
高三英语教案 2014-10-02 网络整理 晴天


unit5 enjoying novels
the first period   reading

teaching goals教学目标
1.target language目标语言
  consensus,equality,twist,contradiction,hopeless,skeptical,approval,explicit,outspoken,growth,childhood,premier,ambiguous,possess,generous,sponsor,in force,get round,under the name of,see through,struggle against,stand out
  can you believe that there used to be a consensus in society that opposed the writing of novels by authoresses?
  the three bronte sisters adopting this practice.
  mary ann evans did the same and wrote under the name of george eliot.
  with the 19th century being regarded as one of great women writers, there were also some excellent male authors.
2.ability goals能力目标
  enable the students to learn about the world famous literary works and authoresses and improve their reading abilities.
3.learning ability goals学能目标
  help the students learn to appreciate english novels and know about some authoresses.
teaching important points教学重点
let the students understand the whole passage and identify new words and expressions which appear in the text.
teaching difficult points教学难点
enable the students to improve reading abilities and appreciate english novels.
teaching aids教具准备
computer and some slides.
teaching methods教学方法
task-based learning and communicative.
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式
step i lead-in & warming up
t:good morning,students.i heard that most of our students like to play the computer games,such as“大话西游”and“三国志”.we are all familiar with these stories.do you know where t11ese stories are from?
s1:  they are all from ancient,chinese stories.
s2:“大话西游”comes from the novel “journey to the west".
s3:“三国志”comes from the novel “romance of three kingdoms.
t:these novels are very popular in china.the two novels are called  “the four chinese classical novels” by chinese.the others are “dream of red mansions”《红楼梦》and “water margin”《水浒传》.have you read them?
ss: yes.
t: they are the representations of chinese novels. have you read any foreign novels?
ss: yes.
t: ok. today we will have a new period about literature. let"s have a discussion about literature according to these questions.
show the four questions on the slides.
t: i"ll give you five minutes to discuss and then ask some students to answer the questions.
s1: i like novels because we can learn the background of that society after reading novels. i am very relaxed when i read a novel.1234567891011121314151617
t: good. the next one.
s2: i like classical literature. reading classical literature written by native speakers can improve my english language skills in several ways and we could get knowledge about history. i"ve read "jane eyre" and i like the heroines very much.
t: well done. the third one.
s3: i like english novels better. i"ve read "wuthering heights".
t: good. the last question. it"s a little difficult.
s4: yes. once there was a little boy who had a bad temper. his father gave him a bag of nails and told him that when he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence. the first day the boy hammered 37 nails into the fence. over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. he discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence...finally the day came when the boy didn"t lose his temper at all.  he told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy pull out one nail for each day when he was able to hold his temper. the day passed and one day the young boy told his father that all the nails were gone. the fence would never be the same. when you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like those nails.
t: you have done a good job. i am very glad you"ve read some english novels.

