
八年级英语教案 2013-01-02 网络整理 晴天


lesson 41 a phone friend.
尊敬的各位领导,评委老师!大家好!。我说课的课题是冀教版初中英语第三册第六单元lesson41 a phone friend. 我将从以下五个方面进行阐述:
part1. 教材分析
this lesson is the first lesson of unit6. so if the students learn it very well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.
重点: how to make phone calls and how to express when you can’t follow others.
part2. 教学目标分析
four skill words: idea, phone, encourage, follow, repeat, sentence, understand
   oral words and expressions: pardon, have a good talk, have an idea
   oral english: may i speak to……? this is …… speaking. is this/ that……?
   who’s this/that?   i can’t follow you.   pardon?
3.情感目标:通过小组合作培养合作精神,并通过互相评价激发 学生的学习欲望。[来源:zxxk.com]
part3. 教法和学法分析:
part4. 教学过程分析
     i’ll finish thi s lesson in eight steps.
     step1. lead in.
lesson41 a phone friend.
step2. 表演完小品我有引出一个疑问:学生多久给老师打一次电话。
我的设计意图是:使课堂过度到。“think about it”
step3. come to “think about it”
     guide the students to answer the f irst question in english. if they can’t answer the second, they can answer it in chinese.
step4. l i sten an d answer.
books closed! listen to the tape and answer the two questions:
what does wang mei want to do? when do  they make a telephone?
step5.listen and read.
     books open. listen and repeat the text. then ask the students to read it silently and find the new words, phrases and the phone language . then i can write them on the blackboard with the help of the students, such as:
new words                     oral  english
idea                       may i speak to……?12
encourage                  this is……speaking.
follow                     who’s this/that?
give a good talk              is this/that……?
have an idea                pardon?i can’t follow you.
point to them on the blackboard and say to the students: we must pay attention t o these words and  oral english and try to use them freely.
step6. work in groups.
      divide the class into several groups. each group has four people. practice the text in groups of four. ask them to try to act it out in front of the class. they can use their own hand s as  telephones. six minutes later, check several groups and gi ve them scores and see which group is the best.
step7. practise in class.
     i design a and b exercises for the class.
     exercise a is about the words and expressions. it’s easy for all the students.
     exercise b is a dialogue with some blanks. it’s  a little hard for several students. ask them to do the exercises by themselves, then check the answers orally in class. correct the mistaken ones in time.
step8. homework:
    must do: make up a dialogue using the phone language learned in this lesson.
    choose to do: rewrite the text into a passage.
part5. 效果分析


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