新目标英语七上电子书_新目标英语七上 Unit 2 Is this your pencil练习包

七年级英语教案 2017-02-12 网络整理 晴天



section a . 词汇(ⅰ) 将下列词汇正确归类。green, pencil, book, red, ruler, backpack, white, quilt, dictionary, pencil case, key, jacket, nick hand, eraser, green, alan, orange1. 生活用品  2. 学习用品  3. 颜色  4. 姓名  (ⅱ) 在物品的下面写上英文单词的正确拼写形式。


(ⅲ) 在下面表格的空格中填上一个字母,使之成为表示学习用品的英语单词。   . 回答问题根据问题, 选择合适的答语。 a. yes, it is.

b. no, it isn’t. c. it’s a pencil case. d. hi, i’m gina. e. i’m fine. thanks. f. it’s white. g. spell it, please!     1. — what’s this in english?


— ________. 2. — is this jane’s jacket?— _______. 3. — is that your pencil?— _______. it’s my pencil. 4. — what color is the jacket?— _______. 5. — _______. — b-o-o-k. 6. — how are you?— _______. 7. — hi, i’m linda. — _______.  . 选择正确的答案(   ) 1. — what’s this in english?— it’s ______ backpack. a. a                                     b. anc. the                         d. 不填(   ) 2. — is this his pen?— ______. it’s her pen. a. yes, it is             b. no, it isn’tc. no, it is                 d. yes, it isn’t(   ) 3. ______ that a ruler?a. is                           b. arec. am                        d. 不填(   ) 4. ______, is this your eraser?a. ok                        b. good morningc. hello                     d. excuse me(   ) 5. — jane, is this ______ pencil sharpener?— yes, it is my ruler. a. her                        b. hisc. my                        d. your(   ) 6. — what’s that in english?— ______ a dictionary. a. it’s                       b. that’sc. this is                            d. he’s(   ) 7. sonia has (有) a book. and this is ______ book. a. his                         b. herc. my                         d. your(   ) 8. — how ______ you spell it?— p-e-n. a. are                         b. amc. is                           d. do(   ) 9. — how are you?— ______a. good morning!     b. how are you?c. i’m ok.               d. what’s that?(   )10. — what’s your last name?— ______. a. jack                       b. smithc. tony                     d. linda(   )11. ______ comes after (在……后) seven. a. six                         b. zeroc. seven                     d. five(   )12. — what’s your ______?— jenny brown. a. first name              b. last namec. name                      d. family name12345. 使用方框中所给的词语完成句子

my   your   her his it



1. — linda, is this ______ ruler?— yes, it is. thank you. 2. this is my sister (妹妹). ______ name is gina. 3. tim is worried (着急). ______ id is lost (丢失). 4. — what’s that?— ______ is a map of china. 5. i’m li weijun. ______ last name is li. . 将下列句子重新排序,使之成为一个对话(   ) r-u-l-e-r. (   ) what’s it in english?(   ) hello, mary. is this your “尺子”?(   ) how do you spell ruler?(   ) yes, it is. (   ) it’s a ruler. (   ) thank you. (   ) here you are (给你). . 组句1. in english, this, what’s                                        ?2. my, it, is, pencil                                        .3. that, is, pen, your                                        ?4. you, how, spell, do, it                                         ?5. telephone, what, is, number, her ?   section a答案ⅰ. (ⅰ) 1. quilt, key, jacket 2. pencil, book, ruler, backpack, dictionary, pencil case, eraser 3. red, white, green, orange 4. green, nick, hand, alan (ⅱ) 1. clock 2. book 3. dictionary 4. ruler 5. jacket 6. backpack 7. keys 8. pencil case 9. eraser 10. sharpener 11. map 12. orange (ⅲ)ⅱ. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. f 5. g 6. e 7. d ⅲ. abadd abdcb ac ⅳ. 1. your 2. her 3. his 4. it 5. my ⅴ. 6-3-1-5-2-4-8-7 ⅵ. 1. what’s this in english? 2. it is my pencil. 3. is that your pen? 4. how do you spell it? 5. what’s her telephone number?  


