
小学二年级英语教案 2018-05-31 网络整理 晴天


EEC教材Lesson 6Book III

课题:  Lesson Six (1) Can you play baseball?


T:  Lets sing a song I stop, I look, I listen. OK?

Ss:  Yes. (Sing the song.)

T:  Good morning, everyone!

Ss:  Good morning, Miss Lu!

T:  How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?

T:  I’m fine, too. What day is it today ?

Ss:  It’s Tuesday.



T:  (Taking some word-cards)

Now, look at me. What’s this?

S1:  Library.

T:  Very good. Together, what’s this?

Ss:  Library.

T:  Well done. But how to spell?

Ss:  L—i—b—r—a—r—y.

(Then, review the words “ride\ bike\ violin \piano \read ” in the same way. )

T:  What do you do after school ?

S1:  I play the piano.

S2:  I read an English book. What do you do after school?

S3:  I ride my bike.

(Then, Ss ask and answer by each other. )

T:  OK, class, please ask me .

Ss:  What do you do after school?

T:  I read an English book.



T:  Shh… Look there, (point to the screen of a computer)

I play…

Ss: …play table-tennis

T:  Great! Do you want to know what kind of the ball Ken plays ?

Ss: Sure/Yes.

T:  Let’s study a new lesson----Lesson6(1). (Blackboard Writing)

(Ss look at the computer about the content of L6(1))

T:  (T puts some kinds of balls on the wall and points to them)

Look there, what’s that ?

Ss:  It’s a volleyball.

Girls: It’s a basketball.

Boys: It’s a football.(table-tennis)

( Girls ask and boys answer .)

T:  (T puts 3 cards on the blackboard and points to one of them, asks…)

Now, look, what’s that ?

S: Bat.

T:  Good. (Blackboard writing—Bat.)

Read after me, “bat”.

( Read it one by one.)

Together, please spell it .

Ss: B-A-T, bat.

(Learn another 2 words “baseball \glove” in the same way. )

T:  (T takes two gloves)

OK. Look at me, “one glove” “two gloves”

Girls: Gloves.

Boys: Gloves.

T:  What are these? ( Waving two gloves )

They’re gloves. ( Blackboard writing )



T:  (T takes two books or pens of Ss)

What are they ?

Ss: They’re books.

S1:  What are they ?

S2:  They’re pens.

Boys:   What are they ?

Girls:    They’re desks.

( Ss practice the sentences in pairs)



T:  (T puts a card on S1’s head and let him/ her guess.)

Ss:  What are they ?

S1:  They’re…

Ss: Yes.Yes.Yes. / No.No.No

T:  (T takes some things)

What’s this?

Ss:  It’s a bat

It’s a baseball

T:  What are they ?

Ss:  They’re gloves.

T:  Can you play baseball ? ( Blackboard writing.)

S1:  Yes, I can.

S2:  Yes, I can.

T:  Wonderful! Please show us how to play baseball?

( S1 and S2 do the action)

T:  Please look at the computer screen, let’s guess “what’s that?”

S1:  (S1points to a corner of a kind of balls in the computer

and ask.

What’s that ?

S2:  It’s a … (baseball/football/volleyball/basketball).

Ss:  Can you play …?

S2:  Yes, I can . ( And then do the action )

T: Can you play ____ball ?


T:  Now, open your book to P74 “Listen and Speak ”


T:  We’ve learned so many kinds of balls, so shall we play after class?

Ss:  OK!






作者: RobinCat 


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