unit18 beauty_Unit18 NewZealand

高一英语教案 2015-04-14 网络整理 晴天


unit 18 new zealand
ⅰ.teaching goals:
1.talk about new zealand and china.
2.talk about location and direction.
3.learn to use“it”as a subject.
4.write a description of a country or a region.
ⅱ.teaching time:
four periods
the first period
teaching aims:
1.learn to describe location and direction.
2.do some listening practice.
3.improve the students" speaking ability by talking.
teaching important points:
1.train the students" listening ability.
2.master the expressions describing location and direction.
teaching difficult points:
1.how to improve the students" listening ability.
2.how to finish the task of speaking.
teaching methods:
1.listening-and-choice activity to help the students go through with the listening material.
2.individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1.a tape recorder
2.a map of china
2.a computer
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ.greetings
greet the whole class as usual.
step ⅱ.lead-in
t:(put up a map of china on the blackboard.)
this is a map of china.i think you"re familiar with it,aren"t you?
t:good well,please look at the english words on the screen.say their chinese meanings and match them with the map.
(teacher shows the screen)
bohai sea yellow sea east china sea south china sea sea of japan pacific ocean taiwan hainan japan the philippines korea russia mongolia india thailand the himalayas
(teacher asks some students to the front and do the task.)
t:very good.now we"ve put the names of countries,islands,seas and oceans to their correct places.
step ⅲ.warming up
t:look at the map,please.try to describe their locations.before you do the task,look at the two examples on the bb:the east china sea lies to the east of zhejiang province.hainan island lies to the south of guangdong province.(teacher reads them).
t:from the two examples,we can learn to use the following sentence structure to describe location.(teacher writes the following on the bb.)
(bb:a lies/is to the east/west/south…of b.)
ok.let"s practise the sentence structure.i"ll give you three minutes to prepare it.then i
"ll ask some students to read out their sentences.
t:(three minutes later)time is up.are you ready?
t:ok.i"ll check your sentences.one student,one place.
s1:the bohai sea lies to the southwest of liaoning province.
s2:the yellow sea is to the east of shandong province.
s3.the south china sea lies to the south of guangdong province.
s4:the sea of japan is to the north of japan.
s5:the pacific ocean lies to the east of asia.
s6:taiwan lies to the southeast of fujian province.123456789101112131415
s7:japan lies to the east of china.
s8:the philippines is to the south of china.
s9:korea lies to the east of shandong province.
s10:russia lies to the north of europe and asia.
s11:mongolia is to the north of china.
s12:india lies to the southwest of china.
s13:thailand lies to the south of china.
s14:the himalayas lies to the southwest of china.
step ⅳ.listening
t:next,let"s do some listening.turn to page 27 and look at the listening part.first part 1.listen to the tape and look at the map of dolphin island.then complete the map with information you hear.i"ll play the tape for the first time.listen carefully and do part 1.(teacher plays the tape for the students to listen.after listening,the students are given two minutes to check their answers with their partners.)
t:have you finished?
t:ok.let"s go on with part 2.before listening to the tape,you need to go through with part 2 and make sure you know what to do.
(teacher gives the students one or two minutes to go through with part 2.then play the tape again.after a while,check their answers in class.if the students have any difficulty,teacher may play it again.)
step ⅴ.speaking
t:now look at speaking at page 27.today we"ll talk about the birthplaces of our grandparents,parents and ourselves.first,answer my question.where were you born?any volunteer?
s15:i was born in taiyuan.it lies in the centre of shanxi province.
t:do you know how far it is from beijing?
s16:i think it"s about 300 kilometres.
t:ok.do you know where your parents were born?
s16:yes.my mother was also born in taiyuan,while my father came from a small town in shanghai.
t:what about your grandparents?
s16:my grandmother was also born in a small village of shanghai.my grandfather moved to shanghai from sichuan province.
t:good.thank you.sit down,please.next,let"s talk about the birthplaces of our families.before you talk about it,you can go through with the following expressions on the bb:north china,south china,west china,east china,northeastern china,central china,southeastern china,in the north/south/east/west of…,to the north/south/east/west of…,in the northern/southern/eastern/western part of…,northeastern/northwestern/southeastern/
southwestern.they"re helpful in describing locations.
