module_Module 5 Problems

八年级英语教案 2013-01-02 网络整理 晴天


unit 2 if you tell him the truth, you’ll prove how honest you are.学习目标: 基础目标:1、掌握本课的重点单词和短语。          2、深入掌握if从句的运用。发展目标:能根据本人实际描述问题和提供建议。重点和难点:1、if you tell him the truth, you’ll prove how honest you are.如果你告诉他真相, 你就会证明你有多么诚实.truth: 真相(不可数名词)true: 真实的(形容词)2、an honest boy: 一个诚实的男孩3、but my father has warned me not to use his computer for playing games because he uses it for his job.但我爸爸已警告我不要用他的电脑玩游戏了, 因为他用它工作。warn sb not to do sth: 警告某人不要做某事老师警告我不要再迟到了. the teacher ________________________________again.use sth for sth/ doing sth: 用某物(做)…他经常用电脑来玩游戏. he often _________ computer _________________games.4、go wrong: ①表示(机器) 出毛病, 出故障             ② 表示(人)出错,走错路   我的手机出毛病了.  my cell phone _______________.   小心,否则你将走错路.  __________, or you ___________________.5、decide to do sth: 决定做某事6、we copied it onto the computer and when we finished, we took it off the computer.  我们把它复制到电脑上, 打完游戏后,我们把它从电脑上取了下来.  copy sth onto…: 把…复制到…上  take sth off …: 把…从…取下来  当他走进房子时,从头上取下了帽子.  when he went into the house, he __________ the hat ____________his head.7、we make quite sure my father didn’t notice anything.  我们很确定我父亲什么都不会发现.  make sure:查明, 弄清楚,使确定,确保,确信  make sure +that 从句: 确保你按时完成作业. _________________that you finish your homework on time.make sure to do sth: 确保做某事make sure of sth: 确定/确认某事8、it’s going to be expensive to mend it.  修电脑将会很贵。9、should i offer to pay? 我应该主动承担修理费吗?  offer sth:提供某物        offer sth to sb: 向某人提供某物  昨天我们提供了一些食物给他们。  we _____________ some food _______________ yesterday.offer to do sth:主动提出做某事我们主动提出帮助, 但他拒绝了。we ________________________, but he ____________.10. be angry with sb: 生某人的气  昨天你父亲生你的气吗?  _________ your father ____________________ yesterday? least:至少,起码  这趟旅行至少花三天.   the trip will take three days _____________________.12. after all, your parents gave you that money. 毕竟, 那是你父母给你的钱。123   after all: 毕竟,终究,到底(放在句首或句尾)   我不得不帮助她,毕竟她是我的妹妹。   i have to help her,___________________, she is my sister.13. help sb with sth: 在某方面帮助某人14. pay for sth: 为…付钱; 付…的钱   那支笔我已经付钱了. i ________________________ the pen.学习过程:课前预习:1、在课文中划出下列的词汇,truth, prove, honest, onto, take off, terrible, at least, pocket money, after all, help sb with sth, realize, virus, mend, 并注上中文,学读单词,你会读那几个___________________________________________________________________2、试着朗读课文,在不会读的下面打△,查字典并注出音标或问同学和老师,再试着读几遍,仍不会读的词有:_______________________________________.3、自主探究:(1) do you have a problem?(2) how do you do with your problem?________________________________________________________(3) is your way right to deal with your problem?_________________________________________________________4、通过预习,你在那些方面还有疑问?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________一.选择填空:(   )1. do you offer ___________ him?      a. to help      b. helping       c. help(   )2. his father was angry _________ what his son said.      a. with        b. on         c. of(   )3. if he ___________ harder, he’ll get good grades.      a. works      b. work       c. working(   )4. i paid five yuan _________ this book.      a. on        b. for        c. with(   )5. tom likes tell the truth, he is ________ honest boy.      a. an        b. a        c. the(   )6. i am sure he will ___________ to pass the exam.      a. can       b. be able       c. able(   )’ll never ______ wrong if you follow his advice.      a. turn      b. get         c. go(   )8. your shoes are very dirty. please ____________.123      a. turn off them   b. turn them off     c. turn it off(   )9. –how many members are there on the team.      --i’m not quite sure. but there are __________ ten.      a. at all          b. at last         c. at least(   )10.if he ___________, i __________ swimming alone.      a. doesn’t come, will go   b. won’t come, will go   c. isn’t come, won’t go(   )11. he often helps me ___________ my english.      a. with       b. for        c. at(   )12. make sure ____________ here on time.      a. to be        b. be        c.being二.单词拼写:1. please tell them the __________________(事实).2. do you think he is an ______________________(诚实) boy?3. i didn’t __________________(认识到) how late it was.4. the cat jump ________________(在…上面) the chair.5.there are many computer ___________________(病毒).6. can you help me _________________(修理) the bike?7. i can ________________(证明) that it is true.8. the fish smells ________________(可怕的). 三.完成句子:1. 请确保他已经完成了作业.   please _____________________ that he _____________________ his homework.2. 食物在夏天容易变坏.   food _________________________ easily in summer.3. 他至少去过那儿两次.   he has been there _______________________________.4. 他已经尽力了. 别生他的气.   he ___________________ his best. don’t _________________________.5. 爸爸主动提出送我们到火车站.   my father ________________________________ to the station.6. 毕竟,他在英语方面帮助了我不少忙.   ___________________, he __________________ a lot ____________ my english.7. 我们决定把它们从电脑取下来。   we ____________________________________________ the computer.8.我付了10元买那本书。   i _______________ 10 yuan ________________ the book.123


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