
九年级英语教案 2016-04-17 网络整理 晴天


3. (给出本话题中的功能意念句或其他重点句型,两人一组进行游戏。让一个学生说出一个句子的前一部分,另一个学生必须快速说出整个句子,然后交换角色。统计说完所有句子的时间,时间最短的为优胜者。完成2b。)
t:  boys and girls, let’s play a game. i will give you some important sentences of this topic on the blackboard. you play the game in pairs. one says the front part of a sentence, the other says the whole sentence as quickly as possible. then exchange the roles. just like this:
a: i wish…
b: i wish i could go into space some day.
are you clear?
ss: yes.
t:  the pair that finishes in the shortest time is the winner. ok, begin!
(1) i wish i could go into space some day.
(2) i hope your dream will come true.
(3) there is dna in most living things, including human beings.
(4) no one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.
(5) in short, this robot is very useful to us.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:4分钟)
1. t: look at kangkang’s invention and the information. what’s the name of his invention?
ss: plar.
t: what’s it used for?
ss: it’s used for both flying and driving.
t: good! do you want to be an inventor?
ss: yes.
t: ok! discuss in groups and design your own invention. you’d better draw a picture of it and write down the information about it. are you ready?
ss: yes.
t: ok, start please.
2. homework:
search the internet for more technologies and inventions. share them with your classmates.
when was it invented?
section d
run away
gps: the global positioning system
this method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.
topic 3  i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
section a
the main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn a new word:
2. learn some useful sentences:
(1) what fun!
(2) i won’t believe there are aliens until i see them with my own eyes.
3. learn the use of modal verb+be+p.p.:
  (1) we will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.
  (2) but i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
4. talk about flying to mars, the outer space and something about the aliens.
5. learn expressing possibility and impossibility.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:8分钟)123456789101112131415161718192021222324
复习巩固本单元topic 2中所学重点句型和语法,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。
1. (复习巩固前面学过的有关现代科技及发明的重点句型,提高学生的口语表达能力。)
t: boys and girls, we have learned something about spaceships, satellites, cloning, robots and gps. the new technologies and inventions have improved our life greatly. could you say something about them?
ss: yes.
t: ok. i made some cards with some key words on them. each of you tries to say a sentence with the key words. are you clear?
ss: yes.
t: ok, begin!
(1)  proved, made great progress, developing, space industry
s1: they have proved that china has made great progress in developing its space industry.
(2)  spaceships, controlled, computers
s2: spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.

2. (复习一般过去时的被动语态,导入新课,并呈现生词research。)
t: when was shenzhou ⅴ launched, s3?
s3: it was launched in XX.
t: when was chang’e ⅰ launched, s4?
s4: it was launched in XX.
t: well done! they have proved that china has made great progress in developing its space industry. is it right, s5?
s5: that’s right. i’m sure we’ll send more spaceships into space.
t: of course we can. maybe people will fly to mars one day. do you think it is magical?
ss: yes, that’s very exciting.
t: do you want to be an astronaut like yang liwei?
s6: yes. i hope that i can travel to the moon one day.

t: boys and girls, if you can be an astronaut in the future, you can do more research about space. but you should study hard now to make your dreams come true.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:12分钟)
1. (让学生听1a前讨论,以加深理解。)
t: boys and girls, i will ask you two questions before listening. please discuss them in two minutes.
(1) do you think people will live on mars in the future?
(2) do you believe there are aliens in space?
(两分钟后,播放1a录音,让学生带着问题听, 提高学生的听力水平。)
t: ok. let’s listen to the dialog and answer the questions on the small blackboard.
(1) what are they going to do this saturday evening?
(2) is it a movie about aliens?
(3) what can people do on mars in that movie?
t: boys and girls, can you answer the questions?
2. (将学生分成两大组朗读1a,让学生画出关键词,再读一遍1a,完成1b。)
t: open your books. girls act as maria. boys act as kangkang. read the dialog. after reading, find out the key words and phrases in it. read it once again and finish 1b. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
movie, life in space, exciting, travel, visit, mars, live in space, houses, schools, hospitals, anything, wait
3. (让学生找出对话中的新语法modal verb + be + p.p.,教师进行讲解并操练。)
t: we have learned “is/am/are+p.p.” and “was/were+p.p.” please find out sentences with modal verb + be + p.p.
we will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.
modal verb+be+p.p.
t: boys and girls, i’ll say a sentence in the active voice. you change it into the passive voice, ok?
ss: ok.
t: we should clean our classroom every day.
ss: our classroom should be cleaned by us every day.
t: we must finish our homework on time.
ss: our homework must be finished on time.
t: i may put my book in your bag.
ss: my book may be put in your bag.
t: excellent. you did a good job.

