[how]How many kites are there
本单元的核心教学是“计数”,与此相关的语法项目是“There be”结构的肯定句、一般问句及其答语、否定句、How many引导的特殊疑问句的基本构成。熟练掌握不规则名词的复数形式。
There is a cup on the table.
There isn’t a cup on the table.
Is there a cup on the table? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
There are some books in the bag.
There aren’t any books in the bag.
Are there any books in the bag? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
How many birds are there in the tree? There is only one.
little, sheep, come on, river, dog, light, any, animal, people, at work, in the sky, how many, young, pioneer, Young Pioneer, men, women, only, kite
本单元的教学重点主要集中在:There be 结构的一般疑问句及其答语、否定句;How many 引导的特殊疑问句, 不规则的名词复数形式。其中,How many后接可数名词的复数形式。some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中,这些是本单元的重点,教师在教学时应当特别给与关注。
本单元的教学难点 :How many后加可数名词的复数形式、There be结构与have/has的区别及使用。
本单元的口语训练的重点应放在 There be,How many 为主的功能性会话的训练上,让学生在口语训练的过程中记忆本单元所出现的词汇、短语、句型,逐步加深对 There be,How many 句型的理解及运用。为了使口语训练更加有趣、贴近生活,教师不妨让学生先进行以下一些活动:
1)绘画表演,两个学生一组,一个学生用句型 There be 描述,如:There are three boys on the hill. 另一个学生用粉笔在黑板上就第一个学生所描述的内容 (三个男孩,一座小山),进行现场绘画。之后,其他学生对所画内容进行 There be; How many 句型的提问。如:Are there any boys on the hill? Or How many boys are there on the hill? There are three boys. 这种提问可以是教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间、小组与小组之间、男生与女生之间的问与答。
2)教师也可以让学生自己或以小组为单位,事先选择一个题目,如:一幅风景画、我的卧室、我家的客厅、我们的教室、我的学校、老师办公室等等,进行绘画比赛,最好涂上颜色,(为下一单元学习颜色做好准备,到那时,这副图片仍可以使用),在上课时,在教师引入 There be 句型后,由小画家们用这一句型对自己的作品进行描述。如:This is my bedroom. It is a nice room. There is a small bed in it. Near the bed, there is a desk. It is big. There are some books on it. Beside the desk there is a chair. There is a big window in the wall. The walls are white. There are two pictures on the walls. Behind the door there is a broom. I love my bedroom. 为了使教学效果更好,教师应事先对一、两个小组的描述(或称为小作文)进行批改,让他们在其他学生描述之前进行,这样有导向性。会更好的引导其他的学生。这样做,虽然加大了教师的工作量,但是,会为今后的书面表达及笔头的训练打下一个很好的基础。
1) 对There be结构的处理:
本单元的语法重点是句型:There be 其中它的一般问句是教学的重点,这与汉语的结构是不同的,我们汉语的问句是在句末加个"吗",而英语它是把 is或are 提到句首。其肯定回答为:Yes, there is /are. 否定回答为: No, there isn"t/aren"t. 在疑问句、否定句中,常用any, 而不用some.
There is a ruler in his bag. 他的书包里有一把尺子。
Is there a ruler in his bag? 他的书包里有一把尺子吗?
There are some houses near the river. 在河边有一些房子。
Are there any houses near the river? 在河边有一些房子吗
2)对以 How many 开头的特殊疑问句的处理:
在讲授完 There be 结构之后,应马上让学生就这一句型中的 "数字"进行提问,这样有利于There be 句型一般问句的巩固。首先应让学生清楚:how many的含义,意思"多少" 它是对"数字"的提问,它的句型构成是:
How many + 可数名词复数 + are there + 地点状语?
在好一些的班级,可适当引入 how much 引导的特殊疑问句的构成,并让学生自己找出他们在用法上的不同。
How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语?
