难点突破: 过去完成时态与现在完成时态的区别
(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases learnt in unit fourteen, dictation of some main words and phrases learnt in this unit(此环节也可根据中考词汇表顺序进行听写检查)。
(二)对话操练(dialogue acting—ask ss to act out some dialogues about what did he say ? –he said that he had bought a new computer./when we got to the station, the train had already gone, etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与)
(三)语法复习:过去完成时态表示动作或状态从过去某一时间开始一直延续到这一过去时间为止。简称为“过去的过去”,句中大多有一个明确的过去时间点或时间状语从句来表示过去时间。常见的时间点(从句)有:by the end of last term, by the time, when we got there, before… , he said that…, etc.
1、 the boy told his mother that he ____ ill since he came back from the school.
a. has been b. would be c. had been d. was
此题应该选用c项。从“ …since he came back from the school.”中可知前面的主句是完成时态,但是从“the boy told his mother ”结构中可以知道应该用相应的过去时态,,故应该选用“had been”。
2、 when we got to the field, the football match ____ already ______.
a. has started b. had started c. will begin d. is going to start
此题应该选用b项。从“already ”中可知是完成时态,但是从“ when we got to the field”结构中可以知道应该用相应的过去时态,故应该选用“had started ”。
3、 by the end of last term we ____ two thousand english words.
a. had learnt b. has learnt c. learnt d. would learn
此题应该选用a项。从“by the end of last term ”中可知是 “ 到过去某一时间点为止,”而不是到现在为止,故应该选用“ had learnt”。
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