
九年级英语教案 2016-04-13 网络整理 晴天


2. (教师呈现一些写有国家、语言、民族的卡片,和学生一起谈论三者的对应关系,引出生词和被动语态。然后,请学生将此三类卡片一一对应地贴到黑板上的相应栏目中。)
t: s1, which do you like better, chinese or english?
s1: i like chinese better.
t: so do i. chinese and english are both languages. chinese is spoken by the most people
throughout the world while english is the most popular language throughout the world.
throughout=all over
t: there are many countries in the world. different languages are spoken by people in different countries. now here are some cards about the countries, the languages and the people. can you stick them on the blackboard in the correct order?
s2: i can have a try.
people language country
… chinese
… china
3. (1) (通过上面这个表格,进行对话练习,引出被动语态。)
t: look at the blackboard and answer my questions. which language do chinese people speak?
s3: they speak chinese.
t: good! it means “chinese is spoken by chinese”. and which language do australians speak?
s4: they speak english.
t: you’re right. english is spoken by australians.

s5: which language do americans speak?
s6: they speak english.
s7: english is spoken by americans.

t: good jobs. this class we’re going to learn section a, topic 1, unit 3.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (教师出示一幅mickey mouse和donald duck的卡通图片,导入新课,学习生词。)
t: now, look at this cartoon. who are they?
ss: mickey mouse and donald duck.
t: do you like them?
ss: yes. we like them very much.
t: they are very popular. they are enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. i think you would like to see more cartoon characters.
they are enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.
2. (要求学生听录音,并回答下列问题。熟悉1a内容,培养听力技能。)
(1)where will wang junfeng and his parents visit?
(2)which language is widely spoken throughout the world?
3. (让学生速读1a,完成1b,提醒学生重点理解被动语态的用法,并找出重点、难点。培养学生快速阅读能力。)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
 t: now please read the dialog rapidly, and find out the key points and the difficulties. you just
have two minutes, then let’s solve them together.
 s1: what does “guess what!” mean?
 s2: it means “guess what it is / they are …?”

guess what! 
can’t wait to do sth. 
have a good chance to do sth.
t: now please fill in the blanks in 1b according to 1a.
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:7分钟)
1. (分组朗读1a。然后分角色表演。对表演好的组给予表扬。)
  t: please read 1a in groups, then act it out in roles.
2. (根据1a,要求学生改写并复述。)
t: don’t look at your english book. who can retell the dialog? s1, can you have a try? i’m sure you can.
s1: yes. thank you! wang junfeng and his parents will go to disneyland…
3. (听录音,继续呈现部分新词汇,练习学生的听力,完成2。)
t: do you know who created mickey mouse? it is walt disney. it is said that he used to sit in the family garage and drew pictures. one day he saw a mouse come into the garage and play. at last he drew a mouse and he was pleased with it.
(板书并要求学生理解garage;掌握be pleased with。)
be pleased with
t: from now on, please listen carefully and mark each sentence with (t) for true or (f) for false. are you ready for it?
from now on
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (师生互动:由听力部分的mickey mouse话题引入、归纳被动语态的结构。)
t: we all know mickey mouse is liked by many people and english is widely spoken throughout the world.
be (am, is, are)+p.p.
2. (教师再举几个例子,并要求学生跟读,进一步加深对被动语态的了解。)
t: now, here are other sentences. please read after me, and pay attention to the structure “be+p.p.”.
the baby is looked after well by his mother.
these cars are produced by the workers.
3. (学生口头完成3a,核对答案,然后齐读。)
t: ok. let’s practice 3a.
4. (1)(教师引导学生认真观察3b的句子变化,使学生更深刻理解被动语态。)
 t: ok!boys and girls, let’s make sentences using the passive voice. i’ll give you some examples first, then you make sentences by yourselves according to the sentence patterns. do you understand?
ss: yes. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t: you know, people grow tea in our area. we can also say like this:
people grow tea in our area.

tea is grown by people in our area.
t: do you plant trees? many people plant trees in their gardens. we can also say:
many people plant trees.

trees are planted by many people.
t: now, let’s do some exercises. ok? look at the small blackboard.
active voice passive voice
1. much rubbish pollutes the river.
2. people love disneyland.
3. many children like mickey mouse.
4. the americans speak english.  1. the river is polluted by much rubbish.

active voice passive voice
1. people grow rice in the south.
4.  1. rice is grown in the south by people.
2. dogs are kept at home by people.
3. flowers are planted in his garden by tom.
4. machines are made in the factory by workers.

step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)
1.  (学生复习动词的过去分词broken, chosen, cut, done, eaten, drunk, caught, bitten, found, worn, sent, spoken, told等等。鼓励他们把这些动词与topic list(如下文所示)的某一题目结合起来进行编剧表演活动。要求活动中尽量出现表达被动意义的动作或情节,最后小组推举一位同学,尽量多的用被动语态句子对表演内容进行讲述。)
topic list
(1)lost and found(suggested words: lose, find)
(2)an accident(suggested words: hit, send)
(3)catch a thief(suggested words: steal, catch)
(4)hunting(suggested words: shoot, scare)
(一组的主要事件:lost and found
  my watch is lost. i can’t find it. but i am helped by chen jing and li mei. it is found at the corner of the playground by li mei. my watch is sent to me now.
(二组的事件主题:an accident
 an old man is hit by a taxi when he is crossing the street. he is sent to hospital immediately by two students. the taxi driver is taken to the police station for questioning.
2. homework:
make sentences with the simple present passive voice to describe your daily life.
for example:
(1) our classroom is cleaned by us every day.
english is widely spoken throughout the world.
            section a
throughout=all over  disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.
from now on  i can’t wait to fly there.
be pleased with  you’ll have a good chance to practice english there.         try your best and work much harder from now on.

section b
the main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and phrases:
 on business, be similar to, translate, translate…into, company, general, in general, besides, once in a while, whenever, divide, divide … into …, postman
2. learn some useful sentences:
  (1)is it possible that you will have any trouble?
  (2)in general, he has no trouble understanding people from different countries, because most of them can speak english.
  (3)besides, it is used as a second language in india and some other countries.
  (4)whenever that happens, an interpreter helps him.
3. go on learning the simple present passive voice.
  (1)is english spoken as the official language in cuba?
  (2)once in a while, jane’s father has to travel to a country where english is not spoken.
4. talk about languages around the world.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (教师检查作业,复习被动语态。)
t: we learnt passive voice yesterday. let’s check your homework.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
s1: trees are planted by people every year.
s2: homework is done by us every day.
s3: …
t: you all speak very well. pay attention to “be (am, is, are)+p. p. ” now turn to p56. look at
the example in part 3.
t: please find out difficult points.
ss: we don’t know the meaning of “divide”, “divide … into …” and “postman”.
t: divide means “make something separate into parts.” for example, a cake is divided into some pieces by us. postman means “a person whose job is to collect and deliver letters”.
(板书并要求学生掌握divide, divide … into …, postman;理解deliver。)
divide … into …
t: please follow the example to make sentences, and write them down on your books. and i’ll ask five students to write their answers on the blackboard, … now, who can? s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 please.
many problems are caused by the large population.

