
高一英语教案 2015-03-30 网络整理 晴天



Teaching aims and requirement
Teaching important and difficult points
1.Words and expressions
separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days
2.Useful phases
be about to do; nothing except/but. . .
3. Oral expressions
Give my regards to. . .
Have a nice /good/wonderful time!
Have a good/pleasant trip!
Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.
Good luck!
The same to you!
Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.

















2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


1.separate adj.

—forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

v. —make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

Don"t destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

3) guide

n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

guide 和 lead 的区别

1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


1)n.—sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

7)see sb. off

—go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

the same usage:

1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

2) see somebody later (again)再见

注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

—Have a nice weekend!

—The same to you.


How about sb./ sth.?


be + v-ing表一般将来时态

go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


l)will/ shall +动词原形。

They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


Sunday is a holiday.

The summer holidays begin.

They had a five day’s holiday.

They had a five-day holiday.

They had a holiday of five days.

搭配一:for holiday 度假

A French student went to London for his holiday.

搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

She is on holiday in France.

[注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

I spent my holiday in the village.

搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


搭配五:sick leave病假

[注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

辨析 shout at/shout to

shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

(1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

(2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。



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