
高三英语教案 2014-10-10 网络整理 晴天


XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳 unit8 first aid
a. 单词
 1.容器;集装箱           (n.)_________________
 2.救护车;流动医院          (n.) ________________
 3.作答;回答;响应          (n.) ________________
 4.循环;流通;传播;发行        (n.) ________________
 5.脉搏;有节奏的跳动         (n.) ________________
 6.伤口             (n.) ________________
 7.毛毯             (n.) ________________
 8.摩托车            (n.) ________________
 9.绷带;包扎带           (n.) ________________
 10.惊慌;恐慌           (n.) ________________
 11.水龙头            (n.) ________________
 12.解释            (n.) ________________
 13.松的;松散的          (adj.) _______________
 14.轻微;少量;纤细的         (adj.) _______________
 15.神智清醒的;意识到         (adj.) _______________
 16.电的;与电有关的         (adj.) _______________
 17.淹死;淹没           (v.) ________________
 18.窒息;呛住;哽住         (v.) ________________
 19.目睹;目击;为……作证        (v.) ________________
 20.使苏醒;使复活          (v.) ________________
 21.织;编            (v.) ________________
 22.叮;咬            (v.) ________________
 答案:1.container 2.ambulance 3.response 4.circulation 5.pulse 6.wound 
 7.blanket 8.motorcycle 9.bandage 10.panic 11.tap 12.explanation  13.loose 14.slight 15.conscious 16.electrical 17.drown 18.choke  19.witness 20.revive 21.weave 22.bite12345
b. 短语
 23.反转;倒转 _______ ________
 24.急救 _______ _______
 25.紧急时分分秒秒都很重要 ________ ________ _________ _________ _________
 26.保持镇静______ / ________ ________
 27.一张……的清单 _______ ________ ________
 28.吐出 ______ _______
 29.呕吐 ______ _______
 30.被食物噎着 _______ _______ _______ _______
 31.叫来救护车  _______ _______ _______ _______
 32.陷入恐慌  _______ _______ _______ _______
 答案:23.roll over 24.first aid 25.seconds count in an emergency 26.stay/keep calm  27.a list of 28.spit out 29.throw up 30.be choked on food 31.call for an  ambulance 32.get in/into a panic
c. 句型
 33. we are using new technology so that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use won’t pollute the air.
 =new technology  _______ _______ _______ to _______ _______ that the air isn’t polluted by the cars, taxis, buses and trains.
 34. if we don’t start right now, we can’t get there before dark.
 =________ we start right now, we can’t get there before dark.
 答案:33. is being used; make sure34. unless
d. 语法
 35. i was very busy at that time. i didn’t help you.
 =i ______ _______ _______you if i _______ ________ _______ at that time.
 36. i didn’t attend the meeting. i didn’t meet him.
 =i______ _______ _______ him if i________ ________ the meeting.
 37. he is thin. he eats little.
 =he ______ ______fat if he______ more.
 答案:35. would have helped; had been free36.would have met; had attended
 37. would be; ate
 要点1 witness
 【例题】the police want to know whether there was someone who______ the robbery.
 a. witnessed   b. stared    c. looked    d. proved
 he witnessed the accident.
 we witnessed tremendous changes in the city.
 none could witness that he was present.
 (2)witness to sth./doing为……作证;证实;说明
 that she witnessed to seeing the man on the spot was a lie.
 what he has done witnesses his rich experience in that field. 
 (3)n. 目击者,证据,证人
 a witness of the accident 事件的目击者
 these facts are a witness to his carelessness.
 要点2 fire
 【例题】the little girl was seriously burnt when her dress ______.
 a. caught fire     b. made a fire
 c. set on fire     d. lit a fire
 解析:本题考查fire的词组辨析。句意为“衣服着火了,小女孩被严重烧伤了”。catch fire“着火”;set fire to“放火”;make a fire“生火”;light a fire“点火”。
 catch fire着火
 the garage caught fire last night, and the fire lasted the whole night.
 set fire to sth.放火烧,使燃烧
 the robbers set fire to the bank after robbing.
 on fire燃烧;激动的,充满热情的
 the house is on fire.
 madame curie was on fire for radioactivity.
