chapter|Chapter 5 Success stories

八年级英语教案 2013-01-08 网络整理 晴天


词汇(words and phrases):

1 strict    严格的   

be strict with sb (in doing sth)  (在某方面)严格要求某人

tim’s parents are strict with him (in studying).

2 worth   值得的        be worth doing  值得做某事

 this book is worth reading.  这本书很值得一读。

3 regard…as…    把……当作….

 the orphan(孤儿) regarded the woman as his mother.


4 in place of = instead of   代替, 取代

 he was chosen to play in place of that pianist. 他被选中去代替那个钢琴家演奏。

5 dry    (v)擦干    = make sth dry

would you mind drying the dishes for me, linda?

6 make up one’s mind to do = decide to do = make a decision to do 决定做某事

 john makes up his mind to be a pianist.   john决定成为一名钢琴家。

7 rely on / depend on   依赖, 依靠    don’t always rely on your parents.

8 charity   慈善机构      he plays for many charities.

9 a 4-year-old boy  一个四岁的男孩     

  peter is 4 years old. = peter is a 4-year-old boy.

10 at the age of 4    四岁的时候      he began his piano studies at the age of 4.

11 come at a price   付出代价       lang lang’s success came at a price.

12 express sth to sb  向某人表达……

  lang lang always expresses his gratitude to his parents.

13 nothing but 只有

  there is nothing but a book on the desk.  桌上除了一本书,什么也没有。

  i have nothing to do but watching tv.  我除了看电视无事可做。

14 fall ill / fall sick / be ill / be sick  生病

  miss li fell in yesterday and she couldn’t go to work.

15 not only…but also… = both and   不但….而且….; 既……也……;

not only peter but also i will go there. = both peter and i will go there.

句子 (sentences):

16 lang lang is one of the youngest and most famous pianists of our time.


17 lang lang gives about 150 performances a year.

 = lang lang performs about 150 times a year.  朗朗一年大约有150场的演出。

18 coco is good at dancing. = coco does well in dancing.    coco 擅长于跳舞。

19 your books are on the ground, please pick them up.


20 mum is getting ready for supper now.     妈妈正在准备晚餐。12

  have you got ready to go out, mum?      妈妈, 你为出去做好准备了吗?

21 he offers to help me with my maths.    他主动提出帮我学数学。

语言 (language):

过去进行时 :be (was / were + ving)

1 过去某个具体的时间:at 7 yesterday, this time yesterday, from 7 to 9 ……

  my mother was cooking dinner at 6 pm yesterday.

  what were you doing this time yesterday?

2由 while 引导在过去时间里同时进行的两个动作

  my mother was cooking dinner while my father was watching tv.

3 由when引导的过去进行时 (注意:持续性动词和短暂性动词)

  i was listening to the music when the alarm went off.

  the students were playing noisily when the teacher came in.12


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