unit21body talk 教案_Unit21bodylanguage

高一英语教案 2015-04-05 网络整理 晴天


        unit21 body language
teaching aims and demands
1. train the ss’ listening ability      2. train the ss’ speaking ability
3. talk about body language
step i. warming up
t: when we communicate with others, we can use both words and body language, such as the movements of our head ,hands, eyes and so on. for what do we use body language?( to make ourselves well understood and express ourselves clearly and vividly.)what body language do you use in the following situations?
1. to show your welcome---- smile, handshake, hug, kiss etc.
2. to say goodbye----wave one’s hand
3. to show agreement----nod one’s head
4. to show disagreement----shake one’s head
look at the pictures in warming up. what expression can we see on the person’s face?
1. match each picture with the emotion and the sentence.
picture1. confused    i don’t know what to do.
picture2. angry       i can’t believe she said that! that is so unfair!
picture3. sad          i’ve lost my wallet!
picture4. happy  i got an a in my exam!
picture5.tired   it’s been a long day. i can’t keep my eyes open.
2. what makes you think that the person in the picture is feeling a certain way?
various answers are possible.
3. look at your classmates. can you tell how they are feeling today by the way they sit or stand?
various answers are possible.
step ii. listening
ask the ss what body language they use to show they dislike a party and want to leave. they may mime.
now we are going to hear about ways that people use body langue in different situations. listen to the tape and choose the best answers to the questions in part1. (keys: d  b  a)
listen again and finish part2 ( keys: b  b  )
step iii. speaking
1. discuss with your partner how you can use body language to communicate the following ideas?
 you are enjoying something.
smiling, opening one’s eyes wide, rocking one’s head from side to side
 you are not enjoying something.
yawning, sighing, complaining, frowning, looking away
 you like someone.
smiling, hugging oneself, leaning one’s head to one side, lowering with one’s eyes, leaning forward or closer
 you want to leave because you are in a hurry.
sighing, biting down with one’s teeth, not standing still, tapping one’s toes on the floor, looking toward the door1234567891011
 you are interested in what someone is saying.
staring a lot, putting a hand to your chin as in thought, leaning forward, opening eyes wide, shaping your mouth with a big o, responding with the same expressions as the person who you’re listening to
 you are not interested.
same as not enjoying something.
 you disagree with what someone is saying.
looking away, putting one’s head down into one’s arms, talking to oneself, whistling, frowning, folding one’s arms
 you would like to talk to someone.
raising one’s hand to be called on, trying to speak up, waving one’s arms over one’s head to get attention, jumping up and down, shaping one’s mouth in a big o.
2. (1)ask the ss what expressions can be used to ask for help, offer help, accept help and refuse help.
asking for help: could you help me with…?
could you please…?
could you give me a hand with this?
i’d like you to…
offering help:      can /shall i help you with that?
do you need some help with that?
would you like some help?
would you like me to…?
is there anything else i can do for you?
accepting help:     thanks./thank you for your help.
yes, please.   that’s very kind/nice of you.
refusing help:       no thank you. thanks for all your help.
no, thanks. i can manage it myself.
that’s very nice of you.    it’s all right, thank you.
 (2)work with your partner and make up dialogues according to the following situations.
1) an old man is carrying a very heavy suitcase.
2) you are late for a flight and want to go ahead of the queue.
3) being old and sick, you are on a crowded bus and you want to sit down.
step iv. language points.
1. avoid vt. 避免       avoid+ n./doing sth.
i tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.
you’d better fasten the belt to avoid being hurt in case of an accident.
  avoid   vt. 避免,躲避;  预防,防止 
  avoid sth / avoid doing sth
you can avoid danger by being careful.
i took the other direction so as to avoid meeting her.
he told a lie in order to avoid being punished.
i just avoided running over the cat.   我差点儿轧着猫。
try to avoid accidents.      尽量防止发生事故。
2. ahead of 提前,超出, 在。。。。。。前面
our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane.我们公司飞机零部件制造业绩超出其他公司。1234567891011
to his great joy, the workers finished their work ahead of time.
walk straight ahead until you reach the river.
the road ahead was full of cattle, which blocked their way.前方的路上满是牛,挡住了他们的路。
----do you mind my using your dictionary?
