oxford|Oxford English Book 1A Unit 3 My abilities

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-27 网络整理 晴天


the first period  (p13、12)

一、teaching contents:let’s talk

二、teacing aim

1)knowkedge aim:

能听懂祈使句并作出响应的反应      raise your hand. put it down. show me your book.

to ask and answer : how old are you ?                     ---------- i’m … years old.

2)ability aim:


3)emoton aim:to talk about the age with each other

三、teaching difficulty: to identify how old are you ? i’m five.

                              how are you ?  i’m fine.

四、 teaching aids:树的年轮的图片(可以自己画),cassette, multimedia, etc

五、teaching precedure

procedurecontnetsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up 1.rhyme <one, two,three> 2.greetings.


e.g.: hello, hi, good morning. i’m …, this is ….

3.do a tpr activity.

e.g.: boys, open your pencil-box and say “hello”. girls, stand up and give me your book.

把学过的动作命令串起来,让学生在说说做做中熟练运用句型。训练学生的对英语的快速反应 。

ii.while-task procedure:commands teaching: show me your ____. 


1. 1.show the puppet and model to students. e.g.: show me your book.

2.repeat the commands and ask the students to act them.

 how old are you? i’m … years old. 

1.show a picture of a tree. t: how many circles? let’s count.

s: one , two, three, four, five.

t: oh, five years old.

2. show some other pictures of trees and ask students to practice the phrase:

eg: t: how old?

s: …. years old./ one year old.

3. t: the tree is five years old. how old are you?

s: i’m … years old.

4. students practice the pattern in pairs.

通过操练过程中多次听教师提问how old. 为后面的学习打下埋伏。 


commands teaching: raise your hand.

put it down. 

1.teacher introduces the action. say and act. eg: t: if you are seven years old, please raise your hand.

2. practice the action.

  raise your hand.

put it down.

3. listen to the tape,  repeat the commands and act out them out.


iii.post-task activity: 
 1.llisten to the tape on page 13 and repeat. 2. do a survey : ask and find out your classmates’ ages.


eg: alice is seven years old.

3. encourage students make a new dialogue.

“meet your new classmate”

eg: a: i’m a. how are you?

  b: i’m fine. i’m b.

  a: how old are you?

  b: i’m seven years old.

调查有助于学生将所学得以运用,培养学生与人交往的能力。v. assignment:listening,speaking and reading.1..listen to the tape on page 12,13. 2. play the game “simon says” with their family.


name   age    
the second period (p14)

一、teaching contents:let’s learn

二、teacing aim

1)knowkedge aim:

grasp the verbs:sing, read, draw, write, jump,dance.try to follow the songto use the sentence : i can … 表达自己的能力2)ability aim:

to introduce your ability : i can…

3)emoton aim:to enjoy the happiness of learning english

               to believe i can

三、teaching difficulty:

    to pronouce these words correctly: write, draw, read

四、teaching aids:multimedia, cassette, word cards, etc

五、teaching precedure:

procedurecontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up say some rhymes <one, two, three> 

do some quick response

eg: hi!,

how are you?

how old are you?

3.listen to a  song on page16,try to understand the meaning by teacher’s presentation.


ii.while-task procedure:commands teaching: sing, draw, read 


1.teacher sings the song and ask :what can i do? then answer by himself ”i can sing.” 2. students look at the pictures, word cards and read the word.

students repeat the word, phrase, rhyme after teacher.

eg: a. sing song

   b. sing a song

   c. sing, sing

i can sing.

sing, sing

i can sing a song.

4. students practice the rhyme with their partners.

5. teacher act the other two new words and show the cards.

6.encourage students make some new phrases and small rhymes by using the new words.

eg: draw, draw

   i can draw a book. 

7. students try to match the pictures and new word cards.

8.  a guessing game

student 1 acts the new word by using his voice, the other students back to s1 and guess what can he do.



学生在通过模仿的基础上自己进行创编,来学习并巩固draw和 read 。学习最终的目的是让学生在学习的过程中学会学习的方法。并在以后的学习中学会使用这些方法。

let’s learn中的单词可通过各种有趣的游戏方法进行巩固。

学习动词不一定就是做动作, 可以探索更多的感官来感受动词,这里就是听声音来猜动作。

1. listen to the song on page 16 twice. 2. encourage students try to sing the song after the tape.

 iii.post-task activity:making a new song  

encourage students act out the song in pairs or small groups by using the other words. eg: bag, pencil, see…在创编新歌中学生的创造能力和合作精神都得到了锻炼。v. assignment:listening,speaking and reading.1..listen to the tape on page14 2. read the new words.