step ⅱ pre-reading
t: please look at the slides. can you match the titles of these famous novels to the authors? maybe some authors whom you are not very familiar with. have a try.
show the slide.
three minutes later, check the answers.
t: there are nine authors. do you know how many female authors are there?
s1: there are six female authors. they are jane austen, charlotte bronte, emily bronte, harper lee, anne bronte and margaret mitchell.
t: please look at the picture on the right. she is the famous author who writes the novel  "gone with the wind".
step ⅲ  while-reading
t: how many english authoresses in the 19th century in the text?  who are they? what are their works mentioned in the text? read the text as quickly as possible, and try to find out the answers to the questions in two minutes, i"ll time you. (design a clock which can work and sound when time is up) have you got your answers?
s6: there are five authoresses in the 19th century in the text. they are jane austen, the three bronte sisters (charlotte, emily and anne), and the writer known as george eliot. "pride and prejudice" written by jane austen, "jane eyre" written by charlotte bronte and "silas marner" written by george eliot are mentioned in the text.1234567891011121314151617
t: well done. sit. down, please. do you understand this passage? what does the author tell us in the first paragraph?
s7: consensus in society opposed the writing of novels by authoresses. but this period produced five of the most courageous and gifted authoresses. they are jane austen, the three bronte sisters (charlotte, emily and anne), and the writer known as george eliot.
t: good. who can tell us the general idea of paragraphs 2 to 3?
s8: the general idea of paragraphs 2 to 3 is the introduction of jane austen and her work "pride and prejudice".
t: it is not very specific. let"s learn more about jane austen and "pride and prejudice". jane austen was born in a country clergyman"s family on 16 december, 1775, in the parish of steventon. she was brought up in an intelligent but restricted environment. her father was a priest and scholar with a good library. she was. educated at home with her sister. through a wide reading of books available in her father"s library, jane acquired a thorough knowledge of eighteen century english literature, including the moral philosophy of dr johnson, the, poetry, of w. cowper, as well as the novels by richardson and fielding. she lived in a quiet, retired and, in public terms, uneventful life, though she did move to several places like bath, southampton and chawton. and her closest companion was her elder sister cassandra, who, never married. austen began as a child to write novels for her family entertainment. her works were later published anonymously due to the prejudice against women writers then. in her lifelong career, jane austen wrote altogether six complete novels. she died in winchester. jane austen is particularly preoccupied with the relationship between men and women in love. stories of love and marriage provide the major themes in all her novels, in which female characters are always playing an active part. in their pursuit of a marriage, they are usually categorized into three types according to their different attitudes: those who would marry for material wealth and social position, those who would marry just for beauty and passion, and those who would marry for true love with a consideration of the partner"s personal merit as well as his economical and social status. in another word, jane austen tries to say that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marry without it.
   do you understand the paragraphs 2 to 3 ?
ss: yes.
t: the fourth paragraph means that after jane austen, authoresses found it an even more hopeless task to publish novels under their own names. so they chose to publish their works using men"s names. how much do you know charlotte bronte and her work "jane eyre"?1234567891011121314151617
s9: charlotte bronte was the most famous of the three bronte sisters. her most famous book, jane eyre, describes the growth of a poor, abused heroine with an unhappy childhood who finds eventual happiness after many struggles and disappointments. being immediately hailed as "the master work of a great genius", jane eyre became a great success.
t: do you want to know more about charlotte bronte and her work "jane eyre"?
ss: yes.
t: charlotte bronte came from a large family of irish origin. their father was a clergyman at haworth, yorkshire. when they were young, the bronte sisters were sent to a school for clergymen"s daughters. the eldest two died there due to the poor and unhealthy conditions. this experience inspired the later portrayal of lowood school in the novel "jane eyre". as they grew up, the sisters worked either as teacher or governess in some private families. in 1842, in order to open up a school of their own, charlotte and emily went to brussels to improve their foreign language. the two years there left hardly any trace on emily but for charlotte the change was most fundamental.   there she fell in love with her german professor, a married man. this passionate yet one-side love was later recounted in her works, especially in villette. charlotte"s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.
t: look at the sixth paragraph, boys and girls. this paragraph has to do with george eliot and her work "silas marner". i would like to tell you more about george eliot and her work "silas marner". george eliot, pseudonym of mary ann evans, was born on nov. 22, 1819 into an estate agent"s family in warwickshire, england. as a small child, she showed no evidence of special talent except a passionate longing to be loved. by the time of her teenage, however, her extraordinary intelligence began to be acknowledged both at home and at school. brought up with the strict orthodox teaching and influenced by her first school-teacher miss lewis, the bookish girl devoted herself, for four years, to a diligent study of the scripture. unfortunately, she was forced to drop school at the age of 16 on account of her mother"s death and sister"s marriage, and yet, meanwhile, she continued her study at home and managed to learn three foreign languages and music all by herself. in her works, she seeks to present the inner struggle of a soul and to reveal the motives, impulses and hereditary influences, which govern human action. so much for george eliot. have you read "david copperfield"?1234567891011121314151617
s10: yes, i have.
t: say something about this book.
s10: in "david copperfield", the hero experiences suffering before he meets his eccentric, kind and tolerant aunt, betsy trotwood. david benefits from her truly generous nature, and owes his education, wealth and happiness to her care.
t: after explanation of the text, who can tell me the main idea of the passage?
s1: the main idea of the passage is to tell us the social background of that society.
t: well done. who has different opinion?
s2: the main idea of the text is to tell us men and women have equal rights.  what"s more, women are independent, not men"s accessories. women can do anything men can. maybe women can do everything better than men.   it is wrong to discriminate against women.
t: fantastic! your pronunciation and intonation make you sound like a native speaker. i agree with your answer. if the others have different ideas, keep it and we"ll discuss it after class,
t: well. we"ve talked enough about the text. let"s have a relax. i"ll tell you a joke for a break. "so you think you"ve got problems! " a man said to his co-worker. "i lent a guy $4,000 for plastic surgery, and now i don"t know what he looks like!
ss: ha-ha.
t: from your laughter, i see you"ve understood the joke.
step iv language focus
words and useful expressions:
1.in force
1) “in force” in the text means “being used”.
e.g.the new regulations are now in force.新规章已生效。
2) “in force” means “in large numbers".
e.g. protesters turned out in force.有很多抗议者出席。
2.get round
1) “get round” in me text means to deal with a problem successfully”.
e.g. a clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause.
2) “get round” means “to persuade sb.to agree or to do what you want,usually by doing nice things for them".
e.g. she knows how to get round her father. 她知道怎样讨她爸爸的欢心。
3.see through
 “see through” means “to realize the truth about sb / sth so that you are not deceived".
e.g. we saw through him from the start. 一开始我们就识破他了。
e. g. i call see through your little game. 我看透了你的小把戏。
t:there are two minutes left.i’ll make assignments for you

