
高三英语教案 2014-10-03 网络整理 晴天


i. 重点单词
1.exchange   v/n交换,交流          
2. exhibition  n. 展览会,展览品
3. exist    v. 存在  n. existence        
4. faith   n.信任,信念
5.faithful   adj.忠实的,忠诚的        
6. figure  n. 数字,符号,体形
7. flood  n..洪水,水灾               
8. fountain  n.喷泉
9. fragile  adj. 脆的,易碎的          
10.fragrant  adj.香的,令人愉快的
11.famine  n.饥荒                   
12.gallery n.美术陈列室,画廊        
13.geology  n.地质学                
14.female  n.女性  
15. flexible adj.易弯曲的,灵活的        
16.fuel  n. 燃料
ii. 重点短语
1交换意见exchange views/ideas     
2.以…换….exchange …..for….
3. 作为….的交换in exchange for     
4.开始存在,产生come into existence 
5.对…失去信心lose faith in  
6. 想要做…./摸起来像..一样feel like (doing) sth   
7. 关键人物 a key figure             
8.血肉之躯  flesh and blood 
9. 进入,染上,陷入  get into          
10.乍看之下,一看就 at a / the first glance
11. 匆匆瞥一眼glance at       盯着看 stare at       怒目而视glare at
iii. 佳句赏析
some of the children’s paintings are now on exhibition at the school.
2.忠实朋友实难求.        a faithful friend is hard to find.
3.精诚所至,金石为开.     faith can move mountains.
4.人总有一死.             all flesh must die.
5. 没有人知道这个世界是怎样形成的.
no one knows how this world came into being.
1.we still haven’t      (猜想) out how to do it.
2.he is more handsome in the             (肌肉) than in the photos.12
3.the working time of the teachers is        (有弹性的) . they are allowed to stay away from school when they don’t have any class.
v. 短语练习(单项选择)
1.the present situation is very complex, so i think it will take me some time to      its reality..
a. make up   b. figure out    c. look through    d. put off
2.it is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money       favors to them.
a. in preference to    b. in place of    c. in agreement with   d. in exchange for
3.after a quick       at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
a. glance     b. glimpse   c. gaze     d. stare12


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