this text.   (3). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.step 5. homework  (1). finish the exercises in english weekly.  (2). try to write a short passage about visiting the usa. decide which city would you like to visit? give at least 3 reasons.



科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组 1234567

课  题

unit 1. travel  listening a and b

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教材分析1、listening a 是一段有关埃菲尔铁塔的情况介绍的听力材料,然后完成一篇关于埃菲尔铁塔的笔记记录。2、listening b 是关于家乡泰国的演讲,根据听力材料,完成相应的选择题。



step 1. leading-in  (1). greeting.   (2). ask some ss say something about france and the usa orally. step 2. pre-listening a  (1). show some listening skills to the ss—how to complete the notes while listening? ask them pay attention to the facts and figures while listening.  (2). teach the new words in the listening material.   (3). read through the exercise before listening, make sure they know the kinds of words they will write. step 3. while-listening a  (1). listen to the recording about the eiffel tower and complete the notes.  (2). play the recording again and check the answers. step 4. pre-listening b  (1). show the map of asia, and tell the ss they are going to listen to a passage about bangkok, the capital of thailand. also get them to find the location of thailand and bangkok in the map.   (2). teach the new words in the listening material.   (3). read through the exercise before listening.step 5. while-listening  (1). listen to the recording about bangkok and finish the exercises.  (2). play the recording again and check the answers. step 6. post-listening  (1). explain some useful phrases and expressions.  (2). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.step 7. homework  (1). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.  (2). preview language.



科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组

课  题

unit 1. travel  language

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教材分析1、language a是专有名词的介绍,并配有两个练习题让学生去发现专有名词的特点——首字母要大写。2、language b是并列连词and、but、so的用法,并配有一个完形填空。


教具准备handout 、ppt

step 1. leading-in  (1). greeting.   (2). revision—dictate some useful words and phrases in reading a and b. step 2. presentation—proper nouns  (1). show some nouns to the ss. and show some proper nouns to them. try to ask the ss to conclude the differences between nouns and proper nouns.  (2). help the ss to find out the usages of proper nouns.  (3). add some useful grammar points of proper nouns.step 3. practice   (1). finish ex. a1 and a2.  (2). check the answers.step 4. presentation—using and, but and so  (1). show three sentences and notice how and, but and so are used.  (2). help the ss find out the usages of and, but and so.    (3). finish the exercise—fill in the blanks with and, but and so.  (4). check the answers.(5). add some useful grammar points of and, but and so.step 5. consolidation   (1). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.  (2). check the answers.step 6. homework  (1). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.  (2). preview more practice.



科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组

课  题

unit 1. travel  more practice a and b

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教材分析1、more practice a提供了一个对话,让学生通过听对话完成相应的题目;2、more practice b是紧接着more practice a的一个对话,延续a中讨论的旅游的话题,要求学生听对话完成判断对错的练习。


教具准备handout 、ppt

程step 1. leading-in  (1). greetings.  (2). ask three groups of ss to make a short dialogue about what they did in winter holiday. other ss get the time, place, figures, fact etc. in their dialogue.  (3). tell the ss they are going to listen to a telephone conversation in more practice a. get the ss to read through the questions first.1234567step 2. listening—more practice a  (1). play the recording for the first time. try to answer the questions individually.  (2). play the recording again and check the answers.step 3. listening—more practice b  (1). tell the ss they are going to listen to a dialogue in more practice b. get the ss to read through the “t” or “f” questions first.  (2). play the recording for the first time. try to answer the questions individually.  (3). play the recording again and check the answers.step 4. post-listening  (1). after listening, help the ss to find out some useful expressions and difficult sentences in more practice a and b.   (2). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly. step 5. homework  (1). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.  (2). finish the relevant exercises in book b.



科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组

课  题

unit 1. travel  more practice c and speaking

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教学目标1、通过阅读训练,能将本单元所学的扫读,速读等技巧应用到阅读中;2、帮助学生正确朗读音标:[f] [v] [ʃ] [ʒ] [θ] [ð]

教材分析1、more practice c 为一篇关于比萨斜塔的文章,定位为泛读课,让学生运用所学阅读技巧完成相应练习。2、让学生复习巩固音标:[f] [v] [ʃ] [ʒ] [θ] [ð]  3、让学生通过讨论去国外度假的计划来巩固本单元的旅游话题。


教具准备handout 、ppt

step 1. revision  (1). greetings.   (2). ask some ss to say something about london according to the dialogue between liu mei and li jie. step 2. reading—more practice c   (1). show the map of west europe, get the ss to find france, italy, etc. ask the ss if they know what italy is famous for. guide them to get the answers by showing the pictures. eg. pizza, the tower of pisa etc.   (2). then read the passage about the tower of pisa quickly and try to find out the facts of location, floors, steps, date closed etc. to complete the notes.  (3). check the answers in class. step 3. post-reading  (1). after reading, help the ss to find out some useful expressions and difficult sentences in more practice a and b.1234567  (2). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.step 4. speaking—talk time  (1). get the ss to pronounce the following phonetic signs correctly.  (2). play the tape for ss to listen and finish a1 and a2. step 5. speaking—speak up  (1). tell the ss that they are going to plan for a holiday. work in pairs and talk about it. give at least four reason and tell them they can use some useful phrases and expressions in reading.  (2). ask some ss to tell the class their decision.step 6. games—tongue twister  show some tongue twisters to the ss, and have a competition between boys and girls.step 7. homework  (1). finish the relevant exercises in english weekly.  (2). write a short passage about a city. you should give at least four reasons that why you choose the city for travelling.



科目: 七年级英语                     授课教师:七年级备课组

课  题

unit 1. travel  writing and project

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教具准备handout 、ppt

程step 1. revision  (1). greetings.  (2). ask some ss to read their writing out. tell the other ss that why they would like to travel the city. step 2. presentation—project  (1). show the blank in project a—cities of the world. then have a competition between boys and girls to see who know the most cities of the world.   (2). guide the ss if they do not know the answers, look it up in a dictionary or the geography books.   (3). check the answers.  (4). ask the ss to choose a city from a and say something about it orally.   (5). invite some ss to read their writing out. step 3. presentation—writing  (1). show some postcards to the ss, make sure they know there are two sides of the postcard. a postcard has a picture on the front, and space for writing on the back. 1234567  (2). let the ss read the postcard in exercise a and answer the questions.  (3). complete the postcard from peter to mabel in ex. b.  (4). get the ss to write their own postcards, with the help of the tips in ex. c.step 4. revision—learning focus  (1). help the ss to conclude the useful phrases and expressions, language in unit 1.   (2). finish some relevant exercises in english weekly.  (3). finish some relevant exercises in book b. step 5. homework  (1). write the postcard in writing c.  (2). finish some relevant exercises in exercises book.  (3). prepare for a test.  




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