step v discussion
t: we"ve finished the reading text. who can tell me what the writing techniques of this text is?
s1: 1: a thread runs through the whole passage. the thread is that many authoresses in the ]9th century were discriminated by people and they had to publish their works using men"s names. 2: use many participles to make the text readable and concise.1234567891011121314151617
t: what is the writing style in the text?
s: the text is a narrative writing. it is in that period, when people opposed the writing of novels by authoresses, that produced five of the most courageous and gifted authoresses. those who get round this ban were: jane austen, the three bronte sisters (charlotte, emily and anne), and the writer known as george eliot.
t: who knows the main idea of the text?
s3: the text tells us men and women have equal rights. what"s more, women are independent, not men"s accessories. women can do anything men can. maybe women can do everything better than men. it is wrong to discriminate against women.
t: what"s the purpose of writer?
s4: the writing purpose of the author is to let us know the social background of that society, in which people not only discriminated against race, sex and religion but also cared about social status. in the 19th century, women weren"t independent and they were men"s accessories. the great living aim for a woman was to marry a rich man. the author also wants to let us read more english books, written by jane austen, charlotte bronte, emily bronte, george eliot, charles dickens and so on and understand that we must learn english culture and that language and culture are closely related.
t: what should we learn from this text?
teacher guides the students to understand the text.

step vi post-reading
t: open your books to page 43. you are given two minutes to finish part 1. then we will check the answers together.
two minutes later, check the answers with the students together.
t: can you see a difference between the content of charles dickens" books and those of the women writers?
ss: yes charles dickens" novels describe the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth their path. jane austen"s novels deal with the problem and limitation of women"s choice. charlotte bronte"s novels were revolutionary for the explicit way they described women struggling against their restricted roles in society. george eliot"s novels examined the morally ambiguous concessions people make in their lives in order to succeed.
t: well done. let"s come to part 2. you are also given two minutes. read the passage again carefully and then answer these questions.
suggested answers:
1. they wrote about love and marriage, because they are good at describing the personal relationships.
2. charlotte bronte was the most reserved in her descriptions of feelings.  because her novels were revolutionary for the explicit way they described women struggling against their restricted roles in society.1234567891011121314151617
3. heroines or heroes they described in their books went through the hardships and finally they made it.
4. they were good at describing women.
t: after jane austen, authoresses found it an even more hopeless task to publish novels under their own names. so they chose to publish their words using men"s names, because women and men are not equal in that society. today, women"s social position has been raised, but in some areas, there is still discrimination against women. now, in pairs or in groups, discuss how you would disguise yourself if you were a girl and wanted to follow one of these careers. what problems might arise in the 19th century china?
s1: if a girl wanted to be a soldier in the 19th century, she had to disguise her appearance, voice and dress. she looked like a male.  she couldn"t keep her long hair, and many of them were dancers or singers in the army.
s2: if a girl wanted to be an official in the 19th century china, she had to disguise herself as a male too. because many people thought females were not dependable and they didn"t have the ability to deal with some problems.
s3: if a girl wanted to be a merchant in the 19th century china, she had to disguise her tone, action and thought. many people thought female merchants were too soft-hearted to make the correct decisions.