----no. please go ahead
homework: prepare reading.   learn the new words and expressions by heart.
the second period
teaching aims:
1. to get ss to understand what body language is and how body language differs from culture to culture.
2. to develop ss’ ability of communication by mastering correct gestures.
3. to improve ss’ ability of reading comprehension through reading activities and grasping the spirit of the reading passage.
teaching important and difficult points:
1. knowing what body language is and how to communicate with others by using body language.
2. learning the following useful words and expressions through the passage reading: express, vary, opposite, universal, tear down, get through , a world of strangers …
3. learning about the following sentences:
1) making eye contact—looking directly…
2) pressing one’s palms together and…
3) perhaps the best example of universally understand body language is the smile …
teaching methods:
1. fast reading to improve the ss’ reading ability.
2. pair work or group work to get every student active in class.
3. inductive method to make the ss understand the text better.
teaching procedures:
step1 greetings and daily speech
step2 pre-reading
asking ss to discuss the following questions with their partners.
1. can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language?
2. do people from different parts of the world use different body language? what about people who live in different parts of china?
3. how do you communicate the following with body language?
thank you! no. yes. i don’t know. come here!
suggested answers:
1. various answers are possible. ask the ss to give reasons and examples to support their answers. possible answers include:
 yes: a person’s body language can tell us what he or she is feeling. for example, if someone is nervous, his or her hands may shake. if a person smiles but his or her eyes don’t look happy, we can guess that there is something wrong.
no: it is difficult to tell what a person is thinking by looking at their body language. people use body language in different ways and gestures may have different meanings in different areas. people don’t always think about their body language, so we may misunderstand them if we try to guess what they are thinking or feeling. it is also possible for people to learn to use their body language to hide what they are really feeling or thinking.1234567891011
2. yes, they do, but not always. some body language is the same in any culture. that is also the case in china. various answers are possible as china is a multicultural country.
3. answers may vary but ss should give a reason why they communicate the way they do.
step3 reading
task1 skimming
ask ss to skim the text to find the main idea of each para.
suggested answers:
para.1: function of body language.
para.2: differences of body language in different cultures.
para.3: examples of how different body language is in different parts of the world.
para.4: some universal gestures in all cultures.
para.5: importance of smile in body language.
task 2  listening
listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions:
1. what is the function of body language?
2. what does body language include?
3. does the same body language have the same meaning in different cultures? give an example to explain it.
4. what is the difference of body language in greeting in different cultures?
5. do we have any universal gestures? give some examples.
6. why smiling is important in communicating with others?
suggested answers:
1. it can help us to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with others.
2. it includes the way a person stands, folds his or her arms, or moves his or her hands and other body movements.
3. no. for example, making eye contact in some countries is a way to show that one is interested, in other countries , however , is rude or disrespectful .
4. in france and russia, a visiting friend is greeted with a kiss on the cheek, in other countries, people greet each other with a firm handshake, a loving embrace, a bow or simply a nod of the head.
5. yes. for example, pressing one’s palms together and resting one’s head on the back of one’s hand means “ i’m tired”. rubbing one’s stomach after a meal means “i’m full”, while before a meal means “i’m hungry”.
6. because it can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.
task3 careful  reading
   get ss to reading the text carefully to find the information to fill in the following form.
body language meaning
 countries or places

making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger
the thumbs up

shaking one’s head 

moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear  
suggested answers:
body language  meaning  countries or place1234567891011
making a circle with one’s
thumb and index finger money zero japan, france
the thumbs up great or good job the us
 rude number1 nigeria  germany japan
shaking one’s head yes bulgaria / parts of greece /iran
moving the index finger 
in a circle in front of the ear you have a phone call brazil
suggestion: this exercise can be done either individually or by means of jigsaw reading. first divide ss into groups. then each member of the group reads the text and finds the answers. after that, the members exchange their information within the group in order to finish the information gap task.
post reading
teacher may design the following activities for consolidation:
task1 discussion
  ask ss to work in groups of four and discuss the following topics. when discussing, give each topic some examples.
