[unit10i've had this bike教学设计]UNIT10I'mgoingtobeabasketballplayer教案

八年级英语教案 2013-01-04 网络整理 晴天


unit 10   i'm going to be a basketball player教案
teaching aims:
1. knowledge objects:
vocabulary:computer programmer professional engineer pilot grow up
target language:
what are you going to be when you grow up?
i am going to be a basketball player.
how are you going to do that?
i am going to study computer science.
2.ability objects:
talk about future jobs.
3.moral objects:
help them set up life goals.make up their mind to try for it.
teaching important keys:
vocabulary and be going to
teaching difficulty:
talk about future jobs.
step1.lead -in
show some pictures to revise the words about jobs.then lead into new words.
present “iam  going to be”
ask the ss to practice in pairs:--what are you going to be when you grow up? –i am going to be a(an)…
step4. presentation
a:what are you going to be when you grow up?
b:i am going to be a(an) …
c:what is a going to be when he/she grows up?
d:he/she is going to be a/an…
ask ss to make surveys,then give one survey result.
step6. presentation
present:how are you going to do thatif you want to be …
accoring to the pictures.
ask the ss to practisi in pairs:
--what are you going to be when you grow up?
--how are you going to do that?
ask the ss to make surveys about the two questions.then give the survey results in groups.
do some listening exercises.check the answers.
do some exercises to help the ss master the knowledge.
summarize this class.
step12 moral education
no pains,no gains.
set up aims,try our best.
make a survey then write it down.


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