
八年级英语教案 2013-01-01 网络整理 晴天


八年级英语a great young athlete教案4
unit 6 a great young athlete
lesson 4
1.i really enjoy it.   really adv. 真正地,实在
did she really say so? 他真的那样说吗?
it’s really cold today. 今天可真冷。
i’m not really sure. 我不太清楚。
real adj.实际的,现实的,真的,真实的
what was the real reason for your absence?你缺席的真正原因是什么?
2.now show your partner your picture.    show  v.
show sb . sth. = show sth. to sb.出示,展示
he showed me his picture. = he showed his picture to me.给我展示这幅画。
   词组:show in领进(客人等)
         show into 领进(客人等)
         show off 卖弄,炫耀,陈列;使显眼
         show oneself 出现,露面
         show out 送出(客人)
         show sb. what one is made of 向某人显示自己的才能、力量、品德等
         show sb. around 领某人 (到处)参观
         show up 到席,露面;显眼;暴露;揭发;嘲笑;使人难堪
3.i have ____for/since ____.   since 的四种用法
1)since + 过去的一个时间点。(如具体年、月、日期、钟点、1980,last month , half past six)
i have been here since 1989.我自从1989年就在这里。
2)since + 一段时间 +ago
i have been here since five months ago.我从5个月前就在这里。
3)since + 从句  great changes have taken place since you left.从你走后,发生了很多变化。
4)it is + 一段时间 + since 从句  it is two years since i became a postgraduate student.我成为一名研究生已经两年了。
4.maybe he will help china win its first ____in basketball.
1)辨析may be 和 maybe
may be 和 maybe 一分一合,但他们的含义和用法却截然不同。
maybe 是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,相当于 perhaps,常位于句首。maybe you put the letter in your pocket.大概你把信放在衣袋里了。
在may be 中 ,may 是情态动词,be 是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”。
i can’t find my watch . it may be in your pockets.我找不到我的手表,他可能在你的口袋里。
he may be a soldier. 他可能是军人。
maybe 和 may be 可互相转换。
he may be in the office. = maybe he is in the office.他或许在办公室。
you may be right.=maybe you are right.你或许是对的。
2)help (ⅰ)v. 帮助,help sb. do / to do sth. ; help sb. with sth .
he often helps me (to) study my english . = he often helps me with my english .他经常帮我学英语
(ⅱ)n. 帮助    do you need help?你需要帮助吗?


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