
八年级英语教案 2013-01-10 网络整理 晴天


unit 8   why don′t you get her a scarf? section a (1) 课型任务型教学课时第一课时教 学 目 标知识与能力: 掌握新单词suggestion、comment、album、peronal…等,以及expensive、cheap、boring等形容词,学会句型: what should i get liza?/ how about a cd?   no,that′s too expensive. 培养学生运用why don′t you…?/how about…?/why not…?等句型来表达个人建议或看法的能力。运用“expensive、borng、cheap、personal”来比较物体品质不同的能力。 过程与方法: 采用图片展示,情景创设,对比说明,交际运用等方法,从而实现语言目标。 情感态度与价值观: 结合所学内容培养学生了解生活,深入生活,热爱生活的意识和精神。使学生在讨论礼物的过程中,理解体会关爱别人或被人关爱的快乐与幸福。 教学策略: 采用互动交流,合作讨论的思路,充分发挥学生的积极主动性和参与性。 重点: 单词suggestion、comment、album... 句型:what should i get lisa? how about a cd ? no,that′s too expensive. 难点; 正确运用形容词比较物品品质,并能发表自己的建议。教学过程      教学内容师生活动step1 designing contexts 创设情景:task one 任务一:让同学们展示一下自己曾收到的礼物,并说说喜欢吗,为什么? task two任务二:出示一些图片scarf、tennis ball、dictionary、cd、camera、bicyclegreeting each other 调动学生的积极性,激发学习兴趣。引导学习一些物品的词汇及有关物品的词。do you like it?why? 课件出示图 让学生帮忙为妈妈准备礼物激发学生兴趣。师生共同看有关购物的课件。 导语:next sunday is mymother′s birthday.what should i get my mother for her birther?  can you help me or go shopping with me? step2 stepping into new materials 1a 卡通画由学生讨论“物品的品质”然后按其品质把物品分类。 1b 听力训练 1c说话训练 what should i get…for…? what/how about…? why not…?等句型结构,及物品品质方面的比较。 教师板书:“what should i get my mother for her birthday?” 教师用简笔画画出t-shirt、skaters、pen等几个物品,用它们和书中的几个单词练习图中句型。比较物品品质不同将1a的词分类。  加深对描述物品品质的形容词的理解。 ppairwork 先结合1a的卡通图练习对话,然后用其他物品名词练习此句型。 step3 puttingintopractise 2a 、2b  listen . in each conversation about gift,who is the person shopping for and write the suggestions and comments. task three 任务三 think of a friend who is having a birthday soon.then discuss with your partner what to get this person task four 任务四 特别的礼物送给特别的人 mothers′ day and fathers′ day are coming,what should you get your mom and dad for their days? step4 bring your new idea task five 任务五:当参谋 学生把自己的建议填在表格中,然后小组进行讨论,看谁的建议更合理。 for 16-year-old girlfor 10-year-old boysuggestion1comment1suggestion2comment2完成任务所需的语言结构:                          1.how/what about a book/…?   2.why don’t you buy/get…?  3.why not buy/get…?       4.that’s too expensive/personal. 5.they’re too cheap/not interesting enough.          6.good idea! /great! /ok…i’ll get it /them. step5            getting an improvement.       task six任务6:             when new year comes, maybe you’ll buy something for your parents or friends. what are you going to buy? please make a plan for new year’s gifts.    任务所需语言结构: i’ll get somebody something for new year. because…i don’t want to get…for…because it’s… gifts for my family and friendspeoplegiftscommentsmy grandmaa sweatershe likes things that are beautiful. her old sweater isn’t beautiful enough.12p 2听2a、2b的听力材料,完成不同任务。为2c的说话训练作准备 大屏幕出示全班同学的生日记录。几人一组编对话并进行表演。 j在活动中教育学生关心父母、孝敬父母。                                                             tteacher : i want to spend 100 yuan to buy some new year’s presents for a 16-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy. what do you think i should yet? and tell me your reasons. 每每位同学设想二种可参考礼物,并简单写出自己的理由。在小组提出建议,供大家讨论,看谁的意见最合理。小组派一名代表,陈述自己的建议和理由。教师听取意见后决定购买何种礼物,并感谢大家的建议。 哩 哩 哩 哩 啦 啦 啦 啦老师给每一位同学发一张如上的表格,在格中写出自己计划购买的礼物及购买理由。在小组陈述自己购买新年礼物的计划。选出代表在全班面前陈述,达到大家互相学习的目的。通过活动让学生体会关爱别人的幸福感受,体会付出自己的爱心收获快乐。 力 量 o   和 板书设计: unit 8 why don′t you get her a scarf? section a (1) what should i get…for…? suggestion              comment what/how about album?   too personal why don’t you get…?     not special enough why not?                not creative enough


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