(teacher gives the students a few minutes to read the useful expressions.then let the students read the dialogue on page 27 and act it out.)
t:(after that)please make up a new dialogue according to the one acted before.after a while,i"ll ask some pairs to act before the class.(a few minutes later.)123456789101112131415
t:well,who"d like to act out your dialogue?
sa、b:let us try.(two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)
t:very good.please go back to your seats.
suggested answers:
a:where is your great-grandfather on your father"s side from?
b:he is from leshan,a small town in the south of sichuan province.
a:can you explain where that is?
b:leshan lies about 120 kilometres south of chengdu.
a:and what about your great-grandmother on your father"s side?
b:she"s from eastern sichuan.
a:which city?
b:it"s not a city.she"s from ba county,a small town.it"s not far from the city of chongqing.
a:where are your parents from?
b:my father comes from chengdu,and my mother"s from dujiangyan.
a:is it far from chengdu to dujiangyan?
b:no.it"s about 60 kilometres.
a:and what about you?
b:i was born in chengdu.it"s in the center of sichuan province.
step ⅵ.consolidation
t:thank you for your wonderful performance.now,let"s do an exercise to consolidate what we"ve learnt.please look at the screen.translate the english into chinese and the chinese into english.write your answers on a piece of paper.five minutes later,i"ll collect them.(show the screen.)
translate the english into chinese and the chinese into english.
1.san francisco is/lies in the west of the usa.
2.east of the mountain is a large lake.
3.shanghai is/lies in the east of china.
4.there are fruit trees on the north
bank of the river.
suggested answers:
5.hebei province is/lies in the north of china.
6.north of the city is a railway.
7.china lies/is in the east of asia.
8.east of the lake are two towns.
step ⅶ.summary and homework
t:in this period,we"ve done some listening and speaking.we"ve also talked about location and direction.when describing location,we can use the expressions on the bb.(pointing to the bb.)after class,practise talking about location and direction and master the sentence structure on the bb.
besides,preview the reading material in the next period.so much for today.class is over.
step ⅷ.the design of the writing on the blackboard
unit 18 new zealand
the first period
ⅰ.the east china sea lies to the east of zhejiang province.hainan island lies to the south of guangdong province.a lies/is to the east/west/south…of b.
ⅱ.useful expressions to describe locations:
north china south china west china east china northeastern china central china southeastern china in the north/south/east/west of… to the north/south/east/west of… in the northern southern/eastern/western part of… northere/northwestern  sichuan southeastern/southwestern hunan123456789101112131415
step ⅸ.record after teaching
the second period
teaching aims:
1.train the students" reading ability.
2.let the students learn something about new zealand.
teaching important points:
1.improve the students" reading ability.
2.learn about new zealand"s geography,climate,natural beauty and history.
teaching difficult point:
how to help the students understand the text better.
teaching methods:
1.fast reading to find out the general idea of the text.
2.question-and-answer activity to help the students to understand the detailed information in the text.
3.individual or pair work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1.a tape recorder 2.a computer  3.a map of the world.
