【unit10the transaction】Unit10Theworldaroundus

高一英语教案 2015-04-09 网络整理 晴天


unit 10 the world around us
    1. fur n. 毛皮,毛,软毛(a hair-covered skin of certain animals; the soft thick fine hair that covers the bodies of some types of animals) a fur coat皮大衣; a fine fox fur一张好的狐皮。
    2. jungle n. 热带丛林(a tropical forest too thick to walk through easily)
       jungle animals 丛林动物;the jungle of business错综复杂的商业界
    3. wolf n. 狼(a wild animal of the dog family which hunts other animals in a group)
       a wolf in sheep’s clothing披着羊皮的狼
    4. giraffe n. 长颈鹿(an african animal with a very long neck and legs and orange skin with dark spots)
    5. tour n.& v. 旅行;旅历;旅游 (to visit as a tourist; a journey during which several places are visited) make a round-the-world tour 作环球旅行 go on a tour进行观光游览 be on tour在巡回演出  tour the world周游世界
    6. act vt. & vi. 扮演;担当;表演;表现(take part in a play on the stage, behave as stated)
       he acted his part well. 他扮演的那个角色很成功。
       he acted as host to visitors. 他以主人身份接待来客。
    think before you act! 三思而后行!
       does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?
    7. measure  n.
      1) 计量单位 (unit, standard or system used in stating size, quantity, or degree; step) a meter is a measure of length.
     2) 措施;办法 they took strong measures against dangerous drivers. 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。
         vt, vi 量;测量;计量( to find the size, length, amount, degree, etc)
         mother measured me to see what size of dress i should have.
         i measured the coat against her and found it was too long.
    8. original adj.最初的;最早的;原始的 (first or earliest)
       who was the original owner of this house? 谁是这座房子最早的主人?
       the original owner of the house was the duke of wellington.这房子本来的主人是威灵顿公爵。123456789101112
  this is the original painting, and these others are copies. 这画是原作,其他的是复制品。
    9. battery n. 电池 (a piece of apparatus for producing electricity, consisting of a        group of connected electric cells)
    our bus won"t start because the battery is flat.我们的大客车发动不起来了,因为电池坏了。
    10. devote vt. 奉献将(某人的时间、精力或自己)完全奉献给某项特别的活动、事业、目标或某个人(to give or apply (one"s time, attention, or self) entirely to a particular activity, pursuit, cause, or person.)
 he devoted all his time to his job. 他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了。
 this magazine is devoted to science. 这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。
 "after he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.""退休后,他将要致力于园艺。"
 everybody knows that our director is very devoted to his wife.
 he devoted a great sum of money to books.他们花了一大笔钱买书。
11. common adj.
    1) 共同的;共通的;联合的;公共的 a common cup 公用杯子
    2) 常见的;常有的 snow is common in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。
    3) 普通的;熟悉的 the common man 普通人
       the humorous joke is common property.这个幽默笑话大家都知道。
    4) 低俗的;质劣的;粗鄙的
      "i don"t like him, for he"s as common as muck.; he"s as common as dirt."
  12. valuable adj. 值钱的;贵重的; 有价值的
  a valuable diamond.贵重的宝石; valuable information; valuable advice.重大的消息;重要的建议; a valuable friend. 令人钦佩的朋友
      n. [常用复]贵重物品
      mary kept her valuables in a safe.玛丽把她的贵重东西藏在保险箱里。
  13. reduce v. 缩减,减轻减少,如在范围、数量上或程度上减少;降低(to bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree; diminish)
      they"ve reduced the prices in the shop, so it"s a good time to buy.
      the fire reduced the forest to a few trees. 大火把森林烧得仅剩下几颗树。
     (与to连用)变为,化为 to reduce the rocks to dust 把石块碎成粉末
     (与to连用)强迫;迫使 she was reduced to begging. 她被迫乞讨。123456789101112
  14. respond v. 回答,答复(to make a reply; answer)
      i offered him a drink but he didn"t respond. 我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。
  15. amount n. 数量 large amounts of money
      vi (与to连用) 等于;总计;合计;总计达
   their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars. 他们的旅费共达700 美元。
      his debts amount to over $3000. 他的欠债总数已达三千多美元。
  16. package n. 包;包袱;包裹;包装 (a wrapped or boxed object; a parcel)
     large packages are sometimes left beside the door. 大的包裹有时就放在大门旁边。
      a package of cigarettes 一包香烟
  17. harmful adj. 有害的;能造成损害的(causing or capable of causing harm; injurious)
      smoking can be harmful to your health. 吸烟对身体有害。
  18. flat adj. 平的;平直的 (smooth and level )
      the earth is round, not flat.  地球是圆的,不是平的。
      that building has a flat roof. 那座建筑物有一个平顶。
      everything seems so flat since robert left. 罗伯特走后一切都显得乏味。
  19. material n. 材料,原料事物用或能用其制造的物质 (the substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made.)
