
高一英语教案 2015-04-06 网络整理 晴天


unit3  the million pound bank note 教学流程图

find the information about mark twain



watching part of the movie


二 、模式内涵

高一必修3  unit 3   the million pound bank-note12345
teaching aims:
1. learn more about mark twain
2. read and retell the million pound bank-note
3. learn useful expressions:  a large amount of,
make a bet, permit sb. to do sth., by chance, stare at, to be honest
teaching important points:
1. retell the million pound bank-note 
2. useful expressions
teaching difficult points:
how to help students have a correct attitude towards money
teaching methods:
1. direct perception teaching method; 2. heuristic method; 
3. discussing method
teaching aids:
1. a recorder ;  2. a slide projector;  3. a computer
teaching procedures:
step i .introduction
step ii .reading
read the passage on page 23. find more information about mark twain
step iii. reading
read scene 3, act 1 of the million pound bank-note and answer some questions about it
step iv. listening
listen and solve some comprehension questions
step v. watching part of the movie the million pound bank-note
step vi. retelling the million pound bank-note
step vii. debate the importance of the money
step viii. assignments
step ix .record after teaching

高一必修3  unit 3 the million pound bank-note

teaching aims:
1. learn more about mark twain
2. read and retell the million pound bank-note
3. learn useful expressions:  a large amount of,
make a bet, permit sb. to do sth., by chance, stare at, to be honest
teaching important points:
1. retell the million pound bank-note 
2. useful expressions
teaching difficult points:
how to help students have a correct attitude towards money
teaching methods:
1. direct perception teaching method; 2. heuristic method; 
3. discussing method
teaching aids:
1. a recorder ;  2. a slide projector;  3. a computer  4. a vcd
teaching procedures:
step i .introduction and reading
t: morning, everyone, do you like humor?
ss: yes, of course.
t: me, too. and i like watching humorous play. look at the screen; can you guess what play it is?
ss: yes. it is called the million pound bank-note.
t: then, do you know the writer of the play?
ss: yes. it is mark twain.
t: what do you know about the american writer mark twain?
next, read “about mark twain” on page 23 so that you can know more about him.
t: have you finished reading? ok. look at the screen and say sth. about mark twain.
t:1. tell us his wok experiences
s1: over the next two decades he was a printer, a riverboat pilot, a soldier, a gold miner, a business- man and a newspaper reporter.
t: 2.what was his pen name?
s2: mark twain
t: samuel langhorne clemens was his real name.12345
t: 3. tell us the meaning of his pen name
s3: “twain” is an old word for “two”.
“mark twain” is to say that the water is two fathoms deep.
t: 4.what was his first successful story?
s4: his first successful story was about a jumping frog contest.
t: 5.what are his most famous books?
s5: the adventures of tom sawyer.
the adventures of huckleberry finn.
  life on the mississippi
t : why did you forget this one----the million pound bank-note? as we know, mark twain is known as a humorist during his life. and this is reflected in the million pound bank-note. so, today we’ll learn some parts of this famous play.
step ii . listening and reading
t: first, express your opinions freely. if a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do? why? please discuss in groups of four.
s1: i’ll buy a big house, a new car of my own and get married with a beautiful girl. in my opinion, the most important thing for a person is to enjoy the life. so, if i have a lot of money, i’ll make full use of it to meet my needs for a rich life.
s2: i’ll give some money of the one million pound to the poor people in the west part of our country to help them live a happy life, especially the children. because they really need help and they can learn more knowledge in order to develop the west part of our country. this way of spending money is meaningful.
s3: …
t: i think all of you have a good idea. do you want to know what happened to henry adams in the million pound bank-note written by mark twain?  we’ll learn the story together.
1. listening
  t: now we are going to learn act one scene 3.  listen the whole scene quickly and find out the answers to the four questions here.
show the questions on the screen:
1. how did henry adams come to england?
2. where did henry work? how much money did he have?
3. what did the two gentlemen give henry?
4. when can henry open the letter?
t: well, class, have you finished reading the whole scene?
ss: yes.
t: ok, who can answer the first question? how did henry adams come to england?
s1: it was the ship that brought him to england.
t: very good. you did a good job. next, where did henry work? how much money did he have?
s2: he worked for a mining company and he had no money at all.
t: very good. then what did the two gentlemen give him?
s3: they gave him a letter.
t: when can henry open the letter?
s4: he can’t open it until two o’clock.
t: ok, great. next, let’s do some listening.12345
step iii. reading and comprehending
t: please listen to the tape and try to find the characteristics of the whole scene.
(students listen to the tape.)
t: well, can you tell me the characteristics of the passage?
ss: yes. this is part of a play. so, the tale is written in the present tense.
t: ok, all of you did a good job. next, let’s read the scene again and do some exercises. 
these questions in oral may help understand the problem:
1. what happened to henry adams at sea?
2. did he have any money or work?
3. what happened to henry in a house in london?
step iv post-reading
1. do comprehending exercises.
get the students to do this exercise by themselves, and then ask them to check their answers with the whole class.
2. explain language points.
t: well, class. what do you think of the scene? do you think it is difficult to understand some sentences?
ss: yes.
t: now, please look at the screen and let me explain some sentences.
(1) a large amount of: a large quantity of; a great deal of
e.g. they bought a large amount of furniture before they moved their new house.
(2) permit somebody to do something: allow somebody to do something
e.g. my mother doesn’t permit me to ride in the street after it rained.
(3)by accident: as a result of chance or mishap.
e.g. i only found it by accident.
(4) to be honest: to tell you the truth; to be frank
e.g. to be honest, i don’t think we have a chance of winning.
step iv. watching part of the movie the million pound bank-note
t: well, class, have you got the main idea?
ss: yes.
t: what’s the main idea? and would you like to retell it to your parents or your friends?
step v. retelling the million pound bank-note
t: now, look at the key words. prepare for retelling the whole scene.
summer, 1903, henry adams, american businessman, rescued, british ship, london, without money, lost, walk down, street, led to, two rich brothers, made a bet, a letter, a million-pound bank-note, open, two o’clock.
s1: it was the summer of 1903, and henry adams, an american businessman, had some very luck. he was rescued at sea by a british ship that takes him to london where he finds himself without money, friends or the prospect of a good job. he was lost and alone in london. he had no money and did not know what he should do. walking down the street, he heard someone calling him. then he came in and was led to two rich brothers, roderick and oliver, who made a secret bet and gave him a letter in which there was a one-million-pound banknote. he was asked to open the letter until two o’clock in the afternoon.12345
t: good, the next one, who wants to try?
(then another student retells the whole scene.)
step vi. debate the importance of the money
t: ok, class, what do you think of this play? is money so important?
ss: no.
t: some people say that money is everything. what do you think of this opinion?
s1: i don’t think so. yes, money is very important in some occasion. but that doesn’t mean it is everything. for example, when your hometown is flooded and you are trapped in the water, can you save yourself even if you have a lot of money with you? no! so, we should not regard money as everything.
t: great! but some people still think that money can bring them happiness. what do you think of this?
s2: i don’t agree this. since money doesn’t mean everything, so it can’t bring happiness to us. for example, you have a lot of money but you haven’t a happy family, can’t you say that you are happy? t: so, class, we should have a correct attitude towards money. now, let’s look at today’s homework.
step vii. assignments
1. review the key sentences in this part.
 2. act out the play in groups.
step ix .record after teaching



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