1. what are some situations where we need to be very careful about our body language and gestures?
2. how is body language difficult from spoken language? what do they have in common?
3. sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. why does this happen? can you think of any other examples?
task2 discussion
 this activity is performed in individual. first read the chart carefully, then discuss the gestures to express the same meaning in china.
meaning  common gestures in the us
no, no, don’t do that moving the index finger from side to side.
i don’t know. shrugging one’s shoulders.
well done! thumbs up.
that is incredible! i can’t believe this. rolling one’s eyes
money. rubbing thumb and forefinger together.
that’s crazy!
he or she is crazy. moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear.
good luck. crossing the fingers.

                                         period 3
i. teaching aims:
1.learn some useful wards and expressions.
2.explain some language points and sentences.
ii. language points:
1. we use both words and body languages to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.
(1) “ both, all, every, each, always, everybody, everywhere” used with “not, never, etc” means partial negative. eg:
deaf people can’t express their thoughts by using both gestures and words.
(2) express + n./pro./wh-clause./or n. to do
he was too excited to express his feelings.
she has learned enough to express herself in english.
express train快车,express delivery快递邮件 by express/by post邮寄
(3) in one’s opinion/personally/as far as one is concerned在某人看来
 what’s your opinion of somebody/something? ==what do you think of….?/how do you like/find…?
2. fold, unfold
   having written the letter, he folded it and put it in the envelope.
she folded her baby in her arms for fear that it should catch a cold.她把婴儿抱在怀里以防着凉。
fold one’s arms, /fold one’s hands,/ fold its wings  交臂/交手/收拢翅膀
3. just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
very vt.& vi.变化,改变,变更,相异
eg:  her mood varies form day to day.她的心情天天在变化。
these flowers vary in smell and colour.这些花在气味和颜色上不同。
various  adj. = different/all kinds of /a large variety of/large varieties of
variety n.多变性,种种。
the shop has a large variety of cell phones for you to choose from.
4. contact  n. n.接触,联系
in contact/touch with与----有联系
make contact with 与-----联络
keep in contact/touch with与----保持联系
lose contact/touch with=be out of contact/touch with与----失去联系
get in contact with sb.
he is a useful contact if you want a job.
the two substances are now in contact with each other, and a chemical reaction is occurring.
pupils must be brought into contact with new ideas.
the troops came into contact with the enemy.
we are out of contact with our friends.      / be in contact with sb.
he lost contact with his son.
make contact with sb./sth.与某人交谈会晤或取得联系
i finally made contact with her in paris.
vt. 联系,与来往
where can i contact you tomorrow?
 5.  mean  v.   mean + n. / pron. /inf./ gerund/ clause ,/ sb. to do sth.  eg:
(1)in japan, someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money.
       (2) ---why were you so angry with me last night?
        ---sorry, but i didn’t mean to.我本不想生气。
(3) we chinese always mean what we say. 我们中国人说话是算数的。
(4) missing the bus means waiting another hour.
(5)i had meant to come to help, but i was really too busy.
6. there are also differences as to how often we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or part.1234567891011
(1) as to/as for=as far as…concerned 关于,至于  eg:
as for me, i think i’d rather stay at home.
as to the problem of pollution, we should all do what we can to fight against it.   关于污染的问题,我们都应该尽全力与其作斗争。
he said nothing as to the conditions.关于条件,他有说什么。
transport rates vary both as to distance and as to weight.
(2) close to “接近” 可作表语或状语  eg:
the bullet hit close to the mark.子弹打得很接近靶子。
---car six won the race. 六号车获胜。
---yes, but the driver came close to being killed. 但是,车手差一点丧了命。
7. a smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.微笑能帮助我们度过困境,在陌生人中找到朋友。
(3) get through 做完,吃完,写完 eg:
how long does it take you to get through your homework?