step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:9分钟)
1. (让学生表演1a。)
t: boys and girls, can you act out the dialog?
ss: yes.
2. (放2a录音,让学生带着问题去听。)
t: we know maria and kangkang saw a wonderful movie about life in space. after seeing the movie, what are they talking about? now let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions on the small blackboard.
(1) what are they talking about?
(2) how about the scientific research on aliens in america?
3. (分组朗读2a,完成2b。)
t: boys act as kangkang. girls act as maria. please read the dialog aloud. after reading, please finish 2b.
4. (让学生再读对话,找出文中的重难点并进行讲解。)
  t: please read 2a again. then try to find out the difficulties.
(1) i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
(2) i won’t believe there are aliens until i see them with my own eyes.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:11分钟)
1. (根据1a和2a,安排学生两人一组对话,准备两分钟,之后请至少3组同学表演。)
t: boys and girls, dialog 1a and dialog 2a can be acted out together. now please prepare for two minutes, then act them out in pairs.
2. (教师提供对话中的关键词,让学生完成复述任务。)
t: now, i say the key words in the two dialogs. can you retell the dialogs?
ss: let’s have a try. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
t: a wonderful movie.
ss: there will be a wonderful movie this saturday evening.
t: life in space.
ss: it’s a movie about life in space.
t: travel by spaceship.
ss: all the people travel by spaceship in the movie.
t: live in space.
ss: kangkang thinks they will live in space one day.
t: houses, schools, hospitals.
ss: there will be houses, schools, hospitals and so on.
t: be able to.
ss: we will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.
t: aliens.
ss: kangkang doesn’t believe there are aliens.
t: scientists.
ss: some scientists think there are aliens. one american scientist thinks they have already been on the earth.
t: in order to.
ss: they are reading on the internet in order to learn about human culture.
t: won’t … until.
ss: maria won’t believe there are aliens until she sees them with her own eyes.
t: great. you did very well. after class you should recite the two dialogs. ok?
ss: ok.
3. (让学生完成2c,初步掌握含有情态动词的被动语态的用法。)
t: boys and girls, finish 2c. match the two columns to make sentences. pay attention to the new grammar “modal verb + be + p.p.”
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. work in groups. collect information about aliens and mars. share it in groups to get ready for the next section. you can begin your project by asking“how much do you know about aliens/mars?”
2. homework.
  (1) recite 1a and 2a.
(2) suppose you are maria. please write another diary after watching the movie about aliens.
i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
section a
see sb./sth. with one’s own eyes
modal verb + be + past participle
we will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth.
but i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
section b
the main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and a phrase:
basic, coach, be based on
2. learn a useful sentence:
  sometimes i want to be a dancer, but i think i’m going to be a scientist in the future.
3. consolidate the use of modal verb+be+p.p.:
(1) i believe more and more things will be discovered in the future.
(2) the watch should be repaired first.
(3) the trees should be watered at once.
4. talk about flying to mars and the outer space.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (以男、女两组竞赛的方式复习含有情态动词的被动语态。由教师说出一个动词,同学们用这个动词去造一个含有情态动词的被动语态的句子。看哪组说得又快又准确。)
t: ok. let’s have a competition between boys and girls. i say a verb, and you make a sentence with this verb. you must use “modal verb+be+past participle”. do you understand?
ss: yes.
t: for example. i say“water”. you should say it like this:“the flowers must be watered every day. ”ok, let’s begin. protect.
girls: our environment should be protected well.
t: clean.
boys: the blackboard must be cleaned after class.
t: look after well.
girls: the young trees should be looked after well.
t: speak.
girls: english should be spoken in our english class.
t: plant.
boys: more and more trees should be planted.
t: invent.
girls: many useful things will be invented in the future.
t: excellent. you did very well. girls did better than boys. congratulations! (鼓掌。)
2. (提问关于太空和人类对太空研究的一些问题。加深对含有情态动词的被动语态结构的变化及用法的认识,导入并呈现部分生词。)
t: what movie did kangkang and maria watch that day?
s1: they watched a movie about the life in space.
t: does kangkang believe there are aliens?
s2: no, he doesn’t believe it.
t: and you? do you believe there are aliens?
s3: no, i don’t believe it, because they haven’t been seen in our daily life.
s4: mr./miss…, i believe there are aliens because there are a large number of stars in space. there must be a star like our planet.
t: i agree with you. we all wonder if there are aliens in space, but what can be done to find out whether there are aliens in space or not?
s5: satellites and spaceships should be sent up.
s6: other planets may be visited.
s7: more scientific research should be done.
t: good idea. if people do more scientific research, i believe more and more unknown things will be discovered in the future. i really admire the astronauts. they can travel to space and discover something new about planets. to tell you the truth, when i was a child, i wanted to be an astronaut. what are you going to be when you grow up?
s8: i’d like to be a scientist.
t: so you need to learn a lot of knowledge and master some basic computer skills. what are you going to be in the future, s9?123456789101112131415161718192021222324
s9: i want to be a basketball player in nba.
t: so you need a good coach and more training. s10, what about you?
s10: i’d like to be a football coach and help our national team make great progress.
t: very good. i’m glad to hear that you all have good dreams. i hope your dreams will come true. now, let’s see what maria and kangkang want to be when they grow up.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (让学生听1a录音,然后回答问题。)
t: listen carefully and find out the answers to the two questions on the small blackboard:
(1) what is kangkang going to be when he grows up?
(2) what about maria?
2. (让学生分组朗读, 女孩读maria, 男孩读kangkang。读后让学生自己设计问题,并互相问答。)
t: read the dialog in groups. girls act as maria. boys act as kangkang. after reading, talk about it by asking and answering questions in pairs.
s1: has maria heard the news about the space flight to mars?
s2: no, she hasn’t.
s3: who will take part in the space flight?
s4: the astronauts from china, the united states and russia.
s5: why will the astronauts travel to space?
s6: they want to discover something new about mars.
s7: what is kangkang going to be when he grows up?
s8: he wants to be an astronaut.
s9: which subject does maria prefer?
s10: she prefers science to dance.
s11: so what is maria’s dream?
s12: she wants to be a scientist in the future.