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ.greetings and revision
greet the whole class as usual.
t:yesterday we learnt some useful expressions to describe locations.now,who can describe the location of china?
s1:let me try.china lies to the west of the pacific ocean,the south of russia and mongolia.it is in the east of asia.
t:very good.
step ⅱ.pre-reading
t:(put up a map of the world.)now,please look at the map.there are many islands on the map.can you find five islands?who can try?
s2:let me try.japan, iceland,the philippines,indonesia and new zealand.
t:you"re right.thank you.now,let"s describe where they are.you can do it like this:it is…in the…sea/ocean;…to the north/south/east/west of…;the nearest country is….please begin.one student,one island.
s3:japan lies to the east of china.it is in the pacific ocean.the nearest country is korea.
s4:iceland lies in the atlantic ocean.it is in the northwest of europe.the nearest country is england.
s5:the philippines lies in the pacific ocean.it is in the south of asia.malaysia is the nearest country from it.
s6:indonesia lies in the south of asia.it"s also in the pacific ocean.the nearest country is also malaysia.
s7:new zealand is in  the pacific ocean.it lies off the eastern coast of australia.australia is the nearest country from it.
t:well done.do you know what the names of their capital cities are?
ss:sorry,we don"t know all of them.
t:it doesn"t matter.i think you must know the capital of japan,don"t you?
ss:yes.it"s tokyo.
t:very good.do you know in which part of the island tokyo is?
ss:yes.it is in the northeast of japan.
t:quite right.if you want to go to japan from your hometown,how can you get there?
ss:by air.
(one student stands up and explains why.)
t:you"re quite right.thank you.sit down,please.now,let"s go on.do you know what the name of iceland"s capital city is?
ss:sorry,we don"t know.
s3:i know,but i can only say it in chinese.it is“雷克雅未克”.
t:ok.please sit down.it is spelt“r-e-y-k-j-a-v-i-k”in english.it lies in the southwest of iceland.we can go there by ship or plane.
(in the same way,the teacher asks the students about the other three islands and let some students answer.if they have any difficulty,teacher may help them.)
suggested answers:
the philippines" capital is manila.it lies in the centre of the island.we can get there by air or ship.indonesia"s capital is djakarta.it is in the south of the island.we can take a ship/a plane to go there.wellington is the capital of new zealand.it lies on the north island.we can arrive there by plane.
step ⅲ.reading
t:from the map,we"ve learnt the location of new zealand and its capital.today,we"re going to learn something about new zealand.before reading the text,let"s deal with the new words appearing in the text.
(teacher asks some students to read out the new words.at the same time,correct their mistakes in pronunciation,and give some explanations if necessary.)
t:now,turn to page 28.read the passage silently and quickly,get the general idea,and then do the exercise on the screen.after a while,i"ll check your answers with the whole class.
(teacher shows the screen.)
the reading passage has four paragraphs.match each paragraph with the best heading.
1.history 2.climate 3.natural beauty 4.geography
suggested answers:
paragraph 1:4 paragraph 2:2 paragraph 3:3 paragraph 4:1
t:well done.now,read the first paragraph again,and then do another exercise on the screen.
(teacher shows the following on the screen)
describe the location of the  following lands,seas and cities in relation to new zealand.
a.pacific ocean b.tasman sea c.wellington d.auckland e.christchurch
well, you"re given three minutes to do it.three minutes later.i"ll ask some of you to describe the location of them.are you clear?
t:well,who"d like to describe the location of the pacific ocean?
t:begin,please.(after three minutes.)are you ready?
s4:i"d like to.the pacific ocean lies to the north and east of new zealand.
t:that"s right.where is the tasman sea?
s5:it lies to the south and west of new zealand.
t:yes,you"re right.let"s go on.what about wellington?
s6:wellington is on the north island.
s7:auckland also lies on the north island.
s8:christchurch lies on the south island.123456789101112131415
t:very good.now,read the whole passage once more.this time,you should pay attention to the words in bold.after reading,you need to tell us what the words refer to.at last,i"ll check your answers.you"re given a few minutes to do it.ok?
(a few minutes later,the teacher checks them.)
suggested answers:
1.“it”refers to“new zealand”.
2.“which”refers to “hot springs”.
3.“this heat”refers to“the heat from hot spring.”
4.“these settlers”refers to“europeans”.
5.“it”refers to“england”.
step ⅳ.explanation and further unders-tanding
t:now,please look at the screen.i"ll explain something difficult to you.