2. (双人活动。一个学生说主动语态的句子,另一个学生说被动语态的句子。)
t: ok, let’s go on practising the passive voice. one student says a sentence with the active voice. his/her partner changes it with the passive voice. is it easy?
ss: yes.
s9: i do my homework after class.
s10: his homework is done after class.
s11: i like english very much.
s12: english is liked by s11 very much.

3. (承接section a,复习讲英语的国家,导入新单词。)
t: well done. who can tell me in which countries people speak english? s13, please.
s13: english is spoken by most people in great britain.
s14: english is spoken in america.
s15: …
t: we can also say english is spoken as the first language in great britain, america, australia …
english is spoken as the first language in great britain, america, australia…
t: i have a friend. he works in a company. it’s possible that he will have trouble when he has a long conversation with foreigners or go abroad on business.
company, on business
t: what should he/she do?
s16¬: ask the interpreters for help. they can translate one language into another orally, for example, translate english into spanish or french. besides, they can explain the culture of the country.(教师帮助学生回答。)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
(板书并要求学生掌握translate… into…和besides;理解interpreter, french, spanish;了解orally。)
translate ... into …
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (教师导入新课。)
t: we all know english is spoken in many countries in the world. now jane’s father will go to cuba on business. is english spoken in cuba? will jane’s father have any trouble? let’s listen to the tape and mark the following sentences with (t) for true or (f) for false.
(1) jane’s father is going to cuba for traveling. (   )
(2) english is spoken as the official language in cuba. (   )
(3) spanish is similar to english. (   )
answers: f, f, f
2. (让学生快速阅读对话,找出疑难点,教师板书并鼓励学生探究释疑。)
t: now read the dialog. please find out the important and difficult points.
s1: i don’t know the meaning of the word “similar”.
t: it means “almost the same but not exactly the same”.
t: are these two pencil-boxes similar?
ss: yes, they are.
t: this pencil-box is similar to that one.
(板书并要求学生理解exactly;掌握be similar to。)
be similar to
3. (再听1a录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调。)
  t: now, listen to 1a again and follow the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
4. (学生完成1b。先猜生词的意思,后教师核对答案,讲解生词。)
t: please find out the difficult points.
ss: we don’t know the meanings of “system” and “pack”.
t: system means “an organized set of ideas or theories or a particular way of doing sth.” pack means “put clothes, etc into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home.”
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (让学生分组练习1a,然后表演, 为复述1a打下基础。教师一定要给出较充裕的时间,让学生能较流畅的表演。 )
t: ok, boys and girls, please practise the dialog with your partner. after that, act it out in front of the class.
2. (对1a进行复述或改编,达到学以致用的目的。)
(方案一) (教师给出关键词,让学生以第三人称复述1a。)
pack bags, cuba, on business, official language
spanish, be similar to, not really, is it possible that, if necessary, an interpreter
t: who can retell the dialog in your own words? you can begin like this: jane’s father is packing his bags now. he’s going to cuba on business…12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
(方案二) (教师可以鼓励学生,在1a的基础上加以创新。)
 for example:
 (s1—xiu feng, s2—xiu mei)
 s1: xiu mei, why are you packing your bags?
s2: i’m going to beijing.
s1: that’s great. there are many places of interest in beijing, such as the great wall and the summer palace.
s2: yes, the great wall is visited by many people every year.
s1: maybe you will meet some trouble when you are on your trip. you’re a stranger in beijing.
s2: it doesn’t matter. i will take a map with me. if necessary, i’ll ask a policeman for help.
s1: ok! have a good trip then!
3. (以小组合作的方式学习2a,并回答下列问题,用幻灯片或小黑板出示下列问题。)
t: good job. let’s read 2a, then answer the following questions:
①in general, does jane’s father have any trouble understanding people from different
②has jane’s father ever traveled to a country where english is not spoken?
③when does jane’s father need an interpreter?
④what does an interpreter do?
4. (1)(鼓励学生找出难点。对重点内容进行板书和讲解,讲解时根据情况,让学生造句,加深理解。)
t: do you have anything that you can’t understand? please put up your hands.
s3: i don’t know the meanings of “whenever” and “once in a while”.
t: whenever means “no matter when”. once in a while means “sometimes or at times”.
for example: no matter when you go home, please call me.
whenever you go home, please call me.
whenever=no matter when in general
once in a while have no trouble doing sth.
t: now listen to the tape of 2a and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (根据2a,要求学生快速完成2b。核对答案后以问答的形式巩固语言常识。)
t: s1, which language is spoken as the first language in cuba, china, great britain, japan …?
s1: spanish is spoken…
2. (让学生将下面的句子由主动语态变成被动语态,或者将被动语态改为主动语态。)
t: please change the following sentences into the simple present passive voice. or please change the passive voice into the active voice.

active voice passive voice
1. all of us like her.
2. li ping often rides a bike.
3.they clean their rooms every day. 1. …
2. …
3. …

passive voice active voice
1. is the baby taken good care of by him?
2. this book is found by kangkang.
3. the homework is done after class by us. 1. …12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
2. …
3. …
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (让学生写出至少五个说英语的回家,并从国旗、著名建筑、语言等方面收集资料,完成下列表格。)
country flag language famous building
2. homework:
  make a survey: when and where do people use english? and prepare for the next section.
english is widely spoken throughout the world.
section b
on business     in general
translate…into…    is english spoken as the official language in cuba?
divide … into …    is it possible that you will have any trouble?
be similar to    have no trouble doing sth.
once in a while

section c
the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and phrases:
tongue, mother tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference, tourist
2. go on learning the simple present passive voice:
of all these languages, english is the most widely used.
3. let the students know the wide uses of english in the world.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:8分钟)
师生复述section b中的2a,然后检查作业,复习上节课的语言项目,为导入新课作准备。
1. (小黑板出示上节课的重点短语,复述section b中的2a。)
t: look at these phrases, and let’s retell 2a, section b.
on business    in general    have no trouble doing sth.
once in a while    translate and explain
e.g. jane’s father often goes abroad on business. in general, he has no trouble understanding people from different countries…
2. (教师检查作业,让学生汇报上节课所布置的任务,为学习新课作准备。)
t: when and where do people use english?
s1: i will have long conversations with americans in english.
s2: i will use english if i take part in an international meeting …
s3: most of the world’s scientists read in english.
s4: english is useful when you go abroad.

