
八年级英语教案 2013-01-05 网络整理 晴天


unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park ?复习课学案
复习目标:1.words and useful expressions in this unit .
         2. talk about past experiences .
重难点:  have you ever been to … ?
read through this unit and finish these exercises :
task 1. words in this unit :
1 娱乐________2 迪士尼乐园______________3 人物___________4 主题___________
5有吸引力的事物 ________________5 路线 _________6 岛 ____________7 特别 ____________8 服务员___________9 发现 ___________10 导游 ___________11 电影________ 12 极好的____________ 13 假期_____________ 14 一刻钟________15 人口__________ 16 fear_________17 brave_________ 18 excellent__________19 indian____________ 20 dark______21wake(vp.)_________ 22 fox(pl.)_________ 23 natural(n.)________ 24 environment______________ 25 temperature_____________26 equator___________27whenever_____________28spring___________29autumn_______
30 season___________31awake___________32 see(vpp.)_______
task2 phrases in this unit :
1 既不…也不 ______________2 过山车_____________ 3 以…结束____________
4 交换生 _____________5 空中服务员______________ 6 四分之三 ______________
7 夜间野生动物园________________ 8 醒来 ________9 导游 ____________
10 在白天期间___________11 一年到头______________ 12 在春天 _____________
13 take different routs_____________ 14 on board ___________ 15 in fact___________
task 3 完成句子
1 have you ever been to  ______  __________  ________(游乐园)?
2 让我们明天去水上城市吧。
________ go to _________ __________ __________ .
3 john _______ ________ _________ _________(从未去过) the space museum .
4 i have been to the zoo ________ _______ ________ _______(许多次).
5 ________ _______ ______(我们大部分人)have probably _______ _______(听说过)
micky mouse , donald duck , and ________ _________ _________(许多其他著名的)
disney characters .
6 我们也可以称它为主题公园。
we can __________  it  a  _______ __________ .
7 you can see disney characters ________(walk) around disneyland ______ ________
8 the boats _________ _________ _________(乘不同的路线),but they all ________ ______(结束) in the same place .
9 have you ever __________ ______ _______ __________(和你的父母吵过架吗)?
10 i decided that _______ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________(做这个事最好的方式) was to __________ _______ _________  _________(成为一名空中飞行员).
 me , neither .句中的neither 作adv. 意思是“也不”。 此外,它还可以主谓倒装,
构成“neither + 系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”表示前一句中所描述的某种否定情况,12
i can’t go out to play. ________ _______ my sister .
拓展:1.  neither 作为pron. 意思是:“两者都不”,可单独做主语,也可接of 短语
      2. neither作为conj. 时常用neither… nor..结构
      he spoke ________ english ________ france .
      2) 我的两个朋友都还没来。
      _________ of my friends ______ come yet .
1 the teacher told the two boys that  n_________ of them passed the test .
2 this city has a  p____________ of more than 1,000,000 .
3 have you ever ___________ disneyland ?
 a. heard    b. heard of  c. listened to  d. listened 
4  ---i don’t go to the meeting . it’s boring .
----- ________________ .
  a. me , too    b. me , neither   c. me , as well  d. so do i
5 –where did you _________ the new bike ?
  --- well , i _________ it for half a month .
  a. have ; have bought         b. buy ; have had 
c. buy ; have bought          d. have ; have had
6 i have been studying english ________ 1998 .
  a. in   b. before   c. since  d. when
7 neither of the two boys _________(be) going to the park tomorrow .
8 i have been to qingdao. me too .(改为同义句)
  i have  been  to qingdao .  _________ ________ i .
9 i _________ a flight attendant for two years now .
  a. have become   b. have been   c. became   d. was
10 i _________ a letter from him since he left .
 a.  didn’t receive    b. haven’t got   c. didn’t have  d. haven’t heard
课后作业:  1.  prepare unit 10.
   2. 写作小天地:
根据所提供的信息,用英语写一篇文章介绍济南野生动物园。不少于80 词。
1 ) 济南野生动物园位于济南的东南部。
2) 动物园里有虎 、狮、熊、狼、鹿以及各种鸟。


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