(show the following on the screen)
1.be made up of
e.g.a year is made up of four seasons.
2.be surrounded by
e.g.that is a house which is surrounded by trees.
we are surrounded by dangers.
3.make electricity
e.g.coal can be used to make electricity.
4.take possession of
e.g.you can"t take possession of the house until all the papers have been signed.
5.sign an agreement with
e.g.the two companies signed an agreement with each other over the price of the  product.
(bb:be made up of,be surrounded by,make electricity,take possession of,sign an agreement  with)
step ⅴ.comprehension
t:we"ve learnt a lot about new zealand.now,let"s do an exercise about the climate and weather in new zealand.please look at the graphs on page 29.then choose the correct answers for the following questions.first do it by yourself,then check your answers with your partner.finally,i"ll check your answers.is that clear?
suggested answers:
1)b 2)b 3)d 4)d
t:very good.from the chart,what can you learn about the climate and weather in new zealand?what information does the chart not give?who knows?
s9:let me try.from the chart,we can learn that the climate in new zealand is very mild.it isn"t very hot in summer and not cold in winter.it rains a lot.the warmest months are december to february.the coldest months are june to august.but we don"t know it has a mild sea climate from the chart.
t:well done.now,compare the climate in china with the climate in new zealand and explain the differences.if you"d like to,make a chart.i"ll give you five minutes to prepare it.you can discuss with your partner.please write your answers on a piece of paper.after a while,i"ll collect them.do you understand?
suggested answers:
step vi listening and consolidation
t:now,listen to the tape.this time,you should pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(teacher plays the tape and the students listen and follow.after that,the teacher gives the students a few minutes to read aloud.)123456789101112131415
t:now complete the following passage on the screen.don"t look at your books,please.
(teacher shows the screen.)
new zealand is an island made up of   (1)  main islands in the  (2)  ocean.its capital,  (3)  ,lies on the north island.  (4)  were the earliest people to come to new zealand.they brought dogs,rats and   (5)  such as the sweet potato with them and   (6)  mainly in the north island.druing the 19th century,  (7)  ,mainly   (8)  had come to settle in new zealand,and the maori  (9)  with these settlers.that day is still   (10)   as a   (11)   holiday.
new zealand is a country with a warm  (12)  ,many plants and   (13)   that only live in new zealand.
the most famous animal is a little  (14)  that cannot fly.it is called a kiwi.the north island is famous for an area of  (15)   and some of this   (16)  near the earth"s surface is used to   (17) 
suggested answers:
(1)two (2)pacific  (3)wellington  (4)the maori  (5)plants  (6)settled (7)europeans (8)british  (9)signed an agreement  (10)celebrated  (11)national  (12)climate  (13)animals  (14)bird  (15)hot springs  (16)heat  (17)make electricity 
step ⅶ.summary and homework
t:in this class,we"ve read a passage about new zealand.from the passage,we"ve learnt something about new zealand,such as,geography,climate,natural beauty and history.(write them on the bb.)at the same time,we"ve learnt some useful expressions.after class,you must remember them and use them correctly.at last,don"t forget to preview next period.that"s all for today.class is over.
step ⅷ.the design of the writing on the blackboard
unit 18 new zealand
the second period
ⅰ.geography climate natural beauty  history
ⅱ.useful expressions:
be made up of be surrounded by
make electricitytake passession of
sign an agreement with
step ⅸ.record after teaching
the third period
teaching aims:
1.write a passage to consolidate the words describing natural environment.
2.revise and learn the use of “it”.
teaching important points:
1.the usage of “it”used in the subject position to stand for the infinitive or a clause.123456789101112131415
2.the usage of“it”used to talk about time,date,distance or weather.
teaching difficult points:
1.help the students master the following sentence structure:it is/was +n./adj.+infinitive/clause.
2.how to use“it”correctly.
teaching methods:
1.discussion method to help the students combine some sentences and form a passage.