3.sing the new song to their family

let’s learn部分的单词,要让学生在不断地认读中巩固。 
the third period (p15,16)

一、teaching contents:let’s play let’s enjoy

二、teacing aim

1)knowkedge aim:

能听懂祈使句并作出响应的反应      raise your hand. put it down. show me your book.

grasp the verbs : sing, dance, (fly, run) to describe one’s ability                i can …    you can ….

2)ability aim: to tell the story fluently: page 15

3)分层次目标:for more able students, to ask and answer:

              “can you …?” yes.  no.

4). emoton aim:learn to thanks(学会感恩)

三、teaching difficulty: to prunouce the word ‘thank’

四、teaching aids:cassette, multimedia, etc

五、 teaching precedure

procedurecontentsmethodspurposei.pre-task preparation:warming up sing the song by actions. <read  read> 

2.students watch the scream and say the sentences one by one as fast as the cards change.

大多数学生已经会唱歌曲,这时可以让学生按自己的对歌的理解来设计自己的动作,表现歌曲。利用制作的小课件,read, sing, draw 三个词的快速地在屏幕上交替出现,要求学生能快速说出能表述这张图的句子,最后定格在”dance”图片上,引出新单词。ii.while-task procedure:words teaching: dance, jump, write 


teacher says and act. eg: i can dance.

   can you dance?

students answer

s1: yes, i can dance.

s2: no.

encourage more able students to ask their classmates.

eg: s3: can you dance?

   s4: yes, i can dance./ no.

3. students identify the three words by saying “i can …”

hold the word cards and ask them to read aloud.

( dance, jump, write)

5. listen to the tape and repeat on page14.

6.ask students to match the word cards and the pictures.

注意分层教学,让一部分能力教高的学生进行提问,使每个层次的学生都有所发发展,并能使课堂中语言交流更活跃。a  story 
encourage students to talk about their ability and tick on the paper. eg: i can read. i can dance.

a guessing game

students ask s1 to find out his/her ability by the least questions. 

thanks for teacher!

thanks for the others around you!

学生将自己的能力边说边在表格里打勾,为下面的游戏做好准备。要求每组一位学生上前,他所在组的同学用can you ….?来问出他的所有能力,看那组最默契,用最少的问题问完上台的这位学生的能力情况。让学生学会说感谢,感谢老师的教育,感谢身边的人的关心。iii.post-task activity: listen to  the tape and repeat on page15. do the listening exercises on workbook page 10,12. 

encourage students to introduce himself/ herself.

eg: i’m ____.

   i’m ____ years old.

   i can read.




v. assignment:listening,speaking and reading.1. listen to the tape on page 14,15 2. read the new words.

3.tell your ability to your family.

let’s learn部分的单词,要让学生在不断地认读中巩固. 让学生和家长共同体验到学生学习英语的快乐和英语会话能力的提高。

singreaddrawdancejumpwrite        the fourth period一、teaching contents: let’s act ( page 12 )

二、teaching aims:

knowledge aim:locate specific information in response to simple instructions.ability aim:use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.emotion aim:to be discipline in the classroom.三、teaching difficult and key points:

    using imperatives to give simple instructions.

四、teaching aids: cassette player, tape, etc.

五、teaching procedure:

proceduremethodspurposepre-task preparationsing a song p16daily talklisten and act:listen to the commands and do some actions in a quick response.e.g: stand up, please.

   give me …

   show me one.


       show me your hand.

       raise your hand.


while-tak precedure1. give students a hint, ask “open your book. who can act? raise your hand.”   elicit: raise your hand.

   say: raise your hand.

2. do the action and give the instructions:

   put it down.

   repeat and act: put it down.

give the hint and say: “show me your     book.”

    repeat and act: show me your book.


consolidationlisten and actask individuals to listen and actplay the cassette tapelet some students to act according to the commands.divide the class into groups of four, act the commands.one student gives commands, the others do the actions.6.  play a match:

   who is the quickest to respond?

   act according to the teacher’s commands . the quickest student to act will be the winner.


assignmentlisten and read p12review unit 3


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