step ⅵ homework
1. read the text repeatedly.
2. finish part 1 of learning about language.

unit5 enjoying novels
the second period listening

teaching goals教学目标
1.target language目标语言
  appearance,rank,sympathize,romance,status,step-father,curl,schoolwork,change sb’s mind,look down upon,because of
    what’s your favorite novel?
    what does sb.look like?
    what’s sb. like?
2.ability goals能力目标
    enable the students get the general idea after listening to the material.
3.learning ability goals学能目标
    help students learn how to describe a person"s appearance,position and behavior.
teaching important points教学重点
master some useful words and expressions and learn how to describe a person"s appearance,position and behavior after listening to the tape.
teaching difficult points教学难点
let students understand the three materials.
teaching methods教学方法
listening and cooperative learning.
teaching aids教具准备
a tape recorder,computer and slides.
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

step i  revision
t: good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! last period we talked about the rise of english authoresses in the 19th century. we"ll go on with it later. first let"s check the homework.1234567891011121314151617
show the suggested answers on the slide.
make some explanation if necessary.

step ii  lead-in
t: everyone has good friends. maybe one or more, a good friend lasts a lifetime. how will you choose someone to be your good friend?
s1: in my life, i consider friendship the most important. sometimes i think i am shy. but i eagerly want to make friend with the others. in my heart, i think age, appearance and so on are not very important. the most important, i think, is a true heart.
t: yes. good. a true heart is the most precious. i have many friends. they are very important for me. when my mood was down, they always help me. now, let"s have a discussion. in pairs discuss what kind of person will make a good friend. look at these phrases that describe a person"s position, appearance and behavior.  put them in order. the most important should come first. join another pair and compare your ideas. discuss any differences you discover.  remember to give your reasons so that you can convince the other pair that your ideas are right. make a new list that you all agree on.
let students have a class discussion and make a list of three or four most important things and decide whether they will choose somebody to be a friend or not.
s1: in my opinion, the order should be: how friendly he/she is, how he/she behaves, what the person says, the person"s accent, what clothes the person wears, the person"s social status.
s2: i think the most important is his or her character. because as the saying goes, "a leopard can not change its spots." (江山易改,本性难移)
s3: i think the most important is his or her accent. if he or she has an accent,   maybe you won"t understand what he or she says.
t: excellent. do you judge people by their appearance? have you ever made a mistake in judging people? what made you change your mind later?
s4: no. i don"t judge people by their appearance. i have made a mistake in judging people. but at last her talents made me change my mind.

step iii listening (p46)
t: well done. so much for the discussion. we"ll listen to the tape to get the general idea of the material first and answer the questions (parts 2&3 on p46).  before listening to the tape, let"s read the questions. the listening material is from a novel. can you find out the hero and heroine from the questions?
s1: the hero is darcy and the heroine is elizabeth.
t: good. do you know which novel is?
s2: pride and prejudice.
t: good job. you"re clever. now, let"s begin our listening.1234567891011121314151617

step iv listening (p83-84)
t: you"ve done a good job. have you ever read the novel "david copperfield" before, either in chinese or english? who wrote the story? and when? what do you know about david copperfield"s unhappy childhood?
s1: i have read the novel "david copperfield" in chinese. charles dickens wrote the story in 1849 to 1850.
s2: when david copperfield was born, his father died and after eight years his mother remarried. his step-father often hit him. the saddest thing was his mother"s death. after that; he became an orphan. then david felt he had to run away.
t: well done! now let"s do another listening exercise. after listening to the tape, answer the following questions.

step v listening (p88)
t: we all have things to worry about. what are three things you worried at the moment? maybe you are worded about your study, friendship, examination and so on. please write the most important worries in the half of the chart before listening. after listening, you have to write jane"s problems.
check the answers.
t: so much for the last two materials. i want to tell you a joke to have a break.  would you like to hear it?
ss: yes, l"d like to.
t: a woman lion tamer had the big lion under such control that he took a lump of sugar from her lips. "anyone can do that ! " a man yelled. the ringmaster came over and asked, "would you like to try it?" "sure," replied the man, "but first get those crazy lions out of there! "
ss: ha-ha.
step vi homework
t: so much for today. preview the passage on p47 and the reading task in the workbook on p86 after class. read the two passages as fluently as you can.    the next period i"ll check the homework. class is over. by the way, if you have time, read "jane eyre", "david copperfield", "pride and prejudice". i think they are good books.

