
高一英语教案 2015-04-09 网络整理 晴天


book 4 module 5 a trip along the three gorges
learning paper 3 extensive reading
learning aim: to practice learning skills.
learning methods: group work, discussing, etc.
activity 1: read the passage on page 49 and try to answer the following questions.
1. has mr mccorquodale visited every country in the world?

2. what kinds of postcards does mr mccorquodale choose?

3. what is his rule when he stick in the red pins?

4. what are mr mcmorquodale’s favorite places?

5. what does he think about china?

6. what does he take when he travels?

7. why does he send himself a postcard?

8. do you think if the idea of mr mccorquodale is good? why?

activity 2: read the passage on page 94 and correct these false sentences.
1. there is only one cabin on a felucca.
2. they bought tickets for a three-day trip from luxor to aswan.
3. they had to spend the first night in a hotel in luxor.
4. the writer went for a swim in the nile.
5. they visited a market on the first day.
6. you are not allowed to take photographs of people and animals in egypt.
7. they visited all the historical sites along the nile.
我们打算买到“江油号”的船票。同事们说:“你们不要坐那种船。它们太拥挤,主要是用来运货的。乘客多是沿江做生意的人。那些船不停靠庙宇,也不会有别的外国游人乘坐。” 我觉得听起来还不错。我们出示护照后便上了船。
穿过长江第三峡-西陵峡后,轮船驶入大坝建设处的江面。所有的乘客都上了甲板,大家拍照片,对着工地指指点点,但不可以下船。五星红旗在风中飘扬着。远山上写着20英尺大的汉字 “建造三峡大坝,开发长江资源”。
  the first day at school has left a deep  1  on me. i’ll never forget it.
  as soon as i rushed into the classroom, the bell rang. a young beautiful woman came in, but she was 2 , no smile on her face. “you are not permitted to  3  me in the course of class unless… ” she was speaking when i heard a  4  “lily, lily,” from outside the door. my grandmother was standing there with a pair of socks in her hand. i didn’t realize i was bare feet  5  then. i wanted to  6  them, but i dare not do that. i shook my hand,  7  “don’t wait here any longer. leave quickly. “as i did so, i still  8  my eyes on my teacher. i really didn’t want her to take 9  of me. but she did, she went out to get the socks. when she gave them to me, she looked at me for a while. my face suddenly turned  10  and my heart  11  faster. i began to put the socks on. unfortunately i was so nervous that my  12  hands couldn’t get them onto my feet easily. just then i heard 13 my name called. i 14  from my seat quickly. “can you 15  numbers from one to one hundred?” the teacher asked. i nodded,   16 her surprise, i did very well. finally she said, “be  17 , please. study hard.” i looked  18  her to find a smile on her face. i felt  19  at last.123
  the first day at school has stayed in my  19  as something embarrassing(尴尬) but  20 .
1. a. memory      b. impression     c. imagination    d. feeling
2. a. modern       b. humorous      c. gentle        d. serious
3. a. trouble       b. question        c. interrupt      d. excuse
4. a. voice        b. sound          c. noise         d. word
5. a. before       b. after           c. just           d. until
6. a. get          b. throw          c. accept         d. wear
7. a. saying       b. meaning        c. crying         d. shouting
8. a. fixed        b. laid            c. opened        d. shut
9. a. care         b. interest         c. attention       d. notice
10. a. pale        b. white          c. red            d. black
11. a. beat        b. jumped         c. struck         d. felt
12. a. small       b. dirty           c. shaking        d. own
13. a. rose        b. raised          c. stood          d. jumped
14. a. add         b. count          c. recognize       d. write123
15. a. with        b. for            c. to            d. great to
16. a. careful      b. sitting          c. quiet          d. seated
17. a. up at        b. over           c. around         d. through
18. a. story        b. relaxed         c. disappointed    d. puzzled
19. a. mind        b. classroom       c. memory       d. heart
20. a. strange      b. sweet           c. unforgettable   d. forever



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