step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:15分钟)
1. (教师出示一张召开国际会议的图片,图片中有发言人,有英文背景。师生互动,呈现新单词。)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t:  do you know which language is spoken as their mother tongue in france?
s1: french.
tongue, mother tongue
t: which language is spoken as their mother tongue in china?
s2: chinese.
t: look at this picture. can you tell me what they are doing?
ss: they are having a meeting.
t: yes. they are having an international conference.
t: (指着发言人。)which language is the speaker speaking? can you guess?
ss: yes. i think he is speaking english.
  t: english is spoken in many countries. it becomes an international language today. more and more people use english to communicate on the internet, phones and in the letters. it’s a useful tool for the people from all over the world to communicate with each other. it is spoken not only in the united kingdom, the united states, but also in china and many other places. more and more chinese people are practicing speaking english.
(板书并要求学生掌握communicate和state,理解kigdom和the united kingdom。)
communicate, kingdom, the united kingdom, state
t: is english spoken by the largest number of people in the world?
ss: yes.
t: i don’t agree with you. chinese is spoken as the first language in china which has the largest population in the world. so chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, and english is the most widely used in the world. english is useful in many different fields of life, such as business, airlines, technology and tourism. tourists also speak english when they go abroad. in a word, english is the most widely used. it plays an important part in our life.
chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.
english is the most widely used in the world.
2. (教师用小黑板出示下面的内容,要求学生听1a的录音并填空。)
t: we all know english is the most widely used in the world, but do you know how many people speak english as their mother tongue in the world? now let’s listen to the tape and write down the correct numbers in the brackets.
english around the world
             (1)(   )people speak english as their mother tongue in the world.
             (2)over 226 million people speak english in             .12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
english is used   (3)english is also learned as a foreign language in             .
             (4)about (   )of the world’s scientists read in english.
             (5)about (   )users of the internet communicate in english.
t: you did very well. now look at the form and answer my questions with passive voice. s3,
how many people speak english as their mother tongue?
s3: english is spoken as their mother tongue by over 400 million people.
t: in which countries english is spoken?
s4: in the u.s.a. …
t: …
s5: …
t: so english is the most widely used, isn’t it?
ss: yes, it is.
3. (再读课文,完成1b,核对答案。)
  t: please read 1a again. then finish 1b.
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (学生跟读课文,找出重难点,教师鼓励学生讨论并做补充讲解。)
t: boys and girls, if you have any problems, please put up your hands. let’s discuss and solve them together.

the number of
a number of
two thirds of
more and more important
the number of the students in our class is 60.
a number of students are doing some cleaning.
2. (根据section c中1b提供的数字对课文复述,要使用被动语态。)
s1: hi, s2. i didn’t go to school today. would you like to tell me what we learned in the english class?
s2: we learned english around the world.
s1: is it interesting? can you tell me something about it?
s2: ok, i learn how important english is …
s1: english is really very important. i must study english hard from now on. thank you, s2.
t: you all did very well just now. boys and girls, you are great!
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:7分钟)
1. (学生听录音,完成2。核对答案。)
  t: listen to 2, finish it, then check the answers.
2. (1)(学生分组讨论他们身边所能听到或看到的英语,然后把内容按下列表格填好。完成3。)
where what meaning
building exit 安全出口
square parking 停车场
(2)(方案一) (学生分组汇报,比比哪组列的更多。)
s1: i see “keep quiet” in the school library. it means …
(方案二) (以互问互答的方式来展示或猜出内容,学生抢答比赛。)
s2: we can see it in public places.
s3: is it “no smoking”?
s2: no, it means you must be careful and mustn’t touch it.
s4: it’s “danger”.
s2: you’re right.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (1)(分组活动,每组6人,讨论生活中常用英语标识。)
be quiet. don’t litter. no photos. no smoking. …
(学生展示一张表示no photos的卡片,然后用卡片进行问答。)
s1: what does this sign mean?
s2: it means you can’t take photos there.
s1: where can this sign be put?
s2: it is usually put in the museums.
2. homework:
list five reasons to explain why we study english.
english is widely spoken throughout the world.
section c
 mother tongue   of all these languages, english is the most widely used.
 the number of
 a number of
 two thirds of

section d
the main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn a new word:
2. review the simple present passive voice.
3. talk about the international language—english.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具

ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:9分钟)
教师检查作业,组织复习section c的内容,使学生更深地认识到学习英语的重要性,为导入新课作准备。
1. (检查学生作业并和学生探讨学习英语的方法,使学生更深地认识到学习英语的重要性。)
t: hello, everybody! we know english is becoming an international language. it is spoken by people from all over the world. i’m sure you have made up your minds to study it well. now, let’s do it together. are you confident?
ss: yes.
t: but we must master good methods, or we won’t succeed. s1, can we share your experience of studying english?
s1: of course. i try my best to speak english at any time with my classmates.
s2: i often keep english diaries. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
s3: i listen carefully in class and do my homework carefully after class.
s4: i often read books written in english as many as i can.
s5: …
t: your ideas are all great. i think your ideas will be helpful to the others, right?
ss: yes.
2. (句子接龙,组织复习section c的内容,承前启后,降低学习难度。)
  t: now who can tell me why english is so important? please say it one by one.
s6: over 400 million people speak english as their mother tongue.  
s7: another 300 million people speak english…
s8: it is learned as a foreign language in japan, germany…
s9: …
t: so english is most widely spoken all over the world.
step 2  presentation 第二步   呈现(时间:9分钟)
1. (通过师生互动,呈现新单词,并导入新课。)
t:  china has developed rapidly in recent years. and it has become more and more powerful. our space industry has taken the leading position as well as the u.s.a. and russia.
t: with the development of china, will chinese become an international language as well as english?
ss: yes./no.
t: we know english is widely spoken throughout the world. do you know the reasons? now, let’s listen to the history of english.
2. (听1a录音,给下列句子排序,呈现课文内容,强调英语发展的时间顺序。)
(   )since the 1950s, the u.s.a. has become more and more powerful, and its internet industry has taken the leading position in the world.
(   )english became an international language.
(   )since the 1970s, more people have been learning english in china.
(   )in the 19th century, great britain became powerful.
(   )the internet helped english to become more popular.
3. (核对答案,然后就上述内容进行对话,进一步熟悉课文。)
t:  now let’s check the answer. it’s easy. who can tell us your answer?
s1: the right order is 3-2-5-1-4.
t: nice work. when did great britain become a powerful country?
s2: in the 19th century.
t: since the 1950s, why has the u.s.a. become more and more powerful?
s3: because the american computer and internet industry has taken the leading position in the world.
t: are students required to learn english in china?
s4: yes, the study of english is regarded as a very important industry …12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t: …
s5: …
t: why did english become an international language?
ss: (齐声朗读上述内容。)
4. (教师帮助学生解疑答惑,板书本课的重要知识点并练习。)
it’s true that…
be regarded as
s6: it’s true that the XX olympic games was held in beijing.
s7: yang liwei is regarded as a hero in china.
5. (学生阅读课文,完成1b中的表格,然后核对答案。)
t: read 1a again. then fill out the table. if you can’t finish it, you can discuss it with your partner.
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (教师出示带有英文的图片,产品说明书或常见的英文标志。创设情境呈现新单词,完成2。)
t: we know english has become an international language. it is used in many ways. most of the instructions are written in english. and we can see many books are written in english in the library. we can also see some english signs around us. can you give some examples?
s1: in the supermarket: no smoking.
s2: in the park: don’t litter!
s3: on the street: no parking!
s4: in the cinema: exit.
t: good answers! and in the library: be quiet!
t: let’s make several signs and show them in our school. ok?
ss: ok.
2. (要求学生以1b表格中的内容为线索,用自己的语言复述课文。)
t: please retell the text according to the table in 1b.
3. (要求学生整合section c和section d的内容,对英语重要性的认识会得到更全面的提高。若学生认为困难很大,也可以板书提纲。)
                              1. the 19th century  great britain…
                              2. the 1950s    the u.s.a. …
                              3. the 1970s    china…
                              over 400 million people…  mother tongue
                              300 million people…        second language12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
                              two thirds…              scientists, read
                              about 200 million users…   internet, communicate
(方案一) (要求写一篇短文,训练写作能力。)
(方案二) (根据提纲内容,通过两个学生谈话,把本课主要内容体现出来。这也是复述课文的一种方式。)
s1: hello, s2. how are you?
s2: fine, thank you . what’s your favorite subject?
s1: english. i like english best. what about you?
s2: me, too. english is very important.
s1: yes, i have just learnt english is spoken around the world. do you know why english is so important?
s2: because over 400 million people speak english as their mother tongue. around 300 million people speak english as their second language, and it is also widely used on the internet.
s1: it’s really very important just like what you said, but do you know why english became an international language?
s2: our teacher told us just now. in the nineteenth century, the great britain became a powerful country, so its language—english became an international language.
s1: that’s right, but not enough. since the 1950s, the u.s.a. has become more and more powerful. its computer and internet industry took the leading position in the world. as a result, english became more and more popular together with the internet.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (以活动的形式复习被动语态,完成3a。)
housework speak
meals use
english clean
computers do
classroom cook
…  …
disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.
is english spoken as the official language in cuba?

2. (以小组比赛的形式,复习被动语态。将学生分为四组,每次每组一名同学到讲台上来说几句话,尽可能多地使用含有被动语态的句子。)
s1:  i have a happy family. i love my mother. when i get up every morning, the breakfast is cooked for me. my clothes are always washed by my mother. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
s2:  i like making things. i have many toys at home. they are made by me.
s3:  i like helping my mother do housework. the tables are always cleaned by me. dishes are washed by me, too.
s4:  my sister is a writer. many books are written by her.
s5:  do you know gone with the wind? whom is it written by?

3. (头脑风暴。让学生快速地说出本话题的重要功能用语,比一比谁说得最多。)
t: let’s think about the useful expressions in this topic. if you know, you can say them to the class.
t: listen to 3b, then follow the tape.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)
1. (组织学生分组探讨将来是英语还是汉语会被最广泛使用。先列出观点,后做演讲。)
t: in recent years, china has developed rapidly. more and more people throughout the world are learning chinese. do you think chinese will be most widely used in the world?
ss: yes/no.
the importance of chinese
                                   the importance of english
the advantages of learning chinese
                                   the advantages of learning english12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
the development of chinese
                                   the development of english
2. homework:
  write a report about the importance of english.


english is widely spoken throughout the world.
section d
take the leading position it’s true that …
be regarded as   is english spoken as the official
as well as    language in cuba?

topic 2  english is spoken differently
   in different countries.
section a
the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and a useful phrase:
australian, difference, autumn, face to face
2. learn some useful sentences:
(1) sorry, i can’t follow you. can you speak more slowly, please?12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
(2) english is spoken differently in different english-speaking countries.
(3) have a good trip!
  (4) if you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.
3. learn present continuous to show the future:
i’m flying to disneyland tomorrow.
4. discuss the differences in using english around the world.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:8分钟)
t: in topic 1, we’ve learned the importance of english. now let’s review it. i’ll give you some key words. please say some sentences using passive voice. are you ready?
ss: yes.
t: firstly, the key words: english, speak.
ss: english is spoken as the first language in america.
t: well done! next: english, use.
ss: english is widely used throughout the world.