unit 5 enjoying novels
the third period extensive reading

teaching goals教学目标
1.target language目标语言
   signal, discount,decline,sensitive,initial,fault,in vain,at length,against sb’s will,think ill of
    at first, in spite of disliking him,she did not discount his affection,and was sensitive to the pain she was going to cause him when she declined his offer of marriage.
    i did everything in my power to separate my friend from your sister,and rejoice in my success.
2.ability goats能力目标
   enable the students to learn the line of english novels.
3.learning ability goals学能目标1234567891011121314151617
   help the students learn to grasp the main style of english novels.
teaching important points教学重点
let the students understand the connotation of the whole passage further and the experience of the writer.
teaching difficult points教学难点
look into the inner world of the characters in novels.
teaching aids教具准备
computer, a tape recorder and some slides.
teaching methods教学方法
task-based learning,reading,listening and communication
teaching procedures&ways教学过程与方式

step i revision
t: (after greetings) listen to the tape to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.
  after listening, ask some students to read the first passage.
step ii  lead-in
t: would you like to listen to a love story?
ss: yes.
t: this story was written at the time when men did not wear their watches on their arms as they do now, but in their pockets, with a chain. women had long hair of which they were very proud, and they put combs at the sides and back. one dollar and eighty-seven cents. that was all. della counted it three times. one dollar and eighty-seven" cents, and the next day would be christmas. she sat down and cried. della was mrs james dillingham-young.  she and her husband lived in two rooms at the top of a building in a poor part of new york. once jim, delia"s husband, had work which paid him thirty dollars a week; but now he got only twenty. jim and della loved each other very much. della stopped crying. she stood by the window and looked out.  tomorrow would be christmas day and she had only one dollar eighty-seven cents with which to buy him a present. she had been saving every penny she could for months, and this is all she had got. she had spent many happy hours planning something nice for him, something fine and beautiful which was really worthy of jim. suddenly she turned quickly round and stood in front of the looking glass. her eyes were shining brightly, but her face had lost its color. she quickly pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length.  there were two possessions of mr and mrs young in which they took great pride. one was jim"s gold watch. that watch had belonged to his father and before that to his grandfather. the other proud possession was delia"s hair: it was beautiful hair. she quickly did up her hair again. she put on her old coat and the old brown hat, ran down the stairs and out into the street. she sold her hair for twenty dollars. for the next two hours della was searching the shops for jim"s present. she found the present at last. a chain was good enough to go with his watch. with the chain, jim might look at the time in any company. when della reached home she set to work to do something to her hair. at seven o"clock the evening meal was ready. jim was never late.  she held the watch chain in her hand and sat on a comer of the table near the door through which he always came. then she heard his step on the stairs. jim stopped inside the door and stood there. his eyes were fixed on della. della could not understand that strange look. della got off the table and went to him. she gave him the present and told him the truth. jim took della in his arms and kissed her. then he took a packet out of his coat pocket and put it on the table. della undid the packet and gave a cry of joy. then she began to cry. for there lay the combs! the set of combs, side and back, which she had looked at so long in the window of a shop. when della knew he had sold his watch to get money to buy her combs. they held each other for a long time.1234567891011121314151617
t: what could you learn from the story?
s1: the couple in a poor set of rooms who gave up his or her greatest treasure for each other.
t: oh, do you think they were foolish? while i feel they chose their presents unwisely, those gifts which are the sign of real love are the best of all. what is the true love?
s2: i can do everything for my love, which is true love.
t: you are that great.
1. true love means that i know the person i love.
2. true love means that i care about the happiness of the person i love.
3. true love means having respect for the dignity of the person i love.
4. true love means having a responsibility toward the person i love.
5. true love means making a promise to the person i love.
6. true love means trusting the person i love.
7. true love can tolerate imperfection.