news, take part in, astronauts, admire, travel, grow, cool, basic, dancer, perform, prefer, favorite, believe, come true
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (让学生一起朗读1a对话,然后根据对话中的关键词进行表演。活跃课堂气氛,熟悉对话内容。)
t: now read the dialog between kangkang and maria. then act it out with the help of the key words and phrases.
t: who can perform the dialog in front of the class?
2. (让学生完成1b。)
t: complete the sentences in 1b according to 1a. pay attention to the grammar “modal verb+be+p.p.”
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (播放2录音,让学生完成2。)
t: let’s listen to the conversations and number the problems in the correct order. then listen again and complete the sentences.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
2. (播放《时间机器》的主题曲,导入3。)
t: boys and girls, is this piece of music beautiful?
ss: yes.
t: i like it very much. it is from the film “the time machine”. the film is based on a science fiction.
(板书并要求学生掌握be based on,理解base和science fiction。)
be based on
science fiction
t: i like watching the science fiction movies. i think they are very exciting and interesting. do you think so?
ss: yes. we all like watching them.
t: ok, let’s look at 3. here are three famous movies. the first one is the film i just mentioned. now, please read 3 carefully and try to understand them. five minutes later, you will be asked to retell the three stories with your own words.
t: have you finished yet?
ss: yes.
t: who is the volunteer to say something about “the time machine”?
s1: let me have a try. …
t: the second one?
s2:  …
t: the third one?
s3:  …
t: excellent. you did a good job! if michael is interested in aliens, which one should he choose, s4?
s4:  e.t.
t: right! now let’s discuss in groups and list more science fiction movies.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (教师引导学生根据本单元的话题和语言知识,进行综合探究活动。)
t: we have known that china will take part in the space flight to mars. the space industry has become the focus of our society. what have we done to study the universe? say something you know.
s1: shenzhou v was sent into space in XX. yang liwei was the first astronaut to travel in spaceship in china.
s2: fei junlong and nie haisheng traveled in shenzhou vi in XX.
s3: china sent up the first lunar probe—chang’eⅰ.

t: thank you for telling me so much about it. please look for more information on the internet or in the books about space. write it down on a piece of paper. then we can exchange information with each other. and after learning section d of topic 2, we had a task to design our own invention. now it’s time for you to report it to the class. what’s your invention?
s4: i designed a plane …
s5: i made a car …
2. homework:
write a passage about dreams.
i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
section b
base on
science fiction
sometimes i want to be a dancer, but i think i’m going to be a scientist in the future.
i believe more and more things will be discovered in the future. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
section c
the main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn a new words:
2. learn some useful sentences:
  (1) its diameter is 53% as wide as that of the earth.
(2) it has been two days since we landed on mars.
(3) it is six weeks since we had a proper shower.
3. learn something more about mars.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:3分钟)
t: morning, boys and girls!
ss: good morning, sir/madam!
t: what are you going to be when you grow up, s1?
s1: i’d like to be a teacher.
t: a good job. what about you, s2?
s2: i want to be an astronaut. i can travel to space by spaceship and discover something new about space.
t: what a great dream! our country has launched three manned spaceships. in XX, we sent up our country’s first lunar probe. in the future, the astronauts from china will fly to mars to explore it. they will discover something new about it. do you know anything about mars?
ss: no.
t: ok, let’s learn it from section c.
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:15分钟)
1. (出示火星及罗马战神的图片,简单介绍火星,呈现部分生词。)
t: (指着火星图片。) this is a picture of mars. it is the fourth planet from the sun in the solar system. it is named after mars, the roman god of war. it is much smaller than the earth. its diameter is 53% of the earth’s.
(板书并要求学生理解solar,了解roman, diameter。)
t: during spring and summer, strong storms can cover the whole surface of mars. the gravity on its surface is about 40% as strong as it is on earth.
t: do you want to know something more about mars?
ss: yes.
t: ok, please listen to 1a to grasp the main idea of the text.
2. (设置听力任务,让学生带着问题听1a录音,提高学生的听力。)
(1) what does mars look like?
(2) how far is mars from the sun?
(3) what’s the temperature on mars?
3. (让学生精读1a,找出文中的疑难点,提高学生的阅读能力。)
t: boys and girls, please read 1a carefully. find out the difficulties and important expressions.
it’s reported that...
at a distance of123456789101112131415161718192021222324
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (让学生再读1a,完成1b。)
  t: read 1a again and finish 1b。
2. (让学生根据关键词复述1a,加深理解,提高表达能力。)
t:  please retell the passage according to the key words on the blackboard. i will say the key words. you say sentences together, ok?
ss: ok.
mars, fourth, named, diameter, a distance of, tell, because, bright red, ball, storms, gravity, temperature, oxygen, eight months, closest, searching for
t: mars and fourth.
ss: mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system.
t: named.
ss: it is named after mars, the roman god of war.