t: good on ya, mate! can you understand me?
ss: sorry, we can’t.
t: i just said “well done!” in australia, people use the words “good on ya, mate!” instead of “well done!”
good on ya, mate! = well done!
t: in fact, though english is widely spoken around the world, there are some differences among american english, british english, canadian english and australian english. what are the differences between them? let’s come to 1a and learn about it.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:12分钟)
1. (用幻灯片呈现听力任务,听录音二遍后,核对答案。)
(1) how to say “hello” in australia?
(2) in australia, what do people call all their friends?
(3) who call girls “sheilas”, canadians or australians?
t: english is spoken differently in different countries. now please listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions above.
2. (教师用小黑板或幻灯片呈现下列内容,学生阅读1a,根据不同国家的语言表达习惯,完成表格,并理解生词trunk。)
g’day    hello    friends    mates    good on ya, mate!    well done    sheila    sheilas    boot    trunk
british english     
australian english     
canadian english     
american english     12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t: stop reading, please. now who can tell me which expressions are british english? please put up your hands. s1.
s1: …
t: which expressions are australian english?
s2: …
3. (要求学生再读1a,指导学生进行小组合作,找出重难点并讨论解决。)
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (教师讲解语法:现在进行时表示将来。听录音并跟读,注意语音语调,巩固1a。)
grammar: showing the future by present continuous.
e.g. ①i’m coming.
②i’m leaving.
③i’m flying to disneyland tomorrow.
2. (出示1b中的四幅图片,师生问答,复习1a中的内容,完成1b。)
t: boys and girls, please look at picture 1. what’re the boys doing?
ss: they are greeting when they meet on the way to school.
t: do you know what they are saying?
ss: g’day.
t: if they come from great britain, what will they say?
ss: they will say “hello/hi, nice to meet you…”
t: you’re right.
3. (在前面操练的基础上,复述课文,可采取分组活动的方式进行,然后选出几名学生做简短演讲。)
s1: ladies and gentlemen, i’m very happy to speak here. my topic is “different countries, different english” …
4. (让学生完成1c,并核对答案。)
 t: please finish 1c by yourself, then we will check the answers.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
通过做游戏的形式谈论不同国家在英语表达上的差异。做听力练习,讨论e-mail english,让书本知识走进学生的生活,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
1. (玩游戏的过程中,要求每两个学生把同一意思的两种英语表达对应起来进行对练。)
t: let’s play a game and express the same meaning with these different words or sentences. one student says a sentence and the partner says another expression that has the same meaning. do you understand?
ss: yes.
t: s1, s2, please do it first.
s1: i will say “hello” to you when we meet in england.
s2: i will say “g’day” to you if we are from australia.

2. (做听力练习,完成2。)
  t: good on ya, mate! we’ve learned to express the same meaning with different words. now please listen to 2 and find out what “fall” means in this dialog.
3. (让学生根据3中的内容猜其意思,并给出更多的网络语言。完成3。)
t:  we know english is very interesting. it has different meanings in different countries. there is another interesting english, which is called e-mail english.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t: boys and girls, do you like surfing the internet?
ss: yes .
t: do you often send e-mails to your friends?
ss: yes .
t: ok. do you know the meanings of the following e-mail english in 3? you can read it firstly.
t: now, let’s check the answers.
face to face
t: can you give more examples of e-mail english?
ss: yes.
s1: …
s2: it means…
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (小组活动。把学生分成几组,分别写出由汉语转化而来的英文单词及由英语转化而来的汉语外来词。评选出优胜小组。)
  for example:
english word from chinese kungfu, tofu…
chinese word from english 咖啡,可口可乐……
2. homework:
collect more information about e-mail english.
english is spoken differently in different countries.
section a
different→difference   sorry, i can’t follow you. can you speak more slowly, please?
face to face     i’m flying to disneyland tomorrow.
      have a good trip!

section b
the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn a new word and some phrases:
see … off, put out, ask for a ride, get in, pick up, victory
2. learn some useful sentences:
(1)the foreigner is asking for a ride.
(2) it’s quite all right.
(3) i hope i won’t have much difficulty communicating.
(4)whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.
3. go on learning present continuous to show the future:
(1)my uncle is meeting us tomorrow.
(2)when are you leaving for disneyland?
(3)i’m leaving this afternoon.
4. talk about sign language and body language.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:8分钟)
t: we know that english is spoken differently in different countries. then how to say hello to each other in australia?
s1: they say “g’day”.
t: what does the word “boot” mean in british english?
s2: it’s the trunk of a car.
t: good! what’s the meaning of “f2f” in e-mail english?
s3: face to face.
t: what about “gr8”?
s4: it means “great”.
t: well done! in fact, english speakers communicate in this kind of simplified form. besides, they also use gestures to express their meanings. look at me. this is my thumb. i put out my hand with my thumb raised. (做拇指朝上伸出手的动作。) what’s my meaning? do you know?12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
ss: sorry, we don’t know.
t: it means that i am asking for a ride.
(板书生词及短语,讲解并要求掌握put out, ask for a ride;了解thumb。)
put out
ask for a ride
t: ok, look at the picture in 1a, what’s the foreigner doing?
ss: he is asking for a ride.
t: yes, where is he going? let’s listen to 1a.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:12分钟)
1. (设置听力任务,首先帮助学习理解生词flight,然后让学生带着任务听1a录音,从整体上把握对话意思,并完成所列问题。)
t: listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
(1) what’s the foreigner leaving for?
(2) when is wang junfeng’s flight?
2. (让学生朗读1a,在练习本中写下现在进行时表示将来的句子,仔细观察并试着去掌握。)
t: please read 1a and write down the sentences that use present continuous to show the future.
i’m flying to disneyland.
i’m leaving this afternoon.
my uncle is meeting us tomorrow.
3. (师生共同总结现在进行时表将来的用法,教师用幻灯片展示。)
现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”、“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”的含义,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表示最近或较近的将来,所用动词多是位移动词(come, go, start, leave, stay, arrive …)。例如:
i’m going.
when are you starting?
i’m leaving tomorrow.

i’m meeting you after class.
she is buying a new bike soon.

4. (小组合作,找出1a的重点词组,同时教师帮助学生掌握see…off和get in;理解minibus;了解guidebook。)
see…off, get in, minibus, guidebook
they are on their way to the airport. → on one’s way to
michael and kangkang are going to see them off. → see sb. off
i hope i won’t have much difficulty communicating. → have difficulty (in) doing …
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (播放1a录音,学生跟读并注意语音语调,然后进行人机对话。)
  t: read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. suppose you are wang junfeng. listen to the tape and make a dialog with it.
2. (学生分组对话练习,然后让每组分角色进行表演。完成1a。)
t: class, now let’s work in groups. i’ll choose six students to act the dialog out in the front.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
3. (根据1a,判断正误,完成1b。)
  t: mark true or false according to 1a. finish 1b.
  (核对答案。教师解释pick up并板书。要求学生掌握该词组。)
pick up
4. (教师展示1c图画,给出一些关键词,让学生用现在进行时表将来的结构造句并板书。)
t: here are some pictures. now make sentences with the key words given below, using present continuous to show the future.
leave for disneyland this afternoon   travel to canada tomorrow
come home in twenty minutes  start at 7 o’clock   go to shanghai next week

