unit7it is raining课件_Unit7 The Sea-cultural corner教案

高一英语教案 2015-04-07 网络整理 晴天


zheng he and his seven voyages exercise 1key words
in addition to, fleet, voyage, supply, sink, exploration
■ ask students what they know about zheng he. encourage them to say as much as possible.
■ look at the key words with the students and see if students already know some of them. do not pre-teach any new words but encourage them to guess the meanings while reading the text.
■ ask students to refer to the notes while reading so that they can understand the passage better.
■ match the key words with the definitions.  answers
1 in addition to 2 supply 3 voyage 4 fleet 5 exploration
6 sink
exercise 2
■ students work in pairs reading the text and answering the questions.  answers
1 zheng he was one of china"s most famous sailors. he was ordered by zhu di to sail to faraway countries for exploration.
2 zheng he"s first mission as admiral was the voyage across the indian ocean.
3 zheng he"s ships carried gold, silver, silk, porcelain and other treasures to give as gifts to the rulers of the neighboring countries.
4 zheng he had brought back things like medicines, spices, ivory, pearls and strange animals. the most famous of these gifts were a giraffe and a zebra.
5 after his death, the stories of his travels made him one of china"s most famous sailors.
■ if you have time, ask students to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions. encourage them to ask more questions if possible and tell the story of zheng he to the class.
■ in small groups, ask students think of another famous traveler. ask them to talk about what he/she did and make notes. have them write down their own story in english.
■ then ask them to appoint one or two speakers to tell the class about this person in their own words. bulletin board
■ to discuss a problem
■ to write descriptions of sea animals
■ to exchange ideas about different ways to describe things
■ to further explore the theme of the unit
■ students read the notes.
■ ask students what events could be organized for a sea animal show.
■ students discuss ways to describe sea animals.
■ students discuss what information is given in the sea animal descriptions.
■ students choose one sea animal that they are interested in and write a description of it.
■ display the descriptions on the class bulletin board. encourage students to read other students’ descriptions after class.
unit diary
■ to encourage students to reflect on what they have learned in this unit 12
■ to encourage students to think about their own learning style
■ to identify effective learning methods
■ to develop students’ confidence
■ to encourage students to take active control of their studies
■ to help teachers get a clearer insight into the students’ learning strengths and weaknesses
part 1 (1)
this asks students to think of the topics of the unit and decide which lesson was their favourite.
part 2 (2-5)
this deals with the unit objectives and evaluates the difficulty and practicality of the unit’s language and tasks.
part 3 (6)
this asks students to reflect on learning strategies and to identify and discuss ways to improve their language learning.
part 4 (7-8)
this evaluates students’ preferences in regard to language skills and topics.
part 5 (9)
this allows students to evaluate their progress over the course of the unit.12


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