unit|Unit 18 The necklace

高一英语教案 2015-03-27 网络整理 晴天


教学设计方案Lesson 69

Teaching Aims
Study this lesson to know what happened to Mathilde because of the necklace.
Step I Lead in
Introduce the writer Guy de Maupassant (1850~1893), a well-known French novelist and storywriter. Our text is based on his best known story The Lost Necklace . Ask the students to name some other stories written by Maupassant .
Step II Listening
Play the cassette for the Ss to Scene I and Scene 2 and answer the following questions. Do the questions in pairs.
1.How many people here are in the play and who they are?
2.How does Mathilde look?
3.Why did she need to borrow some jewellery? and what Pierre suggest?
Step III Reading
Let the Ss read the text carefully ,then answer the following questions.
1. What is the play about?
2. How does Mathilde look?
3. What kind of life has Mathilde led these years? Why?
4. Why did she need to borrow some jewellery?
5. Why was Mathilde worried?
6. How much does her dress cost?
7. What else did she want to wear?
8. What did Pierre suggest?
9. What did they decide to do?
Step IV Play a role
Play the tape for the students to follow. Then let them practise the play in groups. Finally get some pairs to act out the play in front of the class.
Step Workbook
Go over the whole play by doing Exercise 2 on page 65.
Step V Discussion
Hold a discussion on the following topics in groups.
1. How do you think Mathilde felt when Jeanne told her the stones were made of glass, not diamonds?
2. What do you think Jeanne would do after she heard Mathilde’s story?
Step VI Exercises         
Complete the following sentences by using attributive clauses.
1. The old man___________(坐在我母亲旁边的) is my grandfather.
2. He is a model worker___________(我们大家都应该学习的).
3. September is the month ___________ (在八月之后,十月之前的) .
4. Joan is the only person___________(会说法语的)in our class.
5. Do you think you can recognize your aunt ___________(你十年未见的)?
6. The tall building ___________(刚完工的) is part of the TV station.
7. The finger ___________(老师放进嘴里的) was not the one ___________ (他在杯子里蘸过的).
8. Do you still remember the day ___________(我来向你借项链的)?
9. Is there a shop ___________(我可以买到钻石戒指的)?
10. Is that the palace___________(举行那次舞会的)?
1. who is sitting beside / by my mother
2. (whom) we should (all) learn from
3. that / which comes before October and after August
4. who speaks / can speak French
5. (whom) you haven’t seen for ten years
6. that / which has just been finished / completed
7. (that / which) the teacher put into his mouth; (that / which) he had dipped into the cup
8. when I came to borrow a necklace from you
9. where I can buy a diamond ring
10. where the ball was held
Step VII Homework
Finish the Workbook exercises of the lesson.


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