【module】Module 8 Public Holidays

八年级英语教案 2013-01-01 网络整理 晴天


一. 本周教学内容:module 8 public holidays 二. 重点内容:时间状语从句 三. 具体内容:课文详解1. when do most people take a vacation ? 大多数人什么时候去度假?take a vacation 意为“度假”。知识扩展:holiday,vacation和leave的区别 这三个单词都可以译为“假期”。单数形式的holiday 可指一,两日的短期假期,较长期的常用复数形式holidays表示,但可用单数形式holiday; vacation 主要用于美国英语,既可以表示长时间的假期,也可指一两天的短假期。leave 主要指军人或官员的假期或病期,事假。例如:mr smith is on holiday at present. 目前史密斯先生正在度假。where are you going for your vacation ? 你到哪里去度假?the soldiers are given two leaves each year. 士兵们一年可休两次假期。do you have any plans for the may day holiday, betty ? 贝蒂,五一你有什么打算吗?2. making plans for the new year 为新年做计划 plan 既可以是名词也可以是动词,名词时表示“计划,规划,方案,”词组为 a plan/plans for sth/doing sth (——的计划),make plans for sth (为某事订计划),动词为“计划,打算”,词组为plan sth/ for sth/ to do sth/ on sth (on doing sth )。例如:do you have any plans for the summer? 这个夏天你有什么打算?we need to make plans for the future. 我们必修规划未来。they plan to arrive some time after three. 他们预计在三点钟到达。we hadn’t planned on going anywhere this evening. 我们今晚没打算外出。3. we are going to spend a few days in qingdao. 我们计划在青岛呆几天。i won’t spend so much time playing video games. 我不会花太多时间玩电视游戏。以上两句的spend 表示“花费 (时间)”。知识拓展:spend,cost,take,pay 和buy 的区别 spend 常用于sb. spend time /money on sth / doing sth 的句型中。cost 表示“花费(多少钱)”句型为 sth cost sb. money 。take 常用于it takes/took sb. time to do sth 这一句型,it 是形式主语,真正主语是不定式 to do sth. pay 的句型为:pay (sb.) money for sth. buy 用于buy sth for money 的句型中。例如: the dictionary cost me twenty yuan. 我花了二十元买那本字典。= i spent twenty yuan on the dictionary. = i paid twenty yuan for the dictionary. = i bought the dictionary for twenty yuan. it took them over two years to build the bridge. 修建那座大桥花了他们两年时间。= they spent over two years building the bridge.  4. we’ll stay here until may 5 th. 我们要在这儿呆到五月五日。until 肯定形式表示的意思是“做某事直至某时”,动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是“直至某时才做某事”,动词为延续的和非延续性的都可。例如:i slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。she didn’t arrive until 6 o’ clock. 她直到6点才到。don’t get off the bus until it has stopped. 公共汽车停稳后在下车。1235. and it’s the last day before the new school year begins. 这是新学年开始前的最后一天。last 此处意味“最后的”。知识拓展: last 的用法:(1)用作形容词:① “最后的”,例如:it’s the last house on the left. 是左边尽头的那栋房子。② “最近的,上一个的”,例如:last night/year 昨晚/去年her last book 她最近出版的书③ “仅剩下的,最终的”,例如:this is our last bottle of wine. 这是我们最后的一瓶葡萄酒。(2)用作副词:① “最后,终结”,例如:he came last in the race. 这次赛跑他得了最后一名。② “最新,上一次”,例如:when did you see him last? 你最近什么时候见过他?(3)用作名词:① “最后来的人或发生的事”例如:sorry i’m late, am i the last? 对不起,我来晚了,我是最后到的人吗?② “仅剩下的部分”,例如:these are the last of our apples, 这是我们最后剩下的几个苹果。(4)用作动词:“持续,继续”,例如:the meeting only lasted for a few minutes. 会议只开了几分钟。6. but it’s also the end of the vacation season. 但是它也是假期季节的结束。true, but our weather gets better, and then we only have a few weeks before the start of the summer holidays. 真的,但是天气越来越好,距暑假开始只有几个星期。spring festival is at the end of january or the beginning of february.春天在一月末二月初。an ending and a beginning 结局和开始 —but people start celebrating on 31 st december, new year’s eve, —但是人们在12 月31日,新年前夜开始庆祝。end 和start都可以做名词和动词。(1)end作动词时表示“使某事结束”,词组为:end with (以------结束);作名词时表示“末端、尽头、结束、终止”,词组为at the end of, by the end of, in the end等。at the end of 指“在——的末尾,既指时间,反义词为at the beginning of, 亦指空间;by the end of 则指“到年、月、学期末为止”,只指时间,不指空间,通常与谓语动词的完成时或一般将来时连用。in the end 等于at last finally, 表示“最后,终于”。例如:the shop is at the end of the street. 这家商店在街头。at the end of the class, we talked some more. 课结束时我们又谈了一会儿。they had collected about one thousand stamps by the end of last year. 到去年底为止,他们已收集了大约有1000张邮票。a un report says that the world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century. 一份联合国的报道说,在20世纪末世界人口将超过60亿。(2)start作动词时,表示“出发、启程、动身”,词组为:start to do/doing sth (开始做某事),start with 意为“起初、开始首先”,等于at the beginning, 或译成“——开始”;start 作名词时表示“开始、开端、出发”,词组为:the start of (——的开始),at the start (最初,起初),from start to finish (自始至终,从头到尾)例如:he wanted to start with the smallest country and end with the largest one. 123他打算先去最小的国家,最后去大的国家。(3)ending 和beginning 都为名词,ending 表示“结尾、结局(尤指故事、电影、戏剧、或词语)”,be-ginning 指“开始的部分或起点”,例如:i missed the beginning of the film. 我没能看到这部影片的开头。i’ve read the book from beginning to end. 我把这本书从头到尾看完了。a story with a happy ending 结局圆满的故事123


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