在学生理解的基础上,配以少量的汉译英的练习,从而加以巩固。需要说明的是:在练习中要以 How many 引导的特殊问句为主,它才是本单元的重点。而 How much 引导的特殊问句, 只作为一般性的了解,为今后的学习作铺垫。
这一单元的生词较少,不妨把单词教学的重点转移至名词复数的教学上来。先以不规则名词复数的变化为主,之后对名词复数变化的所有规则、读音进行总结 (包含规则变化在内)。为今后的学习打好基础。
本单元的新词需要在语法教学中反复强调强化。教师应结合There be的训练,有计划地安排对新词的掌握和已学词语的复习,使学生在There be句型的多种形式的训练中,不断使用已学过的词语。
Lesson 45-46 教学设计方案
1.复习、巩固第十一单元的There be句型。
2.掌握四会单词和词组child/ children, man/ men, woman/ women, at work/ at home/ at school要掌握读音,写法和用法。
3.教学There be的疑问形式:Is there a cat in the bee?及其肯定、否定回答。
4.巩固There be句型及其特殊形式How many…are there?
1.名词复数的不规则变化,如:man – men woman – women child – children 要求学生读准、写准、用准。
2.How many…?句型中How many接可数名词复数的用法。
3.掌握、运用There be句型的肯定形式与疑问形式的转换,并会作肯定与否定回答。
1.教师教法:利用实物、挂图复习句型What’s…? There is a…/ There are some…利用幻灯片、图画教学名词的复数形式。围绕教室的实物教学Is there…?句型,提问Is there a book on the desk?帮助学生做出肯定回答:Yes,there is.再举几个应用肯定回答的实物,然后让学生两人一组一问一答进行练习。待到学生熟练,再教学Is there a book in the desk?帮助学生做出否定回答:No,there isn’t.再举出几个应用否定回答的实物,帮助学生做出否定回答,然后成组练习。
2.学生学法:仔细研究第一部分的词组,可以看出名词复数的变化规律,一般的名词在词后加-s,但有些名词是特殊情况,像child, man, woman这些词需要单独记忆。生活中可以为我们提供很多关于数量问答的情景,例如在你们班上有多少同学,在你的铅笔盒中有几支笔,等等,可以拿出这些东西,在同学之间做问答练习,巩固所学句型。为了练习句型There be的一般疑问句,请大家按照提示就教室里的东西进行问答。
Step 1 Revision
利用教室里的实物复习句型What’s…? There is a…/ There are some…Where is it/ Where are they?如:
T:What’s in the picture? S:There is/ are…
T:Where is it?/Where are they? S:It’s…/They are…
Step2 Presentation
T:Who’s he? S:He’s a boy.
T:Who are they? S:They are some boys.
Show some pictures to the students. Include a boy, some boys, a girl, some girls, a man, some men, a woman, some women.
Teacher: What is in this picture?
Students: There is a boy./girl/man/woman/child
Teacher: What is in that picture?
Students: There are some boys/girls/men/women/children.
Step3 Look, read and say
Page 56, Part 1. Play the tape twice. Ask the students listen and repeat. Pay attention to the students pronounce men and women correctly. At last, explain in Chinese that most words in English are made plural by adding? -s or -es, but that there are some exceptions.
a child---- four children a man--- five men a woman---six women a Chinese---- seven Chinese an American--- ten Americans
Step 4 Presentation
Show the pictures again.
T: How many boys/girls/men/women/children are there?
Ss: There are two children. Or: There is only one.
T: Where is he/she? Or: Where are they?
Is he/she at work/at home? Or: Are they at school?
Ss: Yes, he/she is. Or: No, they aren’t. They are …
Step 5 Ask and answer
Have the Ss ask and answer similar questions in pairs.
Step 6 Count
Look at the picture: Part 3, but before listening to the tape, ask them to count the kites and birds, and the teacher asks: in the sky? How many birds are there in the sky?
The Ss answer: There are thirteen kites and two birds in the sky.
Then read and say in pairs. At last, ask some groups to act it out in front of the class.
Step 7 Teach the new words, using the flashcards.
Step 8 Drawing
Divide the class into some groups, ask them to draw some pictures in pairs.
Then they describe the pictures using: There is a… There are some…
Step 9 Ask and answer
Using the pictures ( they have drawn , Step 7) One group asks:
Is there/ Are there any…?
And the other group answers: Yes, there is. No, there aren’t, etc.
Step 10 Read and say
Page 57 Part 1. Listen to the tape twice. Ss listen and repeat.
Step 11 Look any say
Page 57. Part 2.
