【book】Book 1A Unit3 The first period

小学一年级英语教案 2022-10-27 网络整理 晴天


一、教学说明:1.学生已在unit 1的儿歌里初步学习了i can…的句式。2.本课时是本单元的教学重点,由于这节课新授的是六个行为动词,因此运用好体态语、活化教与学也就成了整堂课的闪亮点。3.直面课堂,运用多种多样的方法,积极提高学生的兴趣,寓教于乐。二、教学内容1.认知内容:a.单词sing、dance、draw、write、jump、read.达到“三会”要求b.熟练掌握句型i can…2.能力要求:能运用i can…句型结合新授的行为单词造句3.情感态度:培养学生的表演能力,在愉快的课堂教学中体验学习英语的快乐,同时要相信自己非常行。 三、教学步骤

procedurescontentsmethodspurpose1.pre-taskpreparationwarming up1.say some rhymes 2.do some quick responseeghi/hello!     how are you?     bye-bye!朗诵一些学生在以前课堂中学的儿歌,调整好学生的学习状态。通过快速应答的方式来巩固旧知识,可以快速的把学生带到英语学习的氛围中来。2.while-taskprocedure1.word teaching:read  write1.t:winne, what can you do?  w:i can read.(write)     read  read(write  write) 2.repeat the words 3.say  sentences:i can read.(write) 4.quick responsew:what can you do?p:i can read.(write)强调单词的发音,及时指导  要求学生集中注意力,进一步巩固两个新单词 2.word teaching:jumpdraw1.w:i can read and write.  teacher, what can you do?t:look,i can jump.  jump  jump 2.repeat the word 3.play a game:follow the teachere.g. stand up, pleasejump highjump low 4.teacher draw a tree on the blackboard and say:i can draw 5.repeat the word 6.say phrases:e.g. draw a tree 7.learn the song sentences:draw, draw. i can draw, i can draw a little tree尽可能提供学生说的机会,使学生的个性得以充分发展    注意示范清晰到位,学生对新授单词的意思也就一目了然,注意/dr/的发音   培养学生思维能力        为以后的新授歌曲作准备3.word teaching:dance  sing1.t:i can dance. 2.repeat the word  dance  dance 3.say a rhyme:dance, dance one,two, three  4. t:i can dance.  and i can sing.sing  sing 5.repeat the word 4.say in sentences:i can sing. 4.sing an english song:t:can you sing?  yes or no?p:yes.t:please sing it with me. 5.t:i can sing and also i can dance. 6.repeat the word  dance  dance 7.say a rhyme:dance, dance one,two, three 配上优美的舞姿,尤其受女孩子的喜欢        通过歌曲很自然地引入sing这个单词        与学生亲切交流,制造一种轻松氛围        12assignmentlistening, speaking and readinglisten to the tape on page14巩固所学知识homeworkwritingexcise book p10-12巩固所学知识

 四、教学提示1.媒体准备:玩偶、ppt、单词卡片、录音机等2.教学关注点:1)强调六个新授单词的认读,及时纠正错误的发音2)能跟唱英文儿歌4.设计思路:1)  巧用体态语,激发学生学习兴趣2)  用英文歌曲与韵律,吸引学生注意力,调动课堂气氛5.教学反思:1)对学生学习能力的预期估计太高,本校学生的学习能力偏低,故把原教学过程中的歌曲教学环节省略,放于下一课时中。2)在教学过程中让学生通过模仿来学习单词,多读、多练。12


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