
高一英语教案 2015-04-08 网络整理 晴天


module 2 my new teacherlistening---教案
part 1. match the words with their definitions.
choice               the work of studying lessons again in order to learn them
translation            the act of changing something from one language into another
library               a list showing the times of classes in a school
topic                a subject that people talk or write about
timetable             a holiday, or time spent not working
revision              the act of choosing something
period                a spoken or written test of knowledge
headmaster            a man who is in charge of a school        
vacation              a room or building containing books that can be read or borrowed
exam                 a length of time
part 2. finish the 3 exercises on page 15
part 3. listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear
mr s:   okay, kids, as you know, the exams are coming up soon, so we need to start work on   revision. this afternoon i’m going to give you a choice. we can either do some revision or we can do some translation. ___________________.
st:      i_________ do translation _______ revision, mr stanton.
mr s:   how many people _________ to do translation?
chorus of voices:   i would/me/i’d like to do translation.
mr s:   that’s ______ of you. so the rest of you __________ to do revision, is that right?
chorus of voices:   yes.
mr s:    that’s sixteen of you. so _________. we’ll do revision. i’m going to give you a choice of topic, too. do you want to revise life in the future.
st:    i’d prefer to do travel
mr s:   hands up for life in the future. (students raise their hands) ________ of you. the choice is made. but before we start, there are _________ things i need to say to you. firstly, have you all got your new timetables?12
chorus of voices:   yes
mr s:   good. can you ________ them? ok, now, _________ you have a free period on tuesday afternoons. well, that’s been changed and you’ve got french instead. _____________?
chorus of voices:   yes.
mr s:    excellent. and there’s __________. the headmaster wants to see everyone in the library at three this afternoon. ok?
chorus of voices:   yes.
mr s:    right. let’s begin our revision of life in the future.
part 4.speaking practice
情景对话  从方框中选择适当的句子,完成对话(其中两项为多余选项)。
a. not at all.    b. i’d prefer you not to sing any songs.
c. i prefer to hear some beautiful songs during the party.   d. well, it’s up to you.
e. she’d rather have some soft music at the beginning.
f. what kind music do you prefer, pop songs or classical songs?
g. he’d rather not have loud music at the beginning.
a: would you like us sing songs at your birthday party?    b: oh, that’s a good idea. __1 __
a: __2__                                         b: i prefer pop songs.
a: what does tom think of that?                      b: __3__    
a: maybe some soft pop songs to start with.             b: __4__ thank you very much.
a: ___5___



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