Step 12 In pairs
Ask and answer similar questions about the classroom, the bedroom, their school, the teachers’ office, their family in pairs.
Step 13 Consolidation
1)There is a light near the window.(改为一般疑问句)
2)There is a map on the wall.(改为否定句)
3)There is a map on the wall.(与a Kite构成选择疑问句)
4)Is there a for in the picture?(否定回答)
Step 14 Homework
1.根据课文内容,编排新对话。用There + be句型描述教室。
Lesson 47 教学设计方案
1.复习Is there…?Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.
2.掌握四会句子:Are there any animals in the picture?
Yes,there are.
No,there aren’t any.
How many boats are there in the picture?
1.教学Are there any…?句型及其肯定与否定回答。
2.复习How many…?句型。
1.在Are there any…?中,向学生指出any用在疑问句,如Are there any boats in the river?或者用在否定句中,例如:There aren’t any flowers in the room. 比较Is there a…?和for there any…?两个句型。向学生指出:a + singular noun and any + plural noun用法。
2.在How many…?句型中,复习How many后应接可数名词复数,如How many students are there in your class?
1.教师教法:运用名词的复数形式,指着实物,教学Are there any…?句型。让学生用Yes,there are. 来回答,先教师问,学生齐答;然后让学生根据挂图,两人一组、一问一答。待学生熟练上口后,再练习用否定回答。
2.学生学法:为了练习There be句型的一般疑问句,大家可以自己设计一幅画,然后让另一个同学用问题的形式猜出画里的内容,再画一幅,看这两幅画是否一样。
Step l Revision
1.Duty report.
2.Free talk即检查昨天留的口语作业 ,运用Is there…?句型,但可以扩展,运用更多学过的句型。
3.复习上一课所学的句型,运用挂图、实物练习Is there…?句型。
Step 2 Presentation
拿出一些物品,并把它们堆放在课桌上说:Look at this desk,we can see many things on it.然后提问Is there a pen on the desk?帮学生回答,接着问 Are there any pens on the desk?(引出There be句型的一般疑问句的复数形式),帮助学生做肯定回答和否定回答,Yes, there are./No,there aren’t.
Step 3 Practice
2.看书第 54页的图,教师问Are there any…in the picture?学生回答。(可以让全体学生一起回答,也可以让个别学生回答)
Step 4 Presentation
指着教室问Are there any windows and desks in the classroom?让学生回答Yes,there are./Yes,there is one.再问Are there any birds in the classroom?让学生回答No,there aren’t.
Step 5 Practice
Step 6 Presentation
利用实物来复习How many…?句型,指出How many之后要接可数名词复数形式的用法。
例如:T:How many boys are there in the classroom?
S: There are…
T: How many teachers are there?
S: There is only one.
Step 7 Practice
2.把课本的3个部分合在一起,运用所学的句型Are there any…? How many…?
A: Look at the picture. Are there any birds /…in the picture?
B: Yes, there are.
A: How many birds /… are there in the picture?
B: There are…/There is only one. / There aren"t any.
Step 8 Consolidation
Model: There are some boats in the river. (five)
Are there any boats in the river?
Yes, there are. / No, there aren"t.
How many boats are there in the river?
There are five.
1. There are some old men under the big tree. (nine)
2. There are some boxes in the car. (twenty)
3. There are some jeeps near the house. (twelve)
4. There are some cups on the table (eight)
1. There are some boats on the river. (改为否定句)
2. There are some houses in the picture. (改为一般疑问句并肯定回答)
3. There are three people in my family. (对画线部分提问)
4. Are there any apples on the tree? (改为单数形式)
5. There are some hills in the picture. (与trees构成选择疑问句)
Step 9 Workbook
1.练习册第47课练习1,口头做,然后留书面作业 ,落实在笔头。
Step 10 Summary
1.让学生总结本课的句型Are there any…? How many…? 并提醒学生any的用法和How many后应接可数名词复数。
Step 11 Homework
1.口语作业 :准备Free talk,运用句型Are there any…?How many…?