step iii reading
t: that story has moved us deeply. let"s go on with our discussion on p47.   you"ve previewed the passage. let"s read it quickly.
1. skimming
t: who can tell me the answer why elizabeth refused mr darcy?
s1: she refused mr darcy because he was arrogant and behaved not like a gentleman.
t: good reason. why was mr darcy sure that she would accept him?
s2: because he was rich.
2. carefully reading
t: marriage is a very important thing in everyone"s life, so parents often wish their children happiness. after reading the passage carefully, who can tell me the reasons for marrying mr. darcy and the reasons against marrying him?
s3: he is rich and handsome so these are the reason for marrying him.  he is .arrogant so this is the reason against marrying him.
s4: elizabeth should marry him because he loves her. elizabeth shouldn"t marry him because he is rude and care about social status.
t: well done.
suggested answers:
reasons for marrying mr darcy  reasons against marrying mr darcy
1. he is rich. 1.elizabeth thinks he is rude.
2. he loves elizabeth. 2.he cares about social status.
3. elizabeth loves him. 3.elizabeth thinks he is a cheat.
4. he is a good-looking man. 4.he refused to dance with her at a party.

t: i"ll give you ten minutes to make a dialogue between elizabeth and her father.
ten minutes later, the teacher shows the suggested dialogue on the slide.
sample dialogue:
a is mr. bennet. b is elizabeth.
a: why did you refuse his proposal?
b: don"t ask me why. i don"t love him. how can i marry him?
a: i understand how you feel, but your mother won"t.
b: she wants me to marry money.
a: tell me another reason or i can"t explain to your mother.
b: ok. he looked down upon me and was not a gentleman. i"m sorry, but it is impossible for me to marry him.1234567891011121314151617
a: perhaps your mother would understand you better.

step iv reading task
t: pride and prejudice is a popular novel of jane austen. let"s read another authoress" novel jane eyre. charlotte bronte describes the growth of a poor abused heroine with an unhappy childhood who finds eventual happiness after many struggles and disappoints. she is a brave girl. now imagine you are sent to an unknown place to stay, how you fell?
s1: i would feel lonely and miss my parents. i would miss everything at home.
t: now, open your books to p87. i"ll play the tape of the text for you. when you listen to the tape, please try to fill in the chart.
suggested answers:
chronology of jane"s journey and arrival at lowood school
1. a servant picked her up.
2. jane eyre came to the school by the cart.
3. the door opened and she met a tall lady miss miller.
4. each in this school was dressed in a brown old fashioned dress of cheap material.

step v language focus
words and useful expressions:
1. ill
two idioms about “ill” are “speak ill of sb” and “think ill of sb”. their meanings are “to speak or think bad things about sb”.说……的坏话,把……往坏处想.
e.g.don"t speak ill of t11e dead.    对死去的人,别说他的短处。
mistake as a noun:
e.g. don"t worry,we all have mistakes.没关系,我们都会犯错。
    you must try to learn from your mistakes.你得从所犯的错误中吸取教训。
    the waiter made a mistake in the bill.服务员算错了帐。
mistake as a verb:
mistake sb / sth for sb / sth
 e.g. i think you must be mistaking me for someone else.
step vi homework
1.finish me exercises l &3 on page 85.
2.preview the part l on page 47.

            unit 5 enjoying novels         
the fourth period grammar

teaching goals教学目标
1.target language目标语言
   burglars,put…off,inspect,bungalow,chain,semicircle,pun oneself up roof,collar,bench,pine,claw,squirrel
b.learn about the nominative absolute construction.
2.ability goals能力目标
   enable the students to use the nominative absolute construction.
3.learning ability goals学能目标
  help the students use the structure freely.
teaching important points教学重点
use the nominative absolute construction.
teaching difficult points教学难点
help the students learn to use what、the nominative absolute.
teaching aids教具准备    1234567891011121314151617
a projector and a computer.
teaching methods教学方法
explaining and practicing.
teaching procedures &ways教学过程与方式

step i revision
check the homework.
answers to part 2 of discovering useful structure on page 44.
t: after finishing the exercise, do you know what the nominative absolute construction is?
let the students think of it for a minute.
t: the nominative absolute construction is a free standing (absolute) part of a sentence that describes or modifies the main subject and verb. it is usually at the beginning or end of the sentence, although it can also appear in the middle.