2.inductive method to help the students master the use of“it”.
3.pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1.a projector and some sides
2.the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ.greetings and revision
greet the whole class as usual
t:yesterday we learnt a text about new zealand.now,please look at the screen.answer the following questions.
(the teacher shows the screen.)
answer the following questions:
1.where is new zealand?what is its capital city?
2.what"s the weather of new zealand like?
3.what"s the north island famous for?
4.what"s the most famous animal?
5.who are the earliest people to come to this country?
suggested answers:
1.new zealand lies off the eastern coast of australia.it is made up of two large islands:north island and south island.the pacific ocean lies to the north and east of it.its capital city is wellington.
2.new zealand has a mild sea climate.it rains a lot.the warmest months are december to february.the coldest months are june to august.
3.the north island is famous for hot springs.
4.the most famous animal in it is called a kiwi,which has wings but cannot fly.
5.the maori are the earliest people to come to this country.
t:very good.
step ⅱ.word study
t:now,please look at the word webs on the screen.
(teacher shows the screen.)
jungles forests wooded grassy deserts grasslands rocky sandy flat hills mountains hilly mountainous
well,work in pairs to make sentences with all of the words and then try to combine them.you"re given seven minutes to do it.seven minutes later,i"ll ask some students to read out their passages.
suggested answer:
we were going through a mountainous area by bus.before we went in the mountains,we saw some sandy areas and deserts along the hilly road.some jungles could be seen from time to time.in the distance are grey mountains.the sight was very sad.then we climed over a rocky hill.after that a large flat grassland appearing before our eyes.there was a big forest at the end.to our surprise,some small wooded cottages stood there.some grassy plants as well as all kinds of flowers grew around the cottages,which made the cottages very beautiful.
step ⅲ.grammar
t:well done.you"re imaginative.now,look at the sentences on the screen and tell the use of“it”.123456789101112131415
(show the following on the screen.)
1.it was getting dark.
2.it is april 1st today.
3.it rains a lot in new zealand.
4.it is some 3 500 kilometres from polynesia to new zealand.
5.it is a good thing that new zealand helps the maori to keep their own language and culture.
6.it is quite normal that uncles and aunts live with the family for a long time.
7.it is interesting to visit new zealand.
t:who can try the first sentence?
s1:i can try.in the first sentence,“it”is used to refer to“time.”
t:yes,you"re right.let"s go on.the second one,li xiao,you try,please.
s2:here“it”is used to talk about“date”.
t:very good.the third one.can you try,wang fang?
s3:yes,i think“it”here is used to refer to “weather”.
t:ok.do you know what“it”refers to in the fourth sentence?
s3:yes.“it”refers to“distance”.
t:quite right.please sit down.let"s look at the fifth one.who"d like to translate the sentence into chinese?
s4:i"d like to.新西兰人帮助毛利人保持他们自己的语言和文化是件好事。
t:good.can you tell us the use of“it”in the sentence?
s4:sorry,i don"t know.
t:it doesn"t matter.sit down,please.who knows?
s5:i"ll try.i guess“it”is used to refer to“that-clause”.
t:well done.you"re quite right.can you try next sentence?
s5:yes.“it”is also used to stand for“that-clause”.
t:very good.the last one.who can try?
s6:let me try.i think “it”is used in the subject position to stand for“the infinitive”.its chinese meaning is:“参观新西兰是有趣的。”
t:quite right.from the sentences above,we can sum up the use of “it”.impersonal“it”can be used to talk about time,date,distance or weather.(write them on the bb.)besides,“it”can be used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause.from the sentences 5,6 and 7,we can learn the following sentence structure:it is/was +adj./n.+infinitive/clause.(write it on the bb.)now,who can use the sentence structure to make some sentences?
s7:let me try.it is impassible for so few people to do so much work in a single day.
s8:it is very important to follow the rules.
s9:it is true that he accepted the invitation.