      rubber is a widely used material.橡胶是一种广泛使用的原料。
  20. attractive adj. 有吸引力的(having the power to attract)
      the idea is very attractive.那个想法很吸引人。
  21. organize v. 组织;构成,组成
      jane organized the party. she asked people to come and bought the food and drinks.
  22. brief adj 短暂的;简短的 a brief letter 一封短信
      to be brief (with you), we can"t accept such harsh terms.
      in brief 简单地说;简明扼要的 in brief he says "no" 他简短地说了一个"不"字。
  1. in danger处于险境,反义短语为be out of danger。
     real friends should help each other when they are in danger.
     the patient has been out of danger. 这个病人已脱离危险。 123456789101112
     比较:be dangerous “危险的,有危害的”。
     mum told me t keep away from david who was dangerous.
  2. die out
     1) (of families, species, etc) no longer have any members left alive(指家族、物种等)死灭绝
     the habitat of the species is being destroyed and has nearly died out.这一物种因栖息地遭到破坏,几乎灭绝了。
     2) (of a custom, practice, ideas, etc) no longer be common(指习俗、做法、观念等)消失过时
        the old traditions are dying out.旧传统正在消失。
     3) (of a fire) to lose force or power (指火)熄灭
        it took a long time before the big fire died out.过了很长一段时间那场大火才渐渐熄灭。
  3. as a result  因此; 结果 "as a result, there is often trouble in american families."
  4. lead to .导致, 通向 the path leads to the village. 这条小路通到那村庄。
  5. take measures “采取措施”
 the government has taken measures to deal with sars.政府已采取措施来对付 “非典”。
  6. adapt to sth / adapt oneself to sth适应(新环境等) (become adjusted to new conditions, etc)。例如:
    generally speaking, the species that are able to adapt to the change of the environment
   will survive, while the others will die out.一般来说,能够适应环境变化的物种会继续生存下去;而那些适应性差的物种就灭绝。
   when you are abroad, you must find ways to adapt yourself to the culture and custom there.你到国外后,要设法使自己适应那里的文化和风俗习惯。
    adapt 改编、改写
    the film farewell my concubine was adapted from the novel of the same title by hong kong
   novelist li bihua. 电影《霸王别姬》是根据香港作家李碧华的同名长篇小说改编的。
7. devote (oneself / sth)to(sb / sth)致力于、把……奉献给、把…..专用于。例如:
   he has devoted his whole life to science.他把一身都献给了科学事业。
     devoted adj.
    1) 忠实的,慈爱的,恩爱的
       she is a devoted wife and mother.她是位贤妻良母。
    2) 献身……的, 专心于……的, 专用于……的, 热心的。
       the newly married couple living next door to us are devoted to sports.住在我们隔壁的那123456789101112
       the magazine is devoted to science.这本杂志专门刊载科技文章。
  8. throw away 白白放过;放弃;丢掉
     this is your last chance; don’t throw it away.这是你最后的机会了,别失去了。
     all his efforts were thrown away.他的一切努力都白废了。
    1. we human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.
       介词短语without在这里表示假设条件,相当于if there were no plants or animals around us.有时虚拟条件不用从句而用介词短语来表示。例如:
       without her help, the police couldn’t have succeeded in solving the mystery in such
       a short time.如果没有她的帮助,警察不可能在这么短的时间内破了这个疑案。
      but for the storm, we could have arrived here earlier.
       we could have done better under more favorable conditions.
    2. if we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures
       before it is too late.如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,就能及时采取补救措施。
       before 趁…..(还没有)。例如:
       they are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up.
       if you don’t like the present job, i suggest you look for another one before it is
       too late.
    3. a species can become endangered for different reasons.物种濒临危险有各种原因。
       endanger危害、危及(某人/某事物);使遭到危险 (cause danger to sb / sth; put sb /sth in danger)。例如:
       the polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the people.
       drunk-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also endanger the lives of 123456789101112
       pedestrians. 酒后驾车不仅会造成交通事故,而且会危害到行人的生命。
1. he asked ________ for the computer.
  a. did i pay how much b. i paid how much
  c. how much did i pay d. how much i paid
2. “have you seen the film?” he asked me. →he asked me _______.
  a. had i seen the film b. have i seen the film
  c. if i have seen the film d. whether i had seen the film
3. “please close the window,” he said to me.