(2)通过,度过 eg: he got through the national entrance examination
(3)穿过,穿越 eg
the gate was too narrow for the wooden horse to get through.
(4)给---- 接通电话 eg can you get me through to mr smith?
(5)使被理解 eg
i explained once again, but i still couldn’t get through to him.
8. a smile can open doors and tear down walls,….
tear down  vt. 扯下,拆毁 down  为副词,人称代词作宾语时,应放其前。
she was so angry that she tore the picture down and tore it into pieces.
many old houses in our county have been torn down to make room for building new high-rise buildings.
tear…open撕开   tear …apart 拆散,使分离    tear…off 扯掉
tear up 撕裂,撕毁(合同) tear oneself away from 忍痛离开                tear…into把-----撕成碎片 
9. and if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better to see the smiling face of a good friend.如果我们闷闷不乐,感到孤独,没有什么比看看好朋友的笑脸更好的了。
(1)down ,up 可指情绪的低,高   eg:
when he heard his son had failed in the exam, his anger was up.(他怒火上升)
on hearing our school had been checked and accepted as a 4-star school, the whole school was up. 听到我们学校通过四星级验收,全校沸腾了。
(2) lonely & alone 请比较:
he is alone, but he does not feel lonely, for he raises a lot of animals.
the old man lives alone in a lonely village.
10. that’s incredible! i can’t believe it.那是无法相信的!我不信。1234567891011
(1)incredible  adj.不可相信的,(口语)惊人的,极好的。
it is incredible that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.
(2)believe & believe in 请比较:
i don’t believe in him, so i don’t believe him, no matter what he says.
11. to move the head up and down= to nod 点头
up and down 上上下下,前前后后,来来往往,到处 eg:
the lift is moving up and down.
the children are running up and down in the street.
mathilde looked for her lost necklace up and down in the palace.
ups and downs 盛衰,浮沉
up-and-down  adj.起伏的,变化的,来来往往的,n.光明垒落的行为,越来越好
12..  lean v. (leant, leaned)
1) 倾斜,弯曲,屈身
lean forward, lean back
lean out of the window, back in one’s chair, over to one side.
2) lean against/upon/on sth. 依靠在某物上
the ladder is leaning against the wall.
the old man leant upon/on his stick.
3) lean sth. against/on sth.使某物靠在另一物上
the workmen leant their shovels against the fence and went to lunch.
4) lean on/upon sb./sth. for sth.依靠某人(某事物)=depend on
young people lean on old people for guidance/advice/support.
13..  crazy  adj.疯狂的,狂热的
he is crazy.
the noise is driving me crazy./ the noise is making me go crazy.
you must be crazy to go walking in such terrible weather.
the kids went crazy when the film star appeared.
be crazy about sb./sth.狂热,热衷
i am crazy about maths.          she’s crazy about him.
like crazy  极度,非常=very much
work/talk/run like crazy 拼命工作/讲话/跑
14.  part vt./vi 分开,分离   part (from sb); part sb from sb
the police parted the crowd.
the children were parted from their parents.
she has parted from her husband.
the crowd parted to let them through.
it is 3 years since they parted.
the clouds parted and the sun shone through.云开日出
part with sth. 放弃或出让某物  =give away
although he is poor, he refused to part with his collected stamps.
take/play an active part in sth. 积极参加某事
play a major /important/significant part in sth  在某方面起重大作用
15.  firm  adj.
1) 坚实的,坚硬的
this wet ground id not firm enough to walk on.
firm soil坚硬的土壤  firm flesh/muscles 结实的肌肉
2) 牢固的,稳固的,坚固的
this building has a firm ground.             a firm foundation坚固的基础
3) 稳定而有力的  a firm handshake 1234567891011
mother kept a firm hold on her son"s hands as he said goodbye to her abroad.
we have a firm belief in this fact.
he has made a firm decision.
be firm with 对坚决,坚定
parents should be firm with their parents.严格要求孩子
adv.   firmly  坚固地,稳固地
the belt was firmly fixed to the astronaut when he floated in space.