(teacher writes the students" sentences on the bb.)
t:very good.now,open your books and turn to page 30.let"s do ex.1.first do it by yourselves,and then check your answers with your partners.at last,i"ll ask some of you to read out your sentences.before you do it,you may look at example first.are you clear?
t:ok.you"re given a few minutes to do it.please begin.(a few minutes later.)have you finished?
(teacher asks some students to read out their sentences.)123456789101112131415
suggested answers to ex.1:
(1)it is very exciting to receive a letter from a foreign friend.
(2)it is not a good habit to eat too much junk food.
(3)it is dangerous to drive too fast.
(4)it is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
(5)it is a pleasure to see you again.
(6)it has always been her dream to go abroad to study.
t:you"ve done it very well.now,let"s go on with ex.2.you"re given three minutes to do it in the same way.after a while,i"ll check your answers.do you understand?
(after a while,teacher checks their answers.)
suggested answers to ex.2:
(1)it is strange that you don"t know where new zealand is.
(2)it is a real pleasure that you invited me to the wondeful dinner.
(3)it was not surprising that he failed his maths exam.
(4)it was a shock to all that his secretary stole the money.
step ⅳ.test
t:now,let"s have a test.please look at the screen.write your answers on a piece of paper.before class is over,i"ll collect them.
(teacher shows the screen.)
ⅰ.fill in the blanks with“it is”or“it”and explain what each“it”is used for.
1.__________is quite a long way from here to the castle.
2.__________national day today.
3.__________four o"clock p.m.now.
4.__________is rather windy at sea sometimes.
5.__________hard for him to get rid of his bad habit.
6.__________a pleasure that he has been admitted to a university.
ⅱ.translate the following into english.
suggested answers:
ⅰ.(1)it;distance  (2)it is;date  (3)it is;time  (4)it;weather  (5)it is;for sb.to do sth.
(6)it is;that-clause
ⅱ.(1)it"s useful for students to practise speaking english every day.
(2)it"s important to learn a foreign language well.
(3)it is impossible that she should make a mistake like that.
(4)in winter,it is even colder in beijing than in shanghai.
(5)it"s about a/one mile from here to the nearest bank.
(6)it"s time for lunch.
step ⅴ.summary and homework
t:in this period,we"ve reviewed and learned the use of“it”.in order to master it better,you need to do more exercises after class.we"ve also learned to use some words to make sentences and combine them.this exercise is very helpful  in writing a passage.if you"d like to,you may find some similar words to make sentences and combine them.at last,don"t forget to prepare for next period.ok.so much for today.class is over.
step ⅵ.the design of the writing on the blackboard123456789101112131415
unit 18 new zealand
the third period
grammar:the use of “it”(1)
ⅰ.talk about time,date,distance or weather.
ⅱ.sentence stucture:
it is/was +adj./n.+infinitive/clause.
e.g.it is impossible for so few people to do so much work in a single day.
it is very important to follow the rules.it is true that he accepted the invitation.
step ⅶ.record after teaching
the fourth period
teaching aims:
1.do some reading and writing practice to improve the students" integrating skills.
2.do some exercises to consolidate the use of“it”.
3.learn how to write a descripition of a country or a region.
teaching important points:
1.improve the students" integrating skills.
2.help the students master the use of “it” better.
teaching difficult point:
how to improve the students" integrating skills.
teaching methods:
1.asking-and-answering activity to go through with the reading material.
2.individual or group work to train the students" writing ability.
teaching aids:
1.a tape recorder
2.a projector and some slides
3.the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step ⅰ.greetings and revision
greet the whole class as usual
t:yesterday we learnt the use of “it”.now,let"s review it.who can tell us the use of “it”?
s1:let me try.“it”can be used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive or a clause.and “it”can also be used to refer to time,date,distance or weather.
t: ok.you"re quite right.
step ⅱ.checkpoint
t:now,please look at the screen.translate the sentences into english.you"re given a few minutes to prepare it,and then i"ll ask some of you to write your sentences on the blackboard.
