unit2our living environment_Unit2OurLimitedOcean

九年级英语教案 2016-04-17 网络整理 晴天


unit2 our limited ocean
一、单元分析(unit analysis)
(一)单元地位(unit position)
3.本课中出现了新的语法现象——the subjunctive mood (2)。本单元主要学习if – clause in the past perfect tense。
if- clause main clause
had+ past participle would/should/could/might+ have + past participle

(二)单元目标(unit target)
1 了解相关保护和利用地球的相关方法和措施。
2 学习如何表达列出的相关事例陈述。
3 学会在听力中运用推测的方法。
4 了解虚拟语气,学会写if虚拟语气(与过去相反)。
(三)单元重点(unit points)
 语言知识类
regulate, decline, tap, apply… to…, meet the demand for, fishery, overexploited, wilderness, sustainable, on a global scale, level off…

 环境:preserve area, biological resources, conservation law, life-support system, protection of game, closed fishing ground, excessive amount of fishing, environmental survey satellite, refuse/rubbish disposal, excessive and indiscriminate hunting

2 功能:
1)  listing information    参考课本第31页 useful language
 first,… second,… most importantly
 firstly,… secondly, … finally…
 …. above all,…

 2) adding information(表达“兴趣”和“好奇”)
 moreover, …
 in addition (to that)…
 what is more,…
 last but not least,…
 to name but a few,…

3 语法点:
本课出现了the subjunctive mood(2) – if-clause in the past perfect tense,应作为本课的教学重点。

二、教学设计(teaching designs)
教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考
1、reading 作为“探索地球”这一主题的引入,教师可利用“头脑风暴”教学手段,结合合作小组活动方式,让学生列出尽可能多的相关的已学的知识。既让学生回顾了曾经学过的有关“探索环境”词汇,又可引出一些新的词汇。
[链接1] 头脑风暴法的操作建议。 

课本第21页——highlights 部分。1234
2、 listening 作为教材第28页的听力部分,可让学生了解动物的生态现状。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语(新世纪版)听力》,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。 课文第28页——listening practice
making prediction
3、speaking 以“our limited ocean"为主题设计口语活动。
活动一:根据所给出的chart, 进行头脑风暴。
brainstorm the benefits that the ocean has brought us.( students are encouraged to list some other ways in which man benefits from the ocean.)
e.g. (food)
most people like to eat fish and other seafood. people rely on fish as their major source of animal protein.

brainstorm the reasons for the decline in fish population, and discuss what can be done to reduce the loss of the species.
e.g. people catch more fish than the ocean can replace.
[链接2] 小组任务的一些具体教学建议。 课文第29页——speaking practice
4、writing 本部分内容——修改第一课写的对比段落两种类型。(相关内容见参考)
organization(4)—comparison and contrast (2) 课文第15页——writing部分
5、 structure if虚拟语气(对过去相反)是本课的语法教学内容。教师可通过“句型操练”、“名词解释”、“话题谈论”三个层次循序渐进,使枯燥的语法讲解与学生的实际运用相结合。
[链接3] 虚拟语气操练的教学建议。 课文第26页——structure 部分

6、 additional reading 本部分为本单元的延伸内容,建议放在最后一课时。
本文出现的重要词汇与词组:fundamentally, invention, yield, conventional, struggle, disappearance, industrialize, exhaust, transportable, a minimum supply of, developing countries, apply … to.., meet the demand for…
[链接4] 话题讨论的教学建议 课文第32页——additional reading
recycle, pollute, overfish, circulate, dump, pollutant, the food chain, pile up, protective, heal, victim, survival, flood, earthquake, forestry, fire, natural cycle, enforcement, overfished, harmful effects on, circulates, threats to marine life, pollution solution.
其余组补充词汇:sea pollution, marine life, the ocean mother
教师补充词汇:control the fishery, reduce wastes, collect dead batteries, , be an environmentalist , greenpeace, form environmental groups, raise public awareness on environmental issues.
1、the requirements of the interview
the interview covers:
the importance of ocean, the threat of marine life, the related measures taken to save the ocean mother…
2、 preparing for a brief account of the interview
3、 exchanging the result of the interview among groups
4、 one representative of each group is to be selected to give a presentation in the class

第一层次:句型操练 (参见 p 26 a1练习)
 认知虚拟语气-在所给出的if 虚拟句中划出相应的虚拟部分。
例  if the fishing industry had been pressured to reduce its production a few years earlier, we would not have suffered from these declines in the fish population.


第三层次:看图说话 (参见书本p28)
with the help of the pictures and cues, complete the following sentences using the subjunctive mood.
a) if jim hadn’t watched tv, he_________________________.
b) if he __________________, he would have got up earlier.
c) if he had got up earlier, he __________________________.
d) if he hadn’t driven his car so fast, the accident__________________.
这个话题值得学生们思考与讨论,是目前全球关注的重点问题。通过jigsaw 的方式对野生生物的保护进行相对的探讨,对于学生关注全球环境问题很有帮助。。
1. discussion on the following issues1234
a) the ways in which the ocean is affected by the actions of people as well as nature
b) practical measures that can be taken by human beings to prevent the oceans from being polluted
2. a report for presentation
work together and make a poster of blue ocean. to make your poster more attractive, you may include some photos or pictures. if time permits, one student from each group can give an oral presentation.



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