2.书面作业 :练习册里的第1、2题。
Lesson 48 教学设计方案
1.掌握字母o在开音节和闭音节的读音规则,以及辅音 的发育。
单元音 和双元音 的发育要点。辅音 的发音特点。
1.教师教法:以总结归纳的方法复习本单元的单词,短语和句式。总结There be句型的用法。
2.学生学法:学习There be句型,be动词要用are的形式。如果要用How many的句型询问数量,be动词一定要用are,试想如果只有一个东西,还用问数量吗?
Step 1 Revision
1.Duty report(根据值日生报告进行问答)
2.Free talk.叫几组学生表演对话,(检查作业 )
Step 2 Listen, read and say
引导学生总结两组单词读音规则,然后写出音标 讲解字母。在开音节和闭音节中的读音规则。打乱卡片次序,让学生读准单词。
3.出示两组卡片,让学生朗读,然后板书,让学生总结出的两种读音 ,然后重点讲解 的发音要领,确保学生读准单词。然后将卡片次序打乱,让学生朗读。
Step 3 Listen and answer
1.对学生说:Open your workbook.Listen to the tape.Then answer the questions of Ex 5.
Step 4 Presentation
T:Where is my pen?
:There isn’t any pens here. You can ask…
T:…,where is my pen?
:There aren’t any pens here, but there is a…,ask…
T:…,where is my pen?
:There is a pen here.
:It’s on my desk.
T:Yes,It’s my pen.Thank you.
Step 5 Practice
Step 6 Checkpoint
Step 7 Workbook
Step 8 Summary
Step 9 Homework
2.口头作业 :根据本单元所学句型自编对话。
3.书面作业 :让学生完成第6、7题。
2.让学生摸一摸口袋里装的东西,并用以下句型表述自己的猜测:“There is an apple in the bag./There’re two rulers in the bag.”每位学生限猜一次。
教师或一个学生读一段短文(含有 there be 句型的短文),让其他学生根据短文的内容,在纸上或黑板上画出短文所描写的图画。如:
This is a picture of my bedroom. There is a bed in my room. There are some books on my bed. Near the bed there is a desk. On the desk there are some pens, some books and a cup. There are two pictures on the wall. …
2. 看图写短文或提问
教师找几幅有代表性的山水画, 或含有物体位置关系的图片, 让学生用 there be 句型进行描述并注意运用数词来进行描写,也可以在学生之间进行提问练习。如:How many…? Is there a/an…? Are there any…?
蒙住一个学生的眼睛,另一个学生或教师,在讲台桌上放几本书,几支铅笔,几把尺子,几个铅笔盒,几个书包等。让第一个学生摸一摸后,用:Is there a…? Are there any…? 或 There are some…, aren’t there? Is there a…, isn’t there? 来提问。其他学生用:Yes, there is/No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t. Yes, you’re right./No, you are wrong. 来回答。
猜谜What’s in the picture?
目的:复习“there be”句型的一般疑问句及其肯定与否定回答形式,调动学生的学习积极性,并激活学生的想象力,培养学生的创造思维能力。
1.教师准备一幅简洁、清楚的场景图,将其反贴在黑板上,让学生猜:“What’s in the picture?”(教师可提示场景,比如:“It’s a park./It’s a school./It’s a bedroom.”等)
2.把学生按性别分成两大组,轮流向教师提问:“Is there a river in the picture?/Is there a book on the desk?/Are there aw trees behind the house?/…”教师作出应答:“Yes,there is/are.”或“No,there isn’t/aren’t.”猜测方每猜对一次得一分,猜错不扣分。
is, some, in, there, the, the, There, are, any, birds, a, bird, tree, No, not, Yes, Where , They, Are, they, It, . ? 这些词及标点可以组成以下句子:
Where is the bird? Where are the birds? It is in the tree. They are in the tree.
There are some birds in the tree. There is a bird in the tree. Is there a bird in the tree ?
Are there any birds in the tree? There is a bird in the tree. There are some birds in the tree.
Is it in the tree ? Are they in the tree ? Is the bird in the tree? Are the birds in the tree?
Yes, it is. No, it is not. Yes, they are. No, they are not. Yes, there is. Yes, there are. Yes, it is not. No, there are not. 用11个词组成的这22句话,需要学生开动脑筋,想办法,并还需要学生间的交流与协作。有利于学生合作精神的培养。

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