[unit6the diary of the unknown]Unit6TheEarth’sAtmosphere

八年级英语教案 2013-01-04 网络整理 晴天


unit 6 the earth’s atmosphere

一、教学内容:unit 6 the earth’s atmosphere   二、教学目标:知识目标:熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语、句型和语法。 能力目标:运用本单元所学的知识,描述制造、组成等方面。   三、教学重难点:①动词的被动语态 ②课文分析及理解   四、语法项目:动词的被动语态   五、本单元的重点知识:1. 单词:熟练掌握本单元后单词的音、形、意 2. 词组: 1) be made from          由……制造 2) be made of             由……制造 3) tiny drops of water         小水滴 4) reduce waste           减少浪费 5) 20 miles thick          20英里厚 6) protect…from                保护……免遭…… 7) be made up of                由……组成 8) three—fourths of the gases     的气体 9) depend on               依靠 10) stay alive               生存 11) be used to             习惯于 12) draw worldwide attention      吸引世界注意 13) blow…away          吹走 14) be full of               充满…… 15) be used for            用于做某事   句子: 1) clouds are made of tiny drops water.  云是由小水滴构成的。 2) the atmosphere surrounds the earth like a blanket. 大气层像毯子一样包裹着地球。 3) the atmosphere protects the earth from the sun’s heat. 大气层保护地球免遭太阳的炙烤。 4) the air in the atmosphere is made up of dust and gases. 大气层中的空气是由尘土和各种气体组成。 5) more than three-fourths of gas is nitrogen. 多于四分之三的气体是氮气。 6) plants depend on nitrogen to stay alive.    植物依靠氮气来生存。 7) more than three-fourths of the gas is nitrogen. 气体中四分之三的气体都是氮气。 8) people who travel to the mountains find it harder to breathe. 到山上旅行的人发现这里呼吸比较困难。 9) big cities are full of cars.  大城市里都是汽车。 10) they are used for business and pleasure.   他们是用来商务和娱乐的。 11) something should be done about the use of cars in order to have cleaner air. 为了得到更清洁的空气,应该就汽车的使用问题采取措施。   六、本单元重点知识讲解:1231. the ship is made from waste materials. the t-shirt is made of cotton. 例如: ① the book is made of paper and paper is made from wood. ② the glass is made of glass and glass is made from sio2. 2. the air that surrounds the earth is called the atmosphere. 包围地球的空气被称为大气。 be called  被称为 同义词:be named 例如: the boy is called “da niu” by his classmates. the machine is called “washing machine”. that city will be called “water city”. 3. it surrounds the earth like a blanket—20 miles thick. 20 miles thick  20英里厚 数字+单位+形容词 例如: 1.7 metres tall  一米七高 6 metres wide  六米宽 20 kilometres away 20公里远 ① our classroom is three metres tall, 7 metres long and 6 metres wide. ② the yellow river is 5000 kilometres long. it is the second longest river in china. ③ the river is about 20 metres deep. you mustn’t swim in it. it’s too dangerous!   【典型例题】① the ruler is            (20厘米长). ② the book is              (5厘米厚). ③ the hole is about          (50米深). ④ the tree is nearly          (36米高). 4. the atmosphere protects the earth from the sun’s heat. protect…from  保护……免遭 例如: ① the thick coat protects the body from the cold. ② the helmet protects the head from the rock. ③ the plastic cover protects the book from being broken. 5. nothing could remain alive on the earth without the atmosphere to protect up. plants depend on nitrogen to stay alive. ① remain alive  存活  stay alive  存活 例如: remain silent                 stay calm remain standing             stay awake remain the goal              stay cool remain weak                 stay quiet ② depend on  依靠,依赖  例如: the people in the south depend on the government. the pandas depend on our good care. you can’t depend on your parents forever.   【典型例题】① the success of the olympic game           (依赖)chinese people’s hard work. ② the poor children           (依靠)those rich people’s support. 6. the air in the atmosphere is made up of dust and gases. be made up of   由……构成,由……组成 例如: the class is made up of 20 boys and 19 girls. the teacher team is made up of 126 teachers. 7. more than three—fourths of the gas is nitrogen. three—fourths  四分之三 分数的概念: 分数由基数词作分子,序数词作分母构成,分母序数词都用复数。 例如: →one-third                      →six-sevenths →one-second (one half)    →two and four-fifths 8. people who travel to the mountains find it harder to breathe. sb. find it + adj. + to do sth.  某人发现做某事怎么样 例如: i find it very interesting to travel to the forest. the boys find it very cool to smoke.   【典型例题】123① 我们发现早睡觉有好处。 we                                . ② 他发现游过这条河很难。 he found                          . 9. air pollution has drawn worldwide attention. draw one’s attention  引起某人的注意 10. big cities are full of cars. be full of…  装满……,充满…… the bag full of books. the room is full of people. the bag full of rice fell off the truck. the basket is full of eggs. the basket full of eggs was sent to the poor child.   【典型例题】 1)一屋子的烟。 the room                      . 2)鸟巢中全都是兴奋的观众。 the net                 excited audiences. 3)满满一袋大米被送到李奶奶家。                               granny li. 4)那个小姑娘给了我满满一碗粥。 the little girl gave me                .  123


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