3. (出示幻灯片,完成对火星的介绍,巩固1a内容。)
mars, the      planet of the solar system, goes around the sun at a      of about 228 million kilometers. its      is 53% as wide as that of the earth. it looks like a      and      ball. it’s very beautiful. but during      and     , strong      can cover the whole     of mars. the gravity on the surface of it is about      as      as it is on earth.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:12分钟)
1. (两人一组讨论1c中的问题,并安排两或三组学生汇报。培养学生自主学习和创新能力。)
t: we learned a lot from 1a about mars just now. please discuss the following questions with your partner. then make conversations in pairs. after that i’ll ask two or three pairs to act in front of the class.
t: boys and girls, have you finished your discussion? s1 and s2 , please!
s1: does mars have a good climate for plants?
s2: of course not. that’s impossible.
s1: why?
s2: because the temperature on mars is between -138℃and 28℃.
s1: oh, i see. is mars a useful place to dry fruit?
s2: no, i don’t think so.
s1: is mars a good place for human beings to live?
s2: no, because it is too cold for people to live on.
s1: the last question. is mars a comfortable place for heavy people?
s2: i don’t think so. although the heavy people will be lighter on mars, it’s still not a comfortable place for them to live. do you agree with me?123456789101112131415161718192021222324
s1: yes, i think so.
t:  ok. both of the two pairs are excellent.
2. (让学生听2的录音,然后回答问题。)
t: in dialog 1a, kangkang wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. he wants to do some research in space. here is an e-mail from mars. let’s listen to the tape, then answer the following questions on the small blackboard:
(1) who is this e-mail from and to?
(2) how long did it take them to get there?
(3) did everything go well during the journey?
3. (再听2录音,完成2。)
t: boys and girls, let’s listen again and fill in the blanks in 2.
t: please read the completed e-mail loudly. in addition, pick out the difficult points.
it has been two days since we landed on mars.
it is six weeks since we had a proper shower.
t:  now please make sentences according to the sentences on the blackboard. who would like to make it first?
s3: it has been two years since we learned english.
s4: it has been six months since we planted the trees around our school.
s5: it is ten years since i came here.
s6: it is three years since my uncle went to america.
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (设计在火星上的生活区。)
t: boys and girls, if we can live on mars, can you design a place where we live? don’t forget to add schools, shops, gardens, etc.you can discuss with your partner and arrange everything well, then you can exchange the pictures.
2. homework:
suppose you are an astronaut and have just come back from mars. please write a report about the living conditions in the spaceship and the information about mars, including its color, shape, climate, distance from the sun…
i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
section c
at a distance of… mars goes around the sun at a distance of about …
 it has been two days since we landed on mars.
 it is six weeks since we had a proper shower.
section d
the main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。
ⅰ. teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. learn some new words and a phrase:
beyond, separate, hand in
2. review the use of “modal verb + be + p.p.”
3. talk about our planet and living things on other planets.
ⅱ. teaching aids 教具
ⅲ. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案
step 1  review 第一步  复习(时间:7分钟)
通过图片造句,复习本单元重点语法项目——含有情态动词的被动语态,然后通过判断句子正误的方式巩固section c,导入新课。
1. (多媒体展示一些图片,学生们根据图片内容造句,该句子必须是“情态动词+被动语态结构”,复习本单元语法。)
t:  hello! boys and girls, in this topic we have learned a new grammar, the passive voice with modal verbs. now, let’s look at the screen. make some sentences according to the pictures. please remember that you should use “modal verb + be + p.p.” do you understand?
ss: yes.
t:  (多媒体呈现一个很脏的教室。) here is a classroom. s1, can you make a sentence?
s1: yes. the classroom should be cleaned every day.
t:  good. let’s look at next one. (呈现一幅环境污染图片。) s2, please?
s2: the environment must be protected by us.
t:  excellent. next one. (呈现一辆坏了的自行车。) s3, you please!
s3: the bike should be repaired.
t:  good. next.(展现一幅小孩用脏兮兮的手在吃苹果的图片。) who can make a sentence?
s4, can you?
s4: her hands should be washed before eating apples.
t:  right. let’s look at next one. (呈现一片被砍伐的树林。)
s5: the trees shouldn’t be cut down by people.
t:  ok, next. (展现科学家们正在认真做研究的图片。)
s6: scientific research must be done carefully.
t:  you did very well. have you mastered the new grammar?
ss: yes.
2. (多媒体制作一个动漫的声音。让学生判断波利说的上一节课学过的关于火星的内容是否正确。激发学生的兴趣,达到复习的目的。)
t: boys and girls. we’ve learned something about mars. do you still remember?
ss: yes.
t: let’s listen to what polly says. are her expressions about mars right or wrong?
polly: mars goes around the earth at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.
ss: no, you are wrong.
polly: it is one fourth as big as the earth.
ss: no, it’s about half as big as the earth.
polly: mars looks like a red and black ball.
ss: no, it looks like a red and orange ball.
polly: it is very beautiful.
ss: yes.
polly: a person weighs 120 kilos on the earth, but only weighs 48 kilos on mars.
ss: yes, you are right.
polly: the temperature on mars is between -120℃ and 20℃.
ss: no, it’s between -138℃ and 28℃.
polly: it takes a spaceship from the earth about eight years to reach mars when the two planets are closest to each other.
ss: no, eight months, not eight years.
t: ok, boys and girls, you did very well. as we know, mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system. this lesson, let’s go on talking about solar system.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
step 2  presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:14分钟)
1. (出示教学挂图—太阳系,让学生们从感官上认识太阳系,教师导入新课。)
t:  boys and girls, just now we talked about mars. do you know how many planets there are in the solar system?
ss: yes. there are eight.
t: right. the solar system is like the home of the eight planets. our planet, the earth, is the third planet from the sun. however, the solar system is a small part of the universe.
t: scientists have sent up spaceships to explore other planets in the solar system. what’s more,
some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system.
t: scientists will do more research on the space. so boys and girls, you must study hard.
  then you can do something useful to help research on the space one day. do you think so?
ss:yes, we will study hard.
t: ok. next, let’s read the text to learn more about the solar system.
2. (学生打开课本,听1a录音并跟读,回答下列问题。)
t: boys and girls, let’s listen to the tape. read after it, then answer the following questions:
(1) has anybody found life on other planets?
(2) what’s called the solar system?
3. (让学生读1a, 选出恰当的标题。然后完成1b。)
t: read 1a again. choose the best title of the passage, then finish 1b。
t: now, which one would you like to choose?
ss: is there life out there?
t: yes, good. now look at 1b. who can match the letters with their names according to 1a?
s1: (b) the solar system
(d) the earth
(a) the universe
(c) the sun
t: ok, you did very well.
step 3  consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:8分钟)
1. (学生再读1a,教师板书本课关键词和短语。)
t: boys and girls, let’s find out the key words and phrases of the passage.
scientists, life, millions of years, on other planets, the earth, seven, the solar system,
universe, launch, beyond, discover, message, information, alone
2. (根据板书的关键词,引导学生复述课文。)
t: look at the key words and phrases on the blackboard. can you retell the text?
ss: let’s have a try.
t: ok. life, millions of years.
ss: there has been life on earth for millions of years.
t: on other planets.
ss: we haven’t found life on other planets yet.
t: the earth.
ss: the earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
t: seven.
ss: there are seven other planets that also go around the sun.
t: the solar system, universe.
ss: the solar system is a small part of the universe.
t: launch.
ss: scientists have launched many spaceships to explore other planets in the solar system.
t: beyond.
ss: some spaceships have gone beyond the solar system.
t: discover.
ss: however, no one has discovered any life in space yet.
t: message.
ss: why has no one from other planets sent us a message?
t: information.
ss: have they tried to send information to us?
t: alone.
ss: are we alone, or is there life on other planets in space?
t: good. you did very well. after class you should read the passage again and again until you understand it well.
step 4  practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (通过本话题内容的拓展,复习总结本话题语法。)
t: there are so many planets in space. but no one knows if there is life on other planets. scientists don’t know. we don’t know, either. but do you want to discover the secret?
ss: yes, we do.
t: so what can be done to find out the truth?
s1: more satellites must be sent into space.
s2: more scientific research should be done.
s3: other planets may be visited in the future.

