[unit]Unit 2 sporting events -Welcome to the Unit教案

高一英语教案 2015-04-06 网络整理 晴天


step 1 brainstormingat the beginning of the class, let’s first enjoy a song. do you know what the song is about? (the theme song at the 1988 olympic games)good, do you like it? can you sing it? and i wonder whether you like sports. / do you like sports?since you like sports, you may be familiar with some sports stars, let’s play a game, ok? i’ll give a brief description of a certain sports star and you are asked to guess who she or he is. are you clear?  1.she is a girl from beijing; she has once won the XX olympic championship and many titles in the field of table tennis. (zhang yining) 2.he is from shanghai; he is very tall; now he serves in nba. (yao ming)3.he is also from shanghai, last year in athens he beat his rivals and became the first asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles. (liu xiang)4.she is a black lady from u.s.a; she and her elder sister are known as the double black pearls in the field of tennis (little williams)well done! what sports can you play?what sports do you know?for referencemartial arts: chinese wushu, judo, fencing, tae kwon do, karate, etcball games: volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, golf, badminton, baseball, rugby, ice hockey, etctrack and field: long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot-put, relay race, etc.gymnastics: men’s events-----rings, horizontal bar, double bars, parallel bars, vaulting horse, pommel led horse, floor exercise, etc.women’s events-----balance beam, high and low bars, uneven bars, vaulting horse, floor exercise, etc.who is your favorite sportsperson?why do you admire this sportsperson?they have good team spirit, a stronger character, mental strength and a positive attitude. they bring joy to my life. they are always challenging the limits of humans.do you like playing sports? how much time do you usually spend exercising or doing sports every week?step 2 sharing information1. sports play a very important role in our lives. we see or do sports almost every day. look at the six pictures at page 21.    are you familiar with these sports? do you think we can play these sports every day?what comes to your mind first when you see pictures like these?the international olympic committee (ioc),olympic games, sports meetings, fierce competitions, professional or amateur athletes, exercising for fun, exercising to keep fit…now please look at the pictures and talk about each of them.picture of table tennis1234can you play table tennis?  do you like it?when did you begin to play table tennis?how often do you play it?   who do you play it with?do you think playing table tennis is a good way to build up your body?is table tennis your favorite sport? why?it is convenient for people to play and does not require too much equipment. people have to be quick-minded and have rapid responses. it is a good way to make friends and meet new people.pictures of wrestling and boxingdo you like these sports?do you enjoy watching them?how much do you know about these sports?boxing became an olympic sport in 688 bc and is still popular today. the boxer uses his or her fists to punch the opponent’s head and body with the aim to knock the opponent out. boxing is popular worldwide as a spectator sport and generates millions of us dollars through ticket revenue, merchandise, tv rights and pay-per-view packages of important boxing matches. some people view boxing as archaic and an unnecessary display of violence while its supporters emphasize its self-expression and health benefits. boxing is a good way to keep fit, but there is much speculation about the possible injuries, particularly to the brain, that can be incurred during boxing matches. such speculation has resulted in tighter regulations over the safety of the boxers. wrestling is an ancient sport and often appeared as the main event in the earliest olympic games. wrestling exists in many different styles but only two styles feature in the olympics, namely freestyle and greco-roman. greco-roman wrestling allows the use of only the participants’ upper bodies; however, freestyle allows the use of legs.in your opinion, do you think these sports are too violent and fierce?yes, sometimes they are. competitors have to be aware of the safety precautions and wear protective gloves or padded helmets.would you like to become a professional boxer or wrestler?picture of kung fukung fu is a traditional sport in china. are you interested in this sport?do you think doing kung fu could make you fitter?do you enjoy watching kung fu films like those with jackie chan in them?do you think he is a