  →he ______ me _____ the window.
  a. said to; to close b. told to; closing
  c. asked ; to close d. said to; please close
4. “i am a teacher,” jack said. →he said _________.
  a. that i am a teacher b. i was a teacher
  c. that he is a teacher d. he was a teacher
5. he said, “mother, the boy is very naughty.” →he  _____- very naughty.
  a. said his mother that the boy was
  b. said to his mother that the boy is
  c. told his mother that the boy was
  d. spoke to his mother that the boy was
6. “you’ve already got well, haven’t you?” she asked.
    →she asked ________.
  a. if i have already got well, hadn’t you
  b. whether i had already got well
  c. have i already got well d. had i already got well.
7. he asked , “ are you a party member or a league member?”
  →he asked me _________.
  a. am i a party member or a league member
  b. was i a party member or a league member
  c. if i was a party member or a league member
  d. whether was i a party member or a league member.
8. he asked, “how are you getting along?” →he asked _______.
  a. how am i getting along
  b. how are you getting along
  c. how i was getting along
  d. how was i getting along
9. he asked me ________ with me.
  a. what the matter is b. what the mater was
  c. what’s the matter d. what was the matter
10. he said, “don’t do that again.” he _____ me _______ that again.
  a. said to me; not to do b. said to me; don’t do
  c. told me; don’t do d. told me; not to do
  1. d 宾语从句要用陈述句语序。
    2. d 一般疑问句要变成whether或if引导的宾语从句.
    3. c 直接引语为祈使句, 变间接引语时, 主句中的谓语动词往往根据直接引语的口气换用ask (请求), tell (告诉), order (命令), invite (邀请), warn (警告), advise (建议)等, 而直接引语中的谓语动词要变成动词不等式。即ask/tell/order/invite/warn/advise sb. (not) to do sth. 123456789101112
    4. d直接引语为陈述句, 变间接引语时用that引导(口语中常省略)。
    5. c
    6. b反意疑问句要变成whether或if引导的宾语从句。
    7. c 选择疑问句要变成whether或if引导的宾语从句。
    8. c直接引语为特殊疑问句, 变间接引语时, 用特殊疑问词引导, 并将疑问句语序变为陈述句语序。
    9. d注意时态的一致。what作主语,the matter(=wrong)作表语。
    10. d 参看3。
  1. he has devoted all his life to protect the rare animal, south china tiger.
  2. the number of the milu deer have grown year by year.
  3. many of the rare animals and plants are now in the danger.
  4. do you prefer living in the wild to live in the zoo?
  5. in fact, nature is far better for recycling than we humans are.
  6. the good news is that it is a lot we can do to help.
  7. he is not used to live in the big city.
  8. the animal has adapted to their new environment.
  9. we should take measures to protect our environment.
  10. many the earth’s plants and animals have already died out.
    1. protect改为 protecting, to 为介词, 后加动名词。
    2. have 改为has,主语the number,谓语用单数。
    3. 去the in danger为固定短语
    4. live 改为living,to 为介词, 后加动名词。
    5. for改为 at better at 为固定短语
    6. it改为there, 从句为there be句型。
    7. live 改为living,to 为介词, 后加动名词。
    8. their改为 its,代词应与主语the animal保持一致。
    9. right
    10. many后加 of。
  1. 展览名称及简介:
    “大自然的教训”,展览生动而富有教育意义。 它以大量的生物图片告诫人们保持生态平衡的重
  2. 时间与地点: 星期五下午二点半,少年宫。
  3. 有关事宜: 凡去参观的同学, 今天下午在班长处预定门票,票价5角并准备好钱。
  4. 字数: 100字左右。123456789101112
  dear classmates,
  may i have your attention, please? there will be an exhibition at the children’s palace.
we are going to visit it at 2:30 this afternoon.
  the exhibition is called “a lesson from nature”. it is not only interesting but also
instructive. there are a great many pictures on the exhibition. the pictures warn us how
important it is to keep the balance of nature.
  those who want to go and visit it please let me know and place an order for the tickets.
each ticket is five jiao. by the way, get your money ready.
  that’s all. thank you.