(teacher shows the screen.)
translate the following sentences into english.
(a few minutes later,the teacher asks five students to write their sentences on the blackboard.)
suggested answers:
1.it is dangerous to travel alone near the coast.
2.it was unknown whether he would accept the job.
3.it is no use talking to him.
4.it is nice to see you again.
5.it is strange that he didn"t come.
t:well.so much for the grammar.
step ⅲ.reading
t:now,turn to page 30.read the text about life in new zealand,and then answer the following questions on the screen.i"ll give you a few minutes to prepare.after a while,i"ll check your answers.
(teacher shows the following on the screen.)123456789101112131415
answer the following questions:
1.what is the official language in new zealand?
2.for the maori,what are special days called?
3.when someone dies,why does all the relations come to the marae?
4.why is new zealand thought to be an important agricultural country?
5.why do new zealanders love sports?
suggested answers:
1.english and maori are the official languages.
2.special days for the maori are called huis.a hui may be a wedding,burial or conference.
3.because the maori think that the spirit stays with the body for three days.
4.because the main exports of the country are agricultural products,such as wool,lamb,beef and butter.
5.because people are living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate.
t:well done.now,you"ve understood the text well,but there"s something important for you to master in it.please look at the screen.
(show the screen.)
1.turn to
e.g.he turned to the study of medicine.
let"s trun our attention to the matter at hand.
they always turn to me when they"re in trouble.
2.of+ n.
e.g.they are both of middle height.
mike is a boy of great courage.
step ⅳ.writing
t:now,read the passage again.then according to the passage,try to write a short description of the chinese province or region in which you live.before writing,look at the screen,please.
first paragraph:write about the population,ethnic groups and the languages spoken by them.
second paragraph:write about the culture of one or more ethnic groups that are native to your province or region.
third paragraph:write about the agricultural products that your province or region is famous for.
fourth paragraph:write about the things people like to do in their spare time in your province or region.
t:discuss what you"ll write according to the information on the screen.work in groups of four.you"re given five minutes to discuss.one of your group needs to take notes.ok,please begin.
(teacher goes among the students to join them in the discussion.if the students have any questions on the discussion,the teacher may help them.)
t:well,time is up.have you finished the discussion?
t:ok.i"ll ask some of you to tell us what province or region you"ll write about.any volunteer?
s2:after discussing,our group are going to write something about shanxi province,such as,its position,population,ethnic groups,culture,agricultural products,and the things people there like to do in their spare time.
s3:our group will write about yunnan province…
t:very good.now,use the information which you"ve discussed and get to write a short passage.first write it by yourself,and then exchange your writing with your partner to correct the mistakes in it.at last,rewrite it on a piece of paper.ten minutes later,i"ll collect them.are you clear?123456789101112131415
one possible version:
shanxi province lies in the north of china with a population of about 30 million people.besides han people,there are mainly mongol and hui people living in shanxi province,where most people speak putonghua so that they can understand each other.
in the north of shanxi live some mongolians,whose ancestors are nomadic tribes living by keeping sheep.they are strong,brave and hospitable.a grand festival called“na-dam fair”is held in summer every year.on festivals,they will carry out some traditional performances,such as horse-riding,whistling and so on.
there are many mountains,but basin is flat.it has all kinds of agricultural products,such as rice,wheat,potatoes,corn and cotton.it is also rich in coal,and is called“home of coal”.
people there like climbing mountains and singing folk songs in their spare time.they also enjoy taking all kinds of exercise to keep fit.paper-cut is their hobby.besides,there are all sorts of cooked wheaten food in shanxi.they"re very delicious.
shanxi is my hometown.i love it very much.
step ⅴ.test
t:in this unit,we"ve learnt some useful expressions.now,let"s have a dictation.li ming,please come to the front and write the phrases on the blackboard.the other students,take out a piece of paper and write them on it.are you ready?
t:ok.let"s begin.