picture1: …is leaving for disneyland this afternoon.
picture2: …is traveling to canada tomorrow.
picture3: …is getting home in twenty minutes.
picture4: …is starting at 7 o’clock.
picture5: …is going to shanghai next week.
5. (在熟悉现在进行时表将来的用法之后,两人一组对话操练,完成1c。)
t: pair work. make dialogs with your partner according to the example in 1c.
a: when are you leaving for disneyland?
b: i’m leaving this afternoon.
t: now i’ll ask several groups to act out the dialogs. let’s have a competition.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (准备一些写有指令性动作的卡片,如go shopping,leave for shanghai, fly to america等等,让一些同学来抽,抽到哪个指令就做一些相关动作,让其他同学猜,进行组与组间的评比。)
t: i have some cards here. there are some instructions on them. i’ll ask one student to choose a card and he should do an action according to the card he gets. other students should guess what he is going to do. now let’s see which team acts best.
s1: (做动作)what am i going to do?
s2: you are going shopping. am i right?
s1: yes, you are right. / no, you are wrong.
s3: (做动作)what am i going to do?
s4: are you flying to …?
s3: yes, i am. / no, i’m not.

2. (出示2a体态语的图片,师生对话,让学生猜出它们的含义。)
t: class, suppose one of you is traveling in the united states. but you can’t speak english. if you are in trouble, what are you going to do?
ss: …
t: good. you can take an interpreter with you or you can make a gesture to express your meanings. now, look at these gestures that people often use in the united states. guess the meanings of them, and you can discuss with your partners.
t: what’s the meaning of the gesture in picture ①?12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
s1: it means “have a victory”. (可帮助学生回答。)
t: what about picture ②?
s2: it means i’m puzzled. (帮助学生回答。)
t: class, do you agree with him / her?
ss: yes. / no.

3. (小组讨论。尽量多地找出日常生活中我们所运用的体态语,并且用简笔画把它们做成小卡片,组织学生进行“猜一猜”的游戏。)
t: boys and girls, let’s work in groups and each group has four students. we stick the gesture cards to the back of one student. he / she can ask questions about the gestures, and the other three just describe the gestures and make the student who has pictures on his/her back guesses what the gesture is.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (引导学生收集不同国家的手势语并理解其含义。)
t: suppose you’re a volunteer of the XX olympic games, try to search the internet for sign language and body language as many as possible, and then make a form like this. after that, please make a report to your class.
country gesture meaning
2. homework:
(1)write several sentences using present continuous to show the future.
(2)collect more information about the differences in english among different english—speaking countries, including spelling and pronunciation.
english is spoken differently in different countries.
section b
face to face      i’m flying to disneyland.
see sb. off      my uncle is meeting us tomorrow.
put out      it’s quite all right.
ask for a ride     i’m leaving for disneyland this afternoon.
get in                           
pick up
have much difficulty (in) doing …
section c
the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and phrases:
pronounce, pronunciation, fill in
2. discuss the differences between british english and american english in spelling,
 pronunciation and expression.
3. cultivate students’ exploring spirit and open minds to accept different languages.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (把全班同学分成若干组,教师给出关键词,让学生用现在进行时表将来的结构进行造句抢答,评选出优胜小组。)
t: fly.
g1: we are flying to disneyland.

2. (做游戏,复习肢体语言。)
t: now, let’s play a game to review the body language.
3. (引导学生复习不同国家英语表达上的差异。)
t:  well done! boys and girls, yesterday i asked you to collect more information about differences in english among different english-speaking countries. now i’ll ask a pair to perform in the front. s1, s2, would you like to show us your dialog?
s1, s2: yes, of course.
s1: hello, what should people say when they meet other people in britain?
s2: they often say“hello”. but what about in australia?
s1: “g’day” instead.
s2: what should people say when someone did something well in britain then?
s1: well done! and what about in australia?
s2: good on ya, mate!
s1: …
s2: …
t: boys and girls, do you think their oral english is very good?
ss: yes.
t: who has the best pronunciation in our class?
pronunciation (n. ) —— pronounce(v. ), oral
ss: li lan.
t: yes, you’re right. li lan, please stand up. can you pronounce “hot”? (教师板书hot)
li lan:yes, it’s//.
t: you’re right. you know it pronounces /ht/ in british english, while in american english “hot” pronounces //. besides pronunciation, there are other differences between american english and british english, such as spelling and expression.
t: now, if you want to know more about differences between american english and british english, let’s learn 1a.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:12分钟)
1. (设置问题,让学生带着问题去听1a。)
t: please listen to the tape carefully and find out what the differences between british english and american english are.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
(1) how many kinds of differences are mentioned in the dialog?
(2) what are they?
t:  who can answer question 1?
s1: i can. there are three.
t:  yes, what are they?
s1: american english is different from british english in pronunciation, spelling and some expressions.
2. (要求学生默读课文,找出英、美式英语的区别,并列举出相应的例子,完成1b。)
t: read 1a again, and fill in the form in 1b.
fill in
t: s2, could you tell me how to pronounce “clerk” in british english?
s2: oh, yes. it’ s //.
t: but how to pronounce it in american english?
s2: it’s //.
t: great. s3, could you spell the past participle form of travel in american english?
s3: t-r-a-v-e-l-e-d.
t: good. but how to spell it in british english?
s3: t-r-a-v-e-l-l-e-d.
t: s4, which take the subway, americans or british people?
s4: americans.
t: ok. you can make a similar dialog with your partners.
3. (再播1a录音,让学生跟读课文,特别注意英美发音有区别的单词。)
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:8分钟)
1. (做游戏“我知道你是哪国人”,通过讲英语的国家在发音、拼写、表达等方面的差异,了解谈话双方信息。)
t: now, let’s play the game “i know where you come from. ” you can use the knowledge we have learned in this topic. you can begin like this:
s1: hello. may i ask you a question?
s2: of course, please.
s1: how do you pronounce “hot”?
s2: //.
s1: thanks. i know you are an englishman.
s2: (作吃惊状)how do you know that?
s1: i know that from your pronunciation.
s2: oh. i see.
s3: good on ya, mate!
s1: oh. i know you’re from australia. in australia, people call their friends “mates”.
s3: that’s right. there are differences in english among different english-speaking countries.
2. (完成1b中的表格;利用1b的表格,让学生复述1a。 )
t: now, according to what we have just learned, we know american english and british english are different. please finish 1b first. i’ll ask some students to retell the text. you can use the form in 1b.
we all know american english is different from british english in pronunciation, spelling and expression. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:9分钟)
1. (两人一组,合作完成1c。核对答案。然后做链式问答游戏,两组同时展开,看谁做的又快又好。)
t: now, let’s play a game “who does quickly and well?”.
a: “fall” in america is “秋天”. do you know how to express “秋天” in england?
b: yes, it’s “autumn”. do you know how to spell “数学” in british english?
c: yes, it’s “maths”. do you know how to spell it in american english?
d: yes. it’s “math”.