阅读课文, 完成下面短文, 每空一词
    at present, many of the earth’s species have d___1____ out, and others are e__2_____.
animals and plants must have a c____3____ and clean habitat, w____4____ there is enough food and other resources. when the environment is changed or d___5___, they have to either
a__6_____ to the change or find a new home. when a new species is too strong, some o___7___ species may be in danger. without all the living things around us, we human beings could not s___8___. therefore we should take m____9___ to keep animals and plants f__10_____ becoming
    1. died 2. endangered 3. comfortable 4. where 5. destroyed 6. adapt 7. original
    8. survive 9. measures 10. from
i. 单项选择
1. what _____ her _____ us?
  a. stopped, to join in b. kept, joining
  c. kept, from joining d. prevented, joining in
2. i have _____ after supper.
  a. used to talk b. get used to walking
  c. been used to walk d. used to walking
3. _____ i didn’t like the book but now i do.
  a. at first b. first of all
    c. for the first time d. first
4. _____ i could see clearly, he had cleaned the blackboard.
  a. before b. until c. after d. as
5. our maths teacher is a simple man, who doesn’t _____ his clothes.
  a. take care of b. care about c. care for d. look after
6. is _____ necessary to tell his parents everything?
  a. that b. what c. it d. this
7. at present, he is _____ of losing his job.
  a. dangerous b. in the danger c. out of the danger d. in danger
8. will what you said _____ to her?
  a. to make any difference b. to make any differences
  c. make any difference d. make any differences
9. in america, he had to adapt himself _____ their customs and habits.
  a. with b. to c. or d. by
10. we all like miss gao because she knows more _____ us.
  a. of b. x c. about d. from
11. either you or i _____ going to do the work. 123456789101112
  a. am b. is c. are d. will be
12. without electricity human life _____ quite different today.
  a. is b. will be c. would have been d. would be
13. many doctors and nurses are devoting themselves to _____ sars.
  a. fighting against b. fight against c. be fighting against d. fight with
14. i did _____ i could _____ the blind child.
  a. that, take care of b. what, to take care of
  c. all, take care of d. everything, take care of
15. _____ of farmland has been used for building.
  a. a large number b. a large amount c. the amount d. the number
ii. 完形填空
  we often hear people saying that the world is getting smaller. they do not (1) mean that
the world is getting smaller,(2).what they mean is that with (3) means of transport, we can now (4) every part of the world very (5).we can cross from new york to paris in (6) than hours on a plane, and helicopters can now be used to explore (探索) mountains and valleys that were (7) to explore on foot. there used to be a time when many (8) of the world had never been seen or visited by foreigners. the great forest in brazil is so (9) that in some places it is (10) to walk through them. mt.jolmo lungma, the world"s highest mountain was for (11) thought to be too dangerous (12) .but in 1953 a new zealander called edmurd hillary with his nepalese (13),tenzing reached the top of mt.jolmo lungma, and now (14) huge machines ,roads are being cut through the forest of brazil.(15) there was a time when the world was very small. two thousand and three hundred years ago the egyptians and the greeks thought that the world (16) as it does on this old map. they thought the world was flat and that (17) it was the ocean. then man began to use ships to explore the world. they found that (18) they sailed further away from their home continents, the world became (19).and they (20) new countries and continents that they did not (21).as they built bigger and bigger (22),they were able to sail further and further away. so they have to make new (23) to show the countries they found. today there are (24) undiscovered countries left to be put on the map, but there are many new worlds to discover out in (25).
(  ) 1. a. surely b. really c. commonly d. clearly
(  ) 2.a.of course b. for example c. in fact d. in all
(  ) 3.a.strange b. expensive c. old d. modern
(  ) 4.a.see b. know c. reach d. call
(  ) 5.a.quickly b. slowly c. directly d. freely
(  ) 6.a.more b. less c. faster d. longer
(  ) 7.a.pleasant b. necessary c. painful d. difficult123456789101112
(  ) 8.a.continents b. countries c. parts d. oceans
(  ) 9.a.far b. thick c. many d. tall
(  ) 10.a.impossible b. easy c. no use d. harmful
(  ) 11.a.the first time b. many times
        c. the time being      d. a long time
(  ) 12.a.to stay at b. staying at c. to climb d. climbing
(  ) 13.a.guide b. teacher c. leader d. researcher
(  ) 14.a.for b. from c. with d. without
(  ) 15.a.so b. but c. for d. on
(  ) 16.a.watched b. remained c. felt d. looked
(  ) 17.a.around b. between c. among d. in
(  ) 18.a.since b. before c. because d. as
(  ) 19.a.smaller b. bigger c. richer d. more beautiful
(  ) 20.a.developed b. built c. discovered d. ruled
(  ) 21.a.ask for b. know about
        c. belong to d. think about
(  ) 22.a.buses b. machines c. cars d. ships
(  ) 23.a.maps b. signs c. places d. paintings
(  ) 24.a.many b. a few c. no d. any
(  ) 25.a.the distance b. no time c. space d. sight
iii. 阅读理解                 
  americans use more water than any other people in the world. if we continue to use water at the rate we do now, we will soon not have enough to meet our needs. in 1980, 40 billion gallons were used each day in the united states. in 1990, 700 billion gallons were used. the average americans uses almost 90 gallons of water a day for personal use. and much move water is needed to make the things american people like to have. for example, it takes thousands of gallons of water to make one pound of beef for the dinner table. it takes more than 100, 000 gallons of water to make a car. if we include these uses of water, the average american uses about XX gallons of water a day.