 (2)fire作为动词,常指开火(fire at向……射击),燃烧,解雇等
 aim and fire at the target.向目标瞄准并射击。
 damp wood are not easy to fire.
 according to the law of labour, bosses can’t fire workers at will any longer.
 要点1 on the way
 【例题】winter is______ ;squirrels are busy storing pine nuts.
 a. in the way     b. by the way
 c. on the way     d. in a way
 解析:本题考查way的词组。in the way“挡道”;by the way“顺便说”;on the way“即将到来”;in a way“从某种意义上来说”。
 we met him on the way to town.
 i’ll buy some bread on the way home.
 the spring festival is on the way.
 on the way to success/recover/getting well/becoming an officer of the company
 she has two children with another one on the way.
 (4)其他短语:all the way一路上,沿路;从远处,特地;自始至终
 the other way around 相反的,颠倒过来
 in any way无论如何,在任何情况下
 by the way顺便12345
 in every way在各方面,完全
 in no way决不,无论如何不
 in one’s own way自行其是,随心所欲
 in the way挡住路,妨碍,多余的
 in this way这样,以这种方式
 lose one’s way迷路,迷失方向;误入歧途
 make way for为……让路
 要点2 in case of
 【例题】(XX江苏,24)he got to the station early,_______ missing the train.
 a. in case of    b. instead of
 c. for fear of    d. in search of
 解析:in case of“以防”;for fear of“惟恐,担心”;instead of“代替”;in search of“寻找”。句意为“他很早就去了车站,以防错过火车”。
  (1)in case of sth.假如,以防(主要描述某事发生时应该做什么)
 110 is a number to call in case of emergency.
 we should insure the house in case of fire.
 (2)in case conj./adv. 假如,以防
 take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.
 i’m sure harry will remember, but why not give him a ring just in case?
 (3)case n.情形;病例;案件;事实(the case)
 “well, in that case, i would prefer to stay on the bus,” i answered. 
 this is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.
 this is a case of fever.
 the case against mr. white is said to be heard tomorrow.
 is that the case? no, that’s not the case.
 (4)其他短语:in the case of 就……来说,关于
 in any case 无论如何,总之
 in no case在任何情况下都不
 要点3 keep in mind
 【例题】 it’s not enough only ______ the rules of grammar if you are learning english.
 a. keeping in the mind    b. to keep in mind
 c. to keep in your mind    d. keeping in your mind
 解析:keep/bear sth. in mind记着。
  (1)keep/bear sth. in mind记着
 we gave no vacancies now, but we’ll certainly bear your application in mind. 
 (2)change one’s mind改变主意
 nothing will make me change my mind. 
 (3)make up one’s mind (to do sth.)拿定主意做某事12345
 i’ve made up my mind to be a doctor.
 have you made up your mind where to go for your holiday?
 要点1 unless
 【例题】_______ you call me and say you’re not coming, i’ll see you at the theatre.
 a. though    b. whether
 c. until     d. unless
 unless=if not,引导条件状语,表示“如果不……就……;除非……”。
 my baby sister never cries unless she is hungry.
 i shall go there tomorrow unless i’m too busy.
 unless you go at once you will be late.
 i’ll be sorry if she doesn’t come. (正确)
 i’ll be sorry unless she comes. (错误)
 要点2 make sure
 【例题】 mary thought she had time to get to school, but she ran all the way just_______ .
 a. to make sure of     b. to make sure
 c. to make sure to     d. to make sure that
 解析:make sure of/that要跟宾语,to make sure为了确保。
 make sure (that/of)
 —did you lock the front door?
 —i think so, but i’d better make sure.
 emma peered into the room to make sure that ruth was asleep.
 i make sure that the rope was firmly fastened around his waist.
 make sure he writes it down.


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