2. (通过谈论去迪斯尼乐园游玩的wang junfeng,引出2。)
t: in last lesson, who knows where wang junfeng is?
s1: he has gone to disneyland in california.
t: yes, now he is there. he finds some information about disneyland. let’s enjoy it with him.
3. (学生默读2并找出重点词组,教师讲解。帮助学生了解pirates of the caribbean,向学生介绍加勒比海盗和魔积山的相关内容。)
not only… but also
be fond of
be close to
pirates of the caribbean
not only he but also i am interested in watching tv.
the children are fond of playing toys.
his home is close to his school.
4. (让学生把2中文字与相应的图片连接起来。完成2。然后核对答案。)
t: match the pictures with the right sentences. then i will ask a student to read the sentences, and check the answers.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)
1. (通过找朋友游戏,让学生在玩的同时更好的区分英、美两种英语,并给予总结。)
2. homework:
    after class, see two english films. one is made in uk, the other is made in us.
english is spoken differently in different countries.
section c
pronounce(v.)—pronunciation(n.) be fond of
fill in be close to
not only… but also… in person

section d
the main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and phrases:
come about, force, take in, cent, accent
2. learn how the differences between american english and british english came about.
3. review present continuous to show the future:
i’m flying to disneyland tomorrow.
my uncle is meeting us tomorrow.

ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:7分钟)
british english american english
[] []
 a living room
… …
t: now, let’s review section c. how many kinds of differences are there between british english and american english?
s1: three. they are different in pronunciation, spelling and expression.
t: who can give me some examples?
s2: the word“hot”is pronounced as [ht] in britain, but it is pronounced as [] in america.
s3: the word“dialog”is spelt as“dialogue”in britain, but in america it is spelt as“dialog”.
s4: in britain people usually relax in a sitting room, but in a living room in america.

t: good. you learn very well. but how did these differences come about? do you want to know? ok, let’s learn 1a to find out.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (教师引导学生学习本课生词。)
t: as we know, there are some differences between american english and british english. how did the differences come about?
come about
t: long ago, many british people were forced to leave their country for some other places. these places were later called america, canada and australia. the english language was brought to these places by them. the language changed little by little in different parts of the world.
t: the english language has also taken in many new words from other languages. in a word, the english language is changing all the time. understand?
ss: yes.
take in
t: now, look at your books and listen to 1a, find out how these differences came about.
2. (让学生看着课文听1a录音,理解英、美式英语差异形成的原因,同时画出文中的生词及疑难点。学生小组合作解决,教师再作补充讲解,要求掌握文中部分短语及生词cent;理解german;了解kowtow。)
be forced to do,  cent
in the beginning,  german
take in,   kowtow
in short,
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:8分钟)
1. (学生再读1a,完成1b。师生核对答案。)
  t: read 1a again, and mark the statements in 1b true or false.
2. (让学生读1c,根据1a迅速找出答案,然后进行核对。)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
  t: ok. please read 1a again and match the words with the languages in 1c. then we’ll check the answers together.
3. (小组合作。把课文内容改编成一个对话, 然后进行表演。巩固1a。)
t:  s1, may i ask you some questions?
s1: of course.
t: there are differences between american english and british english, but how did they come about?
s1: long ago, many british people were forced to… the english language was brought to… in the beginning… the same as…, changed little by little…
t:  what’s the meaning of the word “cookbook”?
s1: it’s a book for cooking. it’s from german. the english language has taken in many new words from other languages. for example, it borrowed “tofu” and “kowtow” from chinese.
t: well done, thank you. you’ve learnt very well.

step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (复习现在进行时表示将来时的用法。教师出示一些位移动词,让学生做出更多的例句。)
t: we have learnt to show the future by present continuous in this topic. now let’s make some sentences with the present continuous tense to show the future. ok?
ss: ok!

t: who wants to try?
s1: i’m leaving for disneyland tomorrow.
s2: the most exciting time is coming.
s3: we are traveling to america next summer holiday.

2. (小组合作。要求学生找出本话题中所有现在进行时表将来的句子。然后小组间进行交流,检查句子是否正确。)
  t: now, please find out all the sentences which show the future by present continuous by yourselves. then discuss in groups.
3. (听2a录音,学生跟读。)
t: ok, listen to 2a and repeat the sentences.
i’m flying to disneyland tomorrow.
i’m leaving this afternoon.

4. (1)(复习归纳本话题的语言点。通过小组竞赛的形式,把全班分为8组,要求在规定的时间内列出本话题的语言点,评选出优胜组。)
t: let’s have a competition. i will divide you into eight groups. you have to list all the useful expressions in this topic within the fixed time. then we’ll check to see which group is the winner.
t: listen to 2b and follow.
i can’t follow you.
can you speak more slowly, please?
have a good trip!
the foreigner is asking for a ride.

step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)
做猜谜游戏,活跃课堂气氛,完成3。并由谈论本话题的主要内容导入4,让学生小组讨论学习wang junfeng的来信并给wang junfeng写一封回信。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
1. (猜谜游戏:学生四人一组。每组轮流派代表出谜语,下一组猜谜。猜对的一组得分,未猜对则出题组得分。完成3。)
  t: let’s play a guessing game. you work in groups of four. any student from each group in turn describes something in riddle format, and the students from the next group guess. if the riddle is guessed correctly, the guess group wins one score, otherwise the riddle group wins the score.
  g1: what color is the white cap that is thrown into the black sea?
  g2: white. which table doesn’t have legs?
  g3: timetable. who earns a living by driving his customers away?
  g4: the driver. …
  t: i’ll give you some riddles. if your answer is right, you can get one score for your group. ok?
  ss: yes.
  t: are you ready?
  ss: yes.
  t: all right. no.1: what letter is an animal?
  s5: … (b).
  t: no.2: what letter is an question?
  s6: … (y).
2. (师生讨论本话题内容,引出4,并学习生词accent。)
t: what do we talk about in this topic?
ss: the differences between british english and american english.
t: yes. if someone has trouble in communicating in english, can you help him/her?
ss: sure./certainly./no problem.
t: ok. wang junfeng is in california now. he has some difficulties in understanding the people there. because their accents are not all the same.
t: let’s read his e-card to find out what he wants to know and try our best to help him.
3. homework:
write a passage about the differences among american english, british english, canadian english and australian english.
english is spoken differently in different countries.
section d
be forced to do sth. in the beginning  i’m flying to disneyland tomorrow.
little by little take in i can’t follow you.
borrow… from… in a word  could you speak more slowly, please?