more satellites must be sent into space.
more scientific research should be done.
other planets may be visited in the future.

modal verb + be + p.p.
2. (出示练习,巩固含有情态动词的被动语态,并学习4中的生词。)
t: now, please change the following sentences into the passive voice. don’t forget the modal verbs, and put them in the right places.
(1)we can see many stars in the sky on a fine evening.
→many stars can be seen in the sky on a fine evening.
(2)you may find life on other planets one day.
→life may be found on other planets one day.
(3)you should write the answers on a separate piece of paper.
→the answers should be written on a separate piece of paper.
(4)we should hand in our homework tomorrow.
→our homework should be handed in tomorrow.
(5)the human beings mustn’t throw garbage into space.
→garbage mustn’t be thrown into space. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
hand in
3. (复习本话题的语法重点和重要句型。完成3a和3b。)
step 5  project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)
小组活动,以本单元space and science为主题设置智力题,并根据其内容与结果,完成4。
1. (有关太空知识的智力抢答。)
t: let’s do a space and science quiz show! now, i divide the class into eight groups, and each group try to answer my questions. the group that answer the most questions will win. all the questions are about space or science. are you ready?
ss: yes.
t: let’s begin. when was the second manned spaceship sent up by china?
g1: in XX.

2. homework:
suppose there are aliens. write a passage to introduce the earth to them, including clothing, food and drinks, weather, transportation, and so on.

i don’t think aliens can be found is space.
section d
the solar system is a small part of the universe.
modal verb + be + p.p.
i don’t think aliens can be found in space.
more satellites must be sent into space.
other planets may be visited in the future.

unit 1   单元测试
题号 第一部分 第二部分 总分
 ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅴ ⅵ ⅶ 
第一部分:听 力(20分)
ⅰ. 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

(   ) 1.

           a                          b                           c

(   ) 2.

           a                          b                           c

(   ) 3.

           a                          b                           c123456789101112131415161718192021222324

(   ) 4.

           a                          b                           c

(   ) 5.