step ii grammar
t: this is the grammar in this unit. please go over all the sentences in part 1 on page 44. sum up how the structure can be used in this pattern. a way to      remember or determine what constitutes a nominative absolute is to add a verb. you can always create a sentence out of a nominative absolute with one verb.
e.g. their manes flowing, the horses ran from the burning barn. nominative absolute: "their manes flowing." add a verb: "their manes were flowing."
e.g. stephen, his mind taxed, searched frantically for a dictionary.
nominative absolute: "his mind taxed"
add a verb: "his mind was taxed."
similarly, one can break the absolute off, add a verb and make two sentences. ("stephen searched frantically for a dictionary. his mind was taxed.") can you understand me?
ss: yes.
t: ok. let"s go on. absolute constructions consist of a noun and some kind of modifier, the most common is participles. because they often come at the beginning of a sentence, they are easily confused with dangling participles.  but an absolute construction modifies the rest of the sentence, not the subject of the sentence (as a participial phrase does). you can use absolute constructions to compress two sentences into one and to vary sentence structure as a means of holding a reader"s interest. here are some examples:
e.g. no other business arising, the meeting was adjourned.
the paint now dry, we brought the furniture out on the deck.
   the truck finally loaded, they said goodbye to their neighbors and drove off.
   the horse loped across the yard, her foal trailing behind her.
t: constructions like these are used more often in writing than in speaking, where it is more common to use a full clause: when the paint was dry, we brought the furniture out on the deck. there are, however, many fixed absolute constructions that occur frequently in speech:
e.g. the picnic is scheduled for saturday, weather permitting.1234567891011121314151617
    barring bad weather, we plan to go to the beach tomorrow.
    all things considered, it"s not a bad idea.
t: notice that absolute phrases contain a subject (which is often modified by a participle), but not a true finite verb.
e.g. their reputation as winners secured by victory, the new york liberty charged into the semifinals. the season nearly finished, rebecca lobo and sophie witherspoon emerged as true leaders. the two superstars signed autographs into the night, their faces beaming happily.
t: when the participle of an absolute phrase is a form of to be, such as being or having been, the participle is often left out.
e.g. the season (being) over, they were mobbed by fans in times square. (having been) stars all their adult lives, they seemed used to the attention.
t: another kind of absolute phrase is found after a modified noun; it adds a focusing detail or point of focus to the idea of the main clause. this kind of absolute phrase can take the form of a prepositional phrase, an adjective phrase, or a noun phrase.
e.g. the old firefighter stood over the smoking ruins, his senses alert to any sign of another flare-up. his subordinates, their faces sweat-streaked and smudged with ash, leaned heavily against the firetruck.
they knew all too well how all their hard work could be undone in an instant.
t: it is not unusual for the information supplied in the absolute phrase to be the most important element in the sentence. in fact, in descriptive prose, the telling details will often be wrapped into a sentence in the form of an absolute phrase:
e.g. coach nykesha strolled onto the court, her arms akimbo and a large silver whistle clenched between her teeth. the new recruits stood in one comer of the gym, their uniforms stiff and ill fitting, their faces betraying their anxiety.
t: a noun phrase can also exist as an absolute phrase:
e.g. your best friends, where are they now, when you need them?
    and then there was my best friend sally--the dear girl--who has certainly fallen on hard times.
t: it might be useful to review the material on misplaced modifiers because it is important not to confuse an absolute phrase with a misplaced modifier.

step ⅲ consolidation
choose some exercises to practice, show the exercises on the powerpoint.
1.         production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year. ( nmet XX)
    a. as    b. for    c. with    d. through1234567891011121314151617
2. off we started,         remaining behind.
    a. he    b. his    c. him     d. he"s
3.          sunday, the students are at home.
    a. being   b. to be    c. it is    d. it being
4. so many people          him, he is sure to succeed.
    a. helped   b. help   c. have helped   d. to help
 5. the key          , i couldn"t enter the room.
    a. has lost           b. having been lost
    c. having lost        d. has been lost
 6. nobody           anymore to say, so the meeting was closed.
    a. had    b. having     c. having had    d. has
 7. the boy lay on his side, his eyes           .
    a. half close          b. half closed
    c. half closing        d. to close half
8.            , so mary had to ask for a leave to tend  her.
   a. being ill               b. her mother being ill
   c. her mother to be ill     d. her mother was ill
9. this            , we finally found a moment to relax.
   a. done    b. was done    c. did    d. having done
10. all things              , your plan is practical.
   a. considering           b. being considered
   c. considered           d. are considered
11. weather            , we will start tomorrow.
   a. permit             b. permits1234567891011121314151617
   c. permitted          d. permitting
keys: 1-6 caddba 7-11 bdacd

step iv homework
1. go over the nominative absolute construction.
2. finish parts 1 & 2 on page 86.