topic 3  could you give us some advice on how to learn english well? 
唐建兰  中学英语一级
section a
the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and phrases:
dare, at times, grammar, copy, notebook, keep a diary, pardon, repeat
2. learn some useful sentences:
(1)could you make yourself understood in the u.s.a.?
(2)i dare not speak english in public.
(3)i beg your pardon? / pardon?12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
(4)i’m sorry, i only know a little english.
(5)how do you say … in english?
3. learn the usage of “wh-+to do”:
(1)i don’t know what to do.
(2)i don’t know how to say/spell that in english.
4. talk about language learning strategies.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:7分钟)
1. (检查作业,教师让两名同学复述英式英语和美式英语的主要差异及产生差异的原因,巩固上一话题所学内容。)
t: let’s review the last topic. i will ask one student to tell us the differences between british english and american english. who can try?
s1: let me try. generally speaking, american english is different from british english in pronunciation, spelling and expression. but people from the two countries do not have much difficulty in understanding each other.
t: nice work. now who can tell us how these differences came about?
s2: i know. long ago, many british people were forced to leave their country. they brought the english language to other countries, such as america, australia and canada. so the language changed little by little from one part of the world to another and the english language is changing all the time.
t: great. you learned a lot.
2. (师生问答,讨论学习英语是否有困难,导入新课。)
t: as you know, with the development of the world, it’s more and more important to learn english well. do you agree with me?
ss: yes.
t: do you think it is easy to learn english well?
ss: no, we don’t think so.
t: do you want to get some suggestions?
ss: of course.
t: ok, let’s begin our new lesson to talk about how to learn english well.
 step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:15分钟)
1. (学生分组讨论学习英语时遇到的困难,老师给出建议,同时呈现并教学生词。)
t:  what problems do you have in learning english?
s1:  i forget new words easily.
t: copy them in a notebook and take it with you.
t: what about you, s2?
s2:  i find it difficult to write compositions.
t: keep a diary to practice it.
keep a diary
t: s3, do you have any problems in learning english?
s3: yes, i’m afraid of speaking english in public.
t: you mean you dare not speak english in public. don’t be shy. be confident.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
2. (教师总结讨论结果,同时教学部分生词。)
t: many students have difficulty in learning english. some forget new words easily. some dare not speak english in public. some are not good at grammar. some even feel like giving up learning english at times …
at times
t: do you want to get more suggestions? let’s listen to the tape and check li ming’s difficulties. then match them with miss wang’s suggestions.
3. (听2录音,核对答案,完成2。)
4. (导入新课,呈现1a,完成1b。)
t: here’s a picture. now look at the picture. who’s that boy?(教师指着图中的王俊锋)
ss: he is wang junfeng.
t: yes. he is back from the u.s.a. do you think he had a good trip?
ss: yes.
t: did he have any difficulties in the u.s.a.?
ss: we think so.
t: now listen to the tape and answer the following question.
what difficulties did wang junfeng meet in the u.s.a?
t: who can answer the question?
s4: he couldn’t make himself understood in the u.s.a. at times.
t: do you agree with him/her?
ss: yes.
s5: he couldn’t have long conversations with the people there.
t: very good! do other students agree?
ss: yes.
he couldn’t make himself understood…
(讲解make oneself understood)
can you make yourself understood in our class?
t: listen to 1a again and find out what troubles li ming and li xiang have.
5. (让学生再读课文,找出疑难点,并要求学生分组讨论解决疑难点,教师作补充讲解。)
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:5分钟)
1. (让学生再读1a,然后三个人一组,分角色表演1a。)
t: now, it’s time to act out the dialog. first, i’ll ask a group to come to the blackboard. are you ready?
ss: yes.
(尽量多找几组同学表演, 了解学生对1a的掌握情况。)
2. (找同学分别复述li ming、wang junfeng和li xiang在学英语方面的困难。)
  s1: i’m li ming. i dare not speak english in public.
s2: i’m wang junfeng, i’ve worked hard at it, but i haven’t made any progress. i feel like giving up.
  s3: i’m li xiang. it’s so difficult for me to remember new words.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (让学生讨论1b中孩子们的困难并根据2中的内容给出恰当的建议。)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t: wang junfeng, li ming and li xiang have some difficulties in studying english. how can they study english well? do you know how we can help them? that is to say, do you know how to help them?
do you know how we can help them?
do you know how to help them?
(解释语法结构how+to do,让学生用how+to do造句。)
t: let’s make some sentences using how+to do.
s1: i don’t know how to learn english well.

t: very good! now, answer my question “do you know how to help them?”
s2: they can take part in the english corner.
s3: they can copy new words in a notebook.
s4: they can keep a diary.
s5: they can buy a grammar book.
s6: …
2. (让学生两人一组自由对话,讨论英语学习中的困难及解决办法。)
s7: i forget new words easily.
s8: you can copy new words in a notebook and take it with you.
s7: i can’t pronounce well.
s8: you can often listen to the tape.
s7: i am not good at grammar.
s8: you can buy a grammar book.
s7: i am not good at writing compositions.
s8: you can keep a diary in english.
3. (分组活动。完成3。)
(1)(完成搭配, 教师核对答案。)
t: i’m sorry, i can’t hear you clearly. (教师向其他同学提问。) what should i say when i can’t hear clearly?
s9: can you speak more slowly, please?
s10: sorry, i can’t follow you.
t: yes. we can also say “i beg your pardon?/pardon?/repeat it, please!”
(板书并要求掌握repeat, pardon;理解beg。)
beg, pardon, repeat
s11: excuse me, could you tell me how i can get to the post office?
s12: i’m sorry, i can’t follow you. can you speak again more slowly?
s11: could you tell me how to get to the post office?
(让学生两人一组做更多的对话,加深对特殊疑问词+to do这个语法的运用。)
could you tell me how to get to the post office?



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