16. while there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal .  尽管对身势语有许多不同的解释,有些手势好象是全球通用的。
 while   conj. 1)尽管,虽然,=although
while i admit that there are problems, i don’t agree that they cannot be solved.
while i understand your viewpoint, i don’t agree with you.
while he tried his best, he failed in the experiment.
1) 当----的时候, 在----期间
he fell asleep while he was doing his homework .
strike while the iron is hot.
2) 与----同时
while mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.
he listens to the radio while driving to work.
3) 然而(表示对比或相反)
my brother is very tall while i am so short.
she thought i was talking about her daughter, while, in fact, i was talking about my daughter.
multiple choice:
1.zhu yingtai destroyed her love by not __________her love of liang shanbo directly.
a. saying   b. speaking    c. expressing   d. telling
2.autumn coming, leaves are being blown ________ the roads,
a. on       b. off         c. away       d. up and down
3.i meant __________you, but i was too busy.
a. to have called on    b. calling on  c. to call on    d. having called
4.there were so many people watching the performance that we couldn’t _______the front.
a. get through    b. get close to    c. get down to  d. get up
5.fearing being punished, the boy hid the book which he ________up.
a. was tearing   b. tore    c. had torn      d. might tear
6.the old woman became even ___________with her only pet, a lovely cat, dead.
a. lonely  b. more lonely     c.  alone   d. lone
7.the climber lost  _______ with his teammates, _________ to his difficulty.
a.  contact; which adds  b. touch ; that added c.  his way, as   d. contact; adding  1234567891011
8.the sweaters are sold at the same price, they _______ in size, though.
a.  different     b. vary    c. are variety  d. various  
9.in some parts of london, missing a bus means _______ for another hour.
a. waiting     b. to wait    c. wait   d. to be waiting
10.our school library stores _______ books.
a. a large amount of  b. a great deal of  c. variety of   d. a world of   
参考答案:1—5 c d a bc  6—10 b d b a d
integrating skills
( reading ,speaking, performing and writing )
teaching aims and demands:
1 . to get students to learn about how to express themselves by using body language .
2 . to instruct students to write a story on the materials given .
3 . to get students to learn how to use pictures to create a story .
4 . to get students to learn about how to act out the story .
teaching procedures :
step i . greeting as usual . then daily speech .
step ii . lead-in
ask students the following questions as presentation for writing
(1) do you like dancing ?
(2) have you seen any snakes ? are you afraid if you see a snake ?
(3) do you like dogs ? what would you do if a big dog is running after you ?
(4) have you seen any pigs? if you are playing basketball , a pig run to the playground , what would you do at the time ?
(5) do you like taking pictures ?do you have a cellphone ?
the purpose of this activity is to lead students to get to know the materials the pictures given as the preparations for acting and writing .
step iii . some knowledge points .
1 .chase vt. 追逐,追赶,驱逐
eg  dogs like to chase rabbits . 狗喜欢追赶兔子。
     i chased the cat out of the room . 我把猫赶出了房间。
例如:he has chased fear from his mind . 他将恐怖心理扫除了
2 . create  vt创作,创造
  eg ; dickens created many wonderful characters in his novls
      his behavior created a bad impression . 他的行为给人以恶劣的印象。
3 . base…on….. “以……为根据,建于……之上”,
  eg : i base my hopes on the news we had yesterday .
this belief is based on practical experience . 这种信念是以实际经验为基础的。
   4 . act out“表演,演出”;
eg .please create a dialogue and then act it out in class .请编一段对话,然后在班上表演。
   step iv . discussion . 1234567891011
divide students into groups of four to discuss what the six pictures show to us .
      then use the pictures to create a story . all the pictures should be used
step v . acting .
   class acting : one or more groups are encouraged to act out the story in class . when one group is acting , the other groups should not say anything . but when one group has finished , the others will try to retell their stories .
step vi . writing
  tell students to create a story after reading the pictures carefully .
step vii .    homework  practise speaking and performing out of class .
period5 &period6   practising
deal with english weekly 




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