           a                          b                           c
ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)
(   ) 6. a. the u.s.a. b. india. c. canada.
(   ) 7. a. no, not yet. b. yes, he did. c. yes, he has.
(   ) 8. a. because china’s population grows fast.
b. because china’s education is good.
c. because china’s economy has developed a lot.
(   ) 9. a. yes, he thinks so. b. no, he doesn’t. c. i don’t know.
(   ) 10. a. too much traffic. b. poor education. c. population growth.
ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)
(   ) 11. how many times has jack visited london before?
a. five times. b. twice. c. never before.
(   ) 12. how many days has jack been in london?
a. one hour. b. several months. c. several days.
(   ) 13. when will jack have to return?
a. in two days. b. in three days. c. in four days.
(   ) 14. is this jack’s fifth visit or sixth visit?
a. fifth. b. sixth. c. i don’t know.
(   ) 15. what does jack think of london?
a. he thinks it’s a wonderful place.
b. he doesn’t like here.
c. he doesn’t think it’s a wonderful place.
ⅳ. 听短文,补全句子。短文读两遍。(5分)
16. mr. smith has a small car and a      .
17. he stayed in the shop for       hours.
18. the dog didn’t       him to sit in the small car.
19. mr. smith had to start his car, but the key couldn’t      .
20. at last he looked at the car again. it was not his car. he was in the       car.
第二部分:笔 试(100分)
ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)
(   ) 1. — hello, this is tom. is jack in?123456789101112131415161718192021222324
 — sorry, he       to his uncle’s home. may i take a message?
 a. has been b. go c. is going d. has gone
(   ) 2. — could you tell me      ?
 — sorry, i don’t know.
 a. where are my socks  b. where can i find my socks
 c. where my socks are  d. where my socks put
(   ) 3. we are short       energy and water       the overpopulation.
 a. of; because b. of; because of c. in; because d. in; because of
(   ) 4. — they have a lot of rules at their house.
 a. so do i. b. so we do. c. so have i. d. so i have.
(   ) 5. —       you       your homework yet?
 — yes, i       it ten minutes ago.
 a. did; do; finished  b. have; done; have finished
 c. have; done; finished  d. will; do; finish
(   ) 6. — would you like to talk with your father or mother, liu mei?
 —       we don’t have the same topic.
 a. either. b. both. c. neither. d. none.
(   ) 7. i used to      . but now i get used to       doing everything. i’m successful at last.
 a. give up; keeping  b. giving up; keeping
 c. giving up; keep  d. give up; keep
(   ) 8. sixty percent of all chinese are farmers and they are       than people who live in the cities.
 a. much poor b. much poorer c. very poor d. more poorer
(   ) 9. this is the most beautiful park i have       visited.
 a. ever b. yet c. never d. already
(   ) 10. compared with last year, our pay       about ¥500 every month.
 a. has increased by b. has increased c. increased by d. increased to
(   ) 11. sixteen-year-old children shouldn’t be allowed       because they are not serious
  enough at that age.
a. drive b. driving c. to be driving d. to drive
(   ) 12. we have been good friends for many years, we often keep       with each other.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
a. for touch b. with touch c. in touch d. to touch
(   ) 13. my father was so tired that he fell asleep       he went to bed.
a. as if b. even though c. ever since d. as soon as
(   ) 14. — i was told to be here before 6:00 p.m.
  — oh, you      . i felt sorry for       you that we’ve changed the plan.
a. can’t; not telling  b. needn’t; not telling
c. can’t; not to tell  d. needn’t; not tell
(   ) 15. what       the animals of china in the last 400 years?
a. has happened to  b. is happened to
c. has happened with  d. is happening
ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)
(a man and a woman are talking at the shanghai hongqiao airport.)
m: the airplanes are late, aren’t they?
w:   16   i never expect planes to be on time.
m: are you working here or just a visitor?
w: a visitor.
m: how long have you been here?
w:   17 
m: what places of interest have you been to?
w: quite a lot, like the great wall in beijing, west lake in hangzhou. they’re really wonderful.
m:   18 
w: you know, china is a country with a long history and it’s quite beautiful.
m:   19 
w: yes, of course. it’s delicious.
m: oh, here’s my airplane at last. i must go now. bye.
w: bye!   20 
m: me, too. take care.
a. twice a month.
b. do you think so?
c. for one month.
d. do you like chinese food?
e. nice talking to you.
f. how do you like china?
g. yes, i think so.
ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)
the united states, great britain took the war(战争) on iraq(伊拉克) in late march, XX.
  21   over twenty days american soldiers were in baghdad(巴格达市), the   22   of iraq. they ended the government(政府) of saddam.   23   iraqis died in the war. saddam was
  24   at first. no one knew   25   he’s dead or alive.
in some parts of the city there was no light because of the war. some oil wells(油井) were set on fire. now the iraqis need food, water and   26  . many soldiers and people who were hurt in the war need medical care. people also need   27   to find their family members.
after the war, some iraqis broke into saddam’s palace, government buildings, and stores. they   28   many things from iraqi museums. other iraqis are angry that the u.s. soldiers didn’t stop the robbers(抢劫者). so far there is   29   no government of iraqis.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
the reason for american soldiers taking the war is that they are   30   weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器). but by june 6th, XX they hadn’t found any at all.
(   ) 21. a. for b. about c. by d. during
(   ) 22. a. city b. town c. capital d. village
(   ) 23. a. thousand b. thousands c. thousand of d. thousands of
(   ) 24. a. tired b. run c. gone d. forgotten
(   ) 25. a. whether b. when c. how d. that
(   ) 26. a. spaceships b. flowers c. people d. medicine
(   ) 27. a. an idea b. a way c. a plane d. a bridge
(   ) 28. a. bought b. borrowed c. stole d. brought
(   ) 29. a. still b. ever c. yet d. already
(   ) 30. a. looking at b. looking for c. giving up d. putting down
ⅳ. 阅读理解。(40分)