section b ⅰ.词汇(ⅰ) 写出图片中物品的英语单词。a ______               b ______c ______                     d ______e ______               f ______g ______                     h ______i ______               j ______k ______                     l ______(ⅱ) 根据句子和括号中所提供的字母,写出单词正确的拼写形式。1. what’s that?it’s a ______ (seca).2. how do you spell _______ (acthw)?3. is ______ (ttah) your pencil?4. this is my ______ (leurr).5. please ______ (lacl) tony at 329-9756.6. what’s that?it’s a ______ (ets) of keys.(ⅲ) 将下列词组翻译成英文。1. 用英语                    2. 电子游戏3. 失物招领          4. 一套,一副5. 卷笔刀                    6. 铅笔盒,文具盒7. 打电话给alan   8. 学生证(ⅳ) 使用上面的词组完成句子。1. what’s that ______?2. is that your ruler in the ________?3. look. this is my ______. and my id number is x43056.4. — what’s this?— it’s ______ keys.ⅱ. 单项选择(   ) 1. where’s (哪里) my ______? i want to (要) do my homework(作业).a. watch                    b. ringc. pen                 d. baseball(   ) 2. — is this your backpack?— ______, it is. a. no                  b. yesc. not                 d. isn’t(   ) 3. call eric ______ 495-3539. a. in                           b. atc. of                          d. off(   ) 4. — how do you ______ it?— p-a-c-k.a. answer                   b. questionc. look                d. spell(   ) 5. you can look up the word “watch” in the ______. a. dictionary        b. backpackc. lost and found case d. id card(   ) 6. — ______, what’s that?— it’s a notebook. a. ok                 b. excuse mec. hello               d. sorry(   ) 7. — what’s your name?— ______ is jim green.a. i                            b. my first namec. my last name          d. my name(   ) 8. what’s ______ over there(那里)?a. that                 b. thisc. it                           d. 不填12345ⅲ.任务型阅读


my id card. my name is linda. call me at 572-8670.    



found: pencil case

is this your pencil case? please call eric phone number: 973-02351  


(ⅰ) 根据上文,完成下面的表格。 丢失物品 姓名       联系电话     (ⅱ) alan捡到了linda的身份证,他在“失物招领”栏中写了如下的启事。但在张贴时他发现了一个错误,现在请你帮助他改正。


is this your id card? call linda at 421-88760.  


(ⅲ) 假如你是nick,看了“失物招领”启事栏后,发现你昨天捡到的身份证是linda的。你准备在“失物招领”栏中写一份在“失物招领”,通知linda来领取她的id card。你的电话号码是762-6349。          ⅳ. 改错下列句中有一处是错的,请找出并改正。1. is this his pencils?2. what is you name?3. that"s no my cup.4. — thank you very much. — that"s right. 5 this is the my bag.ⅴ.句型转换根据要求改变句子。1. this is a ruler. (改为否定)______________________________________2. is that your book? (作肯定回答)______________________________________3. is that a map? (作否定回答)______________________________________4. i’m fine. (对划线部分提问)_______________________________________5. that’s a dictionary. (对划线部分提问) _______________________________________ⅵ. 用i, you, he, she, it, my, your, his, this, that, her或its填空。1. — how are _______?— _______ am fine, thank you. 2. — what"s _______ name?— my name is yu fei.3. — how old is ann? —_______ is ten.4. — what"s that?— _______ is a cat (猫). _______ name is mimi.5. — who"s (谁) that boy?— _______ is my friend. _______ name is tom. 6. _______ is a girl. _______ name is fang fang.7. i am in class 3, grade 1. _______ teacher (老师) is miss liu.8. ______ is a watch and that is a pen.9. — what’s ______ over there (那儿)?— it’s a pencil case.10. — what’s ______ family name?— ______ is liu. you see, my name is liu jian.12345section bⅰ. a. baseball b. id card 3. c. computer game d. watch e. pen f. key g. ring h. notebook i. pencil sharpener j. dictionary k. pen l. ruler (ⅱ) 1. case 2. watch 3. that 4. ruler 5. call 6. set. (ⅲ) 1. in english 2. computer game 3. lost& found 4. a set of 5. pencil sharpener 6. pencilcase 7. call alan 8. (student’s) id card (ⅳ) 1. in english 2. pencilcase 3. id card 4. a set of ⅱ. cbbdabda ⅲ. (ⅰ) 1. eric 2. linda 3. 973-02352 4. 572-8670 (ⅱ) linda改为alan (ⅲ) ⅳ. 1. pencils改为pencil 2. you改为your 3. no改为not 4. right改为all right 5. 去掉the ⅴ. 1. this is not a ruler. 2. yes, it is. 3. no, it isn’t. 4. how are you? 5. what’s that? ⅵ. 1. you, i 2. your 3. she 4. it, its 5. he, his 6. she, her 7. my 8. this 9. that 10. your, it12345


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