1. the best title for the passage is _____.
  a. water use in the united states
  b. the problem of water use
  c. water use in the world
  d. water use in the twentieth century
2. it takes _____ water to make a car than to make one pound beef.
  a. much b. more c. less d. fewer
3. americans used _____ gallons of water each day in 1990.
  a. 40 billion b. 90 billion
  c. 700 billion d. 200 billion123456789101112
4. which is not true according to the passage?_____
  a. americans may run short of water in the future.
  b. americans use more water than ever.
  c. americans use as much water as they used to.
  d. the more things americans like to have, the more water is needed.
5. what is the author’s opinion?_____
  a. americans don’t have enough water.
  b. americans don’t use enough water.
  c. americans like to use water.
  d. americans use too much water.
                         b. air pollution
  air pollution is caused by many things. great clouds of smoke come from factories. cars send smoke and fumes (烟、废气) into the air .burning waste fills the air with bits of dirt. even burning leaves add smoke to the air. sometimes, planes cannot find their landing spots through smoke. smoke of all kinds is bad to breathe and can do great harm to the body.
  still, we cannot live without air. we must find a way to clean the air we have.
  in time, we may have factories that are run by atomic energy (原子能).our cars may run on smoke-free electric power (无烟的电能).scientists are also working on new ways to help the oil burned by cars from making fumes. waste may be burned in the sand on ocean floors.
  these changes might keep our air clean in the years to come. but until then, many
scientists are looking for ways to make air cleaner now.
6.on the whole, this passage is about____.
  a. dirty air b. electric power
  c. atomic energy d. burning waste
7.air pollution is caused by____.
  a. factories and clouds b. cars and oil
  c. smoke and fumes d. waste burned on ocean floors
8.the story does not say so, but it makes you think that .
  a. stopping air pollution is hard
  b. dirty air is blown away by the wind
  c. planes cannot fly through smoke
  d. it is impossible to make dirty air cleaner
9.scientists are now working on ways to____.
  a. keep planes from flying
  b. bury sand on ocean floors
  c. stop air pollution
  d. burn leaves without smoke
10.why would electric cars cut down on air pollution?
  a. they go only a short way.
  b. they are easier to keep clean.
  c. electric power has no smoke.
  d. electric cars need no energy.
iv. 书面表达
  tom: good morning, dad. would you mind helping me?
  mr. black: what’s it, tom?
  tom: could you lend me five pounds?123456789101112
  mr. black: that seems a lot. what do you want so much money for?
  tom: tomorrow is jane’s birthday and she is having a party, i’ll have to get a new shirt and tie.
  mr. black: but i gave you some money last week. have you already spent it?
  tom: no, but i need it to buy a present for jane. i’m her boyfriend. i have to look handsome.
  mr. black: i don’t think girls worry about things like that any more. when will you pay me back?
  tom: as soon as i can, dad. next month, perhaps.
  mr. black: next year is more likely. oh, well, here you are.
    i. 1—5 cbaab 6—10 cdcbc 11—15 ada bb
    ii.1—5 badca 6—10 bdcba 11—15 dcacb
       16—20 dadbd 21—25 bdacc
    iii. 1—5 abacd 6—10 acacc
       one morning, tom asked his father if he could help him. mr. black wanted to know what  was the trouble. tom asked father to lend him 5 pounds, but mr. black wondered what he wanted so much money for since he had given him some the week before. then tom explained his girlfriend, jane, was having a birthday party the next day, and that he would have to buy some new clothes for himself and a present for her. mr. black agreed at last and asked his son jokingly when he would pay the money back.


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