(teacher says the following phrases in chinese,and the students write them in english.
bb:be made up of,be surrounded by,make electricity,take possession of,sign an agreement,refer to,in relation to,compare…with…,stand for,take place,turn to,prepare for)
t:(after that)now,look at the screen.complete each sentence by filling the blank with a right phrase on the blackboard.some phrases may not be used.
1.do you know what these bold words__________?
2.the may 4th movement__________in 1949.
3.cpc__________the communist party of china.
4.the uk__________four countries.
5.i have a lot to say__________that affair.
6.the teacher asked us to__________next period.
7.please__________your attention__________something important.
8.the soldiers__________the enemy fort.
9.the teacher__________beijing__________shanghai in class.
10.generally speaking,we use coal to__________.
well,you"re given five minutes to do the exercise on a piece of paper.after that,i"ll check your answers.
suggested answers:
1.refer to  2.took place  3.stands for  4.is made up of  5.in relation to  6.prepare for
7.turn…to…  8.took possession of  9.compared…with…  10.make electricity123456789101112131415
step ⅵ.summary and homework
t:in this class,we"ve done some exercises to review the use of“it” and the useful expressions appearing in this unit.we"ve also done some reading and writing.by reading the text about life in new zealand,we have learnt to write a short description about some province or region.if you haven"t finished the writing,please go on with it after class.today"s homework:preview unit 19.class is over.
step ⅶ.the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 18 new zealand
the fourth period
1.it is dangerous to travel alone near the coast.
2.it was unknown whether he would accept the job.
3.it was no use talking to him.
4.it is nice to see you again.
5.it is strange that he didn"t come.
ⅱ.useful expressions:
be made up of be surrounded by
make electricity take possession of
sign an agreement refer to
in relation to compare…with
stand for          take place
turn to prepare for
step ⅷ.record after teaching

reference for teaching
1.way of life
new zealand is an independent nation and a member of the british commonwealth(英联邦).the majority of new zealanders are of british descent,and the largest minority is new zealand"s indigenous maori who make up around 14 percent of the population.
new zealand lives in burgalows(带走廊的平房),singlestory,single-unit dwellings(住处)on small lots(地).highrise residential(住宅的)development is a recent phenomenon confined(局限于)mainly to auckland and wellington.most new zealand families have a vegetable and fruit garden on their lot where they grow some of their food.it is common for families to have animals as pets,especially cats and dogs.
new zealanders are keen sport participants and followers,primary winter sports are rugby,soccer,hocky,netball(avariant of basketball,played by women),skating,skiing,and mountain climbing.the most popular summer sports are cricket(板球),tennis,swimming and sailing.
2.new zealand—land of the white cloud
with its primeval forests,mighty snowcapped peaks,gigantic jords and grumbling volcanoes,it"s no wonder the makers of the lord of the rings films decided to shoot the trilogy in new zealand.rugged ranger-types can relive .the fellowship of the rings by scaling forbidding mountain passes or crossing volcanic moonscapes towards the cracks of doom.for more adrenaline highs there"s an unbeatable choice of good value activities,form white water rafting and jet boat rides to bungee-jumping and skydiving.123456789101112131415
for more homely hobbit types,nz has many other attractions to enjoy—rambling countryside,a glorious coastline and plenty of sedate places to sit and enjoy the amazing views.and then there"s the terrific cuisine and wine.with two weeks or more,a good way to see the country is to start in auckland on the north island,then drive to wellington,crossing by ferry to the south island.take in the breathtaking scenery around queenstown before flying home from christchurch.there"s too much to see beyond auckland to justify spending too much time in the city,so head south to waitomo.hiding beneath this hilly area are the haunting waitomo glowworm caves.drift in silence in the dark on the subterranean lake and gaze up at the spectacular living lightshow.adventure company waitomo luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids on inner tyres.



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