do you live in a city? do you know how cities began? long long ago, the world had only a few thousand people. these people moved from one place to another. they moved over the land, hunting animals for food.
no one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. but when they did, their lives changed. they did not have to look for food any longer. they could stay in one place and grow it.
people began to live near one another, so the first village was established. many people came to work in the villages, and these villages became even larger.
when machines appeared, life in the villages changed again. people built factories. more and more people lived near the factories. the cities began.
today, it’s strange that some people are moving back to small villages. can you tell me why?
(   ) 31.people moved from place to place to hunt animals.
(   ) 32. the story says,“no one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. but when they did, their lives changed.” in this sentence, the word “they” means people.
(   ) 33. when machines appeared, life in the cities changed again.
(   ) 34. all people like to live only in very big cities.
(   ) 35. people built factories after the cities grew big.
i’m a college student in shanxi normal university now. three years ago, i studied in a high school. (1)i worked very hard and did well in every subject. and i took an active part in all kinds of activities with my classmates, such as holding sports meet, planting trees, visiting some places, watching the traffic with the policemen and contributing clothes, books, pencil-boxes and money to poor villages. but i can never forget a special activity—a visit to a blind and deaf school.  on october 3rd, 1998, the students in our school visited the an qing blind and deaf school. we had a party with some of the disabled students there. we played games together and had a wonderful time.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
i met a girl named zhao yang at the party. she couldn’t say a word, nor could she hear. (2) we “talked” with each other by making some gestures and writing on each other’s hand. soon we became good friends. when it was time to say “good-bye”, she wrote on my hand, (3)“please come here as often as possible.” i saw her words and tears roll down my face at once. (4)many people are concerning about(关心) disabled people, and they give away money to assistance fund(救助基金). but the disabled people also want more communication(交往) with ordinary people. if you know any disabled people, please don’t forget to visit them “as often as possible”. they need our help.
36. 根据解释,在短文中找出相应的单词。
d       : unable to use a part of your body completely because of illness
c       : the activity of expressing ideas and feelings
she told me                                     .
dear readers,
imagine a little girl who knows there will not be enough food for dinner, who can’t fill her stomach with water because it’s polluted(被污染), and who has watched life slip away(消失) from her father, little brother and sister because the family is too poor to see a doctor. she would gladly walk miles to school, but her mother needs her badly(非常) at home. what will her future be?
is it hard to believe? for maria pestora, these are the real life.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
but for just 52 pennies a day, you can sponsor(资助) a child like maria. through “save the children”, you can help maria’s mother get the tools and ways she needs to turn their poor food into a good dinner, and get the money she needs to buy clothes and school things for maria.
to help maria most, your money is put together with that of other sponsors. building a school, a hospital, or bringing in clean water is what “save the children” has been about since 1932. for you there are many rewards. you have the chance to write to or hear from your sponsored child, to receive photos or progress reports, to know you are reaching out to another person, not with a handout(救济品), but a hand up. that’s how “save the children” works. but without you, it can’t work. please take a moment now to fill in and post the form below to help a child like maria.
it can make a difference in her life and yours.
for the children
david li guyer
(   ) 41. we can read the letter in      .
a. somebody’s diary       b. a piece of newspaper
c. a progress report       d. a story book
(   ) 42. what’s maria’s most serious problem?
a. she has no chance to go to school.
b. her father died of a serious disease.
c. hard work has made her suffer a lot.
d. her mother needs her badly at home.
(   ) 43. what is “save the children”?
a. an activity to help poor children go to school.
b. an office of the government to collect money.
c. a program shown at theaters to help the poor.
d. a group who works for children in poor places.
(   ) 44. the last sentence in the letter means      .
a. if maria goes to school, you will be rewarded
b. what you give is more than what you take
c. both maria’s life and yours will change a lot
d. maria and you can help each other at school
(   ) 45. which activity is similar to “save the children”?
a. english corner.      b. project hope.
c. the summer camp.     d. job training.
most new people were born in developing countries. these countries are found in much of africa, south america and some parts of asia. in the developed countries of europe and north america, the population is growing very slowly. this is because women in these countries have, on average(平均), only one or two children. in the developing countries, many women have five or more children. in 1950, around one quarter of the world’s population lived in the developed countries. by 2050, these countries will be home to only around one tenth of the world’s people.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
in the developing countries, more than one billion people are still living below the poverty(贫困)line. these people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing. children get little time at school and people suffer(遭受痛苦) from many kinds of diseases.
at the beginning of the 21st century, the world’s population was around six billion people. the u.n. has said that the world’s population will level off(平稳下降) at 12.5 billion by the year 2100. other groups think the world’s population will continue to grow, reaching 14 billion before it becomes stable(稳定的), or even falls.
46. in what areas of the world can developing countries be found?