good kung fu actor?pictures of gymnastics and divingit is said that gymnastics and diving are two of the most beautiful sports in the world, because they both display elements of strength and beauty. do you agree?can you name some famous chinese gymnasts or divers?to become a professional gymnast or a diver, you have to sacrifice a lot. what do you think these sacrifices would include?12342. discussion  whatever kind of sport you take part in, what are the basic qualities you need to possess in order to be successful in that sport?if you are part of a sports team, what kinds of things should you pay special attention to?3. report your answers to the class.sample answers 1. as we can see, throughout the world sports enjoy such popularity nowadays. there are many reasons for it. first of all, physical exercise can refresh people if they are exhausted after a day’s work. an increasing number of people, especially those who are mainly involved in office work, are complaining about sore muscles, stiff necks and blurred vision. there’s no better way to reinvigorate yourself than working out in a gym or participating in outdoor sports. secondly, it seems that many people want to lose weight. for women, staying slim is very important. men like keeping fit and being muscular. thirdly, people’s quality of life. exercising regularly tops the list of advice that health experts offer us to improve our quality of life.2. as a member of a health club, i play sports every week. i have access to all the gym facilities for free. on weekends, i meet my friends in the club and we have a lot of fun together. normally, we start at 10 in the morning. we usually play squash for a few hours. in the afternoon, we go swimming 3. jogging is my favorite sport. the reason for my loving it is that i think it has many benefits. to begin with, it enhances blood circulation and strengthens my lungs. every evening, i jog for half an hour. secondly, i feel totally refreshed. if i have a bad day at school and am really stressed, jogging helps me relax and pulls me out of my bad mood. lastly, after jogging, i can concentrate better on my school work the next day.language points:1. play a … role/part in 在…中起…的作用
  his teaching plays a key role/part in his son’s progress.他的教导在他儿子的进步中起着关键的作用。
  the headmaster plays a important role in the good running of a school.校长在学校的良好管理中起着重要的作用。
2. listen to sb do sth 听某人做某事
  let’s listen to lily sing an english song.   我们听莉莉唱首英文歌吧。
  the kids sat in a circle to listen to their mother tell a story. 孩子们坐成一圈,听妈妈讲故事。
3. popular
  (1) 流行的,大众的
  they carried a popular opinion roll.   他们进行了一次民意测验。
  these are novels with popular appeal.   这些是适合大众口味的小说。
  lincoln was a popular president.   林肯是个受人爱戴的总统。
  gongli is a popular film star.     巩利是一位受人喜欢的电影明星。
  be popular with sb 受人某人欢迎
  he is a man who is popular with his neighbors.   他是受邻居们喜欢的人。
4 while conj. a. on the other hand( implying a contrast)而(表对比)e.g.: alice is fond of playing the piano while henry is interested in listening to music.   the results of this pre-test indicated that only about half of the class expressed an interest in reading, while 36% of the class agreed that they ‘prefer to do anything other than read’.motion is absolute while stagnation(静止) is relative.b. during a period of time that当...的时候,在……时,和……同时, e.g.: in my opinion, there’re many advantages for college students to work while studying at college.while we realize that many districts do not currently have the capability to offer a full curriculum of classes we wanted to make you aware of this opportunity as soon as possible.strike while the iron is hot.i read while cooking, while eating, and while exercising (if at all possible).c. although, in spite of the fact that虽然(表转折)e.g.: in while i admit that the problems are difficult, i don’t agree that they can not be solved. while i realize not all developers are created equally, i cannot imagine lowering my rate for any kind of training! d. as long as只要     while there is life there’s hope.相关高考试题 95nmet. she thought i was talking about her daughter, _____, in fact, i was talking about my daughter.a. whom       b. where         c. which    d. while99 nmet. ―i’m going to the post office.―______ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?
a. as         b. while          c. because    d. ifXX江苏___________i accept that he is not perfect, i do actually like the person.a. while           b. since         c. before           d. unlessXX 浙江_____ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.a. while           b. since           c. as              d. if答案:dba a1234


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