unit 5 enjoying novels
period five: writing
teaching goals教学目标
1.target language目标语言
   in vain,at length,straight away
   if 1 were you,i would do sth.
   the reason is…
2.ability goals能力目标
   use some words the teacher gives you to make a short story.
3.learning ability goals学能目标
   help the students learn how to make a story.
teaching important points教学重点
use different  sentence  structures  to make  a good composition.
teaching difficult points教学难点
how to make a story.
teaching aids教具准备
computer and some slides.
teaching methods教学方法
task-based and students-centered activities.
teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

step i revision
check homework as usual.
t:last period,we learned nominative absolute construction. you are required to rewrite the sentences of using structures. have you finished the homework?
ss: yes.
then show the answers on the slide.
step ii lead-in
talk about the two main characters in pride and prejudice:
t: elizabeth bennet and darcy are the two main characters in the novel. the development of their relationship is one of the clues of the story. what do you know about the two characters?
ask the students to read about the two characters. show the following. ask the students to read about the two characters. elizabeth bennet the second daughter in the bennet family, and the most intelligent and quick-witted, elizabeth is the heroine of pride and prejudice and one of the most well-known female characters in english literature. her admirable qualities are numerous --- she is lovely, clever, and, in a novel defined by dialogue, she converses as brilliantly as anyone. her honesty, virtue, and lively wit enable her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade her class-bound and often spiteful society. nevertheless, her sharp tongue and tendency to make hasty judgments often lead her astray; pride and prejudice is essentially the story of how she (and her true love, darcy) overcome all obstacles --- including their own personal failings --- to find romantic happiness.
fitzwilliam darcy
the son of a wealthy, well-established family and the master of the great estate of pemberley, intelligent and forthright, he too has a tendency to judge too1234567891011121314151617
hastily and harshly,  and his high birth and wealth make him overly proud and overly conscious of his social status.  indeed,  his haughtiness makes him initially handle his courtship badly.   when he proposes to her, for instance, he dwells more on how unsuitable a match she is than on her charms, beauty, or anything else. her rejection of his advances builds a kind of humility in him.  darcy proves himself
worthy of elizabeth,  and she ends up repenting her earlier, overly harsh judgment of him.

step iii writing
t: open your books and turn to p49. we"ve known the story between darcy and elizabeth. now, you are going to write about your opinion of them.
sample writing:
their behavior wasn"t right.
mr darcy was arrogant and cared about people"s social rank. he was so rich that he expected any girl he wanted to marry to agree at once. elizabeth had a prejudice against mr darcy because he slighted her and hurt her dignity by refusing to dance with her at a party and she-was told that mr darcy was a cold blooded, selfish man who had deprived wickham of his fortune and wanted to separate her sister and bingley.
these caused her refusal of his honest proposal. so i think their behavior wasn"t right.
t: good ! well, if you were elizabeth / mr darcy, what would you have done instead?
s2: if i were mr. darcy, i would not be arrogant and be friendly to others including elizabeth.
s3: if i were elizabeth, i would not take revenge on him by refusing his offer of marriage.
t: well done. next, let"s make up interesting stories, using in vain, at length and straight away. try and think of a twist at the end of the stories that will make them funny. then share your stories in group.
a few minutes later, ask some students to read their stories to the class.
s4: i am on diet in vain. when i see the good food, i always want to eat. one day my mother prepared a good dinner. strangely i didn"t want to eat. i thought at last i withstood the temptation. but a few minutes later, i received a call from a friend, who wanted to invite me dine out. after my putting down the receiver, straight away i put on my coat, ran down the stairs and out into the street.
t: excellent job you"ve done. your article is very interesting. so always remember the tips for writing:
  1. keep dairy everyday.
  2. write the good sentences down once you see them.
  3. read more books and memorize some good sentences in them.
teaching record of unit 5:



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