47. in 1950, what percent(百分比) of the world’s population lived in developing countries?
48. how can we describe the people who are living below the poverty line?
49. there will be twelve and a half billion people on the earth in 2100, won’t there?
50. 将文中画线部分翻译成汉语。
ⅴ. 词汇。(10分)
51. — the      (develop) of new products is important to our company. do you know?
 — yeah, it is our duty to try our best to deal with it.
52. i think the most helpful      (invent) is the light bulb(电灯泡). it gives people more time to work and play.
53. the foreigner spoke english so      (quick) that i could hardly understand what he said.
54. the large population of china has caused many      (difficult). for example, many farmers have no farmland to grow crops on.
55. — have you seen the pictures in the newspaper that many cities in jiangxi have been      
 — yes. i have. it is terrible.
56. luck 52       the people who want to show themselves      (给……提供……) a good stage.
57.            (多亏……) the modern communications, we can keep in touch with our friends and relatives far away easily.
58. china has       great      (取得进步) in sending man-made satellites into space.
59. our new headmaster looks very young. i think he is            (少于) thirty years old.
60. mike is weak in english. in order to                  (赶上) others, mike works harder than before.
ⅵ. 综合填空。(5分)
dear dick,
how time flies! i have been back to school   61   two weeks. these days, i have   62  
a lot about the population in china.
china has a population of 1.3 billion. it has   63   about one fifth of the world’s population. about 80 percent of the people live in the   64  . it causes many difficulties. in less
  65   areas, some parents   66   boys to girls. not all the families can offer their children a good   67  . some children can’t go to school.
china has taken measures to   68   the population. china’s economy grows   69 
faster and their living conditions have changed a lot. most of us have lived in bright and tall buildings. we have had ring roads and they are wide enough. we have had more comfortable life.123456789101112131415161718192021222324
however, the large population problem is still   70   in china.
how about the population of your country? can you tell me about it?
61.         62.         63.         64.         65.     
66.         67.         68.         69.         70.     
ⅶ. 书面表达。(15分)
提示:warm houses, smile on one’s face, community service, go to school, rich, end the war, live a happy life, the war on iraq(伊拉克)
unit 1   单元测试
ⅰ. 1. kangkang has been to his uncle’s home.
2. we went climbing mountains last weekend.
3. the road in the countryside has become wider and wider.
4. there are five mascots for the beijing olympic games.
5. the earth has been in trouble because there are too many people in the world.
ⅱ. 6. w: what about the population of india?
m: its population is just smaller than that of china.
q: which country has the second largest population in the world?
7. w: jim, why not come and have dinner with us?
m: thanks, but i have already had it.
q: has jim had his dinner yet?
8. w: has chinese medical care improved yet?
m: yes, because china’s economy has developed a lot.
q: why has chinese medical care improved?
9. w: how will the population of the world change?
m: the population will increase, i think.
q: does the man think the world’s population will stop increasing?
10. w: what’s the biggest problem the world faces today?
m: some people say it’s too much traffic. some people say it’s poor education. but i think it’s population growth.
q: what does the man think is the greatest problem of the world today, too much traffic, poor education or population growth?
ⅲ. w: hi! jack. nice to see you here.
m: nice to see you, too.
w: how long have you been in london?
m: oh, only a few days. we came four days ago, and i’m sorry to say we have to return in three days. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
w: is this your first visit?
m: it’s my wife’s first visit, but i’ve been here five times before. i have to come over once a year on business.
w: and what do you think of london?
m: oh, i think it’s a wonderful place. i feel quite at home in london.
ⅳ.    one day mr. smith went shopping with his dog in his small car. he was in the shop for three hours. then he went out of the shop and got into a small car, but the dog didn’t follow him. mr. smith was angry and began to shout at the dog. the dog didn’t move. mr. smith had to start the car, but the key couldn’t turn. he looked at the car again and then he found it wasn’t his own car.



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